120 resultados para Peptidoglycan amidation


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Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis relies on sequential fibrinogen binding (for valve colonization) and fibronectin binding (for endothelial invasion) conferred by peptidoglycan-attached adhesins. Fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) reconciles these two properties--as well as elastin binding--and promotes experimental endocarditis by itself. Here we attempted to delineate the minimal subdomain of FnBPA responsible for fibrinogen and fibronectin binding, cell invasion, and in vivo endocarditis. A large library of truncated constructs of FnBPA was expressed in Lactococcus lactis and tested in vitro and in animals. A 127-amino-acid subdomain spanning the hinge of the FnBPA fibrinogen-binding and fibronectin-binding regions appeared necessary and sufficient to confer the sum of these properties. Competition with synthetic peptides could not delineate specific fibrinogen- and fibronectin-binding sites, suggesting that dual binding arose from protein folding, irrespective of clearly defined binding domains. Moreover, coexpressing the 127-amino-acid subdomain with remote domains of FnBPA further increased fibrinogen binding by > or =10 times, confirming the importance of domain interactions for binding efficacy. In animals, fibrinogen binding (but not fibronectin binding) was significantly associated with endocarditis induction, whereas both fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were associated with disease severity. Moreover, fibrinogen binding also combined with fibronectin binding to synergize the invasion of cultured cell lines significantly, a feature correlating with endocarditis severity. Thus, while fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were believed to act sequentially in colonization and invasion, they appeared unexpectedly intertwined in terms of both functional anatomy and pathogenicity (in endocarditis). This unforeseen FnBPA subtlety might bear importance for the development of antiadhesin strategies.


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Penicillin resistance in Streptococcus spp. involves multiple mutations in both penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and non-PBP genes. Here, we studied the development of penicillin resistance in the oral commensal Streptococcus gordonii. Cyclic exposure of bacteria to twofold-increasing penicillin concentrations selected for a progressive 250- to 500-fold MIC increase (from 0.008 to between 2 and 4 microg/ml). The major MIC increase (> or = 35-fold) was related to non-PBP mutations, whereas PBP mutations accounted only for a 4- to 8-fold additional increase. PBP mutations occurred in class B PBPs 2X and 2B, which carry a transpeptidase domain, but not in class A PBP 1A, 1B, or 2A, which carry an additional transglycosylase domain. Therefore, we tested whether inactivation of class A PBPs affected resistance development in spite of the absence of mutations. Deletion of PBP 1A or 2A profoundly slowed down resistance development but only moderately affected resistance in already highly resistant mutants (MIC = 2 to 4 microg/ml). Thus, class A PBPs might facilitate early development of resistance by stabilizing penicillin-altered peptidoglycan via transglycosylation, whereas they might be less indispensable in highly resistant mutants which have reestablished a penicillin-insensitive cell wall-building machinery. The contribution of PBP and non-PBP mutations alone could be individualized in DNA transformation. Both PBP and non-PBP mutations conferred some level of intrinsic resistance, but combining the mutations synergized them to ensure high-level resistance (> or = 2 microg/ml). The results underline the complexity of penicillin resistance development and suggest that inhibition of transglycosylase might be an as yet underestimated way to interfere with early resistance development.


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Growing evidence suggests that a novel member of the Chlamydiales order, Waddlia chondrophila, is a potential agent of miscarriage in humans and abortion in ruminants. Due to the lack of genetic tools to manipulate chlamydia, genomic analysis is proving to be the most incisive tool in stimulating investigations into the biology of these obligate intracellular bacteria. 454/Roche and Solexa/Illumina technologies were thus used to sequence and assemble de novo the full genome of the first representative of the Waddliaceae family, W. chondrophila. The bacteria possesses a 2'116'312 bp chromosome and a 15'593 bp low-copy number plasmid that might integrate into the bacterial chromosome. The Waddlia genome displays numerous repeated sequences indicating different genome dynamics from classical chlamydia which almost completely lack repetitive elements. Moreover, W. chondrophila exhibits many virulence factors also present in classical chlamydia, including a functional type III secretion system, but also a large complement of specific factors for resistance to host or environmental stresses. Large families of outer membrane proteins were identified indicating that these highly immunogenic proteins are not Chlamydiaceae specific and might have been present in their last common ancestor. Enhanced metabolic capability for the synthesis of nucleotides, amino acids, lipids and other co-factors suggests that the common ancestor of the modern Chlamydiales may have been less dependent on their eukaryotic host. The fine-detailed analysis of biosynthetic pathways brings us closer to possibly developing a synthetic medium to grow W. chondrophila, a critical step in the development of genetic tools. As a whole, the availability of the W. chondrophila genome opens new possibilities in Chlamydiales research, providing new insights into the evolution of members of the order Chlamydiales and the biology of the Waddliaceae.


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Innate immunity reacts to conserved bacterial molecules. The outermost lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative organisms is highly inflammatory. It activates responsive cells via specific CD14 and toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) surface receptor and co-receptors. Gram-positive bacteria do not contain LPS, but carry surface teichoic acids, lipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan instead. Among these, the thick peptidoglycan is the most conserved. It also triggers cytokine release via CD14, but uses the TLR2 co-receptor instead of TLR4 used by LPS. Moreover, whole peptidoglycan is 1000-fold less active than LPS in a weight-to-weight ratio. This suggests either that it is not important for inflammation, or that only part of it is reactive while the rest acts as ballast. Biochemical dissection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae cell walls indicates that the second assumption is correct. Long, soluble peptidoglycan chains (approximately 125 kDa) are poorly active. Hydrolysing these chains to their minimal unit (2 sugars and a stem peptide) completely abrogates inflammation. Enzymatic dissection of the pneumococcal wall generated a mixture of highly active fragments, constituted of trimeric stem peptides, and poorly active fragments, constituted of simple monomers and dimers or highly polymerized structures. Hence, the optimal constraint for activation might be 3 cross-linked stem peptides. The importance of structural constraint was demonstrated in additional studies. For example, replacing the first L-alanine in the stem peptide with a D-alanine totally abrogated inflammation in experimental meningitis. Likewise, modifying the D-alanine decorations of lipoteichoic acids with L-alanine, or deacylating them from their diacylglycerol lipid anchor also decreased the inflammatory response. Thus, although considered as a broad-spectrum pattern-recognizing system, innate immunity can detect very subtle differences in Gram-positive walls. This high specificity underlines the importance of using well-characterized microbial material in investigating the system.


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BACKGROUND: Synthesis of the Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan pentaglycine interpeptide bridge is catalyzed by the nonribosomal peptidyl transferases FemX, FemA and FemB. Inactivation of the femAB operon reduces the interpeptide to a monoglycine, leading to a poorly crosslinked peptidoglycan. femAB mutants show a reduced growth rate and are hypersusceptible to virtually all antibiotics, including methicillin, making FemAB a potential target to restore beta-lactam susceptibility in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Cis-complementation with wild type femAB only restores synthesis of the pentaglycine interpeptide and methicillin resistance, but the growth rate remains low. This study characterizes the adaptations that ensured survival of the cells after femAB inactivation. RESULTS: In addition to slow growth, the cis-complemented femAB mutant showed temperature sensitivity and a higher methicillin resistance than the wild type. Transcriptional profiling paired with reporter metabolite analysis revealed multiple changes in the global transcriptome. A number of transporters for sugars, glycerol, and glycine betaine, some of which could serve as osmoprotectants, were upregulated. Striking differences were found in the transcription of several genes involved in nitrogen metabolism and the arginine-deiminase pathway, an alternative for ATP production. In addition, microarray data indicated enhanced expression of virulence factors that correlated with premature expression of the global regulators sae, sarA, and agr. CONCLUSION: Survival under conditions preventing normal cell wall formation triggered complex adaptations that incurred a fitness cost, showing the remarkable flexibility of S. aureus to circumvent cell wall damage. Potential FemAB inhibitors would have to be used in combination with other antibiotics to prevent selection of resistant survivors.


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Staphylococcus aureus infections involve numerous adhesins and toxins, which expression depends on complex regulatory networks. Adhesins include a family of surface proteins covalently attached to the peptidoglycan via a conserved LPXTG motif. Here we determined the protein and mRNA expression of LPXTG-proteins of S. aureus Newman in time-course experiments, and their relation to fibrinogen adherence in vitro. Experiments were performed with mutants in the global accessory-gene regulator (agr), surface protein A (Spa), and fibrinogen-binding protein A (ClfA), as well as during growth in iron-rich or iron-poor media. Surface proteins were recovered by trypsin-shaving of live bacteria. Released peptides were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass-spectrometry. To unambiguously identify peptides unique to LPXTG-proteins, the analytical conditions were refined using a reference library of S. aureus LPXTG-proteins heterogeneously expressed in surrogate Lactococcus lactis. Transcriptomes were determined by microarrays. Sixteen of the 18 LPXTG-proteins present in S. aureus Newman were detected by proteomics. Nine LPXTG-proteins showed a bell-shape agr-like expression that was abrogated in agr-negative mutants including Spa, fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA), ClfA, iron-binding IsdA, and IsdB, immunomodulator SasH, functionally uncharacterized SasD, biofilm-related SasG and methicillin resistance-related FmtB. However, only Spa and SasH modified their proteomic and mRNA profiles in parallel in the parent and its agr- mutant, whereas all other LPXTG-proteins modified their proteomic profiles independently of their mRNA. Moreover, ClfA became highly transcribed and active in fibrinogen-adherence tests during late growth (24 h), whereas it remained poorly detected by proteomics. On the other hand, iron-regulated IsdA-B-C increased their protein expression by >10-times in iron-poor conditions. Thus, proteomic, transcriptomic, and adherence-phenotype demonstrated differential profiles in S. aureus. Moreover, trypsin peptide signatures suggested differential protein domain exposures in various environments, which might be relevant for anti-adhesin vaccines. A comprehensive understanding of the S. aureus physiology should integrate all three approaches.


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The macrophage is the niche of the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Induction of macrophage apoptosis by CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells is accompanied by reduced bacterial counts, potentially defining a host defense mechanism. We have already established that M. tuberculosis-infected primary human macrophages have a reduced susceptibility to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis. To study the mechanisms by which M. tuberculosis prevents apoptotic signaling, we have generated a cell culture system based on PMA- and IFN-gamma-differentiated THP-1 cells recapitulating the properties of primary macrophages. In these cells, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 or TLR2 agonists and mycobacterial infection protected macrophages from apoptosis and resulted in NF-kappaB nuclear translocation associated with up-regulation of the antiapoptotic cellular FLIP. Transduction of a receptor-interacting protein-2 dominant-negative construct showed that nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 is not involved in protection in the mycobacterial infection system. In contrast, both a dominant-negative construct of the MyD88 adaptor and an NF-kappaB inhibitor abrogated the protection against FasL-mediated apoptosis, showing the implication of TLR2-mediated activation of NF-kappaB in apoptosis protection in infected macrophages. The apoptosis resistance of infected macrophages might be considered as an immune escape mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis subverts innate immunity signaling to protect its host cell against FasL(+)-specific cytotoxic lymphocytes.


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Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus agalactiae is the leading cause of bacteremia and invasive infections. These diseases are treated with β-lactams or macrolides, but the emergence of less susceptible and even fully resistant strains is a cause for concern. New bacteriophage lysins could be promising alternatives against such organisms. They hydrolyze the bacterial peptidoglycan at the end of the phage cycle, in order to release the phage progeny. By using a bioinformatic approach to screen several beta-hemolytic streptococci, a gene coding for a lysin was identified on a prophage carried by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis SK1249. The gene product, named PlySK1249, harbored an original three-domain structure with a central cell wall-binding domain surrounded by an N-terminal amidase and a C-terminal CHAP domain. Purified PlySK1249 was highly lytic and bactericidal for S. dysgalactiae (2-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min). Moreover, it also efficiently killed S. agalactiae (1.5-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min) but not several streptococcal commensal species. We further investigated the activity of PlySK1249 in a mouse model of S. agalactiae bacteremia. Eighty percent of the animals (n = 10) challenged intraperitoneally with 10(6) CFU of S. agalactiae died within 72 h, whereas repeated injections of PlySK1249 (45 mg/kg 3 times within 24 h) significantly protected the mice (P < 0.01). Thus, PlySK1249, which was isolated from S. dysgalactiae, demonstrated high cross-lytic activity against S. agalactiae both in vitro and in vivo. These encouraging results indicated that PlySK1249 might represent a good candidate to be developed as a new enzybiotic for the treatment of systemic S. agalactiae infections.


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Members of the Chlamydiales order are major bacterial pathogens that divide at mid-cell, without a sequence homologue of the FtsZ cytokinetic tubulin and without a classical peptidoglycan cell wall. Moreover, the spatiotemporal mechanisms directing constriction in Chlamydia are not known. Here we show that the MreB actin homologue and its conserved regulator RodZ localize to the division furrow in Waddlia chondrophila, a member of the Chlamydiales order implicated in human miscarriage. RodZ is recruited to the septal site earlier than MreB and in a manner that depends on biosynthesis of the peptidoglycan precursor lipid II by the MurA enzyme. By contrast, crosslinking of lipid II peptides by the Pbp3 transpeptidase disperses RodZ from the septum. Altogether, these findings provide a cytological framework for understanding chlamydial cytokinesis driven by septal cell wall synthesis.


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Chlamydiales possess a minimal but functional peptidoglycan precursor biosynthetic and remodeling pathway involved in the assembly of the division septum by an atypical cytokinetic machine and cryptic or modified peptidoglycan-like structure (PGLS). How this reduced cytokinetic machine collectively coordinates the invagination of the envelope has not yet been explored in Chlamydiales. In other Gram-negative bacteria, peptidoglycan provides anchor points that connect the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan during constriction using the Pal-Tol complex. Purifying PGLS and associated proteins from the chlamydial pathogen Waddlia chondrophila, we unearthed the Pal protein as a peptidoglycan-binding protein that localizes to the chlamydial division septum along with other components of the Pal-Tol complex. Together, our PGLS characterization and peptidoglycan-binding assays support the notion that diaminopimelic acid is an important determinant recruiting Pal to the division plane to coordinate the invagination of all envelope layers with the conserved Pal-Tol complex, even during osmotically protected intracellular growth.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Kyotorphin (KTP; L-Tyr-L-Arg), an endogenous neuropeptide, is potently analgesic when delivered directly to the central nervous system. Its weak analgesic effects after systemic administration have been explained by inability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and detract from the possible clinical use of KTP as an analgesic. In this study, we aimed to increase the lipophilicity of KTP by amidation and to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of a new KTP derivative (KTP-amide - KTP-NH 2). EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We synthesized KTP-NH 2. This peptide was given systemically to assess its ability to cross the BBB. A wide range of pain models, including acute, sustained and chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain, were used to characterize analgesic efficacies of KTP-NH 2. Binding to opioid receptors and toxicity were also measured. KEY RESULTS KTP-NH 2, unlike its precursor KTP, was lipophilic and highly analgesic following systemic administration in several acute and chronic pain models, without inducing toxic effects or affecting motor responses and blood pressure. Binding to opioid receptors was minimal. KTP-NH 2 inhibited nociceptive responses of spinal neurons. Its analgesic effects were prevented by intrathecal or i.p. administration of naloxone. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Amidation allowed KTP to show good analgesic ability after systemic delivery in acute and chronic pain models. The indirect opioid-mediated actions of KTP-NH 2 may explain why this compound retained its analgesic effects although the usual side effects of opioids were absent, which is a desired feature in next-generation pain medications


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Biorefining is defined as sustainable conversion of biomass into marketable products and energy. Forests cover almost one third of earth’s land area, and account for approximately 40% of the total annual biomass production. In forest biorefining, the wood components are, in addition to the traditional paper and board products, converted into chemicals and biofuels. The major components in wood are cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. The main hemicellulose in softwoods, which are of interest especially for the Nordic forest industry, is O-acetyl galactoglucomannan (GGM). GGM can be isolated in industrial scale from the waste waters of the mechanical pulping process, but is not yet today industrially utilized. In order to attain desired properties of GGM for specific end-uses, chemical and enzymatic modifications can be performed. Regioselective modifications of GGM, and other galactose-containing polysaccharides were done by oxidations, and by combining oxidations with subsequent derivatizations of the formed carbonyl or carboxyl groups. Two different pathways were investigated: activation of the C-6 positions in different sugar units by TEMPO-mediated oxidation, and activation of C-6 position in only galactose-units by oxidation catalyzed by the enzyme galactose oxidase. The activated sites were further selectively derivatized; TEMPO-oxidized GGM by a carbodiimide-mediated reaction forming amides, and GO-oxidized GGM by indium-mediated allylation introducing double or triple bonds to the molecule. In order to better understand the reaction, and to develop a MALDI-TOF-MS method for characterization of regioselectively allylated GGM, α-D-galactopyranoside and raffinose were used as model compounds. All reactions were done in aqueous media. To investigate the applicability of the modified polysaccharides for, e.g., cellulose surface functionalization, their sorption onto pulp fibres was studied. Carboxylation affects the sorption tendency significantly; a higher degree of oxidation leads to lower sorption. By controlling the degree of oxidation of the polysaccharides and the ionic strength of the sorption media, high degrees of sorption of carboxylated polysaccharides onto cellulose could, however, be obtained. Anionic polysaccharides were used as templates during laccase-catalyzed polymerization of aniline, offering a green, chemo-enzymatic route for synthesis of conducting polyaniline (PANI) composite materials. Different polysaccharide templates, such as, native GGM, TEMPO-oxidized GGM, naturally anionic κ-carrageenan, and nanofibrillated cellulose produced by TEMPO-oxidation, were assessed. The conductivity of the synthesized polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites varies depending on the polysaccharide template; κ-CGN, the anionic polysaccharide with the lowest pKa value, produces the polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites with the highest conductivity. The presented derivatization, sorption, and polymerization procedures open new application windows for polysaccharides, such as spruce GGM. The modified polysaccharides and the conducting biocomposites produced provide potential applications in biosensors, electronic devices, and tissue engineering.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia and consequently increased brain ammonia concentrations, resulting in hepatic encephalopathy. When the liver fails to regulate ammonia concentrations, the brain, devoid of a urea cycle, relies solely on the amidation of glutamate to glutamine through glutamine synthetase, to efficiently clear ammonia. Surprisingly, under hyperammonemic conditions, the brain is not capable of increasing its capacity to remove ammonia, which even decreases in some regions of the brain. This non-induction of glutamine synthetase in astrocytes could result from possible limiting substrates or cofactors for the enzyme, or an indirect effect of ammonia on glutamine synthetase expression. In addition, there is evidence that nitration of the enzyme resulting from exposure to nitric oxide could also be implicated. The present review summarizes these possible factors involved in limiting the increase in capacity of glutamine synthetase in brain, in chronic liver failure.


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Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et agent zoonotique responsable de méningites et de septicémies. À ce jour, les mécanismes impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte lors de l’infection par S. suis sont peu connus; et il en est de même pour les stratégies utilisées par S. suis afin de déjouer cette réponse. L’augmentation de l’incidence et de la sévérité des cas humains souligne le besoin d’une meilleure compréhension des interactions entre S. suis et le système immunitaire afin de générer une réponse immunitaire efficace contre ce pathogène. Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont de puissantes cellules présentatrices d’antigènes qui stimulent les lymphocytes T et B, assurant la liaison entre l’immunité innée et l’immunité adaptative. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’évaluer le rôle joué par différents facteurs de virulence de S. suis sur la modulation de la fonction des DCs et de la réponse T-dépendante. Nous avons examiné l’effet des facteurs clés pour la virulence de S. suis, dont la capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), les modifications de la paroi cellulaire (D-alanylation de l’acide lipotéichoïque et N-déacétylation du peptidoglycane) et la toxine suilysine, sur l’activation et la maturation de DCs murines dérivées de la moelle osseuse (bmDCs). Suite à l’infection par S. suis, les bmDCs sont activées et subissent un processus de maturation caractérisé par l’augmentation de l’expression de molécules de co-stimulation et la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. La CPS est le principal facteur interférant avec la production de cytokines, même si les modifications de la paroi cellulaire et la suilysine peuvent également moduler la production de certaines cytokines. Enfin, la CPS, les modifications de la paroi cellulaire et la suilysine interfèrent avec la déposition du complément à la surface des bactéries et, en conséquence, avec le « killing » dépendant du complément. Les résultats ont été confirmés à l’aide de bmDCs porcines. Nous avons aussi voulu identifier les récepteurs cellulaires impliqués dans la reconnaissance de S. suis par les DCs. Nous avons démontré que la production de cytokines et l’expression des molécules de co-stimulation par les DCs sont fortement dépendantes de la signalisation par MyD88, suggérant que les DCs reconnaissent S. suis et deviennent activées majoritairement via la signalisation par les récepteurs de type Toll (TLRs). En effet, on remarque une diminution de la production de plusieurs cytokines ainsi que de l’expression de certaines molécules de co-stimulation chez les DCs TLR2-/- ou TLR2-/- et TLR9-/- double négatives. Finalement, le récepteur NOD2 semblait jouer un rôle partiel dans l’activation des DCs suite à une infection par S. suis.Enfin, nous avons évalué les conséquences de la modulation des fonctions des DCs sur le développement de la réponse T-dépendante. Les splénocytes totaux produisent plusieurs cytokines en réponse à S. suis. Des analyses in vivo et ex vivo ont permis d’observer l’implication des cellules T CD4+ et le développement d’une réponse de type « T helper » 1 (TH1) bien que la quantité de cytokines TH1 produites lors de l’infection in vivo par S. suis demeure assez basse. La CPS de S. suis interfère avec la production de plusieurs cytokines par les cellules T in vitro. Expérimentalement, l’infection induite par S. suis résulte en de faibles niveaux de production d’anticorps anti-S. suis, mais aussi d’anticorps dirigés contre l’ovalbumine utilisée comme antigène rapporteur. Cette interférence est corrélée avec la sévérité des signes cliniques, suggérant que S. suis interfère avec le développement d’une réponse immunitaire adaptative appropriée qui serait requise pour contrôler la progression de l’infection. Les résultats de cette étude mèneront à une meilleure compréhension de la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte lors de l’infection par S. suis.