941 resultados para Peptide-membrane interactions


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Les protéines sont au coeur de la vie. Ce sont d'incroyables nanomachines moléculaires spécialisées et améliorées par des millions d'années d'évolution pour des fonctions bien définies dans la cellule. La structure des protéines, c'est-à-dire l'arrangement tridimensionnel de leurs atomes, est intimement liée à leurs fonctions. L'absence apparente de structure pour certaines protéines est aussi de plus en plus reconnue comme étant tout aussi cruciale. Les protéines amyloïdes en sont un exemple marquant : elles adoptent un ensemble de structures variées difficilement observables expérimentalement qui sont associées à des maladies neurodégénératives. Cette thèse, dans un premier temps, porte sur l'étude structurelle des protéines amyloïdes bêta-amyloïde (Alzheimer) et huntingtine (Huntington) lors de leur processus de repliement et d'auto-assemblage. Les résultats obtenus permettent de décrire avec une résolution atomique les interactions des ensembles structurels de ces deux protéines. Concernant la protéine bêta-amyloïde (AB), nos résultats identifient des différences structurelles significatives entre trois de ses formes physiologiques durant ses premières étapes d'auto-assemblage en environnement aqueux. Nous avons ensuite comparé ces résultats avec ceux obtenus au cours des dernières années par d'autres groupes de recherche avec des protocoles expérimentaux et de simulations variés. Des tendances claires émergent de notre comparaison quant à l'influence de la forme physiologique de AB sur son ensemble structurel durant ses premières étapes d'auto-assemblage. L'identification des propriétés structurelles différentes rationalise l'origine de leurs propriétés d'agrégation distinctes. Par ailleurs, l'identification des propriétés structurelles communes offrent des cibles potentielles pour des agents thérapeutiques empêchant la formation des oligomères responsables de la neurotoxicité. Concernant la protéine huntingtine, nous avons élucidé l'ensemble structurel de sa région fonctionnelle située à son N-terminal en environnement aqueux et membranaire. En accord avec les données expérimentales disponibles, nos résultats sur son repliement en environnement aqueux révèlent les interactions dominantes ainsi que l'influence sur celles-ci des régions adjacentes à la région fonctionnelle. Nous avons aussi caractérisé la stabilité et la croissance de structures nanotubulaires qui sont des candidats potentiels aux chemins d'auto-assemblage de la région amyloïde de huntingtine. Par ailleurs, nous avons également élaboré, avec un groupe d'expérimentateurs, un modèle détaillé illustrant les principales interactions responsables du rôle d'ancre membranaire de la région N-terminal, qui sert à contrôler la localisation de huntingtine dans la cellule. Dans un deuxième temps, cette thèse porte sur le raffinement d'un modèle gros-grain (sOPEP) et sur le développement d'un nouveau modèle tout-atome (aaOPEP) qui sont tous deux basés sur le champ de force gros-grain OPEP, couramment utilisé pour l'étude du repliement des protéines et de l'agrégation des protéines amyloïdes. L'optimisation de ces modèles a été effectuée dans le but d'améliorer les prédictions de novo de la structure de peptides par la méthode PEP-FOLD. Par ailleurs, les modèles OPEP, sOPEP et aaOPEP ont été inclus dans un nouveau code de dynamique moléculaire très flexible afin de grandement simplifier leurs développements futurs.


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Protoporphyrin (Pp IX) derivatives were prepared to study the relationship between photosensitizer structure and photoactivity, with an emphasis on understanding the role of membrane interactions in the efficiency of photosensitizers used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). The synthetic strategies described here aimed at changing protoporphyrin periferic groups, varying overall charge and oil/water partition, while maintaining their photochemical properties. Three synthetic routes were used: (1) modification of Pp IX at positions 3(1) and 8(1) by addition of alkyl amine groups of different lengths (compounds 2-5), (2) change of Pp IX at positions 13(3) and 17(3), generating alkyl amines (compounds 6 and 7), a phosphate amine (compound 8), and quarternary ammonium compounds (compounds 9 and 10), and (3) amine-alkylation of Hematoporphyrin IX (Hp IX) at positions 3(1), 8(1), 13(3) and 17(3) (compound 12). Strategy 1 leads to hydrophobic compounds with low photocytotoxicity. Strategy 2 leads to compounds 6-10 that have high levels of binding/incorporation in vesicles, mitochondria and cells, which are indicative of high bioavailability. Addition of the phosphate group (compound 8), generates an anionic compound that has low liposome and cell incorporation, plus low photocytotoxicity. Compound 12 has intermediate incorporation and photocytotoxic properties. Compound modification is also associated with changes in their sub-cellular localization: 30% of 8 (anionic) is found in mitochondria as compared to 95% of compound 10 (cationic). Photocytotoxicity was shown to be highly correlated with membrane affinity, which depends on the asymmetrical and amphiphilic characters of sens, as well as with sub-cellular localization.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Anoplin, an antimicrobial, helical decapeptide from wasp venom, looses its biological activities by mere deamidation of its C-terminus. Secondary structure determination, by circular dichroism spectroscopy in amphipathic environments, and lytic activity in zwitterionic and anionic vesicles showed quite similar results for the amidated and the carboxylated forms of the peptide. The deamidation of the C-terminus introduced a negative charge at an all-positive charged peptide, causing a loss of amphipathicity, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations in TFE/water mixtures and this subtle modification in a peptide's primary structure disturbed the interaction with bilayers and biological membranes. Although being poorly lytic, the amidated form, but not the carboxylated, presented ion channel-like activity on anionic bilayers with a well-defined conductance step; at approximately the same concentration it showed antimicrobial activity. The pores remain open at trans-negative potentials, preferentially conducting cations, and this situation is equivalent to the interaction of the peptide with bacterial membranes that also maintain a high negative potential inside. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ability of vitamin E to modulate signal transduction and gene expression has been observed in numerous studies; however, the detailed molecular mechanisms involved are often not clear. The eight natural vitamin E analogues and synthetic derivatives affect signal transduction with different potency, possibly reflecting their different ability to interact with specific proteins. Vitamin E modulates the activity of several enzymes involved in signal transduction, such as protein kinase C, protein kinase B, protein tyrosine kinases, 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxygenases, cyclooxygenase-2, phospholipase A2, protein phosphatase 2A, protein tyrosine phosphatase, and diacylglycerol kinase. Activation of some these enzymes after stimulation of cell surface receptors with growth factors or cytokines can be normalized by vitamin E. At the molecular level, the translocation of several of these enzymes to the plasma membrane is affected by vitamin E, suggesting that the modulation of protein-membrane interactions may be a common theme for vitamin E action. In this review the main effects of vitamin E on enzymes involved in signal transduction are summarized and the possible mechanisms leading to enzyme modulation evaluated. The elucidation of the molecular and cellular events affected by vitamin E could reveal novel strategies and molecular targets for developing similarly acting compounds.


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Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) exhibit a β-barrel topology, comprising 10 antiparallel β-sheets capped by two short α-helical segments. Previous studies suggested that fatty acid transfer from several FABPs occurs during interaction between the protein and the acceptor membrane, and that the helical domain of the FABPs plays an important role in this process. In this study, we employed a helix-less variant of intestinal FABP (IFABP-HL) and examined the rate and mechanism of transfer of fluorescent anthroyloxy fatty acids (AOFA) from this protein to model membranes in comparison to the wild type (wIFABP). In marked contrast to wIFABP, IFABP-HL does not show significant modification of the AOFA transfer rate as a function of either the concentration or the composition of the acceptor membranes. These results suggest that the transfer of fatty acids from IFABP-HL occurs by an aqueous diffusion-mediated process, i.e., in the absence of the helical domain, effective collisional transfer of fatty acids to membranes does not occur. Binding of wIFABP and IFABP-HL to membranes was directly analyzed by using a cytochrome c competition assay, and it was shown that IFABP-HL was 80% less efficient in preventing cytochrome c from binding to membranes than the native IFABP. Collectively, these results indicate that the α-helical region of IFABP is involved in membrane interactions and thus plays a critical role in the collisional mechanism of fatty acid transfer from IFABP to phospholipid membranes.


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Transcription factor CREM (cAMP-responsive element modulator) plays a pivotal role in the nuclear response to cAMP in neuroendocrine cells. We have previously shown that follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) directs CREM expression in male germ cells. The physiological importance of FSH in Sertoli cell function prompted us to analyze its effect on CREM expression in these cells. We observed a dramatic and specific increase in the CREM isoform ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) expression, with a peak 4 h after FSH treatment of primary Sertoli cells. Interestingly, induced levels of ICER protein persist for a considerably longer time. Induction of the repressor ICER accompanies early down-regulation of the FSH receptor transcript, which leads to long-term desensitization. Here we show that ICER represses FSH receptor expression by binding to a CRE-like sequence in the regulatory region of the gene. Our results confirm the crucial role played by CREM in hormonal control and suggest its role in the long-term desensitization phenomenon of peptide membrane receptors.


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All single-stranded 'positive-sense' RNA viruses that infect mammalian, insect or plant cells rearrange internal cellular membranes to provide an environment facilitating virus replication. A striking feature of these unique membrane structures is the induction of 70-100 nm vesicles (either free within the cytoplasm, associated with other induced vesicles or bound within a surrounding membrane) harbouring the viral replication complex (RC). Although similar in appearance, the cellular composition of these vesicles appears to vary for different viruses, implying different organelle origins for the intracellular sites of viral RNA replication. Genetic analysis has revealed that induction of these membrane structures can be attributed to a particular viral gene product, usually a non-structural protein. This review will highlight our current knowledge of the formation and composition of virus RCs and describe some of the similarities and differences in RNA-membrane interactions observed between the virus families Flaviviridae and Picornaviridae.


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Caveolae are striking morphological features of the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. Caveolins, the major proteins of caveolae, play a crucial role in the formation of these invaginations of the plasma membrane; however, the precise mechanisms involved are only just starting to be unravelled. Recent studies suggest that caveolae are stable structures first generated in the Golgi complex. Their formation and exit from the Golgi complex is associated with caveolin oligomerisation, acquisition of detergent insolubility, and association with cholesterol. Modelling of caveolin-membrane interactions together with in vitro studies of caveolin peptides are providing new insights into how caveolin-lipid interactions could generate the unique architecture of the caveolar domain.


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SNARE proteins (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) mediate membrane interactions and are conventionally divided into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs according to the possession of a glutamine or arginine residue at the core of their SNARE domain. Here, we describe a set of R-SNAREs from the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia consisting of seven families encoded by 12 genes that are expressed simultaneously. The complexity of the endomembrane system in Paramecium can explain this high number of genes. All P. tetraurelia synaptobrevins (PtSybs) possess a SNARE domain and show homology to the Longin family of R-SNAREs such as Ykt6, Sec22 and tetanus toxin-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP). We localized four exemplary PtSyb subfamilies with GFP constructs and antibodies on the light and electron microscopic level. PtSyb1-1, PtSyb1-2 and PtSyb3-1 were found in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas PtSyb2 is localized exclusively in the contractile vacuole complex. PtSyb6 was found cytosolic but also resides in regularly arranged structures at the cell cortex (parasomal sacs), the cytoproct and oral apparatus, probably representing endocytotic compartments. With gene silencing, we showed that the R-SNARE of the contractile vacuole complex, PtSyb2, functions to maintain structural integrity as well as functionality of the osmoregulatory system but also affects cell division.


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The binding between antigenic peptides (epitopes) and the MHC molecule is a key step in the cellular immune response. Accurate in silico prediction of epitope-MHC binding affinity can greatly expedite epitope screening by reducing costs and experimental effort. Recently, we demonstrated the appealing performance of SVRMHC, an SVR-based quantitative modeling method for peptide-MHC interactions, when applied to three mouse class I MHC molecules. Subsequently, we have greatly extended the construction of SVRMHC models and have established such models for more than 40 class I and class II MHC molecules. Here we present the SVRMHC web server for predicting peptide-MHC binding affinities using these models. Benchmarked percentile scores are provided for all predictions. The larger number of SVRMHC models available allowed for an updated evaluation of the performance of the SVRMHC method compared to other well- known linear modeling methods. SVRMHC is an accurate and easy-to-use prediction server for epitope-MHC binding with significant coverage of MHC molecules. We believe it will prove to be a valuable resource for T cell epitope researchers.


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SNARE proteins have been classified as vesicular (v)- and target (t)-SNAREs and play a central role in the various membrane interactions in eukaryotic cells. Based on the Paramecium genome project, we have identified a multigene family of at least 26 members encoding the t-SNARE syntaxin (PtSyx) that can be grouped into 15 subfamilies. Paramecium syntaxins match the classical build-up of syntaxins, being 'tail-anchored' membrane proteins with an N-terminal cytoplasmic domain and a membrane-bound single C-terminal hydrophobic domain. The membrane anchor is preceded by a conserved SNARE domain of approximately 60 amino acids that is supposed to participate in SNARE complex assembly. In a phylogenetic analysis, most of the Paramecium syntaxin genes were found to cluster in groups together with those from other organisms in a pathway-specific manner, allowing an assignment to different compartments in a homology-dependent way. However, some of them seem to have no counterparts in metazoans. In another approach, we fused one representative member of each of the syntaxin isoforms to green fluorescent protein and assessed the in vivo localization, which was further supported by immunolocalization of some syntaxins. This allowed us to assign syntaxins to all important trafficking pathways in Paramecium.