543 resultados para Penalty kicks


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The issue of bias-motivated crimes has attracted consderable attention in recent years. In this paper, we develop an economic framework to analyze penalty enhancements for bias-motivated crimes. We extend the standard model by introducing two different groups of potential victims of crime, and assume that a potential offender's benefits from a crime depend on the group to which the victim belongs. We begin with the assumption that the harm to an individual victim from a bias-motivated crime is identical to that from an equivalent non-hate crime. Nonetheless, we derive the result that a pattern of crimes disproportionately targeting an identifiable group leads to greater social harm. This conclusion follows both from a model where disparities in groups' victimization probabilities lead to social losses due to fairness concerns, as well as a model where potential victims have the opportunity to undertake socially costly victimization avoidance activities. In particular, penalty enhancements can reduce the incentives for avoidance activity, and thereby protect the networks of profitable interactions that link members of different groups. We also argue that those groups that are covered by hate crime statutes tend to be those whose characteristics make it especially likely that penalty enhancement is socially optimal. Finally, we consider a number of other issues related to hate crimes, including teh choice of sanctions from behind a Rawlsian 'veil of ignorance' concerning group identity.


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The penalty corner is one of the most important game situations in field hockey with one third of all goals resulting from this tactical situation. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a training method, based on previous studies, to improve the drag- flick skill on a young top-class field hockey player. A young top-class player exercised three times per week using specific drills over a four week period. A VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was employed to capture twenty drag-flicks, with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior and after the training period. In order to analyze pre- and post-test differences a dependent t-test was carried out. Angular velocities and the kinematic sequence were similar to previous studies. The player improved (albeit not significantly) the angular velocity of the stick. The player increased front foot to the ball at T1 (p < 0.01) and the drag-flick distances. The range of motion from the front leg decreased from T1 to T6 after the training period (p < 0.01). The specific training sessions conducted with the player improved some features of this particular skill. This article shows how technical knowledge can help with the design of training programs and whether some drills are more effective than others.


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Optical filters are crucial elements in optical communication networks. Their influence toward the optical signal will affect the communication quality seriously. In this paper we will study and simulate the optical signal impairment and crosstalk penalty caused by different kinds of filters, which include Butterworth, Bessel, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Fabry-Perot (F-P). Signal impairment from filter concatenation effect and crosstalk penalty from out-band and in-band are analyzed from Q-penalty, eye opening penalty (EOP) and optical spectrum. The simulation results show that signal impairment and crosstalk penalty induced by the Butterworth filter is the minimum among these four types of filters. Signal impairment caused by filter concatenation effect shows that when center frequency of all filters is aligned perfectly with the laser's frequency, 12 50-GHz Butterworth filters can be cascaded, with 1-dB EOP. This value is reduced to 9 when the center frequency is misaligned with 5 GHz. In the 50-GHz channel spacing DWDM networks, total Q-penalty induced by a pair of Butterworth filters based demultiplexer and multiplexer is lower than 0.5 dB when the filter bandwidth is in the range of 42-46 GHz.


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This Article demonstrates through original statistical research that prosecutors in Colorado were more likely to seek the death penalty against minority defendants than against white defendants. Moreover, defendants in Colorado’s Eighteenth Judicial District were more likely to face a death prosecution than defendants elsewhere in the state. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that even when one controls for the differential rates at which different groups commit statutorily death-eligible murders, non-white defendants and defendants in the Eighteenth Judicial District were still more likely than others to face a death penalty prosecution. Even when the heinousness of the crime is accounted for, the race of the accused and the place of the crime are statistically significant predictors of whether prosecutors will seek the death penalty. We discuss the implications of this disparate impact on the constitutionality of Colorado’s death penalty regime, concluding that the Colorado statute does not meet the dictates of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.


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Comunicación presentada en el X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica (AEHE), Carmona (Sevilla), 8-9 septiembre 2011.


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El desenvolupament integral dels xiquets i les xiquetes depèn en gran mesura de les experiències viscudes en l’entorn familiar. La cura, l’afecte i, per tant, la inclinació mantinguda entre els pares i mares i el xiquet o xiqueta generen vincles afectius fonamentals que repercuteixen directament sobre el benestar i desenvolupament del menor. No obstant això, i per desgràcia, la desprotecció infantil (maltractament i negligència) continua sent un flagell per a la nostra societat que també es troba present a les aules d’educació infantil. En aquest context, és fonamental que els futurs mestres siguen capaços de detectar i manejar eficaçment possibles casos de maltractament o negligència infantil dins de la família, amb la finalitat de minimitzar l’impacte que tenen en el desenvolupament del xiquet o xiqueta. En aquesta pràctica se sensibilitzarà l’estudiant i es farà visible la problemàtica del maltractament a la llar i les eines que té com a docent per a intervenir en casos de desprotecció infantil.


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El artículo analiza, en primer lugar, el contexto sanitario internacional en el que se originaron, a comienzos del siglo xx, las políticas públicas sobre alimentación y nutrición, así como el discurso científico que generaron los organismos y los expertos internacionales y su influencia en las estrategias de intervención social encaminadas a cambiar los hábitos dietéticos de la población. En segundo lugar, desde aquel contexto y en el marco del “problema sanitario de España” y de los fallos de mercado asociados a la urban penalty, se analiza el creciente interés que mostraron los higienistas de las primeras décadas del siglo XX por los problemas de malnutrición y su repercusión en las políticas alimentarias y de nutrición comunitaria.


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El término urban penalty fue en principio utilizado para definir la sobremortalidad urbana durante la revolución industrial. Los antropómetras lo emplearon más tarde para definir un hecho simultáneo: el descenso de la estatura urbana con respecto a la rural. En la primera parte del trabajo proponemos tres nuevas hipótesis sobre ese castigo urbano: a) incorporar las aportaciones de la Teoría Económica sobre fallos de mercado al análisis de la sobremortalidad urbana; b) explicar la urban penalty mediante el modelo que Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong han elaborado recientemente para Gran Bretaña y c) sugerir respuestas a una pregunta que debe ser avalada o desmentida por investigaciones de ámbito municipal: ¿por qué los políticos españoles de la restauración tardaron décadas en acometer la reforma sanitaria de las ciudades? En la segunda parte del trabajo ofrecemos información que demuestra que España padeció sobremortalidad urbana derivada de fallos de mercado. Los datos de estatura rural y urbana evidencian por el contrario que, salvo excepciones, el país no experimentó urban penalty. El trabajo termina tratando de explicar esta particularidad y sosteniendo que el modelo de Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong puede aplicarse a esas excepciones.