124 resultados para Pebbles
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Registros sedimentares do Neocarbonífero, particularmente do Moscoviano, na Bacia do Amazonas, Norte do Brasil, caracterizam a zona de contato entre as formações Monte Alegre (rochas siliciclásticas) e Itaituba (rochas carbonáticas). A análise faciológica da sucessão Moscoviana de até 40 m de espessura, exposta na região de Monte Alegre e Itaituba, Estado do Pará, permitiu identificar 5 associações de fácies (AF), que correspondem a depósitos estabelecidos no ambiente costeiro, representados por dunas/intedunas eólicas (AF1), lençóis de areia/wadi (AF2), laguna/washover (AF3), praia/planície de maré (AF4) e laguna/delta de maré (AF5). A associação de campo de dunas/interdunas (AF1) é constituída por arenitos finos a médios, bimodais com estratificação cruzada de médio porte, laminação cavalgante transladante subcrítica e arenitos com gradação inversa. Arenitos finos com acamamento maciço, marcas de raízes e, subordinadamente, verrugas de aderência (adhesion warts), ocorrem nos limites dos sets de estratificação cruzada e indicam, respectivamente, paleossolos e migração de grãos por ação eólica sobre interduna úmida. Depósitos de lençóis de areia/wadi (AF2) são compostos de arenitos finos a médios com estratificação plano-paralela e laminação cavalgante transladante subcrítica, relacionados a superfícies de deflação (lençóis de areia), enquanto arenitos finos a médios com estratificações cruzadas tangencial e recumbente, e acamamento convoluto, caracterizam rios efêmeros com alta energia. Pelitos laminados e arenitos finos com laminação cruzada cavalgante, contendo o icnofóssil Palaeophycus, representam sedimentação em ambiente de baixa energia e foram agrupados na associação de laguna/washover (AF3). Os depósitos de praia/planície de maré (AF4) consistem em arenitos finos a médios, com estratificação plano-paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, intercalados com lentes de dolomito fino maciço, localmente truncados por arenitos finos a médios. Estas fácies foram formadas pelo fluxo-refluxo em ambiente de praia, localmente retrabalhadas por pequenos canais, enquanto o carbonato é interpretado como precipitado em poças (ponds). Na AF4 encontram-se também pelitos laminados com gretas de contração, lâminas curvadas de argila e arenitos com estratificação cruzada tabular de pequeno a médio porte, contendo filmes de argila sobre foresets e superfícies de reativação, sugerindo a migração de sandwaves na intermaré. A associação de laguna/delta de maré (AF5) é constituída por calcários dolomitizados (mudstones, wackestones, packstones e grainstones) com poros do tipo vug e móldicos e bioclastos de braquiópodes, equinodermas, foraminíferos, ostracodes, briozoários, trilobitas, moluscos e coral isolado não fragmentado, além do ichnofóssil Thalassinoides. Conglomerados com seixos de calcário dolomitizado, arenitos finos com estratificação cruzada de baixo ângulo e superfícies de reativação, localmente sobrepostos por arenitos finos com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal e laminação cruzada cavalgante, foram interpretados como depósitos de tidal inlet e delta de maré. As associações de fácies/microfácies e os dados paleontológicos descritos neste trabalho corroboram a predominância de ambientes lagunares, em parte, conectados a um ambiente desértico costeiro para o intervalo de transição entre as formações Monte Alegre e Itaituba. A abundância de grãos arredondados de areia fina nas fácies carbonáticas corrobora influxo siliciclástico advindo do ambiente desértico adjacente ao ambiente costeiro. Condições mais quentes e tropicais para a sucessão estudada são também indicadas pela presença de carbonatos e argilominerais como illita e, principalmente, esmectita, bem como uma fauna diversificada. Os litotipos siliciclásticos e carbonáticos intercalados que caracterizam a fase final da deposição Monte Alegre e o início da sedimentação Itaituba, justificam sua representação em um mesmo sistema deposicional costeiro.
Na ilha de Itacupim, localizada na região costeira do nordeste do Pará, foram encontrados veios de fosfatos de alumínio contendo turquesa, além de quartzo e argilominerais. A ilha é sustentada por espesso perfil laterítico maturo desenvolvido sobre complexo alcalino-ultramáfico mineralizado em apatita. Os veios e vênulas são de espessura centimétrica, normalmente constituídos de wavellita fibro-radial, onde pode ser observada turquesa verde-azulada, em massas subesferolíticas, microcristalinas, intercrescidas com caulinita e oxi-hidróxidos de Mn, além de quartzo. A identificação mineral foi realizada por DRX, microscopia óptica, análises químicas de rocha total, MEV/SED. Os teores de CuO são inferiores aos das turquesas em geral, compensados por Fe2O3 e ZnO. Os subesferolitos de turquesa contêm inúmeras inclusões micrométricas de goyazita ou svanbergita. A ocorrência da turquesa, na forma de veios e vênulas, seu aspecto porcelanado e a conhecida relação desse mineral com ambiente hidrotermal sugerem que a turquesa de Itacupim também seja de origem hidrotermal, reforçada pela sua associação com wavellita, goyazita ou svanbergita, quartzo e argilominerais. Ela não foi encontrada no perfil laterítico. Seu aspecto compacto e sua cor esverdeada abrem perspectivas para seu uso como mineral de gema.
O Mesozóico foi marcado por mudanças geológicas significativas, decorrentes de soerguimentos resultante da orogenia Gonduanide, que possibilitou a implantação de sistemas desérticos concomitantemente com expressivos eventos magmáticos. Na Bacia do Parnaíba, Nordeste do Brasil, estes eventos estão registrados nas unidades siliciclásticas do Triássico, os arenitos da Formação Sambaíba, representadas pelos derrames basálticos e arenitos fluviais e eólicos subordinados da Formação Mosquito e pelos arenitos flúvio-eólicos da Formação Corda. O estudo de fácies e estratigráfico realizado em afloramentos e testemunhos de sondagem na região entre Formosa da Serra Negra e Montes Altos, Estado do Maranhão, possibilitou reconstituir o paleoambiente do topo da Formação Mosquito e da Formação Corda, e inferir condições paleoclimáticas para a porção centro-oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba durante o Jurássico. Foram identificadas vinte fácies sedimentares agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF) representativas de uma planície vulcânica com depósitos fluviais esporádicos e arenitos eólicos subordinados (AF1-Formação Mosquito), sucedida pela instalação de um sistema desértico úmido (AF2-AF5; Formação Corda). A planície vulcânica (AF1) constitui derrames basálticos intercalados com arenitos finos a grossos (arenitos intertrap) compostos por grãos arredondados a subangulosos de quartzo, feldspatos e fragmentos de vidro vulcânico. Os arenitos apresentam estratificações plano-paralela e cruzada de baixo ângulo, preenchendo geometria de canal ou em corpos tabulares. Depósitos de canal fluvial entrelaçado (AF2) consistem em conglomerados polimíticos, com grânulos e seixos subarredondados a angulosos de basalto, e arenitos grossos com estratificação cruzada acanalada e acamamento maciço. Os lençóis arenosos (AF3) foram divididos em dois elementos arquiteturais (EA), o primeiro (EA1) consistem em arenitos finos a muitos com geometria tabular e estruturas de deformação, o segundo (EA2) é composto por arenito fino a grosso com estratificação cruzada acanalada e laminação cruzada cavalgante, gutter cast de pequeno porte. O campo de dunas (AF4) foi subdividido em dois conjuntos de fácies (C), o primeiro (CI) é caracterizado por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tabular e tangencial de pequeno a médio porte, estratificação planoparalela e laminação cruzada cavalgante transladante subcrítica. O segundo (CII) consiste de arenitos finos a médios, moderadamente selecionados, laminação ondulada e estruturas de adesão e gretas de contração com rip-up clast, curled mud flakes, forma ciclos de raseamento centimétricos, com topo marcado por horizontes mosqueados, ricos em óxido/hidróxido de ferro, bioturbações e gretas de contração, interpretados como depósitos de interdunas úmidas. Os lobos de suspensão (AF5) consistem em arenitos finos intercalados com pelitos e arenito/pelito com estratificação cruzada complexa. A abundância de esmectita na AF4 aponta para condições de clima semiárido. No Jurássico, a região centro-oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, foi submetida a movimentos distensivos com recorrência de derrames básicos advindos de fissuras na crosta. Durante os intervalos de aquiescência sedimentos de rios efêmeros preenchiam depressões ou espraiavam-se na planície vulcânica. O final da atividade magmática foi sucedido pela implantação do desérto Corda com campo de dunas e canais fluviais efêmeros (wadi) que retrabalharam parte da planície vulcânica e esporadicamente invadiam os lençóis arenosos. Comparado aos ergs do Permo-Triássico (Formação Sambaíba), o deserto Jurássico da Formação Corda foi mais úmido e menos extenso precedendo os sistemas fluviais e costeiros de clima mais ameno do Cretáceo da Bacia do Parnaíba.
The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects` nests. Stones were mostly used as ""hammers""-not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a ""hammer-like"" fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as ""hoes"" to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re-utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N = 3), or the combined use of two tools-stones and sticks (N = 4) or two stones (N = 5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242-251, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Active tufas in the form of waterfalls and dams occur along drainage channels in the Serra do Andre Lopes region (State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil) and are associated with the karst system that developed on a dolomitic plateau with a superhumid subtropical climate. The predominance of autogenic waters enables the groundwater to become enriched in calcium carbonate, with low terrigenous sediment content. The tufas that were studied are composed of calcite and have high calcium contents and low magnesium contents. Eroded tufa beds that originate from changes in the position of fluvial channels or river flow rates also occur in this region. In the Sapatu deposit, phytohermal tufas with complex morphologies are arranged in levels constituting various temporally repeated sequences that were deposited between 10,570 and 4,972 cal years BP. In the Frias deposit, distal fluvial deposits of tufa are massive with a relatively greater quantity of terrigenous material and show evidence of dissolution and reprecipitation. The base of this deposit is composed of a cemented breccia dated at 25,390 years BP, which is younger than the overlying tufas ([42,000 years BP). In the two deposits, the levels of terrigenous sediments (quartz sand and lithic pebbles) and terrestrial gastropod shells are interpreted as phases of increased flow rate of rivers during intervals of higher rainfall.
This paper presents for the first time a morphological and surface sediment characterization of the Uruguayan outer continental shelf and slope. The study is based on a high-resolution coverage using hydrographical, geomorphological and sedimentological sampling and several textural and productivity proxies. Along slope terraces and an important canyon system characterizes continental slope morphology, indicating that across- and down-slope sedimentary processes control large-scale sedimentation. Terraces represent the prolongation of the Argentinean Contouritic Depositional System that vanishes in the study area, presumably as a result of the dynamic of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence. Canyons incised in the upper slope are likely related to low-stand sea level conditions. At the outer shelf and shallow upper slope (170-250 m depth), off-shelf sand transport is inferred from the distribution of relict sand and reworked biogenic gravel. In the upper continental slope, the northern region is characterized by an erosive environment controlled by a steep slope and the southward flowing Brazil current. In the south, a depositional environment is enhanced by the presence of a gentler slope and seaward incised canyons and is mainly controlled by hemipelagic processes associated with nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic Waters (SAW), by its confluence with South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) and by the Rio de la Plata’s (RdlP) influence. Additionally, within the upper slope, the occurrence of igneous-metamorphic cobbles and pebbles in canyon and mound lag deposits suggests the influence of glacial fluvial discharge and/or iceberg transport processes. In the middle slope, sedimentation is controlled by thermohaline-induced deep-water bottom currents. The decreasing influence of the erosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is evident in a northward diminution in grain size. The variety of transport and sedimentary processes identified reflect the control of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the Rio de la Plata’s discharge.
[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha tenido como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de datos. Dichos datos son recopilados a lo largo de campañas de detección de cantos marcados con transpondedores RFID. Este sistema, encargo del Departamento de Física de la ULPGC, ha sido usado para geolocalizar de manera fiable piedras marcadas con transpondedores RFID durante campañas realizadas en una playa situada en el norte de Gran Canaria. El sistema muestra las posiciones de los cantos detectados en un mapa de Google de la zona objeto de estudio, gestiona la estación total y almacena los datos de detección en una base de datos. Dicha base de datos permite la gestión de los datos recopilados a lo largo de varias campañas en una o varias localizaciones. Desde el punto de vista hardware, el sistema se compone de un par de motas sensoriales, un lector de marcas RFID, una estación total TOPCON y un pequeño ordenador portátil con acceso a Internet.
The topic of this study is surprise, re gard as an evolutionary complex process, with manifold implication in different fields, from neurological, since aspecific correlate of surprise exist more or less at every level of neuronal processes (e.g. Rao e Ballard, 1999.), to behavioral , inasmuch a s our ability to quickly valuate(assess), recognize and learn from surprising events, are be regarded as pivotal for survival (e.g. Ranganath e Rainer, 2003). In particular this work, going from belief that surprise is really a psychoevolutive mechanism of primary relevance, has the objective to investigate if there may be a substantial connection between development of surprise' emotion and specific developmental problems, or, if in subjects with pervasive developmental disorders surprise may embody (represent) a essential mechanism of emotional tuning, and consequently if abnormalities in such process may be at the base of at least a part of cognitive and behavioural problems that determine (describe) this pathology. Theoretical reasons lead us to conside r this particular pathologic condition, recall to a broad area of research concern the comprehension of belief as marker of ability to reasons about mental states of others (i.e. Theory of Mind), and in addition, at the detection of specific subjects' diff iculty in this field. On the experimental side, as well as limited of this work, we have to compare comprehension and expression of surprise in a sample of 21 children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), with a sample of 35 children without deve lopmental problems, in a range of age 3-12. Method After the customary approach to become friendly with the child, an experimenter and an accomplice showed three boxes of nuts, easily to distinguish one from the other because of their different colours an d , working together with the child, the contents of one of the boxes were replaced and a different material (macaroni, pebbles) was put in the box. for the purpose of preparing a surprise for someone. At this stage, the accomplice excused himself/herself and left and the experimenter suggested to the child that he prepare another surprise, replacing the contents in the second box. When the accomplice came back, the child was asked to prepare a surprise for him by picking out the box that he thought was the right one for the purpose. After, and the child doesn't know it, the accomplice change the content of one of the boxes with candies and asked out to the children to open the box, in order to see if he show surprise. Result Date have obtain a significant difference between autistic and normal group, in all four tests. The expression of surprise too, is present in significantly lower degree in autistic group than in control group. Moreover, autistic children do not provide appropriate metarappresentative explanations. Conclusion Our outcome, with knowledge of the limit of our investigation at an experimental level (low number of the champions, no possibility of video registration to firm the expressions ) orient to consider eventuality that surprise, may be seen as relevant component, or indicative, in autistic spectrum disorders.
Ancient pavements are composed of a variety of preparatory or foundation layers constituting the substrate, and of a layer of tesserae, pebbles or marble slabs forming the surface of the floor. In other cases, the surface consists of a mortar layer beaten and polished. The term mosaic is associated with the presence of tesserae or pebbles, while the more general term pavement is used in all the cases. As past and modern excavations of ancient pavements demonstrated, all pavements do not necessarily display the stratigraphy of the substrate described in the ancient literary sources. In fact, the number and thickness of the preparatory layers, as well as the nature and the properties of their constituent materials, are often varying in pavements which are placed either in different sites or in different buildings within a same site or even in a same building. For such a reason, an investigation that takes account of the whole structure of the pavement is important when studying the archaeological context of the site where it is placed, when designing materials to be used for its maintenance and restoration, when documenting it and when presenting it to public. Five case studies represented by archaeological sites containing floor mosaics and other kind of pavements, dated to the Hellenistic and the Roman period, have been investigated by means of in situ and laboratory analyses. The results indicated that the characteristics of the studied pavements, namely the number and the thickness of the preparatory layers, and the properties of the mortars constituting them, vary according to the ancient use of the room where the pavements are placed and to the type of surface upon which they were built. The study contributed to the understanding of the function and the technology of the pavementsâ substrate and to the characterization of its constituent materials. Furthermore, the research underlined the importance of the investigation of the whole structure of the pavement, included the foundation surface, in the interpretation of the archaeological context where it is located. A series of practical applications of the results of the research, in the designing of repair mortars for pavements, in the documentation of ancient pavements in the conservation practice, and in the presentation to public in situ and in museums of ancient pavements, have been suggested.
Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] is an intolerable impurity in phosphate ores due to its MgO content. Traditionally, the Florida phosphate industry has avoided mining high-MgO phosphate reserves due to the lack of an economically viable process for removal of dolomite. However, as the high grade phosphate reserves become depleted, more emphasis is being put on the development of a cost effective method for separating dolomite from high-MgO phosphate ores. In general, the phosphate industry demands a phosphate concentrate containing less than 1%MgO. Dolomite impurities have mineralogical properties that are very similar to the desired phosphate minerals (francolite), making the separation of the two minerals very difficult. Magnesium is primarily found as distinct dolomite-rich pebbles, very fine dolomite inclusions in predominately francolite pebbles, and magnesium substituted into the francolite structure. Jigging is a gravity separation process that attempts to take advantage of the density difference between the dolomite and francolite pebbles. A unique laboratory scale jig was designed and built at Michigan Tech for this study. Through a series of tests it was found that a pulsation rate of 200 pulse/minute, a stroke length of 1 inch, a water addition rate of 0.5gpm, and alumina ragging balls were optimum for this study. To investigate the feasibility of jigging for the removal of dolomite from phosphate ore, two high-MgO phosphate ores were tested using optimized jigging parameters: (1) Plant #1 was sized to 4.00x0.85mm and contained 1.55%MgO; (2) Plant #2 was sized to 3.40mmx0.85mm and contained 3.07% MgO. A sample from each plant was visually separated by hand into dolomite and francolite rich fractions, which were then analyzed to determine the minimum achievable MgO levels. For Plant #1 phosphate ore, a concentrate containing 0.89%MgO was achieved at a recovery of 32.0%BPL. For Plant #2, a phosphate concentrate containing 1.38%MgO was achieved at a recovery of 74.7%BPL. Minimum achievable MgO levels were determined to be 0.53%MgO for Plant #1 and 1.15%MgO for Plant #2.
Aims. We study the link between gravitational slopes and the surface morphology on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and provide constraints on the mechanical properties of the cometary material (tensile, shear, and compressive strengths). Methods. We computed the gravitational slopes for five regions on the nucleus that are representative of the different morphologies observed on the surface (Imhotep, Ash, Seth, Hathor, and Agilkia), using two shape models computed from OSIRIS images by the stereo-photoclinometry (SPC) and stereo-photogrammetry (SPG) techniques. We estimated the tensile, shear, and compressive strengths using different surface morphologies (overhangs, collapsed structures, boulders, cliffs, and Philae's footprint) and mechanical considerations. Results. The different regions show a similar general pattern in terms of the relation between gravitational slopes and terrain morphology: i) low-slope terrains (0-20 degrees) are covered by a fine material and contain a few large (>10 m) and isolated boulders; ii) intermediate-slope terrains (20-45 degrees) are mainly fallen consolidated materials and debris fields, with numerous intermediate-size boulders from <1m to 10m for the majority of them; and iii) high-slope terrains (45-90 degrees) are cliffs that expose a consolidated material and do not show boulders or fine materials. The best range for the tensile strength of overhangs is 3-15 Pa (upper limit of 150 Pa), 4-30 Pa for the shear strength of fine surface materials and boulders, and 30-150 Pa for the compressive strength of overhangs (upper limit of 1500 Pa). The strength-to-gravity ratio is similar for 67P and weak rocks on Earth. As a result of the low compressive strength, the interior of the nucleus may have been compressed sufficiently to initiate diagenesis, which could have contributed to the formation of layers. Our value for the tensile strength is comparable to that of dust aggregates formed by gravitational instability and tends to favor a formation of comets by the accrection of pebbles at low velocities.
Distribution patterns and petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occuring as clast in the c. 824 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence at the CRP-3 drillsite. These are granule to bolder grain size clasts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basement clast assemblage, granitoid pebbles are the predominant lithology. They consist of dominant grey biotic-bearing monzogranite, pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite-bearing leucomomonzgranite. Minor lithologies include: actinolite-bearing leucotonalite, microgranite, biotite-hornblende quartz-monzonitic porphyr, and foliated biotic leucomonzogranite. Metamorphic clasts include rocks of both granitic and sedimentary derivation. They include mylonitic biotic orthogneiss, with or without garnet, muscovite-bearing quartzite, sillimanite-biotite paragneiss, biotite meta-sandstone, biotite-spotted schist, biotite-clacite-clinoamphibole meta-feldspathic arenite, biotite-calcite-clinozoisite meta-siltstone, biotite±clinoamphibole meta-marl, and graphite-bearing marble. As in previous CRP drillcores, the ubiquitous occurence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles is indicative of a local provenance, closely mirroring the dominance of these lithologies in the on-shore basement, where the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Intrusive Complex forms the most extensively exposed rock unit.