930 resultados para Pattern classification


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In this article we describe a feature extraction algorithm for pattern classification based on Bayesian Decision Boundaries and Pruning techniques. The proposed method is capable of optimizing MLP neural classifiers by retaining those neurons in the hidden layer that realy contribute to correct classification. Also in this article we proposed a method which defines a plausible number of neurons in the hidden layer based on the stem-and-leaf graphics of training samples. Experimental investigation reveals the efficiency of the proposed method. © 2002 IEEE.


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Different from the first attempts to solve the image categorization problem (often based on global features), recently, several researchers have been tackling this research branch through a new vantage point - using features around locally invariant interest points and visual dictionaries. Although several advances have been done in the visual dictionaries literature in the past few years, a problem we still need to cope with is calculation of the number of representative words in the dictionary. Therefore, in this paper we introduce a new solution for automatically finding the number of visual words in an N-Way image categorization problem by means of supervised pattern classification based on optimum-path forest. © 2011 IEEE.


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Feature selection aims to find the most important information to save computational efforts and data storage. We formulated this task as a combinatorial optimization problem since the exponential growth of possible solutions makes an exhaustive search infeasible. In this work, we propose a new nature-inspired feature selection technique based on bats behavior, namely, binary bat algorithm The wrapper approach combines the power of exploration of the bats together with the speed of the optimum-path forest classifier to find a better data representation. Experiments in public datasets have shown that the proposed technique can indeed improve the effectiveness of the optimum-path forest and outperform some well-known swarm-based techniques. © 2013 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A identificação de fácies em um poço não testemunhado é um dos problemas clássicos da avaliação de formação. Neste trabalho este problema é tratado em dois passos, no primeiro produz-se a codificação da informação geológica ou da descrição das fácies atravessadas em um poço testemunhado em termos das suas propriedades físicas registradas nos perfis geofísicos e traduzidas pelos parâmetros L e K, que são obtidos a partir dos perfis de porosidade (densidade, sônico e porosidade neutrônica) e pela argilosidade (Vsh) calculada pelo perfil de raio gama natural. Estes três parâmetros são convenientemente representados na forma do Gráfico Vsh-L-K. No segundo passo é realizada a interpretação computacional do Gráfico Vsh-L-K por um algoritmo inteligente construído com base na rede neural competitiva angular generalizada, que é especializada na classificação de padrões angulares ou agrupamento de pontos no espaço n-dimensional que possuem uma envoltória aproximadamente elipsoidal. Os parâmetros operacionais do algoritmo inteligente, como a arquitetura da rede neural e pesos sinápticos são obtidos em um Gráfico Vsh-L-K, construído e interpretado com as informações de um poço testemunhado. Assim, a aplicação deste algoritmo inteligente é capaz de identificar e classificar as camadas presentes em um poço não testemunhado, em termos das fácies identificadas no poço testemunhado ou em termos do mineral principal, quando ausentes no poço testemunhado. Esta metodologia é apresentada com dados sintéticos e com perfis de poços testemunhados do Campo de Namorado, na Bacia de Campos, localizada na plataforma continental do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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Internet access by wireless networks has grown considerably in recent years. However, these networks are vulnerable to security problems, especially those related to denial of service attacks. Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS)are widely used to improve network security, but comparison among the several existing approaches is not a trivial task. This paper proposes building a datasetfor evaluating IDS in wireless environments. The data were captured in a real, operating network. We conducted tests using traditional IDS and achieved great results, which showed the effectiveness of our proposed approach.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Semi-supervised learning is one of the important topics in machine learning, concerning with pattern classification where only a small subset of data is labeled. In this paper, a new network-based (or graph-based) semi-supervised classification model is proposed. It employs a combined random-greedy walk of particles, with competition and cooperation mechanisms, to propagate class labels to the whole network. Due to the competition mechanism, the proposed model has a local label spreading fashion, i.e., each particle only visits a portion of nodes potentially belonging to it, while it is not allowed to visit those nodes definitely occupied by particles of other classes. In this way, a "divide-and-conquer" effect is naturally embedded in the model. As a result, the proposed model can achieve a good classification rate while exhibiting low computational complexity order in comparison to other network-based semi-supervised algorithms. Computer simulations carried out for synthetic and real-world data sets provide a numeric quantification of the performance of the method.


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A computational pipeline combining texture analysis and pattern classification algorithms was developed for investigating associations between high-resolution MRI features and histological data. This methodology was tested in the study of dentate gyrus images of sclerotic hippocampi resected from refractory epilepsy patients. Images were acquired using a simple surface coil in a 3.0T MRI scanner. All specimens were subsequently submitted to histological semiquantitative evaluation. The computational pipeline was applied for classifying pixels according to: a) dentate gyrus histological parameters and b) patients' febrile or afebrile initial precipitating insult history. The pipeline results for febrile and afebrile patients achieved 70% classification accuracy, with 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity [area under the reader observer characteristics (ROC) curve: 0.89]. The analysis of the histological data alone was not sufficient to achieve significant power to separate febrile and afebrile groups. Interesting enough, the results from our approach did not show significant correlation with histological parameters (which per se were not enough to classify patient groups). These results showed the potential of adding computational texture analysis together with classification methods for detecting subtle MRI signal differences, a method sufficient to provide good clinical classification. A wide range of applications of this pipeline can also be used in other areas of medical imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The focus of this chapter is to study feature extraction and pattern classification methods from two medical areas, Stabilometry and Electroencephalography (EEG). Stabilometry is the branch of medicine responsible for examining balance in human beings. Balance and dizziness disorders are probably two of the most common illnesses that physicians have to deal with. In Stabilometry, the key nuggets of information in a time series signal are concentrated within definite time periods are known as events. In this chapter, two feature extraction schemes have been developed to identify and characterise the events in Stabilometry and EEG signals. Based on these extracted features, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural network has been applied for classification of Stabilometry and EEG signals.


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La teoría de reconocimiento y clasificación de patrones y el aprendizaje automático son actualmente áreas de conocimiento en constante desarrollo y con aplicaciones prácticas en múltiples ámbitos de la industria. El propósito de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado es el estudio de las mismas así como la implementación de un sistema software que dé solución a un problema de clasificación de ruido impulsivo, concretamente mediante el desarrollo de un sistema de seguridad basado en la clasificación de eventos sonoros en tiempo real. La solución será integral, comprendiendo todas las fases del proceso, desde la captación de sonido hasta el etiquetado de los eventos registrados, pasando por el procesado digital de señal y la extracción de características. Para su desarrollo se han diferenciado dos partes fundamentales; una primera que comprende la interfaz de usuario y el procesado de la señal de audio donde se desarrollan las labores de monitorización y detección de ruido impulsivo y otra segunda centrada únicamente en la clasificación de los eventos sonoros detectados, definiendo una arquitectura de doble clasificador donde se determina si los eventos detectados son falsas alarmas o amenazas, etiquetándolos como de un tipo concreto en este segundo caso. Los resultados han sido satisfactorios, mostrando una fiabilidad global en el proceso de entorno al 90% a pesar de algunas limitaciones a la hora de construir la base de datos de archivos de audio, lo que prueba que un dispositivo de seguridad basado en el análisis de ruido ambiente podría incluirse en un sistema integral de alarma doméstico aumentando la protección del hogar. ABSTRACT. Pattern classification and machine learning are currently expertise areas under continuous development and also with extensive applications in many business sectors. The aim of this Final Degree Project is to study them as well as the implementation of software to carry on impulsive noise classification tasks, particularly through the development of a security system based on sound events classification. The solution will go over all process stages, from capturing sound to the labelling of the events recorded, without forgetting digital signal processing and feature extraction, everything in real time. In the development of the Project a distinction has been made between two main parts. The first one comprises the user’s interface and the audio signal processing module, where monitoring and impulsive noise detection tasks take place. The second one is focussed in sound events classification tasks, defining a double classifier architecture where it is determined whether detected events are false alarms or threats, labelling them from a concrete category in the latter case. The obtained results have been satisfactory, with an overall reliability of 90% despite some limitations when building the audio files database. This proves that a safety device based on the analysis of environmental noise could be included in a full alarm system increasing home protection standards.


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Os motores de indução trifásicos são os principais elementos de conversão de energia elétrica em mecânica motriz aplicados em vários setores produtivos. Identificar um defeito no motor em operação pode fornecer, antes que ele falhe, maior segurança no processo de tomada de decisão sobre a manutenção da máquina, redução de custos e aumento de disponibilidade. Nesta tese são apresentas inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica e a metodologia geral para a reprodução dos defeitos nos motores e a aplicação da técnica de discretização dos sinais de correntes e tensões no domínio do tempo. É também desenvolvido um estudo comparativo entre métodos de classificação de padrões para a identificação de defeitos nestas máquinas, tais como: Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine (Sequential Minimal Optimization), Rede Neural Artificial (Perceptron Multicamadas), Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction e C4.5 Decision Tree. Também aplicou-se o conceito de Sistemas Multiagentes (SMA) para suportar a utilização de múltiplos métodos concorrentes de forma distribuída para reconhecimento de padrões de defeitos em rolamentos defeituosos, quebras nas barras da gaiola de esquilo do rotor e curto-circuito entre as bobinas do enrolamento do estator de motores de indução trifásicos. Complementarmente, algumas estratégias para a definição da severidade dos defeitos supracitados em motores foram exploradas, fazendo inclusive uma averiguação da influência do desequilíbrio de tensão na alimentação da máquina para a determinação destas anomalias. Os dados experimentais foram adquiridos por meio de uma bancada experimental em laboratório com motores de potência de 1 e 2 cv acionados diretamente na rede elétrica, operando em várias condições de desequilíbrio das tensões e variações da carga mecânica aplicada ao eixo do motor.


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Em virtude de uma elevada expectativa de vida mundial, faz-se crescente a probabilidade de ocorrer acidentes naturais e traumas físicos no cotidiano, o que ocasiona um aumento na demanda por reabilitação. A terapia física, sob o paradigma da reabilitação robótica com serious games, oferece maior motivação e engajamento do paciente ao tratamento, cujo emprego foi recomendado pela American Heart Association (AHA), apontando a mais alta avaliação (Level A) para pacientes internados e ambulatoriais. No entanto, o potencial de análise dos dados coletados pelos dispositivos robóticos envolvidos é pouco explorado, deixando de extrair informações que podem ser de grande valia para os tratamentos. O foco deste trabalho consiste na aplicação de técnicas para descoberta de conhecimento, classificando o desempenho de pacientes diagnosticados com hemiparesia crônica. Os pacientes foram inseridos em um ambiente de reabilitação robótica, fazendo uso do InMotion ARM, um dispositivo robótico para reabilitação de membros superiores e coleta dos dados de desempenho. Foi aplicado sobre os dados um roteiro para descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados, desempenhando pré-processamento, transformação (extração de características) e então a mineração de dados a partir de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina. A estratégia do presente trabalho culminou em uma classificação de padrões com a capacidade de distinguir lados hemiparéticos sob uma precisão de 94%, havendo oito atributos alimentando a entrada do mecanismo obtido. Interpretando esta coleção de atributos, foi observado que dados de força são mais significativos, os quais abrangem metade da composição de uma amostra.


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The design, development, and use of complex systems models raises a unique class of challenges and potential pitfalls, many of which are commonly recurring problems. Over time, researchers gain experience in this form of modeling, choosing algorithms, techniques, and frameworks that improve the quality, confidence level, and speed of development of their models. This increasing collective experience of complex systems modellers is a resource that should be captured. Fields such as software engineering and architecture have benefited from the development of generic solutions to recurring problems, called patterns. Using pattern development techniques from these fields, insights from communities such as learning and information processing, data mining, bioinformatics, and agent-based modeling can be identified and captured. Collections of such 'pattern languages' would allow knowledge gained through experience to be readily accessible to less-experienced practitioners and to other domains. This paper proposes a methodology for capturing the wisdom of computational modelers by introducing example visualization patterns, and a pattern classification system for analyzing the relationship between micro and macro behaviour in complex systems models. We anticipate that a new field of complex systems patterns will provide an invaluable resource for both practicing and future generations of modelers.


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O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a concordância entre a Análise facial subjetiva, proposta por CAPELOZZA FILHO e a Análise Cefalométrica de Tecidos Moles, de ARNETT; McLAUGHLIN. Fotografias de frente e de perfil e telerradiografias em norma lateral padronizadas, de 50 indivíduos, com média de idade de 24 anos e 1 mês foram utilizadas para a avaliação. Verificou-se também nos indivíduos classificados como Padrão I, a correspondência dos valores médios e dos desvios-padrão das medidas obtidas, com os valores normativos da Análise Cefalométrica dos Tecidos Moles para os indivíd uos com harmonia facial. Constatou-se em indivíduos do Padrão I que os lábios sempre se encontram à frente da Linha Vertical Verdadeira, e que apesar de grandes variações do ponto pogônio, ainda é mantido o equilíbrio facial. Os resultados demonstraram que a Análise facial subjetiva eficiente na classificação do padrão facial.


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Computational Intelligence Methods have been expanding to industrial applications motivated by their ability to solve problems in engineering. Therefore, the embedded systems follow the same idea of using computational intelligence tools embedded on machines. There are several works in the area of embedded systems and intelligent systems. However, there are a few papers that have joined both areas. The aim of this study was to implement an adaptive fuzzy neural hardware with online training embedded on Field Programmable Gate Array – FPGA. The system adaptation can occur during the execution of a given application, aiming online performance improvement. The proposed system architecture is modular, allowing different configurations of fuzzy neural network topologies with online training. The proposed system was applied to: mathematical function interpolation, pattern classification and selfcompensation of industrial sensors. The proposed system achieves satisfactory performance in both tasks. The experiments results shows the advantages and disadvantages of online training in hardware when performed in parallel and sequentially ways. The sequentially training method provides economy in FPGA area, however, increases the complexity of architecture actions. The parallel training method achieves high performance and reduced processing time, the pipeline technique is used to increase the proposed architecture performance. The study development was based on available tools for FPGA circuits.