346 resultados para Patched-conic


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An aeroelastic analysis is used to investigate the rate dependent hysteresis in piezoceramic actuators and its effect on helicopter vibration control with trailing edge flaps. Hysteresis in piezoceramic materials can cause considerable complications in the use of smart actuators as prime movers in applications such as helicopter active vibration control. Dynamic hysteresis of the piezoelectric stack actuator is investigated for a range of frequencies (5 Hz (1/rev) to 30 Hz (6/rev)) which are of practical importance for helicopter vibration analysis. Bench top tests are conducted on a commercially available piezoelectric stack actuator. Frequency dependent hysteretic behavior is studied experimentally for helicopter operational frequencies. Material hysteresis in the smart actuator is mathematically modeled using the theory of conic sections. Numerical simulations are also performed at an advance ratio of 0.3 for vibration control analysis using a trailing edge flap with an idealized linear and a hysteretic actuator. The results indicate that dynamic hysteresis has a notable effect on the hub vibration levels. It is found that the theory of conic sections offers a straight forward approach for including hysteresis into aeroelastic analysis.


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We have fabricated a series of polymer stabilized chiral nematic test cells for use as flexoelectro-optic devices. The devices fabricated were based on commercial chiral nematic mixtures which were polymer stabilized so as to enhance the uniformity and stability of the uniform lying helix texture in the cells. During fabrication and test procedures a series of unusual scattering states have been observed within the devices at different viewing angles. The observations made so far indicate that the properties of the scattering state lies somewhere between the focal conic texture and the Grandjean or planar texture and that the devices exhibit both a helical pitch selective reflection and scattering effect. What is even more dramatic is that the wavelength selectivity of the scattering effect can be tuned by an applied field. In addition, we show that it is possible to achieve good uniform lying helix textures from such devices. Moreover, we show that in certain cases the spontaneous alignment of the helix in the plane of the device opens up the possibility of a new mode of switching. Flexoelectric, Redshift, Coloured scattering, Liquid crystal, Polymer-stabilized liquid-crystal;.


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Demixing is the task of identifying multiple signals given only their sum and prior information about their structures. Examples of demixing problems include (i) separating a signal that is sparse with respect to one basis from a signal that is sparse with respect to a second basis; (ii) decomposing an observed matrix into low-rank and sparse components; and (iii) identifying a binary codeword with impulsive corruptions. This thesis describes and analyzes a convex optimization framework for solving an array of demixing problems.

Our framework includes a random orientation model for the constituent signals that ensures the structures are incoherent. This work introduces a summary parameter, the statistical dimension, that reflects the intrinsic complexity of a signal. The main result indicates that the difficulty of demixing under this random model depends only on the total complexity of the constituent signals involved: demixing succeeds with high probability when the sum of the complexities is less than the ambient dimension; otherwise, it fails with high probability.

The fact that a phase transition between success and failure occurs in demixing is a consequence of a new inequality in conic integral geometry. Roughly speaking, this inequality asserts that a convex cone behaves like a subspace whose dimension is equal to the statistical dimension of the cone. When combined with a geometric optimality condition for demixing, this inequality provides precise quantitative information about the phase transition, including the location and width of the transition region.


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We propose to utilize the leading pulse of a petawatt class laser to create a conic plasma channel in the dense plasmas. This plasma channel could serve as a natural cone to guide the main pulse to the cone tip, as behaves similarly to the physical Au cone. We estimate that the leading pulse of a petawatt laser could create a natural cone with cone tip only about 100 mu m away from the edge of compressed core plasma. The natural cone formation should be compatible for a good uniform compression and efficient fast heating of the imploded fuel.


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A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de mostrar a arte Origami sob um contexto matemático, apresentando um pequeno resumo dos aspectos história e o desenvolvimento do Origami ao longo do tempo e dando maior destaque às suas aplicações na matemática, com o emprego dos axiomas de Huzita e a proposta de ampliação deste conjunto de axiomas com a inclusão da circunferência no papel Origami. Com o uso das técnicas de dobraduras, este trabalho mostra várias aplicações do Origami na matemática, tais como: a solução de alguns problemas clássicos, a construção de polígonos, a demonstração da soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo, cálculo de algumas áreas, a solução de alguns problemas de máximos e mínimos, seguidos dos conceitos matemático envolvidos em cada um deles. E a inclusão da circunferência no plano Origami permitiu ainda, o estudo das construções das cônicas por dobraduras


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A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de mostrar a arte Origami sob um contexto matemático, apresentando um pequeno resumo dos aspectos história e o desenvolvimento do Origami ao longo do tempo e dando maior destaque às suas aplicações na matemática, com o emprego dos axiomas de Huzita e a proposta de ampliação deste conjunto de axiomas com a inclusão da circunferência no papel Origami. Com o uso das técnicas de dobraduras, este trabalho mostra várias aplicações do Origami na matemática, tais como: a solução de alguns problemas clássicos, a construção de polígonos, a demonstração da soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo, cálculo de algumas áreas, a solução de alguns problemas de máximos e mínimos, seguidos dos conceitos matemático envolvidos em cada um deles. E a inclusão da circunferência no plano Origami permitiu ainda, o estudo das construções das cônicas por dobraduras.


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The photoisomerisation of a flexoelectric chiral nematic bimesogen system dyed with an azo dye has been investigated. The host material has a pitch and field dependent tilt angle that are temperature independent. Upon illumination by ultra violet, the azo dye molecules undergo a shape change from their trans to cis isomer. The effect of the shape change of the dye on the mixture is to decrease the I-N* transition temperatures, to increase the response times and to decrease the transmitted optical intensity. For the same reduced temperatures, the tilt angles, pitch and threshold voltages for the transition from focal conic to homeotropic textures are unchanged. The macroscopic parameters observed suggest that the orientational order parameter of the system is reduced by UV illumination. The cis isomers do not appear to separate from the host material or significantly change the flexoelectric coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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Calibration of a camera system is a necessary step in any stereo metric process. It correlates all cameras to a common coordinate system by measuring the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of each camera. Currently, manual calibration of a camera system is the only way to achieve calibration in civil engineering operations that require stereo metric processes (photogrammetry, videogrammetry, vision based asset tracking, etc). This type of calibration however is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Furthermore, in civil engineering operations, camera systems are exposed to open, busy sites. In these conditions, the position of presumably stationary cameras can easily be changed due to external factors such as wind, vibrations or due to an unintentional push/touch from personnel on site. In such cases manual calibration must be repeated. In order to address this issue, several self-calibration algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms use Projective Geometry, Absolute Conic and Kruppa Equations and variations of these to produce processes that achieve calibration. However, most of these methods do not consider all constraints of a camera system such as camera intrinsic constraints, scene constraints, camera motion or varying camera intrinsic properties. This paper presents a novel method that takes all constraints into consideration to auto-calibrate cameras using an image alignment algorithm originally meant for vision based tracking. In this method, image frames are taken from cameras. These frames are used to calculate the fundamental matrix that gives epipolar constraints. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of cameras are acquired from this calculation. Test results are presented in this paper with recommendations for further improvement.


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In this paper the influence of contact geometry, including the round tip of the indenter and the roughness of the specimen, on hardness behavior for elastic plastic materials is studied by means of finite element simulation. We idealize the actual indenter by an equivalent rigid conic indenter fitted smoothly with a spherical tip and examine the interaction of this indenter with both a flat surface and a rough surface. In the latter case the rough surface is represented by either a single spherical asperity or a dent (cavity). Indented solids include elastic perfectly plastic materials and strain hardening elastic-plastic materials, and the effects of the yield stress and strain hardening index are explored. Our results show that due to the finite curvature of the indenter tip the hardness versus indentation depth curve rises or drops (depending on the material properties of the indented solids) as the indentation depth decreases, in qualitative agreement with experimental results. Surface asperities and dents of curvature comparable to that of the indenter tip can appreciably modify the hardness value at small indentation depth. Their effects would appear as random variation in hardness.


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A new series of side chain liquid crystal polymers based on the backbone of polymethacrylate containing 4-nitroazobenzene and 4-methoxybiphenyl group as side chain mesogen were prepared and characterized, FTIR, H-1 NMR, POM and WAXD were used to study the structure, phase behavior and mesophase texture of this series of SCLC copolymers. The researches show that polymer PM5MPP and copolymer M5MPP/MMEANB are enantiotropic liquid crystalline polymers, but polymer PMMEANB has no liquid crystalline properties. DSC results showed that the thermal stability of the mesophase of this series of copolymers was enhanced by the existence of intermolecular electron donor-acceptor interaction. It was found that the temperature range of the mesophase of the copolymers was broadened with increasing 4-nitroazobenzene units. The focal-conic texture observed by POM indicated that this series of the copolymers possessed the characteristics of smectic liquid crystal.


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A series of novel thermotropic side-chain liquid crystalline polymer based on polymethacrylate backbone containing electron-accepting 4-(4'-nitrophenylazo)phenoxy as nonlinear optical active group and electron-donating 4(4'-methoxyphenyl) phenoxy group as mesogen attached covalently to the backbone through the flexible spacer was prepared and characterized, respectively. The results from differential scanning calorimetry showed that these series of copolymers were enantiotropic liquid crystal with single mesophase. The melting points and the relative enthalpy change of the copolymers depressed with increasing the molar percent of 4'-nitroazobenzene monomer units over 0 similar to 50mol%, but the enthalpies change of the transition from mesophase to isotropic state increased for the copolymers containing 0 similar to 50mol% 4'-nitroambenzene units. The texture observed under polarized optical microscope identified that the copolymers containing 24molar% or more than 24mol% 4-nitroambenzene monomer units could form smectic mesophase with the focal-conic texture. The results detected by WAXD were in good agreement with the results observed by POM.


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The poly(monoester (6-[4-(p-nitrophenyl) azo]phenoxy-1-hexyloxy) of maleic anhydride) shows a smectic phase with a focal conic fan texture. With the decrease of the monoestering degree the phase transition temperature decreases and the mesomorphic temperature range becomes narrow. The hydrogen bonding between two carboxylic acid groups was found to play a very important role in forming the smectic phase structure. The smectic bilayer structure has been built through self-assembly via. intermolecular hydrogen bonding.


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Deregulation of the Sonic hedgehog pathway has been implicated in an increasing number of human cancers. In this pathway, the seven-transmembrane (7TM) signaling protein Smoothened regulates cellular proliferation and differentiation through activation of the transcription factor Gli. The activity of mammalian Smoothened is controlled by three different hedgehog proteins, Indian, Desert, and Sonic hedgehog, through their interaction with the Smoothened inhibitor Patched. However, the mechanisms of signal transduction from Smoothened are poorly understood. We show that a kinase which regulates signaling by many "conventional" 7TM G-protein-coupled receptors, G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), participates in Smoothened signaling. Expression of GRK2, but not catalytically inactive GRK2, synergizes with active Smoothened to mediate Gli-dependent transcription. Moreover, knockdown of endogenous GRK2 by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) significantly reduces signaling in response to the Smoothened agonist SAG and also inhibits signaling induced by an oncogenic Smoothened mutant, Smo M2. We find that GRK2 promotes the association between active Smoothened and beta-arrestin 2. Indeed, Gli-dependent signaling, mediated by coexpression of Smoothened and GRK2, is diminished by beta-arrestin 2 knockdown with shRNA. Together, these data suggest that GRK2 plays a positive role in Smoothened signaling, at least in part, through the promotion of an association between beta-arrestin 2 and Smoothened.


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The acorn barnacle Chthamalus montagui can present strong variation in shell morphology, ranging from flat conic to a highly bent form, caused by a substantial overgrowth of the rostrum plate. Shell shape distribution was investigated between January and May 2004 from geographical to microhabitat spatial scales along the western coast of Britain. Populations studied in the north (Scotland and Isle of Man) showed a higher degree of shell variation compared to those in the south (Wales and south-west England). In the north, C. montagui living at lower tidal levels and in proximity to the predatory dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus, were more bent in profile. Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine behavioural responses, and vulnerability of bent and conic barnacles to predation by N. lapillus. Dogwhelks did not attack one morphotype more than the other, but only 15 % of attacks on bent forms were successful compared to 75 % in conic forms. Dogwhelk effluent reduced the time spent feeding by C. montagui (11 %), but there was no significant difference between conic and bent forms. Examination of barnacle morphology indicated a trade-off in investment in shell structure and feeding appendages associated with being bent, but none with egg or somatic tissue mass. These results are consistent with C. montagui showing an induced defence comparable to that found in its congeners Chthamalus anisopoma and Chthamalus fissus on the Pacific coast of North America, but further work to demonstrate inducibility is required.


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The memoirs are dominated by two grand figures of Soviet history, Stalin and Khrushchev. The account of Stalin is riddled with ambiguities. There is an undoubted personal admiration for Stalin, his intellectual and political capacity (Stalin allegedly read 300 pages per day), his simplicity in daily life seen in "an old tunic, patched-up socks, almost constant isolation" (p. 190). At the same time, Shepilov acknowledged the paranoid aspects of Stalin's personality, especially towards the end of his life. Stalin's mechanisms of power are illustrated by Shepilov's account of work on a new book on political economy. Stalin personally chose key people for important tasks and controlled them at key junctures to ensure the desired outcome. In this light, Shepilov's claims that the Great Purges of the late 1930s could have been outside of Stalin's immediate control seem implausible, to say the least (p. 41).

All Stalin's deficiencies, however, pale in comparison with those of Khrushchev, the bête noire of Shepilov's memoirs. There is plenty of criticism of Khrushchev's policies, particularly in agriculture and foreign affairs. What comes across most pungently is, however, Shepilov's disdain of Khrushchev's personality and leadership style. In this respect, the book is unashamedly biased and remarkable for its omissions as much as for its revelations.