970 resultados para Party system


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This article attempts to assess the implications and the own character of the crisis of representation in Mexico. Once the topic framed and the long-term dynamics of Mexican political elites presented, this paper will attempt to understand why, despite the pluralization of the party system, there remain many questions about the truly democratic nature of the Mexican political system.


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El propósito de esta investigación es analizar los cambios que trajo consigo la llegada del Partido de la Justicia y Desarrollo al poder (AKP), en Turquía. Este partido se presentó como conservador moderado y democrático y esto le permitió llegar al poder y mantenerlo desde 2001 hasta la actualidad, pues recibió el apoyo de diversos grupos políticos. La noción general que dio el AKP a la opinión pública era que un partido conservador estaba iniciando un proceso democrático real en Turquía. Sin embargo, el líder del AKP y sus seguidores viraron, desde el 2007, hacia el islamismo. Usando la teoría del clivaje social, propuesta Stein Rokkan y Seymour Lipset, se intenta demostrar que los cambios realizados por el AKP fueron una estrategia para blindarse en el poder, pero el sistema de partidos mantuvo la lógica de los clivajes tradicionales y el clivaje islamismo-kemalismo se consolidó como el principal.


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Este trabajo busca analizar los efectos e implicaciones que tuvo la reforma política de 2003 sobre el Partido Liberal Colombiano (PLC), y cómo los cambios institucionales configuraron un marco para la reorganización de la colectividad liberal hasta 2010. En la primera parte del trabajo se expone el desarrollo del sistema de partidos en Colombia y la estructura de incentivos existente en el marco institucional antes y después de la reforma. Para dar cuenta de los cambios en el PLC, se hace una revisión de los principales debates que se dieron dentro de la bancada liberal en el Congreso con respecto a la reforma y sus posteriores modificaciones. Finalmente, se presenta la relación del alcance de la reforma sobre el PLC que a la luz de la teoría neo-institucionalista, explica el comportamiento del Partido como organización, así como la de sus miembros.


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El presente trabajo de grado tiene como propósito examinar la incidencia de la organización interna de los partidos políticos colombianos sobre el grado de polarización del sistema partidario, durante el periodo 2002-2014. De esta manera, sostiene que la poca disciplina interna determinó el bajo grado de polarización del sistema, facilitando la conformación de coaliciones contradictorias, efímeras e indisciplinadas en el Congreso y en el Ejecutivo a nivel nacional y local. Por ello, se exponen los principales cambios que sufrió el sistema partidario a partir de las reformas implementadas, y se analiza el comportamiento de las coaliciones de gobierno en el Congreso. Finalmente, se examina el comportamiento de la coalición de la Unidad Nacional en las elecciones locales de 2011, utilizando como marco para este trabajo algunos conceptos básicos sobre la teoría de partidos.


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In 2003, an electoral reform changed the mechanism to assign seats in the Colombian Congress. I simulate the 2006 Senate elections using the previous assignment mechanism to determine which senators benefited from the reform, i.e. would have not been elected had the reform not been made. With the results of the simulation, I use a regression discontinuity design to compare the senators that would have been barely elected anyways with those who would have lost, but were near to be elected. I check the differences in the amount of law drafts presented, the attendance to voting sessions, and a discipline index for each senator as proxy of their legislative behavior. I find that the senators benefiting from the reform present a different legislative behavior during the 4-year term with respect to the senators that would have been elected anyways. Since the differential legislative behavior cannot be interpreted as being better (worse) politician, I examine if the behavioral difference gives them an electoral advantage. I find no difference in the electoral result of 2010 Senate election in terms of the probability of being (re)elected in 2010, the share of votes, the share of votes within their party list, and the concentration of their votes. Additionally, I check the probability of being investigated for links with paramilitary groups and I find no differences. The results suggest that political reforms can change the composition of governing or legislative bodies in terms of performance, but it does not necessarily translate into an electoral advantage.


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We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.


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This article provides an overview and analysis of the Greek June 2012 elections. Placing the elections within the broader framework of the Greek socio-political and economic context, it discusses the electoral campaign and results, juxtaposing them to the 6 May electoral round. The election results confirmed many of the trends of the previous round, including electoral volatility, the fragmentation of the party system and the rise of anti-establishment forces. The main difference was the entrenchment of the pro- versus anti- bailout division and the prominence of the question of Greece’s continued Eurozone membership.


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Within the broader debate on the Greek crisis, the theory of ‘populist democracy’ postulates that populism is fundamental to the sustenance of the Greek political system and is at the heart of Greece's endemic domestic weaknesses. This article tests this assumption empirically through the use of a sophisticated framing analysis of speeches delivered by the leaders of the five parties in the Greek parliament in the period 2009–11. The findings confirm that populism: (a) is expressed through the narratives of political actors; (b) is observed across the party system; (c) is expressed in the forms of blame-shifting and exclusivity; and (d) differs depending on position in the party system. The article contributes to the debate by testing and building on the theory of democratic populism, providing a novel way of measuring and operationalizing populism and identifying a new typology that distinguishes between mainstream and fringe populism.


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The client, Senselogic, had noticed an increased demand for an e-commerce system integrated into its product, SiteVision, something that did not previously exist. Senselogic wanted to integrate a third-party system to manage e-commerce. The problem was that there were very many e-commerce solutions to choose from. In order to select the best system it was necessary to evaluate the e-commerce systems and compare them to each other. To identify the elements that has to be included in an e-commerce system a study of literature was conducted. From the parts identified in the study of literature, a number of criteria were presented. Those criteria were then supplemented with additional criteria that Senselogic required of an e-commerce system before integrating it with SiteVision. Before the evaluation a number of test cases were created to test whether the ecommerce systems fulfilled to the criteria developed. These test cases were then used in the evaluation of the e-commerce systems while a test score was filled in. Then the evaluations of the different systems were compiled and compared in order to see which system best fulfilled the criteria. There was one system that scored higher than the others in the evaluation created. That was the system chosen to integrate with SiteVision.


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Part 1 - Political Ideas -- Liberalism and the Liberal Party of Australia -- The Australian Labor Party and the Third Way -- Australian feminism: the end of 'the universal woman'? -- Self-determination in Aboriginal political thought -- From the 'social laboratory' to the 'Australian Settlement' -- Australian nationalism and internationalism -- Part 2 - Institutions of Democracy -- Parliament and the Executive -- Political integration and the outlook for the Australian party system: party adaptation or regime change? -- Administrative agencies and accountability -- The institutional mediation of human rights in Australia -- The news media and Australian politics -- The role of the state: welfare state or competition state? -- Part 3 - Political Issues and Public Policies -- National policy in a global era -- The economic policy debate -- The decentralisation of industrial relations -- The labour market and the future of employment -- The welfare reform agenda -- The social consequences of the rural reform agenda -- Politics and the environmental policy debate -- Immigration policy and the attack on multiculturalism.


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Timor-Leste has had three rounds of major elections, all of which have been widely regarded as meeting international criteria for being free and fair. There has also been one change of government on the basis of these elections. On these grounds, some observers have suggested that Timor-Leste has met the benchmark for having consolidated its democracy. Timor-Leste can be said to meet the criteria for an expanded minimalist definition of democracy, holding regular, free and fair elections within an open competitive political environment, with relatively little violence and intimidation and general freedom of expression. This political process has, as defined by the literature, also consolidated. However, Timor-Leste continues to face future economic challenges. The literature indicates that states with high levels of poverty, unemployment and with food shortages are more prone to political instability. Given that Timor-Leste's political party system relies heavily on charismatic individuals and, apart from Fretilin, has poor party structures, loss of current political leaders will add a further destabilising effect. Expected economic problems are likely to manifest around the same time that the current generation of political leaders are no longer active. The question will be, in this increasingly challenging environment, whether Timor-Leste can sustain its democracy.


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O sistema político brasileiro atual é marcado pelo número expressivo de partidos e também pelo forte trânsito interpartidário: hoje, mais de 30 partidos disputam eleições e, tanto em cargos do legislativo quanto do executivo, o número de políticos com filiação exclusiva a uma única legenda vem caindo consideravelmente. Nesse cenário, a investigação das características do processo de migração entre partidos torna-se fundamental para a melhor compreensão do sistema político-partidário brasileiro. Buscando aprofundar o conhecimento sobre esse tema, nos propusemos a responder duas questões: 1. Como o resultado das eleições municipais e estaduais afetam a decisão dos prefeitos e vereadores de permanecerem fiéis ou migrarem de partido? 2. Qual a eficácia das estratégias de migrar ou permanecer fiel? Para responder a essas questões, utilizamos dados das eleições municipais para prefeito e vereador de 2000 a 2012 e estimamos os efeitos descritos acima por meio do Desenho de Regressão Descontínua e também utilizando o método de Variáveis Instrumentais.


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The present work aims to analyze the several proportional electoral systems from the contemporaries democracies in order to, in the end, purpose a system that better fits to the constitutional Brazilian order. In this direction, we pursued to indicate the main virtues and imperfections in proportional electoral systems in use in more than two hundred countries, especially relating to the positive and negative effects that these systems inject in the party systems, in the governability and in the representativity. In order to collect elements, and also before getting to the work s main point, other issues were approached, even in a shortened way. Nevertheless, in a position taking, we conclude the work opting for a proportional electoral system that potencializes the constitutional principles of representativity and governability as well as prints a party system strong and strict, once these are the depositaries of a democracy compromised with the Brazilian society


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Desde muito cedo, ainda no século XIX, o Uruguai vem desenvolvendo uma política democrática baseada na educação, ao que pode ser creditado o afastamento das suas Forças Armadas da participação política. Entretanto, o sistema partidário, essencial para o desenvolvimento da democracia, não foi suficientemente forte para manter os militares completamente afastados do governo, vivendo o país momentos de militarismo. O propósito deste trabalho é repassar o processo político uruguaio destacando os momentos em que as Forças Armadas estiveram mais próximas do poder. Entende-se que compreender o desenvolvimento da política no país é essencial para, já em outro trabalho, avaliar como a educação, especialmente a oferecida às forças armadas, influencia o desenvolvimento e consolidação de uma cultura democrática.