947 resultados para Papel do município


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O presente estudo procura identificar qual o impacto das transferências intergovernamentais, dadas algumas de suas características específicas, na formulação e implementação da política pública de educação. As transferências intergovernamentais são entendidas como um instrumento adotado por Estados federativos para corrigir distorções intrínsecas aos seus mecanismos de arrecadação e de execução de determinadas competências pelos seus entes federativos. Sendo assim, uma vez que é papel do Estado, enquanto provedor de serviços e bens públicos, otimizar a prestação dos mesmos, este trabalho procura entender como o mecanismo das transferências intergovernamentais adotado em sistemas federativos se reflete no orçamento municipal, bem como nas decisões de política pública, analisando-se, especificamente o caso da educação. Para tanto, utiliza-se o caso do município do Rio de Janeiro, ao longo do período 2002/2011, como referência para o estudo, uma vez que este é um município de relevância no cenário nacional e sua experiência pode refletir a situação vivida por outros municípios, bem como servir de inspiração para tantos outros. Este estudo possibilitou, por fim, entender como algumas opções de política são tomadas em razão dos mecanismos de financiamento utilizados pelos estados. Foi possível perceber que, embora haja um entendimento sobre a importância de se ter um projeto nacional de política pública, há uma distância considerável entre as percepções do governo central e dos entes subnacionais sobre a melhor forma de prestar determinado serviço, o que dificulta a otimização do uso dos recursos. O reconhecimento desta dificuldade é essencial para que seja possível melhorar a prestação dos serviços públicos pretendidos pelos Estados.


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Com a descentralização que caracterizou a federação brasileira nas últimas décadas, os municípios receberam maiores atribuições e responsabilidades, implementando políticas públicas e provendo serviços básicos à população. Contudo, uma vez que as receitas próprias municipais são capazes de custear apenas parcialmente estas atividades, torna-se necessário um volume elevado de transferências que fluem dos níveis centrais aos municípios. Além do mais, o Brasil é um país de território vasto e heterogêneo, em que municípios com distintas capacidades de autofinanciamento, bem como diferentes demandas por serviços públicos, convivem no mesmo regime federativo. Diante deste quadro, torna-se fundamental estudar a distribuição dos recursos das transferências, verificando se os municípios que mais necessitam de suporte financeiro têm sido os efetivamente beneficiados. À este processo de reduzir as disparidades horizontais provenientes de diferenças nas bases tributárias e demandas locais dá-se o nome de equalização fiscal. A equalização fiscal permite que municípes de diferentes jurisdições recebam o mesmo nível de serviços públicos para dada carga tributária assumida por eles (net fiscal benefit), ou seja, a equalização promove a equidade na provisão dos serviços públicos, além de evitar a criação de ineficiência alocativa derivada de migrações motivadas por benefícios fiscais. Para criar a equalização fiscal as transferências devem beneficiar aqueles municípios com menor capacidade de autofinanciamento e maiores necessidades fiscais atreladas à custos e demandas pelos serviços públicos. Neste sentido, este trabalho busca avaliar o efeito das transferências intergovernamentais na equalização fiscal dos municípios, considerando as principais proxies de capacidade fiscal – potencial de geração de receita própria – e necessidade fiscal – volume de recursos demandados em virtude das características da região e da população do município. A análise é realizada para cada grupo de transferências, desde aquelas com finalidade essencialmente redistributiva como o FPM até aquelas predominantemente devolutivas, como a cota-parte de ICMS. Os resultados mostram que algumas transferências como o FPM contribuem pouco para a equalização fiscal, apesar do objetivo de natureza redistributiva implícito neste repasse, assim como algumas transferências condicionais, como o FUNDEB, apesar de não almejarem especificamente corrigir as disparidades horizontais na capacidade dos municípios realizarem suas funções, podem significar um efeito positivo para a equalização fiscal no nível municipal da federação. Outro resultado importante que desponta na análise é o efeito da transferência do Bolsa-família na equalização, pois esta transferência consegue atenuar as distorções realizadas pelas demais transferências distribuídas aos municípios. O Bolsa-família, apesar de não ser uma transferência intergovernamental, foi incorporada na análise por representar um expressivo volume de recursos, por concorrer com recursos de outras transferências e ainda ter efeito potencial semelhante ao das demais transferências intergovernamentais no âmbito da equalização fiscal, uma vez que libera recursos no orçamento do governo local que, do contrário, poderiam estar comprometidos com a política local de assistência social. Outro resultado é a observação de que as transferências voluntárias afetam menos a equalização, ou seja, não contribuem para a consecução deste objetivo nem prejudicam a redução das disparidades horizontais, sendo relativamente neutras ou menos intervenientes em relação às demandas e capacidade de arrecadação dos municípios, provavelmente por não seguirem critérios, nem econômicos, como o ICMS, nem redistributivos, como o FPM, e sim critérios políticos, como apontado pela literatura de ciência política.


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O trabalho de pesquisa se desenvolveu nos bairros Cristo Rei e Progresso do município de Erechim (RS), visando saber da possibilidade de uma ressignificação da identidade como “catador” de material reciclável, por meio do trabalho realizado numa associação e também através da moradia. O estudo comparou a situação dos associados da Associação dos Recicladores Cidadãos Amigos da Natureza (ARCAN), que trabalham na unidade de triagem como selecionadores; dos que coletam nas ruas da cidade, e dos catadores independentes, ou seja, aqueles que não possuem nenhum vínculo com a Associação. Observou-se a atividade interna da Associação, baseada nos moldes da economia solidária, assim como a importância da mesma e do espaço de moradia dos catadores, na concepção de lugar e território. Foram consideradas as relações de produção, coletividade, solidariedade e comprometimento que se revelam no cotidiano dos associados da ARCAN e dos catadores independentes.O grupo da ARCAN, por fazer parte da população que compõe a pobreza extrema, é visto pela sociedade como uma ameaça, um temor e, muitas vezes, como sinônimo de marginalidade. Frente a essa realidade, os catadores sentem a desconfiança e o descrédito moral e, por serem muito pobres, sofrem uma exclusão social, mas a questão torna-se mais grave em virtude de realizarem um trabalho que é tido por muitos como sendo o mais medíocre e inferior. A ARCAN tem tido um papel fundamental para a diminuição dos preconceitos e para a ressignificação da identidade e a inclusão social dos seus associados, principalmente dos vinculados às atividades internas. Através de uma vivência direta, da aplicação de questionários e observações, foi possível fazer comparativos e observar que, por exemplo: os catadores independentes vivem um pouco melhor que os demais, os associados catadores apresentam situação mais crítica quanto à sobrevivência e os da unidade de triagem vêm conquistando um espaço na sociedade, o que tem contribuído para sua integração social. Foi possível constatar, também, uma melhora da auto-estima e uma relativa ascensão sócio-econômica entre os associados da ARCAN, principalmente entre os que trabalham na unidade de triagem, que conquistaram o respeito e consideração por grande parte da sociedade erechinense.


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Verifica-se que a educação vem evoluindo ao longo das últimas décadas, o que tem constantemente ajudado a redefinir o papel do professor em sala de aula. Hoje o professor precisa ficar atualizado não apenas com relação às mudanças sócio-políticas nas quais está inserido, mas também precisa adquirir constantemente novas práticas didáticas que auxiliem no exercício pedagógico. Dessa forma, destaca-se o papel essencial desempenhado pela formação continuada do professor, que é tão ou mais importante do que sua formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a contribuição que a Lei Federal nº. 11.738/2008, conhecida como Lei do Piso, traz implicitamente para a formação docente nos horários extraclasse da jornada do professor. O estudo aprofunda-se na análise da implementação da referida lei no município de Caraguatatuba, através da revisão teórica e jurisprudente, bem como da aplicação de questionários aos professores do ciclo inicial do ensino básico do município. Com base na pesquisa, verifica-se que os docentes do município apresentam a capacitação formal adequada para exercer suas funções em sala de aula. No entanto, observase que a formação dos professores não tem ajudado a melhorar significativamente o desempenho do município no Indicador de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Básico (IDEB), que é o instrumento oficial no Brasil utilizado para nortear as políticas públicas em educação. Uma vez reconhecido esse problema, passa-se ao mapeamento de alternativas de correção dessa anomalia através da mensuração de indicadores de desempenho dos professores no processo de formação docente em horários extraclasse.


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Este estudo buscou analisar a Representação Social dos professores da prática do letramento na Educação Infantil; relacionar as representações sociais acerca do letramento da educação infantil e inovação pedagógica e identificar se essas representações orientam suas práticas em prol da construção do conhecimento da criança através da prática do letramento. O referencial orientador da investigação é a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici. Assim como vários estudiosos do Letramento e Inovação Pedagógica, o objeto deste estudo foram tomados como referências no intuito de compreender a representação da relação entre a teoria e a prática bem como implicações para uma inovação pedagógica. No percurso metodológico, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, por trazer uma descrição dos fenômenos apresentados no contexto, e que, de acordo Minayo (2001), nas Ciências Sociais, ocupa-se com um nível de realidade que não pode ser quantificado, por conseguinte trabalhando com o universo de significados, aspirações, motivos, valores, crenças e atitudes. O campo da pesquisa configurou-se em duas escolas da Rede Pública Municipal da cidade de Lagoa do Carro – Pernambuco/Brasil. Os participantes foram quarenta e quatro sujeitos entre eles trinta e cinco professores, quatro supervisores e cinco coordenadores pedagógicos. Os instrumentos utilizados para coleta e geração dos dados foram questionário, entrevista semi-estruturada e observação participante, os quais foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo proposto por Bardin (2010). Os resultados do estudo apontaram para a compreensão de uma prática que tem no letramento uma representação social de ser um processo de aquisição de leitura e escrita, tendo como inovação a utilização de métodos ou técnicas, revelando que o processo de formação não atingiu os aspectos necessários para caracterizar uma prática educativa inovadora em que o papel do professor seria de propor ambientes favoráveis a uma aprendizagem atuando como mediador e ao mesmo tempo de ser um aprendiz ao considerar a capacidade de reflexão apresentado pelas crianças, diferenciando de um paradigma fabril que persiste na organização tradicional das escolas.


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The narratives that circulate Caicó tell us that the activity of embroidery would have come to town by the eighteenth century, by the Portuguese colonizers. Initially, the embroidery worked as a constitutive element in the formation of women, especially in the construction of the role of "talented ladies", was later characterized in a income generating activity moving strongly the informal sector of the local economy. In addition to source of income, the practice of embroiderers is redefining the craft tradition, transforming the embroidery on one of the symbols of identity of the city as it reaches other markets, carrying the name "Caicó embroidery". The research aims to investigate the dynamics of artisanal embroidery production, within the family circle and its consequences after its entry in the commercial sphere. It also seeks to investigate how the activity operates within a context in which the subjects (embroiderers and intermediaries) and their distinct negotiations trigger certain discourses, particularly those related to identity and authenticity on behalf of economic, political and cultural purposes


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Given the importance that political science and social sciences give studies of voting behavior, this study sought to fill this academic discussion another important element that makes up this complex set. From the campaign trail to City Christmas in 2012 work has been undertaken analysis of rejection in the first and second rounds of this election. For this analysis we used two sources of data: quantitative research, conducted by Search Consult the first and second rounds of elections, and the use of focus group technique, performed in the second round of elections. Knowing the various factors that may affect the voting decision, but also the dynamism that pervades a political dispute, seek, with this work, contribute to the deepening of the rejection of studies, aiming to bring subsidies presenting information to better explain the behavior studies election. The results showed that there is a less expressive, the chamda strong rejection. We speak of that rejection based on a political, historical and ideological. The reason for the weak presence of strong rejection seems to be little involvement of voters with politics and, consequently, low knowledge about politics and politicians. We observe, however, evidence of rejection volatile. We refer here to a kind of rejection that develops during the election process depending on the preference of the voter and according to the circumstances of the campaign. The data also lead us to conclude that television is as an instrument for the dissemination of ideas that can contribute in shaping the opinion of viewers. The role of political parties in representing the interests of the people have lost their strength in recent years. The data also show that, to the extent that increases the preference of voters in the electoral process, also increases its rejection


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The study made in this thesis analyzes the new form of work organization at the urban collective transportation sector, so called Altemative Transportation which is a new form of public transportation that appears in the Brazilian urban context by the mid ninety' s, this work is made by independent or sub-contracted workers, usually organized in cooperatives . It reflects the investigation of new forms of precarious work, unformal which has been expanding in the urban transportation sector. Thus, discusses non regulation of the services sector problem the ways of survival of exc1uded workers from the formal work market mainly afier the capital productive restructure. It has as privileged area of investigation, the sector policy of urban transportation that make field of the main nets of political articulations that define the dynamic of the urban space. It is known that the urban collective transportation allows the access to the production, circulation and general consumption being necessary to the mobility of the resident population, mainly to those with low purchasing capacity. It becomes a field of empirical investigation at the Belem municipal, located at the Amazonic region - north Brazil. The main points dealed on this research start from concrete relations from the daily life of workers that deve1op their activity on the altemative transport mediated with theoretical references needed for understanding and interpretation of the studied reality. The investigation strategies were built from the abstract (theorical knowledge produced for the reality analyze) in concrete by the investigation quantitative-qualitative from this area of urban policy, making up possible the formation of a references chart to the analyses of the studied subject. Rescue his historicity, from characterization of the urban space of the metropolitan region of Belem passing true the forms of organization and urban services performances while essential production and reproduction element of the social relations. Identifies the main individuals that historically have been participating in the construction of the municipality transport policy and the ways of expression of the local political strength relations. Outstand the State paper on the net of established relations near the local power, as well as outstand the importance of social sciences in the understanding of urban policies in the transportation area, trying to bring input to the academicals -scientific debate .The above e1ected and mentioned points in this study are crucial for a critical reflection of the transportation policies. That relation is not given, but historically built at the power relation chart that makes up this unique area of the urban policies


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In preparation for reviewing and reflect about the pedagogical practice of teaching supervisor, noting instances of continuing education in service, dialogue-based, reflective and shared as propelling in the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge is that we propose to undertake this research. Based in our professional practice and stimulated by the desire to contribute with the education in the city of Jardim de Piranhas-RN our intention was to highlight issues which arising from practice teaching, especially those guided in the principles of a continuing, dialogic and reflexive teachers training. In that sense we are encouraged to answer the following question. How has been developed the work of teaching supervisor in the city of Jardim de Piranhas and what kind of elements should be constituted by a continuing education in school if those elements are enhanced by a reflexive action and dialogue-based? Thus, we performed studies of theoretical foundation based in Nóvoa (1995, 2001, 2003), where he emphasizes the importance of take in account the practice itself as a source for the study in the construction of a new teaching practice process, in Alarcão (1999; 2001; 2002; 2003), Schön (1995, 2000), Tardif (2003) and Perrenoud (2002), Gomes (1998), Navarro (2005) and Oliveira (2006), among others, provided the basis to discuss the role of reflection and dialogue in the school and classroom. We still emphasize the ideas of Paulo Freire (1981; 1992; 1996; 2001; 2002), which is consistent with the proposal for a reflexive action and training. For this we adopted a methodology based in the qualitative research with field note, intending to observe the strategies which emerge in the educational supervisor practice. This practice should contribute to the training of teachers. In this process we chose three dimensions that provide structure and power in their work. So, we can describe as conceptual, strategic and changeable


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The educational reform of the 90 s was tainted by the objectives of the fiscal adjustments, resulting in the redefinition of the state s role in the financing and offering of teaching services, and bringing about a shuffling of the responsibility between the public and private sectors to promote education to young people and adults. The 90 s also highlighted the proliferation of providers and the multiplication of Educational Programs for Youths and Adults (EJA), implemented through partnerships between governmental and nongovernmental agencies. During this period of time, the agenda of educational responsibilities concerning analphabetism was organized in a process of decentralized of the state, with the following political, social, and economic objectives: to reduce the public deficit, increasing public savings and the financial capacity of the state to concentrate resources in areas considered indispensable to direct intervention; to increase the efficiency of the social services moffered or funded by the state, giving citizens more at a lower cost, and spreading services to more remote areas, expanding access to reach those most in need; to increase the participation of citizens in public management, stimulating communitarian acts as well as developing efforts towards the effective coordination of public figures in the implementation of associated social services. Thus, Assistance Programs co-financed by the government try to deal with the problem of analphabetism. Within the sphere of the 90 s educational policy decentralization, we come to see how the agenda dedicated to the reduction of analphabetism was formed by the Solidarity Alphabetization Program (PAS). Between 1997 and 2003, the latter agenda s decentralizing proposal was integrated in the management partnership for the operationalization of tasks and resources faced with the execution of the formal objectives. In this study, we identify the dimensions of the implantation and progress of the tasks carried out by PAS, in the municipality of Lagoa de Pedras/RN. However, we consider these Programs to assist in the process without guaranteeing the reduction of the causes or substituting the responsibility of the system once the monetary resources for program maintenance provided by the partners is exhausted


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This study aims to analyze and compare the opinion of professionals, managers and users about the mental health care in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). It is characterized as an Operations Research or Health System Research with a cross-sectional design and a descriptive quantitative nature. The study was developed from the application of the Opinion Measurement Scale allied to techniques of observation and structured interview in the city of Parnamirim / RN. The sample consists of 409 subjects, 209 professionals of the Family Health Strategy, 30 of the Oral Health Strategy, 19 of the Family Health Support Center, 24 directors of Basic Health Units, plus 68 users with mental disorders and 59 caregivers, respecting the ethical parameters of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council, trial registration number: CAAE 0003.0.051.000-11. Quantitative data were submitted to the Epi-info 3.5.2 for analysis. The network of mental health in Parnamirim involves the flow between the FHS, Psychosocial Care Centers, clinics and hospitals, having as main barriers the fragility of the referral and counter-referral system, of the municipal health conferences, of the FHS teams by the limitations in material and human resources as well as the population´s lack of acknowledge about the organization of the mental health network, issues that affect the integral attention. Even though the FHS professionals recognize the importance of their actions, they question their role in mental health care, experiencing difficulties in accessing psychiatric services (76.5%). Although most agree that the mentally ill is best treated in the family than in hospital (65.2%), the community health workers were the predominant category in the partial or total disagreement of this statement (40.8%), who is the professional in greater contact with the family. Nevertheless the caregivers miss the support of the FHS as the main focus of attention is on revenue control. The views of professionals, mental patients and caregivers converged in several statements, showing the main weaknesses to be focused by the mental health network of the city, as the perceptions that: (a) physical strength is needed to take care of mental patients for its tendency to aggression, requiring it to stay in the sanatorium for representing danger to society, (b) only a psychiatrist can help the person with emotional problems, (c) the user of alcohol and drugs does not necessarily develop mental illness, (d) the access barriers and doubts about the quality of psychiatric services, (e) caring of a mental health patient does not bring suffering to professionals. Therefore, the commitment to consensus building, monitoring and evaluation of the network are important mechanisms for an effective management system, reflecting in the importance of strengthening the health conferences and approximating different institutions. The results reinforce the importance of strengthening primary care through programs of continuing education focusing on the actions and functions of professionals in accordance with its competences and duties what contribute to the organization and response of mental health care, favoring user´s care and the promotion of family health


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Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is the second most prevalent cancer among Brazilian women. The high rates of cervical cancer in Brazil justify the implementation of effective strategies to control this, which include actions to promote health, primary prevention, early detection, screening, treatment and palliative care. Despite the existence of the National Programme for Control of the CCU there was no reduction in the incidence and mortality of this disease in Brazil. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) has the potential to facilitate such control and, in this context, one should consider that nurses play a central role. The study aimed to know the general intervention strategies used by nurses FHS of Natal / RN in CCU control, and how specific: analyzing the knowledge of these nurses on the CCU, the actions developed in the ESF for the control of CCU and identify the difficulties faced by them to perform it. This is a descriptive exploratory quantitative developed through a structured interview guide with 106 nurses who have experience in controlling the CCU in FHS teams of Natal / RN. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistic s. The results pointed to actions taken in the FHS to control the CCU, collection of cervical cancer screening, health education activities, nursing consultation, referral of suspected cases for medical monitoring and active women with abnormal test result . The actions that were not mentioned by the nurses included: forming groups of prevention and health promotion; expand coverage of exams and office hours of consultations, establishment of alternatives to end the pent-up demand in the health units, participation in treatment or rehabilitation process users with the CCU; interventions for pain management, alliances and partnerships with schools, in dustry and the use of protocols. This study can be seen that the practice nurses partially shares to the CCU in Natal / RN. The participants of this study, when asked about the CCU, specifically for signs and symptoms of disease and risk factors in general showed important gaps. Difficulties such as lack of materials for collection of Pap smear; inadequate physical space in the Health Units; pent-up demand in the service, delay in arrival of the test results; obstacles in the actions of referral and counter-referral and cultural factors make the CCU control is compromised. It is believed in this research contributed to a reflection on the importance of the role of nurses in the development of the ESF control actions CCU, pointing out the factors that affect these. It is important to involve all nurses who comprise the ESF as knowledgeable of the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and existing tools for the early detection of cervical cancer in the pursuit of quality improvement actions to promote women`s health, contributing in planning future interventions that may reduce mortality from this disease in Natal / RN.


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Due to the increasing activities and its disordered occupation, the catchment of the Pitimbu river is reason of concern for the population, since the river empties in the lagoon of the Jiqui where 30% of the water of this lagoon are caught for the supplying the city of Natal, playing an important fuction in the supply of water superficial for the capital of the Rio Grande do Norte. The superior stretch of the hydrography catchment of the Pitimbu river - Macaíba/RN, object of this study, is denoted by the eminently agricultural occupation with the use of the irrigated agriculture in the many properties that compose this stretch. Because of this becomes necessary to analyze the availability of the water resources in the catchment of the Pitimbu river, in the superior stretch, collating with the use and occupation of the existing terrain. The stretch in study was divided in eight points which had been performed tests throughout the water and analyzed the parameters physicist-chemistries and heavy metals that are praised by resolution CONAMA nº 357 e, visits in field with photographic survey for characterization of this verifying the situation where if it finds the river. The stretch presented some divergence in the parameters of pH and iron, however the results denote a characteristic of the region. The great amount of slide barrages throughout the river and the wet street was observed, had also verified near the edges the launching of garbage and, the great amount of aquatic vegetation. With this it is concluded that the water of the river can be used for human supplying, therefore inside presents a quality of drinking waters of the standards demanded for resolution CONAMA nº 357, in this way, the stretch in study could be adopted as an Envoiremental Area Protection (APA), to preserve and to guarantee, at least in this stretch, that its condition remains unchanged and continues to supply of permanent form a water of excellent quality


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Family Health Strategy (FHS), founded in 1994 has appeared to play a strategic role in the SUS construction and consolidation. It has reaffirmed its Principles and Guidelines and has elected family as core of attention. The principle that has guided the work concerns the quality of the relationship between professional and family. Thus, the FHS has the family as a subject of health-disease process, and relations with its own characteristics and can be partners in building their health and improvement of quality of life of its members and the entire community. This study aims to characterize the surgeon-dentist (SD) working process in the family health strategy, from the knowledge of the SD integration with other team members; organization of services; development of shares, changes perceived by SDs, as well as knowing the surgeon-dentist profile who is part of this strategy. The collecting tool used was a semi-structured questionnaire, in which participated 30 professionals. As for profile, most professionals were women, completed the graduation in public university and did not have any training to work by joining the FHS. Almost all have other public or private working ties. They often carry out activities with students, and occasionally do home visits. In relation to team work, in activities such as home visits, school health, community activities, among others, they sometimes seek the cooperation of other members. The way of accessing for users in the most part has occurred through the schedule. The most frequently activities made to the Centro Especialidades Odontológicas (CEO), are in Endodontics and Prosthesis. The majority of them participate in team meetings, but they do not have frequency set to happen. As for the planning and programming of activities to be conducted, most said that individually develops them. Concerning the performance of their duties, most reported being satisfied, but that improvements could happen. Besides, they reported improvements in dental care following the inclusion of SD in the FHS in various aspects, such as access, organization, humanization, care and oral disease prevention. The professionals had poor integration with other team members, in addition to have a profile to more individualistic work, a fact seized by way of development and planning of actions. They work the actions in individual and curative way, in detriment promotion and collective ones. They work humanization, definition of territory and adscript population. Thus, it is concluded that the working process developed by SDs, includes the part which is advocated by FHS. This points out to a greater undertaking of this process aiming to detect the weakness met in order to reach the potential that the FHS represents in organization of basic attention


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The study presents an approach on planning, sociospatial transformations and public touristic policies implemented between 2000 and 2010 in Caicó, encompassing people from the government, private sector and the population of the municipality and informal traders who use the leisure facilities and services arranged in place. As the main goal, the research intends to analyze the performance of public and private sectors correlated to the touristic activity in Caicó city and their reflections in the process changes sociospatial. The dissertation is structured in order to carry out an investigation into the role of public policies to the development of a location with touristic potential, in this case, the municipality of Caicó; to investigate public policies implemented in the touristic industry of Rio Grande do Norte, particularly the actions of PRODETUR-Nordeste focused on the development of the tourism in the countryside, affecting particularly the region of Seridó region and the municipality of Caicó, and, finally, to check the main changes sociospatial verified in Caicó between 2000 and 2010. Cultural issues and certain natural beauties can be seen as attractions that can attract tourist demand, taking into consideration the awakening increasingly more evident quest by the tourist for knowledge of the peculiarities of the region. Several authors have worked in this view, pointing to the cultural aspects of the region as elements that are able to boost the touristic activity. The questions raised in this study was based on a literature, based mainly on authors like Beni, Dias, Cruz, Azevedo and Morais. To obtain the necessary data in the analysis, the methodological procedures used in intensive direct observation, using interviews, applied together with the public representatives who are acting as leaders of the political actions related to tourism in the municipality and members of the private sector related to tourism services such as lodging establishments, food and travel agency and, finally, the local people and informal traders benefited directly or indirectly, with the touristic resources and structure. These research agents were investigated by means of structured forms such as support for analysis. Was detected in the survey that the leisure facilities and services installed in the last decade in the city of Caico has a priority the population of the municipality, is necessary to emphasize that the residents interviewed perceive the importance of these tools for tourist activity. It was also found that the public sector is the main responsible for the observed changes. Therefore, proved to be relevant to study the role public private sector partnerships and population influences, considering that this analysis may contribute to the work of researchers, public administrators and businessmen, may serve as a norteador for planning and development of tourism in the city of Caico