845 resultados para Pantanal wetlands


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Microalgae are emerging as one of the most promising sources of biofuel because of their high photosynthetic efficiency and faster replication as compared to any other energy crops. Although, the concept of using microalgal lipid as a source of fuel is very mature, its approach in benefiting both environmental and energy-related is a frontier research area today. Algal community for the production of lipid depends on the physical, chemical as well as biological variables of aquatic ecosystems. This communication focuses on achieving the lipid haracterization of the microalgal community collected from four wetlands and one agricultural field of Bangalore, Karnataka with a wide range of environmental characteristics. Results reveal significant change in lipid component with change in algal community and chlorophyll content which was explained by community structure analysis and chlorophyll estimation. The presence of Triacyl glycerol (TAG) was examined through thin layer chromatography (TLC). The profile of TAG was further confirmed through Gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). This study confirms the potential of algal community towards meeting growing demand for alternate sustainable fuel.


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The majority of species belonging to the genus Nitzschia are distinguished by minute taxonomic features that are difficult to observe and document. Currently, geographical distributions for many species are recognized as cosmopolitan; in contrast endemic species are poorly documented and studied. Our study describes two new species of Nitzschia from shallow wetlands across the Bangalore urban district of peninsular India, Nitzschia taylorii, sp. nov. and Nitzschia williamsi, sp. nov. Morphological analyses of these new species were performed with light and scanning electron microscopy, and the ecology of inhabited wetlands are discussed briefly. New species records from urban polluted wetlands provide evidence for broadening taxonomic and ecological investigations of cosmopolitan genera like Nitzschia in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Two atmospheric inversions (one fine-resolved and one process-discriminating) and a process-based model for land surface exchanges are brought together to analyse the variations of methane emissions from 1990 to 2009. A focus is put on the role of natural wetlands and on the years 2000-2006, a period of stable atmospheric concentrations. From 1990 to 2000, the top-down and bottom-up visions agree on the time-phasing of global total and wetland emission anomalies. The process-discriminating inversion indicates that wetlands dominate the time-variability of methane emissions (90% of the total variability). The contribution of tropical wetlands to the anomalies is found to be large, especially during the post-Pinatubo years (global negative anomalies with minima between -41 and -19 Tg yr(-1) in 1992) and during the alternate 1997-1998 El-Nino/1998-1999 La-Nina (maximal anomalies in tropical regions between +16 and +22 Tg yr(-1) for the inversions and anomalies due to tropical wetlands between +12 and +17 Tg yr(-1) for the process-based model). Between 2000 and 2006, during the stagnation of methane concentrations in the atmosphere, the top-down and bottom-up approaches agree on the fact that South America is the main region contributing to anomalies in natural wetland emissions, but they disagree on the sign and magnitude of the flux trend in the Amazon basin. A negative trend (-3.9 +/- 1.3 Tg yr(-1)) is inferred by the process-discriminating inversion whereas a positive trend (+1.3 +/- 0.3 Tg yr(-1)) is found by the process model. Although processed-based models have their own caveats and may not take into account all processes, the positive trend found by the B-U approach is considered more likely because it is a robust feature of the process-based model, consistent with analysed precipitations and the satellite-derived extent of inundated areas. On the contrary, the surface-data based inversions lack constraints for South America. This result suggests the need for a re-interpretation of the large increase found in anthropogenic methane inventories after 2000.


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Several local groups have come together for this project to addresses water quality concerns in the Gabilan Watershed – also known as the Reclamation Ditch Watershed (Fig. 1.1). These are Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML), the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County (RCDMC), Central Coast Watershed Studies (CCoWS), Return of the Natives (RON), Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), and Coastal Conservation and Research (CC&R). The primary goal is to reduce non-point source pollution – particularly suspended sediment, nutrients, and pesticides – and thereby improve near-shore coastal waters of Moss Landing Harbor and the Monterey Bay. (Document contains 33 pages)


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Phosphorus removal by wetlands and basins in Lake Tahoe may be improved through designing these systems to filter storm water through media having higher phosphorus removal capabilities than local parent material. Substrates rich in iron, aluminum and calcium oftentimes have enhanced phosphorus removal. These substrates can be naturally occurring, byproducts of industrial or water treatment processes, or engineered. Phosphorus removal fundamentally occurs through chemical adsorption and/or precipitation and much of the phosphorus can be irreversibly bound. In addition to these standard media, other engineered substrates are available to enhance P removal. One such substrate is locally available in Reno and uses lanthanum coated diatomaceous earth for arsenate removal. This material, which has a high positive surface charge, can also irreversibly remove phosphorus. Physical factors also affect P removal. Specifically, specific surface area and particle shape affect filtration capacity, contact area between water and the surface area, and likelihood of clogging and blinding. A number of substrates have been shown to effectively remove P in case studies. Based upon these studies, promising substrates include WTRs, blast furnace slag, steel furnace slag, OPC, calcite, marble Utelite and other LWAs, zeolite and shale. However, other nonperformance factors such as environmental considerations, application logistics, costs, and potential for cementification narrow the list of possible media for application at Tahoe. Industrial byproducts such as slags risk possible leaching of heavy metals and this potential cannot be easily predicted. Fly ash and other fine particle substrates would be more difficult to apply because they would need to be blended, making them less desirable and more costly to apply than larger diameter media. High transportation costs rule out non-local products. Finally, amorphous calcium products will eventually cementify reducing their effectiveness in filtration systems. Based upon these considerations, bauxite, LWAs and expanded shales/clays, iron-rich sands, activated alumina, marble and dolomite, and natural and lanthanum activated diatomaceous earth are the products most likely to be tested for application at Tahoe. These materials are typically iron, calcium or aluminum based; many have a high specific surface area; and all have low transportation costs. (PDF contains 21 pages)


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Generally, wetlands are thought to perform water purification functions, removing contaminants as water flows through sediment and vegetation. This paradigm was challenged when Grant et al. (2001) reported that Talbert Salt Marsh (Figure 1.) increased fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) output to coastal waters, contributing to poor coastal water quality. Like most southern California wetlands, Talbert Salt Marsh has been severely degraded. It is a small (10 ha), restored wetland, only 1/100th its original size, and located at the base of a highly urbanized watershed. Is it reasonable to expect that this or any severely altered wetland will perform the same water purification benefits as a natural wetland? To determine how a more pristine southern California coastal wetland attenuated bacterial contaminants, we investigated FIB concentrations entering and exiting Carpinteria Salt Marsh (Figure 2.), a 93 ha, moderate-sized, relatively natural wetland.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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Os efeitos tóxicos do metil-mercúrio (MeHg) em seres humanos vêm sendo amplamente discutidos, a partir de episódios de contaminação devida a ingestão frequente de peixe contaminado, em Minamata, no Japão, ou ao consumo de pão preparado com cereais tratados com fungicidas a base de metil-mercúrio, no Iraque, indicando que o metil mercúrio pode afetar o sistema nervoso central. A população ribeirinha na região do Pantanal, Brasil, é dependente do peixe, como principal fonte de alimentos e proteínas. Naquela região, o resultado de décadas de mineração de ouro, em pequena escala, foi a contaminação de muitos sistemas aquáticos com mercúrio. Consequentemente, muitas espécies de peixes possuem níveis de MeHg relativamente altos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o nível de exposição ao MeHg entre a população ribeirinha do Pantanal. No primeiro artigo, apresentam-se os resultados da validação do método recordatório de 24 horas auto-referido, utilizando-se, como padrão-ouro, o método da pesagem, tendo-se verificado que há aproximadamente um erro de 30% ao estimar a quantidade de peixe consumido por aquela população. Um erro deste pode ser importante em se tratando do consumo de peixes carnívoros, os quais apresentam altos teores de mercúrio. No segundo artigo, ao analisar a associação entre o status neurocognitivo e a concentração de mercúrio no cabelo da população acima, os resultados indicaram que adultos expostos ao metil-mercúrio, através do consumo de peixe, podem ter déficits importantes nas medidas do desempenho neurocomportamental, sem alterações detectáveis no humor ou afetividade. Os efeitos mais importantes do mercúrio, entre os indivíduos analisados, foram detectados nos testes de velocidade e destreza da coordenação motora fina, na inibição da resposta na busca visual, e em tarefas de atenção. No terceiro artigo, considerando-se as associações observadas na concentração de mercúrio no cabelo com alguns desfechos dos testes neuro-psicológicos aplicados, calculou-se a dose-marcadora (BMD) e o limite inferior do intervalo de confiança do BMD (BMDL). Os resultados da dose marcadora e da dose de referência provisória são concordantes com os resultados estimados pelas agências de saúde internacionais.


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This monograph on the ecology of Atlantic white cedar wetlands is one of a series of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service profiles of important freshwater wetland ecosystems of the United States. The purpose of the profile is to describe the extent, components, functioning, history, and treatment of these wetlands. It is intended to provide a useful reference to relevant scientific information and a synthesis of the available literature. The world range of Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is limited to a ribbon of freshwater wetlands within 200 km of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, extending from mid-Maine to mid-Florida and Mississippi. Often in inaccessible sites and difficult to traverse, cedar wetlands contain distinctive suites of plant species. Highly valued as commercial timber since the early days of European colonization of the continent, the cedar and its habitat are rapidly disappearing. This profile describes the Atlantic white cedar and the bogs and swamps it dominates or codominates throughout its range, discussing interrelationships with other habitats, putative origins and migration patterns, substrate biogeochemistry, associated plant and animal species (with attention to those that are rare, endangered, or threatened regionally or nationally), and impacts of both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Research needs for each area are outlined. Chapters are devoted to the practices and problems of harvest and management, and to an examination of a large preserve recently acquired by the USFWS, the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina.


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A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos gerados nas cidades é um desafio para o saneamento ambiental no Brasil. A fim de se reduzir os impactos gerados ao meio ambiente e à saúde pública, é necessário que haja um gerenciamento adequado, desde a coleta até a disposição final, desses resíduos sólidos urbanos. Os aterros sanitários permitem um maior controle ambiental, desde que sejam bem projetados e operados. A decomposição da matéria orgânica presente nesses resíduos, somada às águas das chuvas gera o lixiviado, líquido com alto potencial poluidor. Várias formas de tratamento são propostas com a finalidade de tornar o lixiviado menos poluente ao meio ambiente. Wetlands construídos tem se mostrado uma alternativa eficiente para a remoção de poluentes em lixiviados, além dos baixos custos operacionais e de implantação. O presente estudo investigou o uso de wetlands subsuperficiais em escala-piloto para o tratamento de um lixiviado prétratado. Os wetlands foram monitorados com a finalidade de se obter remoções de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio amoniacal. As maiores reduções percentuais de concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal, DQO e COD foram, 91%, 42% e 35%, respectivamente. As maiores reduções percentuais em carga de nitrogênio amoniacal e DQO foram, 67% e 50%, respectivamente. Os resultados dos ensaios de toxicidade realizados com os organismos Vibrio fischeri e Danio rerio revelaram que, a toxicidade do lixiviado foi reduzida ao ser tratado pelo wetland.