980 resultados para Pancreas ductal ligature


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Introduction: Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of perivascular origin have been identified in several organs not including the heart. Using a novel cell isolation protocol, we have isolated cells sharing common characteristics from mouse hearts and pancreas. The aim of the present study was to characterize these cells in vitro.Methods: Cells were isolated from neonatal and adult mouse hearts and pancreas and cultured for more than 6 months. Surface marker expression was analyzed by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Cell differentiation was tested using multiple differentiation media. Insulin production by pancreas-derived cells was tested by dithizone staining.Results: Cells showing a similar, distinctive morphology were obtained from the heart and pancreas after 4-8 weeks of culture. Cells from the two organs also showed a very similar immunophenotype, characterized by expression of c-kit (stem cell factor receptor), CD44, the common leukocyte marker CD45, and the monocytic markers CD11b and CD14. A significant proportion of cardiac and pancreatic cells expressed NG2, a marker for pericytes and other vascular cells. A significant proportion of cardiac, but not of pancreatic cells expressed stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1). However, cells did not express T, B or dendritic cell markers. Cells of both cardiac and pancreatic origin spontaneously formed "spheres" (spherical cell aggregates similar to "neurospheres" formed by neural stem cells) in vitro. Cardiosphere formation was enhanced by TNF-alpha. Several cardiospheres (but no "pancreatospheres") derived from neonatal (but not adult) cells showed spontaneous rhythmic contractions, thus demonstrating cardiac differentiation (this was confirmed by immunostaining for alpha-sarcomeric actinin). Beating activity was enhanced by low serum conditions. Cells from both organs formed adipocytes, osteocytes and osteocytes under appropriate conditions, the typical differentiation pattern of MSCs. Pancreas-derived cells also formed dithizonepositive insulin-producing cells.Conclusions: We have defined cardiac and pancreatic cell populations that share a common morphology, growth characteristics, and a unique immunophenotype. Expression of perivascular and monocytic markers, along with stem/priogenitor cell markers by these cells suggests a relationship with pericytes-mesoangioblasts and so-called multipotent monocytes. Cells show MSC-typical growth and differentiation patterns, together with tissue-specific differentiation potential: cardiomyocytes for cardiac-derived cells and insulinproducing cells for pancreas-derived cells.


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Summary Between gastrulation and gut tube formation, the endoderm becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. We studied the role of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wnt pathways in the establishment of the antero-posterior (A-P) axis domains. Here we report the first evidence that graded FGF4-mediated signaling establishes gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo from gastrulation to somitogenesis. At gastrulation, FGF4 may act cooperatively with Wnts, since both of them affect the gut tube patterning by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate. The activity of the Wnt pathway is however time restricted, since. it does not affect patterning at somitogenesis. Our experiments point to a global mechanism that coordinates the A-P patterning of all three primary germ layers. Soon after regionalization of the gut tube, morphogenetic evidences of organogenesis appear. We focused our attention on one of these organs, the pancreas. We report a comprehensive investigation of the activity and the role of the Wnt pathway in pancreas organogenesis. We have used two mouse reporter lines to monitor canonical Wnt-pathway activity during development and after birth and demonstrate activity in early pancreatic bud, endocrine cells and in the mesenchyme. We have specifically deleted the ß-catenin .gene, a key component of the Wnt pathway, in the epithelium of the pancreas and duodenum using Pdxl -Cre mice. In agreement with Wnt pathway activity in pancreatic endocrine cells, we find a reduction in endocrine islet numbers. Our study reveals that ß-catenin deletion also affects cells in which Wnt pathway activity is not detected. Indeed, ß-catenin mutant cells have a competitive disadvantage during development that also' affects the exocrine compartment. Moreover, the conditional KO mice develop acute edematous pancreatitis perinatally due to the disruption of the epithelial structure of acini. These effects are likely to be due to the function of ß-catenin at the membrane. Résumé Entre la gastrulation et la formation du tube digestif, l'endoderme est progressivement régionalisé le long de l'axe antéropostérieur (A-P). Un des premiers signes de cette régionalisation est l'expression de gènes spécifiques à certains organes dans une région restreinte. Nous avons étudié l'implication des voies de signalisation FGF et Wnt dans l'établissement de la régionalisation A-P. Nous rapportons les premières preuves que FGF4 établit la ségrégation des domaines de l'endoderme le long de l'axe A-P in vivo de la gastrulation à la somitogenèse. Cette activité peut être menée en collaboration avec les Wnts, puisque ceux-ci influencent aussi l'endoderme en inhibant le destin antérieur et en induisant le destin postérieur des cellules. Cette activité des Wnts est perdue à la somitogenèse. Nos expériences démontrent une régionalisation coordonnée des trois feuillets germinaux le long de l'axe A-P. Peu après la régionalisation, les premiers signes morphologiques de l'organogenèse apparaissent. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des Wnts dans un des dérivés de l'endoderme : le pancréas. Nous avons utilisés deux lignés de souris rapportrices de l'activité de la voie canonique des Wnts, qui montrent une activité dans le bourgeon précoce du pancréas avant la différentiation, puis plus tard dans les cellules endocrines et le mésenchyme. Nous avons utilisé la souris transgénique Pdxl -Cre pour inactiver spécifiquement le gène de la ß-caténine, un intermédiaire de la voie des Wnts, dans la région pancréatique. En accord avec l'activité de la voie de signalisation Wnt, la perte de la ßcaténine conduit à une réduction du nombre de cellules endocrines. De plus certaines cellules qui ne montrent aucune activité de la voie Wnt sont aussi affectées. En effet, les cellules ayant perdu la ß-caténine ont un désavantage compétitif face aux cellules sauvages dans un environnement mosaïque. Cette compétition résulte en l'absence de cellules déplétées en ßcaténine chez l'adulte. De plus, vers la naissance, les animaux déficients pour la ß-caténine développent une pancréatite aiguë due à la destruction de l'architecture des acini. Ceci est probablement aux fonctions d'adhésion de la ß-caténine à la membrane.


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Pancreatic acinar cells of euthermic, hibernating and arousing individuals of the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius (Gliridae) have been observed at the electron-microscopic level and analysed by means of ultrastructural morphometry and immunocytochemistry in order to investigate possible fine structural changes of cellular components during periods of strikingly different degrees of metabolic activity. During hibernation, the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) flatten assuming a parallel pattern, the Golgi apparatus is extremely reduced and the mitochondria contain many electron-dense particles. The cell nuclei appear irregularly shaped, with deep indentations containing small zymogen granules. They also contain abundant coiled bodies and unusual constituents, such as amorphous bodies and dense granular bodies. Large numbers of zymogen granules occur in all animals. However, the acinar lumina are open and filled with zymogen only in euthermic animals, whereas, in hibernating and arousing individuals, they appear to be closed. Morphometrical analyses indicate that, in pancreatic acinar cells, nuclei and zymogen granules significantly decrease in size from euthermia to hibernation, probably reflecting a drastic decrease of metabolic activities, mainly protein synthesis and processing. In all the studied animals, immunocytochemistry with specific antibodies has revealed an increasing gradient in alpha-amylase content along the RER-Golgi-zymogen granule pathway, reflecting the protein concentration along the secretory pathway. Moreover, during deep hibernation, significantly larger amounts of alpha-amylase accumulate in RER and zymogen granules in comparison to the other seasonal phases analysed. Upon arousal, all cytoplasmic and nuclear constituents restore their euthermic aspect and all morphometrical and immunocytochemical parameters exhibit the euthermic values, thereby indicating a rapid resumption of metabolic activities.


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Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.


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Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.


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A large body of data gathered over the last decades has delineated the neuronal pathways that link the central nervous system with the autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreas, which controls alpha- and beta-cell secretion activity and mass. These are important regulatory functions that are certainly keys for preserving the capacity of the endocrine pancreas to control glucose homeostasis over a lifetime. Identifying the cells involved in controlling the autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreas, in response to nutrient, hormonal and environmental cues and how these cues are detected to activate neuronal activity are important goals of current research. Elucidation of these questions may possibly lead to new means for preserving or restoring defects in insulin and glucagon secretion associated with type 2 diabetes.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.


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Inverted ductal papilloma of the oral cavity is an infrequent benign neoplasm of papillary appearance that originates in the secretory duct of a salivary gland. The etiology is unknown, though some authors have related it to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with a tumor of the lower lip mucosa. Histopathological study of the lesion diagnosed inverted ductal papilloma of the oral cavity. Human papillomavirus DNA detection and typing based on tumor lesion DNA amplification and posterior hybridization, revealed no presence of viral DNA. The antecedents of trauma reported by the patient could have played an important role in the development of this tumor