59 resultados para Palaeoceanography
Only very few studies focus on recent calcareous dinoflagellate cyst diversity, geographic distribution and ecology, so that information on the distribution patterns and environmental affinities of individual cyst species is extremely limited. This information is, however, essential if we want to use calcareous dinoflagellate cysts for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Surface sediment samples from the generally oligotrophic western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, offshore northeast Brazil, were therefore quantitatively analysed for their calcareous dinoflagellate cyst content, including the calcareous vegetative coccoid Thoracosphaera heimii. Seven calcareous dinoflagellate cyst species/morphotypes and T. heimii were encountered in high concentrations throughout the area. Substantial differences in the distribution patterns were observed. The highest concentrations of cysts are found in sediments of the more oligotrophic, oceanic regions, beyond the influence of Amazon River discharge waters. Dinoflagellates producing calcareous cysts thus appear to be capable of surviving low nutrient concentrations and produce large numbers of cysts in relatively stable and predictable environments affected by minimal seasonality. To test for the environmental affinities of individual species, distribution patterns in surface sediments were compared with temperature, salinity, density and stratification gradients within the upper water column (0-100 m) over different times of the year, using principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. T. heimii and four of the seven encountered cyst species (Sphaerodinella? albatrosiana, two morphotypes of Sphaerodinella? tuberosa and Scrippsiella regalis) relate to these parameters significantly and the variations in the cyst associations appear to be associated with the different surface water currents characterising the area. The results imply that calcareous dinoflagellate cyst distributions can potentially be used to distinguish between different open oceanic environments and they could, therefore, be useful in tracing water mass movements throughout the late Quaternary.
he early late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-early Turonian) is thought to have been one of the warmest periods of the Phanerozoic. This period was characterised by tropical sea surface temperatures of up to 36 °C and a pole-to-equator-gradient of less than 10 °C. The subsequent Turonian-Maastrichtian was characterised by a continuous climatic cooling, peaking in the Maastrichtian. This climatic cooling and the resulting palaeoceanographic changes had an impact on planktic primary producer communities including calcareous nannofossils. In order to gain a better understanding of these Cenomanian-Maastrichtian palaeoceanographic changes, calcareous nannofossils have been studied from the proto North Atlantic (Goban Spur, DSDP Sites 549, 551). In order to see potential differences between open oceanic and shelf dwelling nannofossils, the data from Goban Spur have been compared to findings from the European shelf (northern Germany). A total of 77 samples from Goban Spur were studied for calcareous nannofossils revealing abundant (mean 6.2 billion specimens/g sediment) and highly diverse (mean 63 species/sample) nannofossil assemblages. The dominant taxa are Watznaueria spp. (mean 30.7%), Prediscosphaera spp. (mean 18.3%), Zeugrhabdotus spp. (mean 8.3%), Retecapsa spp. (mean 7.2%) and Biscutum spp. (mean 6.6%). The Cenomanian assemblages of both Goban Spur (open ocean) and Wunstorf (shelf) are characterised by elevated abundances of high fertility taxa like Biscutum spp., Zeugrhabdotus spp. and Tranolithus orionatus. Early Turonian to Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Goban Spur are, however, quite different to those described from European sections. Oceanic taxa like Watznaueria spp., Retecapsa spp. and Cribrosphearella ehrenbergii dominate in Goban Spur whereas the fertility indicators Biscutum spp. and T. orionatus are more abundant in the European shelf assemblages. This shift from a homogeneous distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Cenomanian towards a heterogeneous one in the Turonian-Maastrichtian implies a change of the ocean circulation. The "eddy ocean" system of the Cenomanian was replaced by an oceanic circulation similar to the modern one in the Turonian-Maastrichtian, caused by the cooling. The increased pole-to-equator-gradients resulted in an oceanic circulation similar to the modern one.
Variability in the test of Globorotalia menardii during the past 8 million years has been investigated at DSDP Site 502A (Caribbean Sea) and DSDP Site 503A (Eastern Equatorial Pacific). Measurements were made of spire height (delta x), maximum diameter (delta y), the tangent angles of the upper and lower peripheral keels (phi 1, phi 2, respectively), the number of chambers in the final whorl, and the area of the silhouette in keel view. Four morphotypes alpha, beta, gamma, and delta were distinguished. Morphotype alpha was found in strata ranging in age from the Late Miocene through the Holocene. It shows a continuous increase in delta x and delta y until the Late Pleistocene. During and after the final closure of the ancient Central American Seaway (between 2.4 Ma and 1.8 Ma) there was a rapid increase in the area of the test in keel view. At the Caribbean Sea site, morphotype beta evolved during the past 0.22 Ma. It is less inflated than alpha and has a more delicate test. In the morphospace of delta x vs. delta y, morphotypes alpha and beta can be distinguished by a separation line delta y = 3.2 * delta x - 160 (delta x and delta y in µm). Plots of morphotype alpha are below that line, those of beta are above it. Morphotype alpha is taken to be Globorotalia menardii menardii Parker, Jones & Brady (1865) and includes G. menardii 'A' Bolli (1970). Morphotype beta is identified as G. menardii cultrata (d'Orbigny). Morphotypes gamma and delta are extinct Upper Miocene to Pliocene forms which evolved from morphotype alpha. They have a narrower phi 1 angle and more chambers (>=7) than morphotype alpha commonly with 5 to 6 chambers (7 in transitional forms). In contemporaneous samples morphotype delta can be distinguished from gamma by a smaller value of phi 1 and 8 or more chambers in the final whorl. Morphotype gamma is taken to be G. limbata (Fornasini, 1902) and includes the junior synonym G. menardii 'B' Bolli (1970). Morphotype delta is G. multicamerata Cushman & Jarvis (1930). With the exception of the Late Pleistocene development of G. menardii cultrataonly in the Caribbean the morphological changes of G. menardii at DSDP Sites 502A and 503A are similar. The development from the ancestral G. menardii menardii of the G. limbata - G. multicamerata lineage during the Pliocene and of G. menardii cultrata during the Late Pleistocene suggests responses at the two sites to a changing palaeoceanography during and after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.
A sediment-sampling program was carried out in the Nares Strait region during the Nares 2001 Expedition to obtain cores for high-resolution palaeoceanographic studies of late Pleistocene-Holocene climate change. Long cores (>4 m) were obtained from basins near Coburg Island, Jones Sound, John Richardson Fiord off Kane Basin, and in northeastern Hall Basin. Short cores and grab samples were taken on shelves east and west of northern Smith Sound and in Kennedy Channel. Detailed studies of sediment texture, stable isotopes, microfossils and palynomorphs were made on the longest cores from Jones Sound and Hall Basin at the southern and northern ends of the Nares Strait region.
In comparison to other sectors of the marine system, the palaeoceanography of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean is poorly constrained. New diatom isotope records of d13C, d18O, d30Si (d13Cdiatom, d18Odiatom, and d30Sidiatom) are presented alongside existing geochemical and isotope records to document changes in photic zone conditions, including nutrient supply and the efficiency of the soft-tissue biological pump, between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and MIS 5e. Peaks in opal productivity in MIS 5b/c and MIS 5e are both associated with the breakdown of the regional halocline stratification and increased nutrient supply to the photic zone. Whereas the MIS 5e peak is associated with low rates of nutrient utilisation, the MIS 5b/c peak is associated with significantly higher rates of nutrient utilisation. Both peaks, together with other smaller increases in productivity in MIS 4 and 5a, culminate with a significant increase in freshwater input which strengthens/re-establishes the halocline and limits further upwelling of sub-surface waters to the photic zone. Whilst d30Sidiatom and previously published records of diatom d15N (d15Ndiatom) (Brunelle et al., 2007, 2010) show similar trends until the latter half of MIS 5a, the records become anti-correlated after this juncture and into MIS 4, suggesting a possible change in photic zone state such as may occur with a shift to iron or silicon limitation.
The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.
Dead benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 150 μm) from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean) were analysed at 41 stations (15–100 m water depth) sampled in June 2005 and September 2006, and compared to the living faunas investigated during previous studies at the same stations. The comparison between dead and living assemblages enhances the understanding of taphonomic processes that may modify the composition of the dead faunas in this area. We observed a loss of individuals from living to dead assemblages of species characterised by a fairly fragile test and therefore more prone to fragmentation or dissolution (e.g., Bolivina alata, Quinqueloculina tenuicollis). Allochthonous dead and/or live specimens may be transported to some parts of the prodelta, particularly the shallowest sites where hydrodynamic processes (i.e., river flood, storm swells, longshore currents) are more intense. These specimens may originate from relict deltaic structures (e.g., Elphidium spp. from the lobe of Bras de Fer) or from surrounding areas (e.g., Ammonia beccarii forma beccarii from the river). Opportunistic species (e.g., Bulimina marginata, Cassidulina carinata) characterised by high reproductive rates have much higher relative abundances in the dead than in the living fauna. Cluster analyses based on dead foraminiferal assemblages divide our study area into four main thanatofacies directly related to distinct local environmental conditions prevailing in the prodelta. Close to the river mouth, Ammonia beccarii forma beccarii and Ammonia tepida are found in sediments subject to a high riverine influence (i.e., bottom currents, high organic and inorganic material input of continental origin). Elphidium species are abundant in the silty-sandy relict deltaic lobe west of the river mouth which is characterised by strong longshore currents that disturb the benthic environment. Nonion fabum, Rectuvigerina phlegeri and Valvulineria bradyana are found along the coast west of the Rhône River mouth, in the area defined as the “river plume” thanatofacies. In the more stable and deeper prodeltaic area, species known to feed on fresh phytodetritus (e.g., Bulimina aculeata/marginata, C. carinata, Hyalinea balthica) dominate the faunas. Since only minor variations in species relative abundances and spatial distributional patterns are observed between the living and the dead faunas, we consider that our thanatofacies have not been influenced by substantial transport of dead tests. This suggests that fossil benthic foraminifera can provide a reliable tool for investigating the development of the palaeo-Rhône prodelta