205 resultados para Pagurus


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Chemoreception is a key activity by which many aquatic animals perceive their environment, and therefore abiotic disruptions to this process could have serious impacts on the survival and fitness of individuals, and on species interactions. Hermit crabs are subject to cyclical reductions in the pH of the water in the intertidal rock pools that they inhabit. Such reductions may be further exacerbated by ongoing ocean acidification and/or leakage of carbon dioxide from geological storage sites and coastal upwelling events. Here we test the chemo-sensory responses of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus) to a food odour under reduced pH conditions (pHNBS = 6.80). Acidifying the odour had no effect on its attractiveness indicating no permanent degradation of the cue; however, the pH of the sea water did affect the crabs' responses. Hermit crabs kept and tested in reduced pH sea water had lower antennular flicking rates (the ‘sniffing’ response in decapods); were less successful in locating the odour source, and showed an overall decline in locomotory activity compared to those in untreated sea water. Analysis of their haemolymph revealed a greater concentration of chloride ions ([Cl−]) in the reduced pH treatment group, suggesting iono-regulatory disruption; however, there was no correlation between [Cl−] and locomotory activity, suggesting a specific effect on chemoreception. This study shows that the chemo-responsiveness of a crustacean may be influenced by both naturally occurring pH fluctuations and future anthropogenically-induced changes in ocean pH.


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The offshore wind sector in the UK is expanding rapidly and is set to occupy significant areas of the coastal zone, making it necessary to explore the potential for co-location with other economic activities. The presence of turbine foundations introduces hard substrates into areas previously dominated by soft sediments, implying that artificial reef effects may occur, with potential benefits for fisheries. This review focuses on the possibilities for locating fisheries for two commercially important decapods, the brown crab Cancer pagurus and the European lobster Homarus gammarus, within offshore wind farms. Existing understanding of habitat use by C pagurus and H. gammarus suggests that turbine foundations have the potential to act as artificial reefs, although the responses of these species to noise and electromagnetic fields are poorly understood. Offshore wind farm monitoring programmes provide very limited information, but do suggest that adult C pagurus associate with turbine foundations, which may also serve as nursery areas. There was insufficient deployment and monitoring of rock armouring to draw conclusions about the association of H. gammarus with offshore wind farm foundations. The limited information currently available demonstrates the need for further research into the ecological and socioeconomic issues surrounding fishery co-location potential.


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The offshore wind sector in the UK is expanding rapidly and is set to occupy significant areas of the coastal zone, making it necessary to explore the potential for co-location with other economic activities. The presence of turbine foundations introduces hard substrates into areas previously dominated by soft sediments, implying that artificial reef effects may occur, with potential benefits for fisheries. This review focuses on the possibilities for locating fisheries for two commercially important decapods, the brown crab Cancer pagurus and the European lobster Homarus gammarus, within offshore wind farms. Existing understanding of habitat use by C pagurus and H. gammarus suggests that turbine foundations have the potential to act as artificial reefs, although the responses of these species to noise and electromagnetic fields are poorly understood. Offshore wind farm monitoring programmes provide very limited information, but do suggest that adult C pagurus associate with turbine foundations, which may also serve as nursery areas. There was insufficient deployment and monitoring of rock armouring to draw conclusions about the association of H. gammarus with offshore wind farm foundations. The limited information currently available demonstrates the need for further research into the ecological and socioeconomic issues surrounding fishery co-location potential.


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In 2012, a controlled sub-seabed release of carbon dioxide (CO2) was conducted in Ardmucknish Bay, a shallow (12 m) coastal bay on the west coast of Scotland. During the experiment, CO2 gas was released 12 m below the seabed for 37 days, causing significant disruption to sediment and water carbonate chemistry as the gas passed up through the sediment and into the overlying water. One of the aims of the study was to investigate how the impacts caused by leakage from geological CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) could be detected and quantified in the context of natural heterogeneity and dynamics. To do this underwater photography was used to analyze (i) the benthic megafaunal response to the CO2 release and (ii) the dynamics of the CO2 bubble streams, emerging from the seabed into the overlying water column. The frequently observed megafauna species in the study area were Virgularia mirabilis (Cnidaria), Turritella communis (Mollusca), Asterias rubens (Echinodermata), Pagurus bernhardus (Crustacea), Liocarcinus depurator (Crustacea), and Gadus morhua (Osteichthyes). No discernable abnormal behavior was observed for these megafauna, in any of the zones investigated, during or after the CO2 release. Time-lapse photography revealed that the intensity and presence of the CO2 bubble plume was affected by the tides, with the most active bubbling seen at low tides and the larger hydrostatic pressure at high tide suppressing CO2 bubbling from the seabed.


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Animal fights are typically preceded by displays and there is debate whether these are always honest. We investigated the prefight period in hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, during which up to four types of display plus other activities that might provide information are performed. We determined how each display influences or predicts various fight decisions, and related these displays to the motivational state of the attacker, as determined by a startle response, and of the motivational state of the defender, as determined by the duration for which it resisted eviction from its shell. Two displays appeared to have consistent but different effects. Cheliped presentation, where the claws were held in a stationary position, often by both crabs but for longer by the larger, seemed to be honest, and allowed for mutual size assessment. This display enhanced the motivation and the success of the larger crab. In contrast, cheliped extension, involving the rapid thrust of the open chelae towards the opponent, did not seem to allow for mutual size assessment and may contain an element of bluff. It was performed more by the smaller crab and enhanced its success. The complexity of displays in this species appears to allow for both honesty and manipulation.


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Energetic costs of fighting, such as high lactate or low glucose, have been shown in a range of species to correlate with the decisions made by each opponent, particularly the decision by one opponent, the 'loser', to end the fight by 'giving up'. Studies based on complete fights of differing duration, however, do not provide information on the changes in the physiological correlates of fighting that may take place during the course of the encounter, or how these changes may influence the capability and decisions of the contestants. We interrupted fights between hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, at specific points, and related energy status to the preceding activities. Costs rose quickly with a rapid accumulation of lactic acid in attackers and declining muscular glycogen in defenders. Changes in physiological status appeared much earlier than the changes in behaviour that they may have caused. Furthermore, some physiological changes might have been an effect, rather than the cause, of fight decisions. (c) 2005 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nonreflexive responses to a noxious event and prolonged memory are key criteria of a pain experience. In a previous study, hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, that received a small electric shock within their shell often temporarily evacuated the shell and some groomed their abdomen and/or moved away from their vital resource. Most, however, returned to the shell. When offered a new shell 20 s later, shocked crabs were more likely than nonshocked crabs to approach and move into a new shell and did so more quickly (Elwood & Appel 2009, Animal Behaviour, 77, 1243-1246). Here we examined how increasing the time between the shock and the offering of a new shell influences the response. There was evidence of a memory of the aversive shock that lasted at least 1 day. Crabs tested after 30 min and 1 day were more likely to approach the shell and new shells were more likely to be taken 30 min after the shock. Shocked crabs approached the new shell more quickly and used fewer probes of the chelipeds prior to moving in and these results were stable over time and significant for specific times up to 1 day. Females were more likely than males to evacuate shells and did so after fewer shocks. These results extend previous work and demonstrate an extended memory of having been shocked. The findings are consistent with respect to criteria for pain that are accepted for vertebrates.


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Pain may be inferred when the responses to a noxious stimulus are not reflexive but are traded off against other motivational requirements, the experience is remembered and the situation is avoided in the future. To investigate whether decapods feel pain we gave hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, small electric shocks within their shells. Only crabs given shocks evacuated their shells indicating the aversive nature of the stimulus, but fewer crabs evacuated from a preferred species of shell indicating a motivational trade-off. Some crabs that evacuated attacked the shell in the manner seen in a shell fight. Most crabs, however, did not evacuate at the stimulus level we used, but when these were subsequently offered a new shell, shocked crabs were more likely to approach and enter the new shell. Furthermore, they approached that shell more quickly, investigated it for a shorter time and used fewer cheliped probes within the aperture prior to moving in. Thus the experience of the shock altered future behaviour in a manner consistent with a marked shift in motivation to get a new shell to replace the one occupied. The results are consistent with the idea of pain in these animals. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Carcinus manenas, Liocarcinus puber and Cancer pagurs are thought to be three likely crab predators of the gastropod Calliostoma Zizyphinum. In order to compare the strenghts of predators and their prey, the whole shell and aperture lip strengh of white and pink Calliostoma morphotypes and the maximum forces exerted by the chelipeds of three crab species were measured. Although white shells were thicker than pink shells, Calliostoma colour morphotyes did not differ significantly in either the force required to break the shell lip or the whole shell. Both Liocarcinus puber and Carcinus maenas have dimorphic chelipeds and their “crusher” chelipeds deliver almost double the forces generated by the‘cutter’chelipeds. In constrast, Cancer pagurus has monomorphic chelipeds both delivering similar forces. When compared with Calliostoma shell strenght, the forces generated by the‘crusher’chelipeds of most L. puber tested were, in general, sufficient to break the shell lip of Calliostoma shells, whereas forces generated by the‘cutter’chelipeds of only the larger individuals were sufficient to break the shell lip. In C. manenas, forces generated by both the‘cutter’and‘crusher’chelipeds often exceeded the minimum recorded force required to break the shell lip and the‘crusher’cheliped reached the minimum force required to break whole Calliostoma shells. Both chelipeds of all C. pagurus tested generated forces in excess of the minimum required to break the shell lip, and the proportion of individuals capable of generating the minimum force required to break the whole shell increased with the size of the size of the crab. Carcinus maenas and Cancer pagurus were capable of breaking both the shell lips and the whole shells of a wider range of shell sizes than L. puber.


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Fisheries can have profound effects on epifaunal community function and structure. We analysed the results from five dive surveys (1975–1976, 1980, 1983, 2003 and 2007), taken in a Special Area of Conservation, Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland before and after a ten year period of increased trawling activity between 1985 and 1995. There were no detectable differences in the species richness or taxonomic distinctiveness before (1975–1983) and after (2003–2007) this period. However, there was a shift in the epifaunal assemblage between the surveys in 1975–1983 and 2003–2007. In general, the slow-moving, or sessile, erect, filterfeeders were replaced by highly mobile, swimming, scavengers and predators. There were declines in the frequency of the fished bivalve Aequipecten opercularis and the non-fished bivalves Modiolus modiolus and Chlamys varia and some erect sessile invertebrates between the surveys in 1975–1983 and 2003–2007. In contrast, there were increases in the frequency of the fished and reseeded bivalves Pecten maximus and Ostrea edulis, the fished crabs Cancer pagurus and Necora puber and the non-fished sea stars Asterias rubens, Crossaster papposus and Henricia oculata between the surveys in 1975–1983 and 2003–2007. We suggest that these shifts could be directly and indirectly attributed to the long-termimpacts of trawl fishing gear, although increases in the supply of discarded bait and influxes of sediment may also have contributed to changes in the frequency of some taxa. These results suggest that despite their limitations, historical surveys and repeat sampling over long periods can help to elucidate the inferred patterns in the epifaunal community. The use of commercial fishing gear was banned from two areas in Strangford Lough in 2011, making it a model ecosystem for assessing the long-term recovery of the epifaunal community from the impacts of mobile and pot fishing gear.


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Shell attributes Such as weight and shape affect the reproduction, growth, predator avoidance and behaviour of several hermit crab species. Although the importance of these attributes has been extensively investigated, it is still difficult to assess the relative role of size and shape. Multivariate techniques allow concise and efficient quantitative analysis of these multidimensional properties, and this paper aims to understand their role in determining patterns of hermit crab shell use. To this end, a multivariate approach based on a combination of size-unconstrained (shape) PCA and RDA ordination was used to model the biometrics of southern Mediterranean Clibanarius erythropus Populations and their shells. Patterns of shell utilization and morphological gradients demonstrate that size is more important than shape, probably due to the limited availability of empty shells in the environment. The shape (e.g. the degree of shell elongation) and weight of inhabited shells vary considerably in both female and male crabs. However, these variations are clearly accounted for by crab biometrics in males only. Oil the basis of statistical evidence and findings from past studies. it is hypothesized that larger males of adequate size and strength have access to the larger, heavier and relatively more available shells of the globose Osilinus turbinatus, which cannot be used by average-sized males or by females investing energy in egg production. This greater availability allows larger males to select more Suitable Shapes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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No actual cenário de perda acelerada de biodiversidade, o nosso conhecimento dos ecossistemas marinhos, apesar da sua extensão e complexidade, continua muito inferior ao dos ecossistemas terrestres. A classe Malacostraca (Arthropoda, Crustacea), um grupo dos mais representativos nos ecossistemas marinhos, apresenta um elevado nível de diversidade morfológica e ecológica, mas difícil sua identificação ao nível de espécie requer frequentemente a ajuda de especialistas em taxonomia. A utilização recente do “barcoding” (código de barras do ADN), revelou ser um método rápido e eficaz para a identificação de espécies em diversos grupos de metazoários, incluindo os Malacostraca. No âmbito desta tese foi construída uma base de dados de código de barras de ADN envolvendo 132 espécies de Malacostraca vários locais de amostragem no Atlântico Nordeste e Mediterrâneo. As sequências de ADN mitocondrial provenientes de 601 espécimes formaram, em 95% dos casos, grupos congruentes com as identificações baseadas em características morfológicas. No entanto, foi detectado polimorfismo em seis casos e a divergência intra-específica foi elevada em exemplares pertencentes a duas espécies morfológicas, sugerindo, neste caso, a ocorrência de especiação críptica. Este estudo confirma a utilidade do código de barras de ADN para a identificação de Malacostraca marinhos. Apesar do sucesso obtido, este método apresenta alguns problemas, como por exemplo a possível amplificação de pseudogenes. A ocorrência de pseudogenes e as possíveisabordagens para a detecção e resolução deste tipo de problemas são discutidas com base em casos de estudo: análises dos códigos de barras ADN na espécie Goneplax rhomboides (Crustacea, Decapoda). A análise dos códigos de barras ADN revelou ainda grupos prioritários de decápodes para estudos taxonómicos e sistemáticos, nomeadamente os decápodes dos géneros Plesionika e Pagurus. Neste âmbito são discutidas as relações filogenéticas entre espécies seleccionadas dos géneros Plesionika e Pagurus. Este trabalho aponta para várias questões no âmbito da biodiversidade e evolução molecular da classe Malacostraca que carecem de um maior esclarecimento, podendo ser considerado como a base para estudo futuros. Análises filogenéticas adicionais integrando dados morfológicos e moleculares de um maior número de espécies e de famílias deverão certamente conduzir a uma melhor avaliação da biodiversidade e da evolução dentro da classe.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha - Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação mest., Biologia marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The exploitation of microhabitats is widely considered to increase biodiversity in marine ecosystems. Although intertidal hermit crabs and gastropods may inhabit the same shell type and shore level, their microhabitat may differ depending on the state of the tide. On the south coast of Wales the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus mainly inhabits the shells of Nucella lapillus (84%). Hermit crab shells had a significantly different encrusting community compared with live N. lapillus shells. At low tide the live gastropods were found on exposed rock surfaces whereas hermit crabs were restricted to tidal pools. Communities encrusting live gastropod shells were characterised by lower species richness and abundance compared with shells inhabited by hermit crabs (12 species found in total). A greater abundance and richness of epibionts was recorded from both shell types during the summer compared with winter. Differences in community composition between shell occupant types were attributed to microhabitats used by gastropods and hermit crabs and the associated desiccation pressures, rather than competitive interactions or shell characteristics. This contradicts earlier studies of subtidal shells where biological processes were considered more important than physical factors in controlling species abundance and richness patterns. The use of rockpool microhabitats by hermit crabs increases the biodiversity of rocky shores, as some species commonly found on hermit-crab-inhabited shells were rare in other local habitats.