994 resultados para Padavino, Giovanni Battista, 1560-1639.


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En h. [2]A: Exemplum transumptum sententiae contra Cyrillum Lucarim adscriptae sacro Codici Magnae Nostrae Ecclesiae.


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Grabados con ilustraciones de las escenas de los evangelios. Firmas de: Anthoine Wiericx, Hieronymus Wiericx, Johan Wiericx, Karel van Marelly, Adriaen Collaert, Johan Collaert, Nicolás de Bruyn, Bernardino Passeri, Giovanni Battista de Benedetto Fiammeri, Martin de Vos.


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Preface signed: Locatelli Agostino.


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Imperfect, v. 2: p. 393-400 wanting; p. 337-344 repeated.


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Essa é a segunda edição de uma obra clássica sobre a restauração da monarquia portuguesa, com referências sobre o Brasil e adesão a D.João IV. O Séc. XVII foi, para Portugal, um tempo de lutas, tanto na Europa como no Brasil e na África. Foi, ainda, um período de reorganização jurídica e econômica da sociedade.


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In mid-18th century Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s etchings systematically document the old and new monuments, decrepit buildings and broken down infrastructures of a Rome that continues to inhabit and reinvent its past. His views of Rome offer a devastating account of the blurring of distinctions and articulations that time, use and neglect have imposed on the old differentiations of the urban and the rural, the public and the private, the monumental and the domestic in the 18th century city. Rome becomes for Piranesi the laboratory for a questioning of architecture that places his work well beyond the debate on style and on the origin that dominated the architectural discourse of his time. This paper suggests that Piranesi’s images anticipate the dispersion and sprawl of the city of today, in which the ‘vague’, the ‘viral’ and the ‘parasitic’ become modes of inhabitation and of transient negotiated definition. In the Antichità di Roma, ancient buildings are represented not only in their large scale and magnificence, but also in their decay and reversal to a state of naturalness. These works, together with the acute observations of the Vedute di Roma, provide the materials that are then dislocated, manipulated, cloned and endlessly mutated by Piranesi in the synthesis of the Campo Marzio dell’Antica Roma, in which the historical city is almost entirely dissolved and replaced by an extraordinary congestion of fragments. When they are re-examined on the grounds of contemporary architectural and urban theory, the sites of Piranesi's views reveal anticipations of phenomena that affect the metropolis of today. Political, social and economic conditions have changed dramatically, but the questions asked of architecture in and by these sites challenge the definition of an architecture of style, forms and boundaries - in the 18th century as well as in the 21st -in favour of an architecture of change.


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1.° Germani Audeberti, Aurelii, ad serenissimam ac christianissimam Reginam Catharinam Medicaeam, Henrici III. Galliae et Poloniae Regis christianissimi matrem, carmen : subjicitur ejusdem interpretatio gallica. — 2.° Lachrymae ad tumulum Christophori Thoï. — 3.° Stanze in lode di Carlo V. Imperatore. — 4.° Carmina ejusdem Audeberti adversùs Poloniam, quùm illic regnaret Henricus. — 5.° Antonii Cerruti carmen ad Joannem Morvillerium, pro Gallorum Regibus apud Senatum Venetum Oratorem. — 6.° Carmen in fugam Caroli V. anno 1552. — 7.° Aliud carmen, quod inscribitur Caesar ; in quo Imperator suis hostibus bellum minatur. — 8.° Les furies de feu Pierre Louis Farnese : poëme francois. — 9.° Satira di Jacobo Sellaro da Cento. — 10.° Sonetti di Francesco Coppetta, Perugino. — 11.° Epitaphe du Duc Philippes de Bourgogne, escript sur sa tombe aux Chartreux de Dijon. — 12.° Epithalamium in nuptias Batorianas. — 13.° Diverses pieces de Remy Belleau. — 14.° Diverses stances sur l'amour. — 15.° Imitation de l'Arioste sur le discours de Roland le furieux, par Philippe Desportes. — 16.° Autres poësies du même. — 17.° Joannis Aurati carmen alternum in nuptias Mariae, Reginae Scotiae, Lotharingia oriundae. — 18.° Michaëlis Hospitalis carmen ad Franciscum Lotharingum, Guisiorum Principem. — 19.° Epistola Francisci Olivarii ad Cardinalem Lotharingum. — 20.° Tetrastichon de Roma. — 21.° Lettre du Prince de Piémont à monsieur l'Evêque d'Orleans, du II. Avril 1559. — 22.° Poëme : le monde passe et sa concupiscence ; par la Rochandieu. — 23.° De la science du salut. — 24.° Epitaphe du nez de maître Pierre Lizet. — 25.° Double du bannissement des Caraffes, affiché aux ruës de Rome après la mort du Pape Paul IV. — 26.° Excerptum è querimonia collegii scortorum Romanensium, de afflicto rerum suarum statu ob exilium Cardinalis Caraffae ; ad Paulum Papam IV. — 27.° Varia epigrammata. — 28.° Canzone di Giovanni Battista Leoni, al serenissimo Henrico, Duca di Angio, eletto Rè di Polonia. — 29.° Joannis Dampetri, Julii Scaligeri, Theodori Bezae, Langaei, Brixii et Olympiae Moratae carmina selecta.