993 resultados para PVC and HDPE geomembranes


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A presente dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e a caracterização de sensores ópticos com base em membranas de poli(cloreto de vinilo), PVC, para determinação de Norfloxacina em amostras do sector da aquacultura. Estes sensores basearam-se na reacção colorimétrica entre um metal imobilizado em PVC e a Norfloxacina. O metal foi escolhido com base em ensaios prévios de reacção colorimétrica entre a Norfloxacina e várias espécies metálicas, nomeadamente, Fe(III), Al(III), Pb(II), Aluminon, Mo(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II), Sn(II) e V(V). A reacção mais intensa foi obtida com o Fe(III). Neste sentido, numa primeira fase foram desenvolvidos sensores baseados em Fe(III). O efeito de alguns parâmetros experimentais na resposta desses sensores foi avaliado de modo univariado. Incluem-se aqui o efeito do pH, avaliado entre 2,00 e 6,00, e o da concentração de Fe(III), variada entre cerca de 1,00x10-5 M e 2,00x10-4 M. Os melhores valores foram obtidos a pH 3, para o qual se verificou um comportamento linear entre cerca de 1,00x10-5 M e 1,70x10-4 M de Fe(III). Utilizando as condições seleccionadas anteriormente, procedeu-se à caracterização do complexo sob ponto de vista químico. Os valores obtidos apontaram para a necessidade de um excesso de Fe(III) de, pelo menos, 10 vezes, no sentido de garantir a máxima extensão de complexação. O complexo referido apresentou, nestas condições, um comportamento linear ao longo do intervalo de concentrações de cerca de 7,00x10-5 M a 7,00x10-4 M em NOR. O complexo formado foi estável ao longo de 90 minutos. As condições óptimas para análise desse complexo numa superfície sólida foram obtidas após avaliação do efeito da quantidade de Fe(III) e do tipo e quantidade de solvente mediador (o-nitrofenil octil éter, di-n-octilftalato, dibutilftalato, bis(etilhexil)sebacato, bis(etilhexil)ftalato). O bis(etilhexil)sebacato foi o solvente mediador escolhido e a relação de quantidade entre o PVC e o solvente mediador foi igual a 1:2. O procedimento de preparação do sensor sólido e subsequente optimização foi aplicado a outras espécies metálicas, para além do Fe(III), tais como, Cu(II), Mn(II) e aluminon. A conjugação de todos estes metais permitiu desenvolver um array de sensores para despistagem de Norfloxacina em águas de aquacultura. Algumas membranas sensoras foram aplicadas com sucesso no controlo de Norfloxacina em amostras de águas ambientais dopadas. Os resultados obtidos com membranas de Fe(III) e Cu(II) foram exactos, tendo-se registado valores de concentração próximos dos reais. O método proposto permitiu, por isso, a despistagem rápida e eficaz da presença de um antibiótico em águas ambientais, permitindo ainda o seu doseamento a um baixo custo. Numa perspectiva de rotina, e tendo em vista a despistagem deste antibiótico, este método revelou-se mais rápido e mais barato do que os demais métodos descritos na literatura para este efeito.


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As ligações adesivas têm sido cada vez mais utilizadas nos últimos anos em detrimento de outros métodos tais como a soldadura, ligações aparafusadas e ligações rebitadas. Os plásticos de Engenharia têm um papel cada vez mais preponderante na indústria, devido às suas excelentes propriedades. Neste trabalho foram considerados três polímeros diferentes, o Policloreto de Vinilo (PVC) e o Polipropileno (PP) dado o seu baixo custo e peso e a superfície quimicamente inerte e o Politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) devido às suas boas propriedades químicas e excelentes propriedades de deslizamento. No entanto, estes materiais possuem uma baixa energia de superfície e, por isso, são muito difíceis de colar com mais relevância para o PTFE. Assim, após um estudo preliminar foi escolhido, para realizar as colagens necessárias, um adesivo da Tamarron Technology “Tam Tech Adhesive”, próprio para este tipo de substratos difíceis de colar. Posteriormente foi efetuada a sua caraterização através de ensaios de provetes maciços à tração. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar juntas de sobreposição simples de materiais poliméricos difíceis de colar tais como o PTFE, PP e PVC com recurso a um adesivo que não necessitasse de preparação de superfície. Foram fabricadas juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) segundo os métodos Lap Shear (LS) e Block Shear (BS) dos três materiais referidos anteriormente e realizados os respetivos ensaios para avaliar o comportamento mecânico das ligações adesivas. Os materiais utilizados como substratos foram também submetidos a ensaios de tração com a finalidade de obter o módulo de elasticidade e as suas propriedades de resistência. Os substratos envolvidos nas juntas adesivas não sofreram qualquer preparação especial das superfícies. Na maioria dos casos consistiu apenas numa limpeza das superfícies com álcool etílico. Contudo, para o PTFE também se experimentou a preparação por abrasão com lixa e por chama. Foi também efetuado um trabalho de simulação numérica por elementos finitos utilizando um modelo de dano coesivo triangular. As resistências ao corte obtidas são superiores em BS comparativamente a LS, exceção feita aos substratos de PTFE aonde os resultados são similares. O tratamento por chama melhorou a resistência mecânica das juntas. Verificou-se também que o modelo numérico simulou adequadamente o comportamento das juntas principalmente das LS.


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The use of sustainable solutions in construction is not just an option, but is increasingly becoming a need of the Society. Thus, nowadays the recycling of waste materials is a growing technology that needs to be continuously improved, namely by researching new solutions for waste valorisation and by increasing the amount of wastes reused. In the paving industry, the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is becoming common practice, but needs further research work. Thus, this study aims to increase the incorporation of RA and other waste materials in the production of recycled asphalt mixtures in order to improve their mechanical, environmental and economic performance. Recycled mixtures with 50% RA were analysed in this study, including: i) RA selection, preparation and characterization; ii) incorporation of other waste materials as binder additives or modifiers, like used motor oil (UMO) and waste high density polyethylene (HDPE); iii) production of different mixtures (without additives; with UMO; with UMO and HDPE) and comparison of their performance in order to assess the main advantages of each solution. With this study it was concluded that up to 7.5 % of UMO and 4.0 % of HDPE can be used in a new modified binder for asphalt mixtures with 50 % of RA, which have excellent properties concerning the rutting with WTS = 0.02 mm/103 cycles, the fatigue resistance with ε6 = 160.4, and water sensitivity with an ITSR of 81.9 %.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Infrared spectroscopy laboratories works under permanent care with respect to water contamination, mainly in liquid samples. In this case crystal plates destruction or damage are frequent, increasing the operational expenses. On the other hand, the laboratory which produces such samples must be very careful in drying liquid samples. In this work we develop a simple and inexpensive way to operate in such conditions using polypropylene and HDPE films which were thermally soldered resulting little containers or sample holders. The spectra of sample/sample holder is achieved having the sample holder as background.


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Chlorinated polymers (PVC, PVDC and E-CTFE) were irradiated with white light produced at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS). The emitted gases were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The spectra were dominated by peaks related to hydrochloric acid, HCl, and chlorine (35Cl). The measured HCl intensity is used to evaluate the sensitivity of the polymers over a broad energy range. PVDC showed the greatest light sensitivity as compared to PVC and E-CTFE.


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The construction and analytical evaluation of a coated graphite-epoxy electrode sensitive to the zinc-1,10-phenantroline complex based on the [Zn(fen)3][tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate]2 incorporated into a poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) matrix are described. A thin membrane film of this ion-pair, dibutylphthalate (DBPh) and PVC were deposited directly onto an electrically conductive graphite-epoxy support located inside a Perspex® tube. The best PVC polymeric membrane contains 65% (m/m) DBPh, 30% (m/m) PVC and 5% (m/m) of the ion-pair. This electrode shows a response of 19.5 mV dec-1 over the zinc(II) concentration range of 1.0 x 10-5 to 1.0 x 10-3 mol L-1 in 1,10-phenantroline medium, at pH 6.0. The response time was less than 20 seconds and the lifetime of this electrode was more than four months (over 1200 determinations by each polymeric membrane). It was successfully used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric precipitation titration of zinc(II) ions.


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Le poly(1,3-dioxolanne) (PDOL) est un polymère semi-cristallin présentant à l’état solide quatre morphologies différentes (Phases I, IIa, IIb et III). Les transformations d'une phase à l'autre ont été suivies par microscopie optique polarisée (MOP) et microscopie à force atomique (AFM) en fonction de la température de cristallisation et de la masse molaire. La Phase I présente une morphologie sphérolitique tandis que la Phase IIa peut croître à partir de la Phase I ou spontanément. De façon inattendue, la Phase IIa, devient très biréfringente et cette nouvelle morphologie est appelée Phase IIb. Quand la transformation IIa-IIb est terminée, une nouvelle phase, la Phase III, croît à partir de la Phase IIb. La Phase III n'a jamais été observée sans la présence de Phase IIb; en outre, la Phase IIb remplace toujours la Phase IIa. Ce phénomène est appelé germination croisée. La mesure de la température de fusion des phases par MOP a permis d’établir leur stabilité relative: IIb > III >IIa. La vitesse de croissance (G) des sphérolites a été mesurée sur une plage de températures de 10,0 à 24,0 °C et montre une grande dépendance avec la masse molaire. Ces mesures ont révélé l’existence d’une masse molaire critique, autour de 5000 g.mol-1, en-dessous de laquelle nous avons observé GIIa > GIII et au-dessus de laquelle la relation est inversée avec GIII > GIIa. Finalement, nous avons exploré l’influence de l’ajout d’un deuxième polymère amorphe sur l’évolution des phases optiques dans des mélanges PDOL-PMMA, PDOL-PVC et PDOL-PVAc. Nous avons observé les mêmes transitions de phases que pour le PDOL pur et un certain degré de compatibilité dans le cas du PDOL-PMMA et du PDOL-PVC.


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A solar alternative system for water heating is presented. It work on a thermosiphon, consisting of one or two alternative collectors and a water storage tank also alternative, whose main purpose is to socialize the use of energy mainly to be used by people of low income. The collectors were built from the use of pets bottles, cans of beer and soft drinks and tubes of PVC, ½ " and the thermal reservoirs from a drum of polyethylene used for storage of water and garbage placed inside cylinder of fiber glass and EPS ground between the two surfaces. Such collectors are formed by three elements: pet bottles, cans and tubes absorbers. The heating units, which form the collector contains inside the cans that can be closed, in original form or in the form of plate. The collectors have an absorber grid formed by eight absorbers PVC tube, connected through connections at T of the same material and diameter. It will be presented data of the thermal parameters which demonstrate the efficiency of the heating system proposed. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be demonstrated that this alternative heating system, which has as its main feature low cost, presents thermal, economic and materials viabilities


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The underground natural gas found associated or not with oil is characterized by a mixture of hydrocarbons and residual components such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), called contaminants. The H2S especially promotes itself as a contaminant of natural gas to be associated with corrosion of pipelines, to human toxicity and final applications of Natural Gas (NG). The sulfur present in the GN must be fully or partially removed in order to meet the market specifications, security, transport or further processing. There are distinct and varied methods of desulfurization of natural gas processing units used in Natural Gas (UPGN). In order to solve these problems have for example the caustic washing, absorption, the use of membranes and adsorption processes is costly and great expenditure of energy. Arises on such findings, the need for research to active processes of economic feasibility and efficiency. This work promoted the study of the adsorption of sulfide gas in polymer matrices hydrogen pure and modified. The substrates of Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and sodium alginate (NaALG) were coated with vanadyl phosphate compounds (VOPO4.2H2O), vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), rhodamine B (C28H31N2O3Cl) and ions Co2+ and Cu2+, aiming to the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). The adsorption tests were through a continuous flow of H2S in a column system (fixed bed reactor) adsorption on a laboratory scale. The techniques used to characterize the adsorbents were Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), the X-ray diffraction (XRD) electron microscopy (SEM). Such work indicates, the results obtained, the adsorbents modified PMMA, PVC and NaALG have a significant adsorptive capacity. The matrix that stood out and had the best adsorption capacity, was to ALG modified Co2+ with a score of 12.79 mg H2S / g matrix


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The main objective of this research was to evaluate chemical and physical changes in 'Aurora-1' peach harvested at two maturity stages, packed in different types of packaging and kept under refrigeration. Fruit were harvested at the mature green and ripe stages, packed in four different types of packaging (control, PD-900 (TM), PVC and PET) and stored at 6 degrees C. The following variables were evaluated every eight days: coloration, accumulated fresh mass loss, firmness, appearance, acidity, total soluble solids contents, soluble sugars, and percentage of pectin solubilization. We observed that the postharvest life was influenced by packaging and the mature green fruits showed lower disease occurrence. Fresh mass loss was lower in packed fruits. The peel of mature green fruits developed a characteristic ripe peach color at the end of storage, but PD-900 (TM) provided a delay in color change. Packaging also influenced the firmness, allowing for more firmness retention than for the control fruits at both harvest stages. The organic acid content decreased in the packaged fruits and increased in the control fruits. In the packaged fruit, the amount of sugar increased until the eighth day and then decreased until the end of the storage period. The 'Aurora-1' peaches did not show compromised quality by packaging use and exhibited an increase in harvest life to 24 days (compared to 16 days for the control).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)