941 resultados para PULMONARY-FUNCTION
Resumen Background: Nitric oxide can be measured at multiple flow rates to determine proximal (maximum airway nitric oxide flux; Jaw(NO)) and distal inflammation (alveolar nitric oxide concentration; CA(NO)). The main aim was to study the association among symptoms, lung function, proximal (maximum airway nitric oxide flux) and distal (alveolar nitric oxide concentration) airway inflammation in asthmatic children treated and not treated with inhaled glucocorticoids. Methods: A cross-sectional study with prospective data collection was carried out in a consecutive sample of girls and boys aged between 6 and 16 years with a medical diagnosis of asthma. Maximum airway nitric oxide flux and alveolar nitric oxide concentration were calculated according to the two-compartment model. In asthmatic patients, the asthma control questionnaire (CAN) was completed and forced spirometry was performed. In controls, differences between the sexes in alveolar nitric oxide concentration and maximum airway nitric oxide flux and their correlation with height were studied. The correlation among the fraction of exhaled NO at 50 ml/s (FENO50), CA(NO), Jaw(NO), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and the CAN questionnaire was measured and the degree of agreement regarding asthma control assessment was studied using Cohen's kappa. Results: We studied 162 children; 49 healthy (group 1), 23 asthmatic participants without treatment (group 2) and 80 asthmatic patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids (group 3). CA(NO) (ppb) was 2.2 (0.1-4.5), 3 (0.2-9.2) and 2.45 (0.1-24), respectively. Jaw(NO) (pl/s) was 516 (98.3-1470), 2356.67 (120-6110) and 1426 (156-11805), respectively. There was a strong association (r = 0.97) between FENO50 and Jaw(NO) and the degree of agreement was very good in group 2 and was good in group 3. There was no agreement or only slight agreement between the measures used to monitor asthma control (FEV1, CAN questionnaire, CA(NO) and Jaw(NO)). Conclusions: The results for CA(NO) and Jaw(NO) in controls were similar to those found in other reports. There was no agreement or only slight agreement among the three measure instruments analyzed to assess asthma control. In our sample, no additional information was provided by CA(NO) and Jaw(NO).
A respiração e a deglutição são vitais para o homem. Enquanto a primeira diz respeito a um ato primitivo da vida, a hematose, a segunda trata da manutenção da vida, oferecendo a energia necessária, nutrindo e hidratando, perpassando pelo prazer alimentar, ato tão importante na sociedade contemporânea. A relação funcional entre essas funções ainda não foi totalmente elucidada, porém é crescente o interesse e o número de estudos sobre esta temática. Considerando que a deglutição eficiente tem como pressuposto a capacidade de proteger via aérea inferior, a alteração de deglutição primária ou secundária a um dano pulmonar pode trazer repercussões severas para a integridade do sistema respiratório. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar o processo sinérgico da deglutição em portadores de bronquiectasia, a fim de verificar se há alteração na fisiologia da deglutição e caracterizá-la, assim como, identificar se há correspondência entre alteração da função pulmonar e alteração da deglutição.Para tal foram selecionados randomicamente 30 pacientes na faixa etária de 18 a 65 anos, atendidos no ambulatório de bronquiectasia do HUPE. Destes, 26 indivíduos responderam a um questionário dirigido sobre hábitos alimentares e possíveis dificuldades de alimentação; foram submetidos à avaliação clínica da deglutição; 22 fizeram espirometria no setor de prova de função pulmonar no HUPE e 17 avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição. Dos 26 indivíduos estudados 10 eram homens e 16 mulheres, com média de idade de 46,3 anos. Na avaliação clínica da deglutição observaram-se alterações estruturais e funcionais em todos os indivíduos estudados. As principais alterações estruturais detectadas referem-se e a dinâmica laríngea; enquanto na avaliação funcional detectou-se alterações referentes à ejeção oral, dinâmica hiolaríngea, trânsito faríngeo e presença de deglutições múltiplas. Com relação à espirometria 06 indivíduos apresentaram distúrbio obstrutivo leve; 04 distúrbio obstrutivo moderado e 09 distúrbio obstrutivo acentuado. A videofluoroscopia da deglutição corroborou os achados da avaliação clínica da deglutição e evidenciou episódios de penetração e aspiração laríngea Pode-se concluir que: (1) a avaliação clínica da deglutição associada à avaliação videofluoroscópica são métodos eficientes para a análise do processo sinérgico da deglutição; (2) identificou-se alteração do processo sinérgico da deglutição, nos indivíduos avaliados; (3) a ausculta cervical isoladamente, não demonstrou ser um método eficiente para predizer aspiração e/ou penetração laringotraqueal; (4) houve correspondência entre os resultados da avaliação clínica funcional da deglutição e videofluoroscópica, exceto quanto a presença de penetração e/ou aspiração e quanto a capacidade de avaliar a ejeção oral; (5) não foi possível identificar se há correspondência entre alteração da função pulmonar e processo sinérgico da deglutição.
The health status of premature infants born 32(1)-35(0) weeks' gestational age (wGA) hospitalized for RSV infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for RSV (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. The primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. Secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. A significantly higher proportion of cases than controls experienced recurrent wheezing through 6 years of age (46.7% vs. 27.4%; p = 0.001). The vast majority of lung function tests appeared normal at 6 years of age in both cohorts. In children with pulmonary function in the lower limit of normality (FEV1 Z-score [-2; -1]), wheezing was increased, particularly for cases vs. controls (72.7% vs. 18.9%, p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed the most important factor for wheezing was RSV hospitalization. Quality of life on the respiratory subscale of the TAPQOL was significantly lower (p = 0.001) and healthcare resource utilization was significantly higher (p<0.001) in cases than controls. This study confirms RSV disease is associated with wheezing in 32-35 wGA infants through 6 years of age.
Silicose é uma doença pulmonar causada pela inalação de partículas de sílica, na qual vários são os mediadores inflamatórios implicados. Neste estudo investigamos o envolvimento do óxido nítrico (NO) nas alterações de função pulmonar e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, em camundongos estimulados com sílica por via intranasal. Foram analisados parâmetros como i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas ao aerossol com metacolina (3 27 mg/mL) através de sistema de pletismografia invasiva, e ii) alterações morfológicas, mediante técnicas clássicas de histologia e imuno-histoquímica. Verificamos que a instilação de partículas de sílica (10 mg) causou aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonar, bem como de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina, em tempos que variaram de 2 a 28 dias. Observamos uma correlação temporal com as alterações morfológicas no tecido pulmonar, que refletiram presença de resposta inflamatória e infiltrado celular intenso, seguidos de progressiva fibrose e formação de granulomas. Os tempos de 7 e 28 dias pós-estimulação com sílica foram selecionados para os ensaios subsequentes, por corresponderem às fases aguda e crônica da silicose experimental, respectivamente. Foram detectados níveis elevados de óxido nítrico (NO), bem como de peroxinitrito/expressão da enzima iNOS no lavado broncoalveolar e no tecido pulmonar de camundongos estimulados com sílica, respectivamente. Em outro grupo de experimentos, observamos que camundongos depletados para o gene codificante para a enzima NOS induzida (iNOS) apresentaram abolidas as respostas de aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonares, bem como da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina em comparação aos animais selvagens (C57BL/6). A inibição da resposta inflamatória e fibrótica granulomatosa foi também notada no caso dos animais nocautes para iNOS. O tratamento com 1400W, um inibidor da enzima iNOS, diminui de forma marcada as alterações de função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual verificadas nos camundongos silicóticos. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que o comprometimento da função pulmonar, representado pelo aumento na resistência/elastância e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, mostraram-se correlacionados à maior geração de NO e de peroxinitrito, assim como da expressão da enzima iNOS. A depleção do gene codificante ou, ainda, o bloqueio da enzima iNOS aboliram a resposta de comprometimento da função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual na silicose experimental. Em conjunto estes achados indicam que o NO parece ser um mediador importante no contexto da silicose, colocando-se como um alvo terapêutico em potencial no tratamento de doenças de caráter fibrótico.
Neste trabalho, buscou-se avaliar se o uso do balão intragástrico (BI) durante um período de seis meses por pacientes obesos ou com sobrepeso e com síndrome metabólica (SM) traz melhora nos parâmetros de função pulmonar, distribuição da gordura corporal e SM. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal e intervencionista com indivíduos adultos que foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, da bioquímica sérica, dos parâmetros de função pulmonar e do padrão de distribuição da gordura corporal, antes da instalação do BI, durante o acompanhamento de seis meses e após a sua retirada. Nos dados obtidos três meses após a colocação do BI, os pacientes apresentaram aumento da capacidade de difusão ao monóxido de carbono com correlação positiva entre esta e o percentual total de gordura corporal (rs=0,39; p=0,05), o padrão ginoide (rs=0,41; p=0,05) e o padrão torácico (rs=0,42; p=0,01). Também foi observado que, após três meses da colocação do BI, houve redução significativa do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (p=0,0001) e da força muscular inspiratória (p=0,009). Também houve aumento significativo da capacidade vital forçada (CVF) (p=0,0001), da capacidade pulmonar total (CPT) (p=0,001) e do volume de reserva expiratório (VRE) (p=0,0001). Ao fim do estudo, foi observada elevação estatisticamente significante da CPT (p=0,0001), capacidade residual funcional (p=0,0001), volume residual (VR) (p=0,0005) e VRE (p=0,0001). Também foi observada redução significativa do IMC, cuja mediana passou de 39,1 kg/m2 no início da avaliação para 34,5 kg/m2 no final dos seis meses (p=0,0001). Ao fim do estudo, 31 pacientes (77,5%) não apresentavam mais critérios diagnósticos para SM. Em relação aos parâmetros de distribuição da gordura corporal, também houve mudanças importantes com redução significante (p=0,0001) do percentual de gordura nos quatro padrões analisados (tronco, androide, ginoide e total). Houve correlação significante entre o delta da CPT e o delta da circunferência abdominal (ρ=-0,34; p=0,03), entre o delta da CRF e o delta do IMC (ρ=-0,39; p=0,01) e entre o delta do VRE e os deltas do IMC (ρ=-0,44; p=0,005) e do colesterol HDL (ρ=-0,37; p=0,02). Também houve correlação significante entre o delta do VRE com os deltas das gorduras de tronco (ρ=-0,51; p=0,004), androide (ρ=-0,46; p=0,01), ginoide (ρ=-0,55; p=0,001) e total (ρ=-0,59; p=0,0005).
A acromegalia é uma doença multissistêmica decorrente da hipersecreção do hormônio do crescimento (GH) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I), o que resulta no crescimento somático exagerado e alterações nas proporções corporais, estando associada à considerável aumento da morbidade e mortalidade. Estima-se ainda que os problemas respiratórios contribuam com 25% de todas as mortes encontradas neste grupo de pacientes. Diferenças metodológicas entre os diversos estudos levaram ao surgimento de dados inconsistentes sobre o papel do crescimento alveolar no desenvolvimento do aumento do volume pulmonar em acromegálicos, o que reforça a importância de novos trabalhos e outras abordagens sobre o tema. Ao mesmo tempo, com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, os métodos de imagem propostos em alguns estudos foram substituídos por outros mais sensíveis como a tomografia computadorizada (TC) multislice (Q-MDCT) que garante adequada mensuração do volume pulmonar, o que proporciona diferentes tipos de comparação e análise e, ainda, permite o estudo anatômico do tórax e vias pulmonares. Nossos objetivos foram identificar os principais achados da tomografia computadorizada (TC) em pacientes acromegálicos, determinar por meio da TC de tórax o volume pulmonar e comparar os achados da densitometria pulmonar com os da função pulmonar entre pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa e doença controlada e, secundariamente, correlacionar estes achados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 29 portadores de acromegalia que tiveram diagnóstico da acromegalia suspeitado por características clínicas e confirmado por níveis elevados de GH não suprimido ou com níveis de IGF-I acima do limite normal. Posteriormente, os pacientes foram subdivididos nos grupos doença ativa(11 indivíduos) e doença controlada(18 indivíduos), segundo os níveis séricos de IGF-I. Houve ainda um grupo controle (17 indivíduos) em que os pacientes, após já terem realizado TC de tórax por alguma razão, foram convidados à realizar os testes de função pulmonar. A Q-MDCT e os testes de função pulmonar apresentaram excelente correlação: o volume total do pulmão (VTP) medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade pulmonar total (rs=0,742, p=0,0001), enquanto VTP medido na TC expiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade residual funcional (rs=0,606, p=0,0005). Os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentaram pulmões mais pesados em relação aos controles [885 (723994) vs. 696 (599769) g, p=0.017]. Os pacientes com acromegalia ativa também apresentaram maiores quantidades de compartimentos pobremente aerados em relação aos outros dois grupos, sendo esta diferença observada em %VTP [3,25 (2,553,46) vs. 2,24 (1,702,56) vs. 1,70 (1,452,15), p = 0,001] e g [82,6 (75,4 100,2) vs. 63,9 (49,180,3) vs. 54,2 (42,259,2), p = 0,0001]. O compartimento pobremente aerado medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com os níveis de GH e IGF (rs=0,407, p=0,029; rs=0,467, p=0,011, respectivamente). Em conclusão, a Q-MDCT mostra que os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentam pulmões mais pesados e maiores quantidades de compartimentos não aerados e pobremente aerados. Há relações entre os achados da densitovolumetria pulmonar e os parâmetros dos testes de função pulmonar na acromegalia.
A interleucina 13 (IL-13) tem sido apontada como um dos principais mediadores em processos de ativação de fibroblastos e indução de fibrose pulmonar, sendo, portanto, considerada como um alvo terapêutico importante. A silicose é uma doença pulmonar inflamatória crônica, de caráter ocupacional, caracterizada por uma intensa resposta fibrótica e granulomatosa. Com base nestas observações, tivemos por objetivo investigar o potencial efeito da administração da imunotoxina IL-13-PE38QQR (IL-13PE) sobre o modelo de silicose em camundongos. Camundongos Swiss-Webster foram anestesiados e instilados intranasalmente com partículas de sílica (10 mg), sendo a administração da IL-13PE (200ng/dia) realizada por via intranasal, uma vez ao dia em dias alternados no período entre 21 a 27 dias após a provocação. Analisamos o componente inflamatório, a deposição de colágeno e a área de granuloma avaliados através de técnicas clássicas de histologia, incluindo coloração com H&E e Picrus-sirius, ou ainda a quantificação do conteúdo de colágeno por Sircol. Os componentes de matriz extracelular fibronectina e laminina foram avaliados através de imunohistoquímica. Citocinas e quimiocinas foram quantificadas por sistema de ELISA. As medidas de função pulmonar e resposta de hiperreatividade foram realizadas através do sistema de pletismografia de corpo inteiro invasiva. Verificamos que o tratamento curativo com a IL-13PE inibiu de forma acentuada o comprometimento da função pulmonar nos camundongos silicóticos, incluindo tanto aumento da resistência como da elastância, assim como a resposta de hiperratividade das vias aéreas ao agente broncoconstrictor metacolina. De forma coerente, os animais silicóticos quando submetidos ao tratamento com IL-13PE apresentaram marcada redução do componente inflamatório pulmonar e da resposta fibrótica, atestado pela diminuição na produção de colágeno, laminina e fibronectina e redução importante da área de granuloma. De forma semelhante, as citocinas (TNF-α e TGF-) e quimiocinas (MIP-1α, MIP-2, TARC, IP-10, MDC) detectadas em quantidade aumentada no pulmão de animais silicóticos foram reduzidas pelo tratamento com a IL-13PE. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a administração curativa da IL-13PE foi capaz de inibir os componentes inflamatórios e fibróticos da fase crônica do quadro silicótico em camundongos, o que se refletiu de forma clara na melhora da função pulmonar. Em conjunto, nossos achados indicam que a utilização da IL13PE parece constituir uma abordagem terapêutica extremamente promissora para aplicação em casos de doenças crônicas de natureza fibrótica como a silicose.
BACKGROUND: Previous investigation showed that the volume-time curve technique could be an alternative for endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff management. However, the clinical impact of the volume-time curve application has not been documented. the purpose of this study was to compare the occurrence and intensity of a sore throat, cough, thoracic pain, and pulmonary function between these 2 techniques for ETT cuff management: volume-time curve technique versus minimal occlusive volume (MOV) technique after coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: A total of 450 subjects were randomized into 2 groups for cuff management after intubation: MOV group (n = 222) and volume-time curve group (n = 228). We measured cuff pressure before extubation. We performed spirometry 24 h before and after surgery. We graded sore throat and cough according to a 4-point scale at 1, 24, 72, and 120 h after extubation and assessed thoracic pain at 24 h after extubation and quantified the level of pain by a 10-point scale. RESULTS: the volume-time curve group presented significantly lower cuff pressure (30.9 +/- 2.8 vs 37.7 +/- 3.4 cm H2O), less incidence and intensity of sore throat (1 h, 23.7 vs 51.4%; and 24 h, 18.9 vs 40.5%, P < .001), cough (1 h, 19.3 vs 48.6%; and 24 h, 18.4 vs 42.3%, P < .001), thoracic pain (5.2 +/- 1.8 vs 7.1 +/- 1.7), better preservation of FVC (49.5 +/- 9.9 vs 41.8 +/- 12.9%, P = .005), and FEV1, (46.6 +/- 1.8 vs 38.6 +/- 1.4%, P = .005) compared with the MOV group. CONCLUSIONS: the subjects who received the volume-time curve technique for ETT cuff management presented a significantly lower incidence and severity of sore throat and cough, less thoracic pain, and minimally impaired pulmonary function than those subjects who received the MOV technique during the first 24 h after coronary artery bypass grafting.
Background: Self-management education may help patients with cystic fibrosis and their families to choose, monitor and adjust treatment requirements for their illness, and also to manage the effects of illness on their lives. Although self-management education interventions have been developed for cystic fibrosis, no previous systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness of these interventions has been conducted. Objectives: To assess the effects of self-management education interventions on improving health outcomes for patients with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register (date of the last search: 22 August 2013). We also searched databases through EBSCO (CINAHL; Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Collection; PsychInfo; SocINDEX) and Elsevier (Embase) and handsearched relevant journals and conference proceedings (date of the last searches: 01 February 2014 ). Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials, quasi-randomised controlled trials or controlled clinical trials comparing different types of self-management education for cystic fibrosis or comparing self-management education with standard care or no intervention. Data collection and analysis: Two authors assessed trial eligibility and risk of bias. Three authors extracted data. Main results: Four trials (involving a total of 269 participants) were included. The participants were children with cystic fibrosis and their parents or caregivers in three trials and adults with cystic fibrosis in one trial. The trials compared four different self-management education interventions versus standard treatment: (1) a training programme for managing cystic fibrosis in general; (2) education specific to aerosol and airway clearance treatments; (3) disease-specific nutrition education; and (4) general and disease-specific nutrition education. Training children to manage cystic fibrosis in general had no statistically significant effects on weight after six to eight weeks, mean difference -7.74 lb (i.e. 3.51 kg) (95% confidence interval -35.18 to 19.70). General and disease-specific nutrition education for adults had no statistically significant effects on: pulmonary function (forced expiratory volume at one second), mean difference -5.00 % (95% confidence interval -18.10 to 8.10) at six months and mean difference -5.50 % (95% confidence interval -18.46 to 7.46) at 12 months; or weight, mean difference - 0.70 kg (95% confidence interval -6.58 to 5.18) at six months and mean difference -0.70 kg (95% confidence interval -6.62 to 5.22) at 12 months; or dietary fat intake scores, mean difference 1.60 (85% confidence interval -2.90 to 6.10) at six months and mean difference 0.20 (95% confidence interval -4.08 to 4.48) at 12 months. There is some limited evidence to suggest that self-management education may improve knowledge in patients with cystic fibrosis but not in parents or caregivers. There is also some limited evidence to suggest that self-management education may result in positively changing a small number of behaviours in both patients and caregivers. Authors' conclusions: The available evidence from this review is of insufficient quantity and quality to draw any firm conclusions about the effects of self-management education for cystic fibrosis. Further trials are needed to investigate the effects of self-management education on a range of clinical and behavioural outcomes in children, adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers.
BACKGROUND: The Lung Cancer Exercise Training Study (LUNGEVITY) is a randomized trial to investigate the efficacy of different types of exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak), patient-reported outcomes, and the organ components that govern VO2peak in post-operative non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. METHODS/DESIGN: Using a single-center, randomized design, 160 subjects (40 patients/study arm) with histologically confirmed stage I-IIIA NSCLC following curative-intent complete surgical resection at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC) will be potentially eligible for this trial. Following baseline assessments, eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (1) aerobic training alone, (2) resistance training alone, (3) the combination of aerobic and resistance training, or (4) attention-control (progressive stretching). The ultimate goal for all exercise training groups will be 3 supervised exercise sessions per week an intensity above 70% of the individually determined VO2peak for aerobic training and an intensity between 60 and 80% of one-repetition maximum for resistance training, for 30-45 minutes/session. Progressive stretching will be matched to the exercise groups in terms of program length (i.e., 16 weeks), social interaction (participants will receive one-on-one instruction), and duration (30-45 mins/session). The primary study endpoint is VO2peak. Secondary endpoints include: patient-reported outcomes (PROs) (e.g., quality of life, fatigue, depression, etc.) and organ components of the oxygen cascade (i.e., pulmonary function, cardiac function, skeletal muscle function). All endpoints will be assessed at baseline and postintervention (16 weeks). Substudies will include genetic studies regarding individual responses to an exercise stimulus, theoretical determinants of exercise adherence, examination of the psychological mediators of the exercise - PRO relationship, and exercise-induced changes in gene expression. DISCUSSION: VO2peak is becoming increasingly recognized as an outcome of major importance in NSCLC. LUNGEVITY will identify the optimal form of exercise training for NSCLC survivors as well as provide insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying this effect. Overall, this study will contribute to the establishment of clinical exercise therapy rehabilitation guidelines for patients across the entire NSCLC continuum. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00018255.
BACKGROUND: One of the central physiological functions of the lungs is to transfer inhaled gases from the alveoli to pulmonary capillary blood. However, current measures of alveolar gas uptake provide only global information and thus lack the sensitivity and specificity needed to account for regional variations in gas exchange. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we exploit the solubility, high magnetic resonance (MR) signal intensity, and large chemical shift of hyperpolarized (HP) (129)Xe to probe the regional uptake of alveolar gases by directly imaging HP (129)Xe dissolved in the gas exchange tissues and pulmonary capillary blood of human subjects. The resulting single breath-hold, three-dimensional MR images are optimized using millisecond repetition times and high flip angle radio-frequency pulses, because the dissolved HP (129)Xe magnetization is rapidly replenished by diffusive exchange with alveolar (129)Xe. The dissolved HP (129)Xe MR images display significant, directional heterogeneity, with increased signal intensity observed from the gravity-dependent portions of the lungs. CONCLUSIONS: The features observed in dissolved-phase (129)Xe MR images are consistent with gravity-dependent lung deformation, which produces increased ventilation, reduced alveolar size (i.e., higher surface-to-volume ratios), higher tissue densities, and increased perfusion in the dependent portions of the lungs. Thus, these results suggest that dissolved HP (129)Xe imaging reports on pulmonary function at a fundamental level.
A previous retrospective study suggested that a policy of regular anti-pseudomonal antibiotic treatment improved pulmonary function and increased survival in patients with cystic fibrosis chronically infected with Pseudomonas species. The results of a prospective multicentre study to compare the effects on pulmonary function and mortality of three monthly elective anti-pseudomonal antibiotic treatment with conventional symptomatic treatment are reported.
Sixty patients with cystic fibrosis, chronically infected with P aeruginosa, were randomised to the two treatment arms (elective or symptomatic) and followed clinically at yearly reviews. The major end points were changes in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV(1)) and forced vital capacity (FVC). Survival was a secondary end point.
Patients in the symptomatic group received a mean of three antibiotic treatments each year and those in the elective group received four antibiotic treatments during each year of the study. No significant differences in FEV(1) and FVC were found between the two groups after three years. There was a statistically non-significant higher rate of deaths in the elective group (n = 4), three of which were associated with B cepacia infection, compared with the symptomatic group (n = 0).
This study did not demonstrate an advantage of a policy of elective antibiotic treatment over symptomatic treatment in patients with cystic fibrosis chronically infected with Pseudomonas species.
Background: It has been suggested that asthmatic subjects with persisting symptoms despite adequate maintenance therapy should be systematically evaluated to identify factors contributing to poor control. The aims of this study were to examine the prevalence of these factors in a cohort of sequentially referred poorly controlled asthmatics, and to determine if any factor or combination of factors predicted true therapy resistant asthma (TRA).
Methods: Patients were evaluated using a systematic evaluation protocol including induced sputum analysis, psychiatric assessment, ear, nose and throat examination, pulmonary function testing, high resolution CT scan of the thorax, and 24 hour dual probe ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring; any identified provoking factor was treated. Asthma was managed according to BTS guidelines.
Results: Of 73 subjects who completed the assessment, 39 responded to intervention and 34 had TRA. Subjects with TRA had a greater period of instability, a higher dose of inhaled steroids at referral, more rescue steroid use, and a lower best percentage forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1%). Oesophageal reflux, upper airway disease, and psychiatric morbidity were common (57%, 95%, 49%, respectively) but were not more prevalent in either group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, inhaled steroid dose >2000 µg BDP, previous assessment by a respiratory specialist, and initial FEV1% of <70% at referral predicted a final diagnosis of TRA.
Conclusions: In poorly controlled asthmatics there is a high prevalence of co-morbidity, identified by detailed systematic assessment, but no difference in prevalence between those who respond to intervention and those with TRA. Targeted treatment of identified co-morbidities has minimal impact on asthma related quality of life in those with therapy resistant disease.
Background: The purpose of this systematic literature review was to examine current empirical research on general and respiratory health outcomes in adult survivors of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).
Methods: We searched seven databases up to the end of November 2010 (MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Maternity and Infant Care, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Web of Knowledge). We independently screened and included only those studies concerning the assessment of outcome measures in adult survivors of BPD. Data on methodologic design and findings were extracted from each included study; in addition, the methodologic quality of each study was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist.
Results: Fourteen cohort studies met the review criteria. Of those, a total of eight studies were considered to be of high quality (score 9-12), five of moderate quality (score 5-8), and only one was of low quality (score 0-4). In all studies of adult survivors of BPD, differences were found between the index and control groups, suggesting that many adults survivors of BPD who were born preterm or with very low birth weight had more respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function abnormalities compared with their peers. Five studies concerning radiologic findings reported structural changes persisting into adulthood. Findings from three studies suggested impairment in exercise capacity, although firm conclusions were limited by the small sample size in the studies reviewed.
Conclusions: Compared with adults born at term, adult survivors of BPD have more impairment in general and respiratory health, which does not seem to diminish over time.
Increasing the activity of defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein is a potential treatment for cystic fibrosis.
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate ivacaftor (VX-770), a CFTR potentiator, in subjects 12 years of age or older with cystic fibrosis and at least one G551D-CFTR mutation. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 150 mg of ivacaftor every 12 hours (84 subjects, of whom 83 received at least one dose) or placebo (83, of whom 78 received at least one dose) for 48 weeks. The primary end point was the estimated mean change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
The change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted FEV1 was greater by 10.6 percentage points in the ivacaftor group than in the placebo group (P < 0.001). Effects on pulmonary function were noted by 2 weeks, and a significant treatment effect was maintained through week 48. Subjects receiving ivacaftor were 55% less likely to have a pulmonary exacerbation than were patients receiving placebo, through week 48 (P < 0.001). In addition, through week 48, subjects in the ivacaftor group scored 8.6 points higher than did subjects in the placebo group on the respiratory-symptoms domain of the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-revised instrument (a 100-point scale, with higher numbers indicating a lower effect of symptoms on the patient's quality of life) (P < 0.001). By 48 weeks, patients treated with ivacaftor had gained, on average, 2.7 kg more weight than had patients receiving placebo (P < 0.001). The change from baseline through week 48 in the concentration of sweat chloride, a measure of CFTR activity, with ivacaftor as compared with placebo was -48.1 mmol per liter (P < 0.001). The incidence of adverse events was similar with ivacaftor and placebo, with a lower proportion of serious adverse events with ivacaftor than with placebo (24% vs. 42%).
Ivacaftor was associated with improvements in lung function at 2 weeks that were sustained through 48 weeks. Substantial improvements were also observed in the risk of pulmonary exacerbations, patient-reported respiratory symptoms, weight, and concentration of sweat chloride.