53 resultados para PTX


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The dimethyl-xanthine derivative pentoxifylline (PTX) increases blood flow through capillaries. In elderly humans the drug leads to improvement in a number of imapired neuropsychological parameters. We now report that oral administration to 29-month female mice (C57, black and tan) over six days induced four different patterns of behavioural reponse: (1) consistent improvement in grooming behaviour throughout the six day trial; (2) significant improvement in light/dark zone curiosity and curiosity towards a strange object on day three, which declined but remained significantly above pre-treatment levels at day 6; (3) an improvement in general activity which only becomes detectable on day six; (4) a significant improvement in rod-walking, rearing an shuttle-box crosses on day three which returned to pre-treatment levels by day 6. Age-related deficits in general activity, grooming and curiosity were completely eliminated by the drug - the mean group performance levels attained those seen in 9-12 month individuals of this strain.


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It is well established that adenosine receptors are involved in cardioprotection and that protein kinase B (PKB) is associated with cell survival. Therefore, in this study we have investigated whether adenosine receptors (A1, A2A and A3) activate PKB by Western blotting and determined the involvement of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K)/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning in cultured newborn rat cardiomyocytes. Adenosine (non-selective agonist), CPA (A1 selective agonist) and Cl-IB-MECA (A(3) selective agonist) all increased PKB phosphorylation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The combined maximal response to CPA and Cl-IB-MECA was similar to the increase in PKB phosphorylation induced by adenosine alone. CGS 21680 (A2A selective agonist) did not stimulate an increase in PKB phosphorylation. Adenosine, CPA and Cl-IB-MECA-mediated PKB phosphorylation were inhibited by pertussis toxin (PTX blocks G(i)/G(o)-protein), genistein (tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PP2 (Src tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG 1478. The PI-3K inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002 blocked A(1) and A(3) receptor-mediated PKB phosphorylation. The role of PI-3K/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning was assessed by monitoring Caspase 3 activity and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release induced by exposure of cardiomyocytes to 4 h hypoxia (0.5% O2) followed by 18 h reoxygenation (HX4/R). Pre-treatment with wortmannin had no significant effect on the ability of adenosine-induced preconditioning to reduce the release of LDH or Caspase 3 activation following HX4/R. In conclusion, we have shown for the first time that adenosine A1 and A3 receptors trigger increases in PKB phosphorylation in rat cardiomyocytes via a G1/G0-protein and tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway. However, the PI-3K/PKB pathway does not appear to be involved in adenosine-induced cardioprotection by preconditioning Adenosine A1 receptor .


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With growing demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid transportation fuels, and concerns about climate change and causes of greenhouse gas emissions, this master’s thesis introduces a new value chain design for LNG and transportation fuels and respective fundamental business cases based on hybrid PV-Wind power plants. The value chains are composed of renewable electricity (RE) converted by power-to-gas (PtG), gas-to-liquids (GtL) or power-to-liquids (PtL) facilities into SNG (which is finally liquefied into LNG) or synthetic liquid fuels, mainly diesel, respectively. The RE-LNG or RE-diesel are drop-in fuels to the current energy system and can be traded everywhere in the world. The calculations for the hybrid PV-Wind power plants, electrolysis, methanation (H2tSNG), hydrogen-to-liquids (H2tL), GtL and LNG value chain are performed based on both annual full load hours (FLh) and hourly analysis. Results show that the proposed RE-LNG produced in Patagonia, as the study case, is competitive with conventional LNG in Japan for crude oil prices within a minimum price range of about 87 - 145 USD/barrel (20 – 26 USD/MBtu of LNG production cost) and the proposed RE-diesel is competitive with conventional diesel in the European Union (EU) for crude oil prices within a minimum price range of about 79 - 135 USD/barrel (0.44 – 0.75 €/l of diesel production cost), depending on the chosen specific value chain and assumptions for cost of capital, available oxygen sales and CO2 emission costs. RE-LNG or RE-diesel could become competitive with conventional fuels from an economic perspective, while removing environmental concerns. The RE-PtX value chain needs to be located at the best complementing solar and wind sites in the world combined with a de-risking strategy. This could be an opportunity for many countries to satisfy their fuel demand locally. It is also a specific business case for countries with excellent solar and wind resources to export carbon-neutral hydrocarbons, when the decrease in production cost is considerably more than the shipping cost. This is a unique opportunity to export carbon-neutral hydrocarbons around the world where the environmental limitations on conventional hydrocarbons are getting tighter.


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Introduction: The raising frequency of cancer diseases is leading to a widespread application of antineoplastic drugs, thus increasing the probability of workplace surfaces contamination. Most of these drugs are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as known or suspected human carcinogens. Skin absorption is the main route for antineoplastic drugs exposure in occupational settings, therefore cleaning protocols have paramount influence in surfaces contamination and, consequently, in exposure. The aim of this study was to assess surfaces contamination in a Portuguese chemotherapy unit before and during drug administration, in both preparation and administration facilities. Methods: Samples were collected by wipe-sampling from potentially contaminated surfaces selected by previous protocol observation. Samples were analyzed by HPLCDAD. Cyclophosphamide (CP), 5-fluorouracil (5FU), and paclitaxel (PTX) were used as surrogate markers for surfaces contamination for all cytotoxic drugs. Results: From the 34 samples collected before any preparation and administration activities, 41.2% were contaminated with 5-FU (4.0-84.7 ng/cm2) and 23.5% of the samples were contaminated with CP (19.8-139.6 μg/cm2). Only 2 samples presented contamination by PTX (5.9%) with a maximum value of 3.7 ng/cm2. Of the 37 samples collected during preparation and administration of antineoplastic drugs, 48.7% were contaminated with 5-FU (1.9-88.7 ng/cm2) and 24.3% with CP (12.0-93.9 μg/cm2). None of the samples showed contamination with PTX. Discussion: Data showed differences in contamination levels before and after the handling of antineoplastic drugs in preparation and in administration settings. These results point out the importance of cleaning procedures. This is well in accordance to previous studies that showed how the type of cleaning procedures and products used can be determinant for surfaces decontamination.


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Purpose: To develop liposome formulations containing monoclonal antibody anti-HER2 (MabHer2), and Paclitaxel (PTX). Methods: Seven different liposomal systems containing PTX, or MabHer2 or a combination of PTX and MabHer2 were made using lipid film hydration technique and sonication. The effects of liposome preparation conditions and extraction methods on antibody structure were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The characteristics of the liposomes were determined by a zetasizer, while drug-loading efficiency was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The cytotoxic effect of the liposome formulations was evaluated on MDA-MB-453 (HER2+) and MCF-7 (HER2-) breast cancer cell lines by MTT assay. Results: The antibody was not significantly affected by the stress conditions and the method of extraction. The particle size of liposomes was < 200 nm while the amount of incorporated PTX was 97.6 % for liposome without cationic agent and 98.2 % for those with cationic agent. Recovery of MabHer2 was 94.38 % after extraction. Combined PTX/MabHer2 liposome was more toxic on HER2 overexpressing positive MDA-MB-453 cell line than PTX-loaded liposomes and MabHer2. MabHer2 and combined PTX/MabHer2 liposomes showed no toxic effects on HER2 overexpressing negative MCF-7 cells relative to cationic PTX-loaded liposomes. Conclusions: This results obtained show that PTX can be encapsulated successfully into liposoma systems and that owing to Her2 specific antibody, these systems can be delivered directly to the target cell.


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Il Paclitaxel (PTX) è un potente agente chemioterapico approvato per il trattamento di numerosi tumori solidi. Tuttavia, la scarsa solubilità in acqua e l’elevata tossicità causano gravi effetti collaterali che pregiudicano severamente la qualità di vita dei pazienti, già compromessa dalla patologia. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato la preparazione mediante nano-precipitazione di micelle di un pro-farmaco del PTX (PTX2S), caricate con feoforbide a (PheoA), una molecola fotosensibile che illuminata ad una specifica lunghezza d’onda genera specie reattive all’ossigeno (ROS) e ossigeno di singoletto (1O2) capaci di uccidere le cellule tumorali. Le nanomicelle sono state caratterizzate in termini di stabilità in condizioni fisiologiche, capacità di loading e di rilascio del farmaco e sviluppo di ROS a seguito di irraggiamento con luce bianca. Inoltre, test preliminari in vitro eseguiti su cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (MSC) hanno dimostrato che le nanomicelle sono efficacemente internalizzate dalle cellule senza comprometterne la vitalità e la morfologia. Tali dati preliminari dimostrano che le MSC possono essere quindi utilizzate come vettori selettivi delle nanomicelle qui descritte.


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Una strategia promettente per potenziare l’efficacia di un trattamento antitumorale limitandone gli effetti collaterali sistemici e i fenomeni di resistenza, è quella di combinare, all’interno di un nanoveicolo, l’azione sinergica/additiva di diversi trattamenti terapeutici, come ad esempio la terapia fotodinamica (PDT) e l’immunoterapia. In questo lavoro di tesi sono state preparate nanoparticelle multimodali altamente biodegradabili e biocompatibili, a base di albumina umana (HSA) caricate con un pro-farmaco del paclitaxel (PTX), un agente chemioterapeutico approvato per il trattamento di diversi tumori solidi; una molecola fotosensibile, IR780, che illuminata a una specifica lunghezza d'onda, induce la formazione di specie radicaliche dell'ossigeno (ROS) e ossigeno di singoletto (1O2), in grado di uccidere le cellule malate; ed infine con Indoximod (IND), in grado di inibire un checkpoint immunitario, con azione indiretta sull’enzima indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO-1). Le nanoparticelle sono poi state rivestite con un guscio di MnO2, per limitare l’ipossia caratteristica dell’ambiente tumorale, potenziando così l’azione citotossica. Le nanoparticelle ottenute sono state caratterizzate in termini di dimensioni, capacità di loading, stabilità in acqua e in ambiente fisiologico. Inoltre, mediante spettroscopia UV-vis, è stata studiata la capacità dell’IR780 di produrre specie reattive all’ossigeno (ROS). In futuro, saranno studiati i fenomeni di rilascio dei diversi agenti dalle nanoparticelle e sarà verificato se la presenza dell’ossido di manganese sia in grado di migliorare l’ossigenazione del microambiente tumorale.