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No presente estudo foram analisados possíveis fatores bio-sócio-ambientais interferentes na exposição ao mercúrio em crianças ribeirinhas. Participaram 103 crianças das regiões do rio Tapajós, rio Acará e ilha do Marajó. O tipo de estudo foi seccional analítico. Foram colhidas amostras de cabelo para análise dos teores de Hgtotal, de sangue (análise de hemoglobina e hematócrito) e fezes. Foram utilizados índices antropométricos na análise do crescimento das crianças. Na avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor foi aplicado o teste de triagem Denver II modificado. A maior média dos teores de Hgtotal em amostras de cabelo das crianças foi na região do Tapajós (5,58 μg/g) e 0,65 μg/g nas demais localidades. A prevalência de Hgtotal >10 μg/g foi 25% e 7,5% em São Luiz do Tapajós e Barreira. O consumo diário de peixes pelas famílias das crianças quando relacionado com teores de Hgtotal p(valor) foi < 0,05. A prevalência do tempo de amamentação das crianças nos grupos com menos de 12 meses e maior de 6 meses para as localidades do rio Tapajós, quando relacionadas com teores de Hgtotal no cabelo das crianças apresentou p(valor) <0,05. A prevalência de anemia nas crianças da região Tapajós era de 46,7% e quando relacionada com teores de Hgtotal p(valor) <0,0001.Os exames coproscópicos indicaram que 68,3% eram poliparasitadas, quando relacionadas com Hgtotal p(valor) <0,05. O perfil do crescimento observado através dos indicadores do estado nutricional era 82,6% com peso adequado para idade e 14,5% com peso muito baixo e baixo. O desempenho neuropsicomotor examinado pelo teste de triagem Denver II modificado apresentou cinco crianças como suspeitas de atraso no desenvolvimento. Concluiu-se que localidades no entorno de atividades garimpeira as crianças ribeirinhas são expostas ao risco de contaminação mercurial. Fatores bio-sócio-ambientais interferentes na exposição ao mercúrio tais como consumo diário de peixes, tempo de amamentação, anemia, enteroparasitoses apresentaram relações estatísticas significativas com o Hgtotal no cabelo das crianças.


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The purposes of this study were to investigate a) the effect of redundant and non-redundant instruction on external focus of attention adoption, b) the effect of adopting an external focus of attention on performance in a front crawl swimming task, and c) the effect of redundancy in the wording of a verbal instruction on the above variables. 43 college students (m/f) aged 17 to 46 swam 25 m crawl at maximum speed, once under each of three conditions: without focus instruction (SF), following a focus instruction (CF) and a redundant focus instruction (CFR), in counterbalanced order. For focus adoption control, after completing the task participants were asked about what they had focused on while swimming. As a measure of performance, time and number of strokes were taken and the stroke index was calculated. The results showed that under redundant focus instruction (CFR) condition, 42 % failed to adopt the attentional focus as asked, and following focus (CF) instruction, 23 %. Under CF condition, the frequency of participants that adopted the focus was higher than of those who did not. Performance did not differ significantly among the three conditions (p>0,05). These findings stress the need of manipulation checks in attentional focus research, regarding both performance and motor learning efficiency, as well as the need for further investigation into the relation between instruction extension and performance.


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Este estudo investigou a aprendizagem de uma tarefa motora seriada em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. Quinze crianças, 14 adultos e 13 idosos praticaram a tarefa de rastrear uma sequência de seis estímulos luminosos durante 10 blocos de tentativas ou até descobrir a sequência, constituindo a fase de estabilização e mais dois blocos de tentativas, referentes as fases de adaptação I e II. O desempenho foi mensurado por meio das respostas funcionais e não-funcionais e das sequências funcionais. Os resultados indicaram que os adultos foram superiores aos demais participantes, e idosos apresentaram melhor desempenho que crianças apenas no início da prática, sugerindo que o estágio de desenvolvimento interage com o processo de aprendizagem motora.


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Several studies have shown that children with spina bifida meningomyelocele (SBM) and hydrocephalus have attention problems on parent ratings and difficulties in stimulus orienting associated with a posterior brain attention system. Less is known about response control and inhibition associated with an anterior brain attention system. Using the Gordon Vigilance Task (Gordon, 1983), we studied error rate, reaction time, and performance over time for sustained attention, a key anterior attention function, in 101 children with SBM, 17 with aqueductal stenosis (AS; another condition involving congenital hydrocephalus), and 40 typically developing controls (NC). In SBM, we investigated the relation between cognitive attention and parent ratings of inattention and hyperactivity and explored the impact of medical variables. Children with SBM did not differ from AS or NC groups on measures of sustained attention, but they committed more errors and responded more slowly. Approximately one-third of the SBM group had attention symptoms, although parent attention ratings were not associated with task performance. Hydrocephalus does not account for the attention profile of children with SBM, which also reflects the distinctive brain dysmorphologies associated with this condition.


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The phenomenon of diffusion hypoxia is commonly believed to occur unless nitrous oxide-oxygen inhalation sedation is followed by "washout" with 100% oxygen for 5 minutes upon termination of the flow of nitrous oxide. When systematically studied, however, this phenomenon generally appears to be unfounded. The present study evaluated the effect of breathing room air instead of 100% oxygen in healthy (ASA 1) human volunteers following administration of sedative concentrations of nitrous oxide. The occurrence of hypoxia was determined objectively, using pulse oximetry and a standardized psychomotor skills test (Trieger test). Diffusion hypoxia was not observed using these criteria.


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Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Aviation Medicine, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.