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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O recurso pesqueiro da bacia do rio Cuiabá, um dos mais importantes tributários da bacia do Alto Paraguai, formadora do Pantanal, foi estudado a partir dos dados de desembarque de pescado obtidos no Mercado do Porto de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. São descritas a composição e procedência das capturas para os anos de 2000 e 2001. O rio Cuiabá é a fonte dominante de pescado para a cidade de Cuiabá, mas uma parte do pescado comercializado localmente é oriunda do rio Paraguai. Além disso, atualmente o pescado vem de regiões mais distantes da zona urbana. Constatou-se que a pesca incide basicamente sobre espécies migradoras. As principais espécies capturadas foram os pimelodídeos pintado -Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, cachara -Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum e jaú -Paulicea luetkeni e os caraciformes pacu -Piaractus mesopotamicus, piraputanga -Brycon microlepis, piavuçu -Leporinus macrocephalus e dourado -Salminus brasiliensis. Os grandes bagres (Pimelodidae) foram os responsáveis por 70% do pescado desembarcado no período de estudo, dentre os quais o pintado foi a espécie mais capturada. Os dados indicam que as capturas atuais estão bem aquém daquelas registradas no início da década de 80. Além disso, apesar do número e composição de espécies capturadas serem similares àqueles da década de 80, a distribuição da abundância mudou. Atualmente a pesca captura mais espécies carnívoras do que espécies de níveis tróficos inferiores. Estes achados não podem ser creditados somente a sobrepesca, mas parecem resultar de uma complexa interação entre degradação ambiental, mudanças na preferência de mercado e medidas legais restritivas à pesca.


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The determination of mean intensity of parasitism for colony-forming sessile protozoan such as Epistylis has been a great problem in parasitological studies. Some alternatives have been proposed by researchers for laboratory and field conditions. This study describes the criteria to establish the parasitic intensity score for epistylidid infestation in fish. Parasite distribution and the host-parasite relationship in four species of Brazilian cultured catfish and their hybrids are discussed. The highest prevalence rates were found in the hybrid jundiara, Leiarius marmoratus male × Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum female (96.4 %), followed by jurupoca, Hemisorubim platyrhynchos (60 %), and the hybrid surubim, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans male × P. reticulatum female (52.7 %). Positive correlation between parasitic intensity score and the fish size, weight, and relative condition factor were also observed. These findings indicate that Epistylis infestation in Brazilian catfish is an emerging disease in cultured fish. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Herein, we have developed molecular markers for nuclear genes to use in multiplex-PCR and PCR-RFLP, with the goal of characterising hybrid lines derived from crosses between pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and cachara P. reticulatum. These markers, together with others described previously, were used to perform molecular identification analyses as genetic subsidies for Brazilian aquaculture. These analyses were performed due to the problems of high mortality in the offspring reported by the aquaculturist. From a total of 16 broodstock samples, 13 were genetically identified as hybrids; surprisingly, nine of these hybrids were found to be post-F1 lineages. These data show that the fertility of these animals can seriously affect the cultivated stocks, thus causing financial damage in this aquaculture system. The establishment of PCR-RFLP and multiplex-PCR as molecular techniques allows for both the correct management of these animals and the routine monitoring of production and trade of fish hybrids in aquaculture. Consequently, such tools will enable a sustainable development in the aquaculture industry. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Fish hybrids provide genetically manipulated products of excellent value for the commercial aquaculture industry. However, if handled or marketed incorrectly, they can cause great financial loss to producers as well as threaten the native species. Herein, molecular markers are established to identify hybrid lineages of pimelodids and characterize them in relation to their parental species, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus and Leiarius marmoratus. The results show that the mitochondrial genes are useful for identification of the cross-direction through the characterization of the maternal lineage. The nuclear genes allow identification of the interspecific hybrids. Use of genetic markers can avoid misidentification of hybrids that occur in simple morphological analysis. Thus, the present results allow the routine monitoring of pimelodid hybrids for their correct management and trade in aquaculture. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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The current study evaluated the growth performance and the haematological profile of barred sorubim fed with levels of hybrid sorubim viscera protein concentrate (0.0; 5.0; 10.0 e 15.0%) in isoprotein and isoenergetic diets. Eighty fish with an average initial weight of 39.8 ± 0.28 g and an average initial length of 19.92 ± 0.25 cm were distributed in 16 aquaria of 60 L, with recirculation system and temperature control, during 35 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and four replications. For the growth performance assay were analyzed the follows variables: weight gain (WG), feed consumption (FC), apparent feed conversion ratio (AFCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER). Furthermore, the hemogram were assessed on the treated fish with levels of protein concentrate. It was observed no significant difference (P>0.05) for all the parameters evaluated. It was concluded that the protein concentrate from hybrid sorubim viscera can be included up to 15% in diets for barred sorubim juveniles without negative response on the performance and health.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Steindachneridion parahybae is a freshwater catfish endemic to the Paraiba do Sul River and is classified as an endangered Neotropical species. An increasing number of conservation biologists are incorporating morphological and physiological research data to help conservation managers in rescue these endangered species. This study investigated the embryonic and larval development of S. parahybae in captivity, with emphasis in major events during the ontogeny of S. parahybae. Broodstocks were artificially induced to reproduce, and the extrusion occurred 200-255 degree-hours after hormonal induction at 24 degrees C. Larval ontogeny was evaluated every 10 minutes under microscopic/stereomicroscopic using fresh eggs samples. The main embryogenic development stages were identified: zygote, cleavage, including the morula, blastula, gastrula phase, organogenesis, and hatching. The extruded oocytes showed an average diameter of 1.10 +/- 0.10 mm, and after fertilization and hydration of eggs, the average diameter of eggs increased to about 1.90 +/- 0.60 mm, characterized by a large perivitelline space that persisted up to embryo development, the double chorion, and the poles (animal and vegetative). Cell division started about 2 minutes after fertilization (AF), resulting in 2, 4, 8 (4 x 2 arrangement of cells), 16 (4 x 4), 32 (4 x 8) and 64 (2 x 4 x 8) cells. Furthermore, the blastula and gastrula stages followed after these cells divisions. The closed blastopore occurred at 11 h 20 min AF; following the development, the organogenetic stages were identified and subdivided respectively in: early segmentation phase and late segmentation phase. In the early segmentation phase, there was the establishment of the embryonic axis, and it was possible to distinguish between the cephalic and caudal regions; somites, and the optic vesicles developed about 20 h AF. Total hatching occurred at 54 h AF, and the larvae average length was 4.30 +/- 0.70 mm. Gradual yolk sac reduction was observed during the first two days of larval development. The first feeding occurred at the end of the second day. During the larval phase, cannibalism, heterogeneous larval growth and photophobia were also observed. This information will be important in improving the artificial reproduction protocols of S. parahybae in controlled breeding programs.


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We examined whether pintado catfish (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) can discriminate between scents of non-injured conspecifics stressed by a predator or by confinement and how fish use this information in the trade-off between feeding and predator avoidance. In the confinement stress condition, fish ingested the food, whereas in the predator stress condition, fish did not eat. This finding and comparisons of the latency to food ingestion and the time spent swimming between the confinement and predator-stress conditions indicated that pintado catfish can discriminate between conspecifics stressed by a predator or confinement using chemical cues, and use this information for adjusting the trade-off between food intake and predator avoidance.


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The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Anaplasmataceae-like organisms in monocytes from the hybrid surubim catfish. During the hematological evaluation of fish infected by Pseudomonas sp. in a fish farm located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul we observed into the monocytes the presence of numerous pleomorphic inclusions of various sizes, rough in appearance which presented basophilic staining. These inclusions were similar to elementary bodies, initial bodies and morule of the bacteria from Anaplasmataceae family, often diagnosed in domestic mammals. This is the first report of its occurrence possibly belonging to the family of Anaplasmataceae in cultured fish in Brazil. Additional studies are necessary for molecular characterization of this bacteria, pathogenic potential, life cycle and impact on the intensive production of fish.


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The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Anaplasmataceae-like organisms in monocytes from the hybrid surubim catfish. During the hematological evaluation of fish infected by Pseudomonas sp. in a fish farm located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul we observed into the monocytes the presence of numerous pleomorphic inclusions of various sizes, rough in appearance which presented basophilic staining. These inclusions were similar to elementary bodies, initial bodies and morule of the bacteria from Anaplasmataceae family, often diagnosed in domestic mammals. This is the first report of its occurrence possibly belonging to the family of Anaplasmataceae in cultured fish in Brazil. Additional studies are necessary for molecular characterization of this bacteria, pathogenic potential, life cycle and impact on the intensive production of fish.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)