922 resultados para PORTUGUESE SIGN LANGUAGE
The study object of this thesis intertwines the history of deaf education in the last 30 years in three schools for the deaf in the cities of Campina Grande, Gado Bravo and Aroeiras, Paraiba, the life stories of six deaf teachers of brasilian sign language (Libras) that have formed and works in these educational institutions for the deaf and our own journey, as a teacher and researcher. The study was conducted on the theoretical-methodological principles of (auto)biographical research in education and socio-historical studies on the social formation of the human. The corpus used for analysis was consisted of six narrative interviews conducted in sign language and transcribed into portuguese, documents and personal files and institutional. The analysis allowed us to define three hinge moments of this story: the creation of the first school for the deaf, within the framework of oralism (1980 - 1991), the passage into the Total Communication (1991 - 1995) and, finally, the introduction of Bilingualism (1995 to today). The analyzes show that the trajectories of teacher formation of the research participants reflect the history of the three schools which have costituted bilingual social spaces of paramount importance to the subjects and the deaf community as a group of linguistic and cultural minority. The evolution of this trajectory has allowed to demarcate between the two generations of research participants. The generation of heirs of oralism, which had delayed access to the Libras and lived an education referenced in oralism, whose reminiscences of childhood and adolescence are strongly marked by suffering for the lack of communication, which hinders their social and professional career until today. And the generation of the sons of bilingualism, the youngest in age, who had childhood access to Libras and education within the framework of bilingualism, whose reminiscences are not marked by suffering and have a positive vision of the future. With respect to your teacher formation, three figures stand out as a teacher. The teacher's improvised, closer to the first generation of teachers who were called to teach without proper training. The figure of the teacher craftsman, which corresponds to the image that most of them have of yourself now, understanding that their knowledge are based on the exchange between peers. And finally the figure of the real teacher, which stands on the horizon of expectations as future graduates in Letters |Libras. The narratives allowed to realize that the evolution between these figures is based on the contributions of the other: hearing teachers of EDAC and the Federal University of Campina Grande and deaf teachers of the two generations who learn from each other. The analyzes and reflections allowed to defend the thesis of the centrality of bilingual environments for the establishment of the deaf person as a citizen with full rights, based on the voice of the deaf, muted by the history of education, conducted by listeners
Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A pesquisa tem como premissa fundamental analisar situações de ensino de matemática com o conteúdo de problemas multiplicativos classificados com base em Huete e Bravo (2006) mediante a prática docente de professores (surdos e ouvintes) com alunos surdos, buscando indicativos de obstáculos metodológicos que podem estar presentes no processo de comunicação matemática em situações de ensino envolvendo estes sujeitos. Como eixo norteador da pesquisa, buscamos um referencial teórico que embasa o processo de ensino e aprendizagem para surdos com ênfase na especificidade do ensino de matemática que tem como veículo propulsionador a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS), procuramos suscitar reflexões acerca de quais condições devem sustentar este ensino. A pesquisa é de natureza exploratória descritiva e foi realizada em uma Unidade Especializada na educação de surdos. Os registros foram feitos através de filmagens. Os dados foram analisados a partir da perspectiva dos elementos didáticos e pedagógicos, presentes nas ações dos sujeitos de pesquisa e que contribuíram para a obstaculização ou sucesso do ensino e aprendizagem do conteúdo envolvido. A partir de nossas análises podemos considerar que o ensino de matemática para surdos exige do profissional envolvido competências que passam por um amplo domínio de LIBRAS, Matemática, Língua Portuguesa e estratégias de ensino específicas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The reading of history is a fundamental part of early literacy for children as part of the goals for all children's education. The wheel of history or storytelling is an important moment of great help in the cognitive development of children, including a child with disabilities. Searching the accessibility of communication is that the present study aimed to make accessible in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) the book O Penuginha by Luiz Vitor Martinello. To facilitate the achievement of this objective, it was considered appropriate to develop a descriptive study following the methodology of qualitative research, to survey the literature on how learning takes place in the Portuguese language by deaf students. This study resulted in a DVD with video recording with the translation of the book O Penuginha in LIBRAS and the narration of the book in Portuguese. Therefore, this project became relevant as the paradigm of the twenty first century is the inclusion of all people in different scenarios and the school is one of the first places where the removal of barriers is essential
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
The storytelling is central to the early literacy of children, part of the objectives for the entire kindergarten. The story circle or storytelling is important and helpful in cognitive and emotional development of children, including the ones with disabilities. Seeking communicational accessibility, the aim of this work is to make the book "O Penuginha" by Luiz Vitor Martinello available in LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). To facilitate the achievement of this objective, it was considered appropriate to develop a descriptive study following the methodology of qualitative research, to search for literature on how learning takes place in the Portuguese language by deaf students. This study resulted in a DVD with video recordings, the translation of the book "O Penuginha" in LIBRAS and the narration of the book in Portuguese. Therefore, this research is relevant because the paradigm of the twenty first century is the inclusion of all people in different scenarios and the school is one of the first places where the removal of barriers is essential.
[EN] Hearing impairment may constitute a barrier for accessing to information and communication in public places. Since the oral communication forms the basis of the learning process, this problem becomes of particular relevance at schools and universities. To cope with this situation is not enough to provide a textual translation for people with hearing disabilities, society via educational authorities must facilitate alternatives that improve access to information and education to this collective. According to this reality, the possibility of having an alternative tool of communication based in the Spanish Sign Language (SSL) emerges as a contribution to help overcoming the communication obstacles that the students with this difficulty usually find.
Freimaurer verwenden eine spezielle Art von Kommunikation: Zeichensprache, Metaphern, Symbole, Neologismen, Fachsprachen, rituelle 'Reisen' usw. Untersucht werden soll hier der masonische Anspruch, eine 'Universalsprache' zu besitzen. Das Gerüst dieser Dissertation ist ein Vergleich der ganzen Bandbreite der Freimaurerei - Orden für Männer, Frauen, Jugendliche, Farbige, sowie quasi-masonische Freizeitclubs - mit nachahmerischen Fraternitäten, wie z.B. den frühen amerikanischen Versicherungsgesellschaften und deren Kommunikationsmodellen. Die experimentelle Methode der Autorin schließt die Erforschung freimaurerischer und anderer bruderschaftlicher Quellen der letzten drei Jahrhunderte ein, sowie Besuche freimaurerischer Institutionen und Interviews mit Freimaurern. Diese Aktivitäten führten zu dem Ergebnis, daß - während die Symbole allgemein anwendbar sind - die schriftliche Freimaurersprache nicht in allen Ländern uniform ist. Die ethischen Lehren, die aus der symbolischen Freimaurerkommunikation gezogen werden sollen, haben einen internationalen Standard erreicht. So ist die Freimaurersprache seit der offiziellen Gründung der Freimaurerei im Jahre 1717 immer noch lebendig. Die rituelle Phraseologie der frühen nordamerikanischen Gewerkschaften und Versicherungsgesellschaften hingegen ist entweder verloren gegangen oder stellt nur noch pompöse Worthülsen dar, die sich um ein weltliches Thema - wie Versicherungen - ranken.
Cerebral organization during sentence processing in English and in American Sign Language (ASL) was characterized by employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 T. Effects of deafness, age of language acquisition, and bilingualism were assessed by comparing results from (i) normally hearing, monolingual, native speakers of English, (ii) congenitally, genetically deaf, native signers of ASL who learned English late and through the visual modality, and (iii) normally hearing bilinguals who were native signers of ASL and speakers of English. All groups, hearing and deaf, processing their native language, English or ASL, displayed strong and repeated activation within classical language areas of the left hemisphere. Deaf subjects reading English did not display activation in these regions. These results suggest that the early acquisition of a natural language is important in the expression of the strong bias for these areas to mediate language, independently of the form of the language. In addition, native signers, hearing and deaf, displayed extensive activation of homologous areas within the right hemisphere, indicating that the specific processing requirements of the language also in part determine the organization of the language systems of the brain.
The study aimed to identify in the professionals and students of health courses that work in a health Basic Unit in the city of Natal/RN their perceptions of the care of deaf patients, and with the population's needs with hearing loss in relation to health care. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive study, conducted between April to July 2014, with a population composed of 21 health professionals, 17 students and 8 deaf users. For data collection, we used a structured questionnaire with open and closed questions applied to groups composed of health professionals (doctors, dentists, nurses and health workers) and students of medical schools, nursing, physical education, nutrition and social service. The professionals/students answered a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions concerning the possible difficulties the care of the deaf and hearing impaired. Data collection with deaf users was conducted through filmed interview for the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) could be interpreted as to the Portuguese by the researcher. With the latter it was conducted a survey of their reactions when looking for a care in the health service. Regarding the profile of identification of the subjects, it was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies). The open questions were analyzed through the content analysis technique which allowed the categorization process preserving all the points raised in the discussion so that the lines were representative of the whole. When asked about the professionals and students attitude used to communicate with deaf patients possible the following categories emerged: the "writing", the "gestures" and the "third party assistance". With regard of the deaf, when asked about their experiences in seeking care in health, the elucidated categories were: "quality of care to the hearing impaired", "communication with the hearing impaired adequacy" and "dependence on third parties." The closed questions were measured and adapted to the 5 degrees of variation Likert Scale, which comprised three of these issues: degree of difficulty in communication to meet a patient with hearing loss (minimum to great difficulty); feeling of comfort while using sign language (minimum to severe discomfort); and knowledge of the Law 10.436, which provides for the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) (low knowledge to entirely clear). The data collected with professionals and students revealed some misunderstanding and discomfort in health care for deaf patients, reality also evidenced in the opinion of the deaf participants. This study revealed problems in communication, resulting in negative consequences in serving this population. This diagnosis may be relevant to public policy development and curriculum guidelines essential to the training of health professionals, inclusion and improving assistance to deaf.
At a time when the issue of the inclusion of hearing-impaired students in regular schools has been discussed, it becomes necessary to reflect upon the relevance of a recurrent educational process in schools specialized in education for the hearing-impaired: the bilingual schools. Such institutions, still scarce in Brazil, offer an oriented and specialized education to hearing-impaired children and adolescents, since they have the Brazilian Sign Language as a language of instruction in all subjects, and the Portuguese written language as an additional language, which gives them the bilingual status. This research aims to investigate how the practices developed in my Portuguese classes in a bilingual school have contributed to the development of student‟s literacy, specifically the Critical Literacy (STREET, 1985, 1990, 1998), in two classes of hearing-impaired students enrolled in the final grades of elementary school. It is a qualitative, ethnographic research, which uses the triangulation system for analyzing data: (i) the pedagogical sequences; (ii) the students‟ activities and (iii) the teacher‟s and students‟ written accounts registered as field notes. Through the intersection of the data, this work evaluates whether students have achieved some level of Critical Literacy, and what kind of collaboration and/or activity is relevant during this process. This research is justified by the need to evaluate practices at bilingual schools that, although supported by current law in Brazil, are still a minority whose work is still not acknowledged or valued. The results show that activities using real texts of different genres can contribute to the development of Critical Literacy, and also to dynamic classes, with discussions about relevant topics to society in Sign Language. Also, activities that encourage students to do research and that provide to the hearing-impaired student, the understanding of the real usefulness of Portuguese as an instrument for the social inclusion of the hearing-impaired providing opportunities for them to change their social position can collaborate to this process.