991 resultados para PORCINE MODEL


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En février, 2009 un rapport de PHRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) confirmait que plus de 300 médicaments pour le traitement des maladies cardiaques étaient en phase d’essais cliniques ou en révision par les agences règlementaires. Malgré cette abondance de nouvelles thérapies cardiovasculaires, le nombre de nouveaux médicaments approuvés chaque année (toutes indications confondues) est en déclin avec seulement 17 et 24 nouveaux médicaments approuvés en 2007 et 2008, respectivement. Seulement 1 médicament sur 5000 sera approuvé après 10 à 15 ans de développement au coût moyen de 800 millions $. De nombreuses initiatives ont été lancées par les agences règlementaires afin d’augmenter le taux de succès lors du développement des nouveaux médicaments mais les résultats tardent. Cette stagnation est attribuée au manque d’efficacité du nouveau médicament dans bien des cas mais les évaluations d’innocuité remportent la palme des causes d’arrêt de développement. Primum non nocere, la maxime d’Hippocrate, père de la médecine, demeure d’actualité en développement préclinique et clinique des médicaments. Environ 3% des médicaments approuvés au cours des 20 dernières années ont, par la suite, été retirés du marché suite à l’identification d’effets adverses. Les effets adverses cardiovasculaires représentent la plus fréquente cause d’arrêt de développement ou de retrait de médicament (27%) suivi par les effets sur le système nerveux. Après avoir défini le contexte des évaluations de pharmacologie de sécurité et l’utilisation des bio-marqueurs, nous avons validé des modèles d’évaluation de l’innocuité des nouveaux médicaments sur les systèmes cardiovasculaires, respiratoires et nerveux. Évoluant parmi les contraintes et les défis des programmes de développements des médicaments, nous avons évalué l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’oxytocine (OT), un peptide endogène à des fins thérapeutiques. L’OT, une hormone historiquement associée à la reproduction, a démontré la capacité d’induire la différentiation in vitro de lignées cellulaires (P19) mais aussi de cellules souches embryonnaires en cardiomyocytes battants. Ces observations nous ont amené à considérer l’utilisation de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Afin d’arriver à cet objectif ultime, nous avons d’abord évalué la pharmacocinétique de l’OT dans un modèle de rat anesthésié. Ces études ont mis en évidence des caractéristiques uniques de l’OT dont une courte demi-vie et un profil pharmacocinétique non-linéaire en relation avec la dose administrée. Ensuite, nous avons évalué les effets cardiovasculaires de l’OT sur des animaux sains de différentes espèces. En recherche préclinique, l’utilisation de plusieurs espèces ainsi que de différents états (conscients et anesthésiés) est reconnue comme étant une des meilleures approches afin d’accroître la valeur prédictive des résultats obtenus chez les animaux à la réponse chez l’humain. Des modèles de rats anesthésiés et éveillés, de chiens anesthésiés et éveillés et de singes éveillés avec suivi cardiovasculaire par télémétrie ont été utilisés. L’OT s’est avéré être un agent ayant d’importants effets hémodynamiques présentant une réponse variable selon l’état (anesthésié ou éveillé), la dose, le mode d’administration (bolus ou infusion) et l’espèce utilisée. Ces études nous ont permis d’établir les doses et régimes de traitement n’ayant pas d’effets cardiovasculaires adverses et pouvant être utilisées dans le cadre des études d’efficacité subséquentes. Un modèle porcin d’infarctus du myocarde avec reperfusion a été utilisé afin d’évaluer les effets de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Dans le cadre d’un projet pilote, l’infusion continue d’OT initiée immédiatement au moment de la reperfusion coronarienne a induit des effets cardiovasculaires adverses chez tous les animaux traités incluant une réduction de la fraction de raccourcissement ventriculaire gauche et une aggravation de la cardiomyopathie dilatée suite à l’infarctus. Considérant ces observations, l’approche thérapeutique fût révisée afin d’éviter le traitement pendant la période d’inflammation aigüe considérée maximale autour du 3ième jour suite à l’ischémie. Lorsqu’initié 8 jours après l’ischémie myocardique, l’infusion d’OT a engendré des effets adverses chez les animaux ayant des niveaux endogènes d’OT élevés. Par ailleurs, aucun effet adverse (amélioration non-significative) ne fût observé chez les animaux ayant un faible niveau endogène d’OT. Chez les animaux du groupe placebo, une tendance à observer une meilleure récupération chez ceux ayant des niveaux endogènes initiaux élevés fût notée. Bien que la taille de la zone ischémique à risque soit comparable à celle rencontrée chez les patients atteints d’infarctus, l’utilisation d’animaux juvéniles et l’absence de maladies coronariennes sont des limitations importantes du modèle porcin utilisé. Le potentiel de l’OT pour le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde demeure mais nos résultats suggèrent qu’une administration systémique à titre de thérapie de remplacement de l’OT devrait être considérée en fonction du niveau endogène. De plus amples évaluations de la sécurité du traitement avec l’OT dans des modèles animaux d’infarctus du myocarde seront nécessaires avant de considérer l’utilisation d’OT dans une population de patients atteint d’un infarctus du myocarde. En contre partie, les niveaux endogènes d’OT pourraient posséder une valeur pronostique et des études cliniques à cet égard pourraient être d’intérêt.


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Effet positif de la N-acétylcystéine sur la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques associée à une hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche dans un modèle porcin A. A. HORN, M-C AUBIN, YF SHI, J-C TARDIF, M. CARRIER , L. P. PERRAULT INSTITUT DE CARDIOLOGIE DE MONTRÉAL, MONTRÉAL, CANADA, Objectif : Il a été démontré dans le laboratoire que dans notre modèle d’hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche, la dysfonction endothéliale est secondaire à une diminution de la biodisponibilité du NO, celle-ci étant causée par une augmentation du stress oxydant tel que démontré par Malo et al. (2003) et Aubin et al. (2006). Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier l’effet d’un traitement chronique de la N-acétylcystéine (NAC) (un antioxydant) sur la dysfonction endothéliale associée à une hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche (HVG). Méthodologie: L’HVG a été induite par cerclage aortique (CA) chez vingt-et-un porcelets âgés de deux mois qui furent divisés aléatoirement en quatre groupes expérimentaux. Le groupe témoin (groupe 1) a été soumis à une thoracotomie antérolatérale gauche sans cerclage aortique (n=3). Le groupe 2 a été soumis à un cerclage aortique pour une période de 60 jours (n=6). Le groupe 3 a subi un cerclage aortique et a reçu un traitement oral de N-acétylcystéine de 1000 mg/jour per os pendant 60 jours commençant le jour de la chirurgie (n=6). Le groupe 4 a été soumis à un cerclage aortique et a reçu un traitement oral de N-acétylcystéine : 1000 mg/par jour pendant 30 jours commençant le jour 30 (post-chirurgie) (n=6). L’hypertrophie fut évaluée par échocardiographie. La réactivité vasculaire fut étudiée à l’aide de chambres d’organes par la construction des courbes concentration-réponse à la sérotonine (5-HT: relaxations induites par les récepteurs 5-HT1D, couplés aux protéines Gi) et à la bradykinine (BK: relaxations induites par les récepteurs B2, couplés aux protéines Gq). Les quantités de nitrites/nitrates et la production basale de GMPc ont été mesurées pour évaluer la fonction endothéliale. Le stress oxydant a été étudié en quantifiant les concentrations plasmatiques d’hydroperoxydes lipidiques et de glutathion réduit, ainsi que l’activité plasmatique des enzymes antioxydantes peroxydase du glutathion et dismutase du superoxyde. Résultats: Le rapport masse ventricule gauche/masse corporelle était significativement plus élevé pour le groupe 2 comparativement au groupe 1 (p<0,05) confirmant la présence d’une HVG. Le développement de l’HVG dans le groupe 3 a pu être prévenu par la NAC et sa progression fut atténuée dans le groupe 4 (p<0,05 versus groupe 2). La présence de la dysfonction endothéliale a été confirmée chez le groupe 2, tel qu’illustré par une diminution significative des relaxations maximales à la 5-HT et à la BK comparativement au groupe témoin. Le traitement à la NAC a significativement potentialisé les relaxations maximales (p<0,05) induites par la sérotonine et par la bradykinine, chez les deux groupes traités. Cette amélioration des relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium peut être la conséquence d’une augmentation significative (p<0,05) de la biodisponibilité du monoxyde d’azote pour les cellules musculaires lisses, tel que suggéré par l’augmentation du ratio nitrites/nitrates et de la production basale de GMPc chez les groupes 3 et 4 comparativement au groupe 2. Cette augmentation du facteur relaxant peut résulter d’une augmentation de sa production par les cellules endothéliales ou d’une diminution de sa neutralisation par les espèces réactives oxygénées. De fait, les concentrations d’hydroperoxydes lipidiques étaient significativement inférieures (p<0,05) et associées à une augmentation des concentrations de l’antioxydant glutathion réduit et de l’activité de la peroxydase du glutathion chez les deux groupes traités par rapport au groupe 2. Conclusion: Le traitement à la NAC prévient le développement de la dysfonction endothéliale coronaire ainsi que l’HVG qui lui est associée.


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Il est maintenant admis que la composition de la plaque athérosclérotique est un déterminant majeur de sa vulnérabilité à se rompre. Vu que la composition de la plaque affecte ses propriétés mécaniques, l'évaluation locale des propriétés mécaniques de la plaque d'athérome peut nous informer sur sa vulnérabilité. L'objectif est de comparer les techniques d’élastographie ultrasonores endovasculaire (EVE) et non-invasive (NIVE) en fonction de leur potentiel à identifier les composantes calcifiées et lipidiques de la plaque. Les acquisitions intravasculaire et extravasculaire ont été effectuées sur les artères carotidiennes de neuf porcs hypercholestérolémiques à l’aide d’un cathéter de 20 MHz et d'une sonde linéaire de 7.5 MHz, respectivement. Les valeurs de déformation radiale et axiale, rapportés par EVE et NIVE, ont été corrélées avec le pourcentage des zones histologiques calcifiées et lipidiques pour cinq plaques. Nos résultats démontrent une bonne corrélation positive entre les déformations et les composantes calcifiées (r2 = 0.82, P = 0.034 valeur par EVE et r2 = 0.80, P = 0.041 valeur par NIVE). Une forte corrélation entre les déformations axiales et les contenus lipidiques par NIVE (r2 = 0.92, P-value = 0.010) a été obtenue. En conclusion, NIVE et EVE sont des techniques potentielles pour identifier les composants de la plaque et aider les médecins à diagnostiquer précocement les plaques vulnérables.


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Abstract Objective. Cerebral edema is a serious complication of acute liver failure (ALF), which may lead to intracranial hypertension and death. An accepted tenet has been that the blood-brain barrier is intact and that brain edema is primarily caused by a cytotoxic etiology due to hyperammonemia. However, the neuropathological changes in ALF have been poorly studied. Using a well characterized porcine model we aimed to investigate ultrastructural changes in the brain from pigs suffering from ALF. Materials and methods. Sixteen female Norwegian Landrace pigs weighing 27-35 kg were randomised into two groups: ALF (n = 8) and sham operated controls (n = 8). ALF was induced with an end-to-side portacaval shunt followed by ligation of the hepatic arteries. Biopsies were harvested from three different areas of the brain (frontal lobe, cerebellum, and brain stem) following eight hours of ALF and analyzed using electron microscopy. Results. Profound perivascular and interstitial edema were found in all three areas. Disruption of pericytic and astrocytic processes were seen, reflecting breakdown/lesion of the blood-brain barrier in animals suffering from ALF. Furthermore, neurons and axons were edematous and surrounded by vesicles. Severe damage to Purkinje neuron (necrosis) and damaged myelin were seen in the cerebellum and brain stem, respectively. Biopsies from sham operated animals were normal. Conclusions. Our data support the concept that vasogenic brain edema plays an important role in the development of intracranial hypertension in pigs with ALF.


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The postnatal environment, including factors such as weaning and acquisition of the gut microbiota, has been causally linked to the development of later immunological diseases such as allergy and autoimmunity, and has also been associated with a predisposition to metabolic disorders. We show that the very early-life environment influences the development of both the gut microbiota and host metabolic phenotype in a porcine model of human infants. Farmpiglets were nursed by their mothers for 1 day, before removal to highly controlled, individual isolators where they received formula milk until weaning at 21 days. The experiment was repeated, to create two batches, which differed only in minor environmental fluctuations during the first day. At day 1 after birth, metabolic profiling of serum by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated significant, systemic, inter-batch variation which persisted until weaning. However, the urinary metabolic profiles demonstrated that significant inter-batch effects on 3-hydroxyisovalerate, trimethylamine-N-oxide and mannitol persisted beyond weaning to at least 35 days. Batch effects were linked to significant differences in the composition of colonic microbiota at 35 days, determined by 16 S pyrosequencing. Different weaning diets modulated both the microbiota and metabolic phenotype independently of the persistent batch effects. We demonstrate that the environment during the first day of life influences development of the microbiota and metabolic phenotype and thus should be taken into account when interrogating experimental outcomes. In addition, we suggest that intervention at this early time could provide ‘metabolic rescue’ for at-risk infants who have undergone aberrant patterns of initial intestinal colonisation.


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The study on several components of intervertebral joints is essential to understand the spine's degenerative mechanisms and to assess the best method for their treatment. For such study it is necessary to know the mechanical properties of the isolated intervertebral disc (ID) mechanical properties and, it is necessary to evaluate its stresses and strains. In order to assess the ID displacements, a fine, U-shaped blade was developed, over which two extensometers connected in a Wheatstone bridge were placed. The device was then tested on porcine spine ID, where compression loads were applied and the extremities displacements of the blade coupled to the intervertebral disc were measured. Stress/strain diagram, both on the compression and on the decompression phases, evidencing the non-linear nature of such relationship. With the experiment, it was possible to obtain approximate values of the longitudinal elasticity module (E) of the disc material and of the Poisson coefficient (n ). After several tests, E results are compatible with those obtained by others studies, with very simple and low-cost device. This experiments can be used for obtained others mechanical properties of isolated ID with precision and accuracy.


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Background: In acute lung injury positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and recruitment maneuver are proposed to optimize arterial oxygenation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of such a strategy on lung histological inflammation and hyperinflation in pigs with acid aspiration-induced lung injury. Methods: Forty-seven pigs were randomly allocated in seven groups: (1) controls spontaneously breathing; (2) without lung injury, PEEP 5 cm H2O; (3) without lung injury, PEEP titration; (4) without lung injury, PEEP titration + recruitment maneuver; (5) with lung injury, PEEP 5 cm H2O; (6) with lung injury, PEEP titration; and (7) with lung injury, PEEP titration + recruitment maneuver. Acute lung injury was induced by intratracheal instillation of hydrochloric acid. PEEP titration was performed by incremental and decremental PEEP from 5 to 20 cm H2O for optimizing arterial oxygenation. Three recruitment maneuvers (pressure of 40 cm H2O maintained for 20 s) were applied to the assigned groups at each PEEP level. Proportion of lung inflammation, hemorrhage, edema, and alveolar wall disruption were recorded on each histological field. Mean alveolar area was measured in the aerated lung regions. Results: Acid aspiration increased mean alveolar area and produced alveolar wall disruption, lung edema, alveolar hemorrhage, and lung inflammation. PEEP titration significantly improved arterial oxygenation but simultaneously increased lung inflammation in juxta-diaphragmatic lung regions. Recruitment maneuver during PEEP titration did not induce additional increase in lung inflammation and alveolar hyperinflation. Conclusion: In a porcine model of acid aspiration-induced lung injury, PEEP titration aimed at optimizing arterial oxygenation, substantially increased lung inflammation. Recruitment maneuvers further improved arterial oxygenation without additional effects on inflammation and hyperinflation.


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Postoperative pelvic abscesses in patients submitted to colorectal surgery are challenging. The surgical approach may be too risky, and image-guided drainage often is difficult due to the complex anatomy of the pelvis. This article describes novel access for drainage of a pelvic collection using a minimally invasive natural orifice approach. A 37 year-old man presented with sepsis due to a pelvic abscess during the second postoperative week after a Hartmann procedure due to perforated rectal cancer. Percutaneous drainage was determined by computed tomography to be unsuccessful, and another operation was considered to be hazardous. Because the pelvic fluid was very close to the rectal stump, transrectal drainage was planned. The rectal stump was opened using transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) instruments. The endoscope was advanced through the TEM working channel and the rectal stump opening, accessing the abdominal cavity and pelvic collection. The pelvic collection was endoscopically drained and the local cavity washed with saline through the scope channel. A Foley catheter was placed in the rectal stump. The patient's recovery after the procedure was successful, without the need for further intervention. Transrectal endoscopic drainage may be an option for selected cases of pelvic fluid collection in patients submitted to Hartmann's procedure. The technique allows not only fluid drainage but also visualization of the local cavity, cleavage of multiloculated abscesses, and saline irrigation if necessary. The use of TEM instrumentation allows safe access to the peritoneal cavity.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Baseados na hipótese de que a neoíntima encontrada em stents farmacológicos (SFs) com polímeros biodegradáveis aos 28 dias não é a neoíntima definitiva e de que a tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) é um método eficaz para a avaliação sequencial da neoíntima, objetivamos, neste estudo experimental, comparar os achados da TCO aos 28 dias e aos 90 dias em dois tipos de SF com polímeros biodegradáveis: o stent liberador de sirolimus (Inspiron®, Scitech) e o stent liberador de biolimus A9 (Biomatrix®, Biosensors International). MÉTODOS: No total, 6 porcos não-ateroscleróticos foram submetidos a implante de 6 stents Inspiron® e de 6 stents Biomatrix®. Cada porco recebeu os dois tipos de stent, um em cada artéria coronária (descendente anterior e circunflexa) e após 28 dias e 90 dias foram realizadas avaliações qualitativas intrastent a cada milímetro com TCO. RESULTADOS: A avaliação qualitativa, feita por pareamento milímetro a milímetro intrastent, evidenciou neoíntima heterogênea em 39% aos 28 dias e em 0% aos 90 dias, presença de tecido intraluminal em 18% aos 28 dias e em 0% aos 90 dias, irregularidade luminal em 62% aos 28 dias e em 2% aos 90 dias (P < 0,005). Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à qualidade da neoíntima ao longo do tempo (P > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados à TCO corroboram a hipótese de que a neoíntima encontrada em SFs com polímeros biodegradáveis aos 28 dias não é a neoíntima definitiva. A evidência experimental mais significativa é a mudança das características da neoíntima observada à TCO sequencial.


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Oggetto della tesi e' l'approfondimento su tecniche e metodiche di preservazione del polmone isolato per lo studio ecografico. E' discussa l'appropriatezza sull'uso degli ultrasuoni in corso di chirurgia mini invasiva polmonare, obiettivo di una ricerca sperimentale. Il razionale dello studio si fonda sull'indicazione all'exeresi chirurgica di noduli polmonari di diametro inferiore al centometro, ovvero di diametro superiore ma localizzati in aree centrali del polmone. Queste lesioni sono sempre piu' frequentente diagnosticate per mezzo di avanzate tecniche di imaging. L'atto chirurgico ha scopo terapeutico quando sia stata posta la diagnosi di neoplasia maligna, diagnostico-terapeutico quando non sia ancora ottenuta la tipizzazione istologica della lesione. La tecnica toracoscopica offre numerosi vantaggi rispetto alle tecniche chirurgiche tradizionali ma presenta il grave limite di non permettere la palpazione diretta del tessuto polmonare e la localizzazione della formazione tumorale quando essa non sia visibile macroscopicamente. Gli ultrasuoni sono stati utilizzati con successo per indirizzare la localizzazione del nodulo polmonare. Scopo dello studio sperimentale e' quello di confrontare tecniche diverse di preservazione del polmone isolato in un modello animale, comparando catatteristiche e prestazioni di sonde ecografiche differenti per tipologia. Del tutto recentemente, in ambito trapiantologico, sono state proposte tecniche di preservazione organica utili ai fini di uno studio anatomico sperimentale particolareggiato (EVLP) e moderna e' da considerarsi la concezione di mezzi tecnici specifici per la localizzazione di bersagli intrapolmonari. La tecnica clinica applicata allo studio del particolare ecografico, nel modello animale, ha reso comprensibile e meglio definito il ruolo delle sonde ecografiche nell'individuazione di forme tumorali suscettibili di exeresi definitiva.


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To date, transapical aortic valve implantation has required a balloon-expandable stented valve prosthesis. More recently, a novel self-expanding sutureless stented bovine pericardial prosthesis has been developed which allows rapid aortic valve replacement via an open transaortic approach in humans. The aim of this animal study was to develop a reliable protocol to facilitate the transapical implantation of this self-expanding valve in a porcine model.


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Coronary late stent thrombosis, a rare but devastating complication, remains an important concern in particular with the increasing use of drug-eluting stents. Notably, pathological studies have indicated that the proportion of uncovered coronary stent struts represents the best morphometric predictor of late stent thrombosis. Intracoronary optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI), a novel second-generation optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived imaging method, may allow rapid imaging for the detection of coronary stent strut coverage with a markedly higher precision when compared with intravascular ultrasound, due to a microscopic resolution (axial approximately 10-20 microm), and at a substantially increased speed of image acquisition when compared with first-generation time-domain OCT. However, a histological validation of coronary OFDI for the evaluation of stent strut coverage in vivo is urgently needed. Hence, the present study was designed to evaluate the capacity of coronary OFDI by electron (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) analysis to detect and evaluate stent strut coverage in a porcine model.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to study the effects of a novel lung volume optimization procedure (LVOP) using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) upon gas exchange, the transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and hemodynamics in a porcine model of surfactant depletion. METHODS: With institutional review board approval, the hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, TPP, and pulmonary shunt fraction were obtained in six anesthetized pigs before and after saline lung lavage. Measurements were acquired during pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) prior to and after lung damage, and during a LVOP with HFOV. The LVOP comprised a recruitment maneuver with a continuous distending pressure (CDP) of 45 mbar for 2.5 minutes, and a stepwise decrease of the CDP (5 mbar every 5 minute) from 45 to 20 mbar. The TPP level was identified during the decrease in CDP, which assured a change of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% compared with maximum lung recruitment at CDP of 45 mbar (CDP45). Data are presented as the median (25th-75th percentile); differences between measurements are determined by Friedman repeated-measures analysis on ranks and multiple comparisons (Tukey's test). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: The PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased from 99.1 (56.2-128) Torr at PCV post-lavage to 621 (619.4-660.3) Torr at CDP45 (CDP45) (P < 0.031). The pulmonary shunt fraction decreased from 51.8% (49-55%) at PCV post-lavage to 1.03% (0.4-3%) at CDP45 (P < 0.05). The cardiac output and stroke volume decreased at CDP45 (P < 0.05) compared with PCV, whereas the heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and intrathoracic blood volume remained unchanged. A TPP of 25.5 (17-32) mbar was required to preserve a difference in PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% related to CDP45; this TPP was achieved at a CDP of 35 (25-40) mbar. CONCLUSION: This HFOV protocol is easy to perform, and allows a fast determination of an adequate TPP level that preserves oxygenation. Systemic hemodynamics, as a measure of safety, showed no relevant deterioration throughout the procedure.


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INTRODUCTION: Recent advances in medical imaging have brought post-mortem minimally invasive computed tomography (CT) guided percutaneous biopsy to public attention. AIMS: The goal of the following study was to facilitate and automate post-mortem biopsy, to suppress radiation exposure to the investigator, as may occur when tissue sampling under computer tomographic guidance, and to minimize the number of needle insertion attempts for each target for a single puncture. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Clinically approved and post-mortem tested ACN-III biopsy core needles (14 gauge x 160 mm) with an automatic pistol device (Bard Magnum, Medical Device Technologies, Denmark) were used for probe sampling. The needles were navigated in gelatine/peas phantom, ex vivo porcine model and subsequently in two human bodies using a navigation system (MEM centre/ISTB Medical Application Framework, Marvin, Bern, Switzerland) with guidance frame and a CT (Emotion 6, Siemens, Germany). RESULTS: Biopsy of all peas could be performed within a single attempt. The average distance between the inserted needle tip and the pea centre was 1.4mm (n=10; SD 0.065 mm; range 0-2.3 mm). The targets in the porcine liver were also accurately punctured. The average of the distance between the needle tip and the target was 0.5 mm (range 0-1 mm). Biopsies of brain, heart, lung, liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidney were performed on human corpses. For each target the biopsy needle was only inserted once. The examination of one body with sampling of tissue probes at the above-mentioned locations took approximately 45 min. CONCLUSIONS: Post-mortem navigated biopsy can reliably provide tissue samples from different body locations. Since the continuous update of positional data of the body and the biopsy needle is performed using optical tracking, no control CT images verifying the positional data are necessary and no radiation exposure to the investigator need be taken into account. Furthermore, the number of needle insertions for each target can be minimized to a single one with the ex vivo proven adequate accuracy and, in contrast to conventional CT guided biopsy, the insertion angle may be oblique. Navigation for minimally invasive tissue sampling is a useful addition to post-mortem CT guided biopsy.


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AIM: The importance of ventilatory support during cardiac arrest and basic life support is controversial. This experimental study used dynamic computed tomography (CT) to assess the effects of chest compressions only during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCO-CPR) on alveolar recruitment and haemodynamic parameters in porcine model of ventricular fibrillation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve anaesthetized pigs (26+/-1kg) were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: (1) intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) both during basic life support and advanced cardiac life support, or (2) CCO during basic life support and IPPV during advanced cardiac life support. Measurements were acquired at baseline prior to cardiac arrest, during basic life support, during advanced life support, and after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), as follows: dynamic CT series, arterial and central venous pressures, blood gases, and regional organ blood flow. The ventilated and atelectatic lung area was quantified from dynamic CT images. Differences between groups were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and a p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: IPPV was associated with cyclic alveolar recruitment and de-recruitment. Compared with controls, the CCO-CPR group had a significantly larger mean fractional area of atelectasis (p=0.009), and significantly lower PaO(2) (p=0.002) and mean arterial pressure (p=0.023). The increase in mean atelectatic lung area observed during basic life support in the CCO-CPR group remained clinically relevant throughout the subsequent advanced cardiac life support period and following ROSC, and was associated with prolonged impaired haemodynamics. No inter-group differences in myocardial and cerebral blood flow were observed. CONCLUSION: A lack of ventilation during basic life support is associated with excessive atelectasis, arterial hypoxaemia and compromised CPR haemodynamics. Moreover, these detrimental effects remain evident even after restoration of IPPV.