956 resultados para PLANT-GROWTH PROMOTION


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The iron oxyallyl carbocation generated from 2,7-dibromocycloheptanone was induced to undergo [4 + 3] cycloaddition reactions with various furans, affording a series of 12-oxatricyclo-[,5)]-dodec-3-en-11-one adducts. Similar methodology was used to prepare two additional cycloadducts using menthofuran and two homologous aliphatic dibromoketones. Dipolar cycloaddition of ozone to the adducts afforded the corresponding secondary ozonides (i.e., 1,2,4-trioxolanes) in variable yields. Ozonides were investigated by quantum mechanics at the B3LYP/6-31+G* level to study structural features including close contacts which may be responsible for enhancing ozonide stability. The effect of these ozonides and their corresponding precursor cycloadducts upon radicle growth of both Sorghum bicolor and Cucumis sativus was evaluated at 5.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1. The most active cycloadducts and ozonides were also evaluated against the weed species Ipomoea grandifolia and Brachiaria decumbens, and the results are discussed. Compared to ozonides previously synthesized in our laboratory, the new ozonides described herein present improved plant growth regulatory activity.


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Background In many species floral senescence is coordinated by ethylene. Endogenous levels rise, and exogenous application accelerates senescence. Furthermore, floral senescence is often associated with increased reactive oxygen species, and is delayed by exogenously applied cytokinin. However, how these processes are linked remains largely unresolved. Erysimum linifolium (wallflower) provides an excellent model for understanding these interactions due to its easily staged flowers and close taxonomic relationship to Arabidopsis. This has facilitated microarray analysis of gene expression during petal senescence and provided gene markers for following the effects of treatments on different regulatory pathways. Results In detached Erysimum linifolium (wallflower) flowers ethylene production peaks in open flowers. Furthermore senescence is delayed by treatments with the ethylene signalling inhibitor silver thiosulphate, and accelerated with ethylene released by 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. Both treatments with exogenous cytokinin, or 6-methyl purine (which is an inhibitor of cytokinin oxidase), delay petal senescence. However, treatment with cytokinin also increases ethylene biosynthesis. Despite the similar effects on senescence, transcript abundance of gene markers is affected differentially by the treatments. A significant rise in transcript abundance of WLS73 (a putative aminocyclopropanecarboxylate oxidase) was abolished by cytokinin or 6-methyl purine treatments. In contrast, WFSAG12 transcript (a senescence marker) continued to accumulate significantly, albeit at a reduced rate. Silver thiosulphate suppressed the increase in transcript abundance both of WFSAG12 and WLS73. Activity of reactive oxygen species scavenging enzymes changed during senescence. Treatments that increased cytokinin levels, or inhibited ethylene action, reduced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, although auxin levels rose with senescence, treatments that delayed early senescence did not affect transcript abundance of WPS46, an auxin-induced gene. Conclusions A model for the interaction between cytokinins, ethylene, reactive oxygen species and auxin in the regulation of floral senescence in wallflowers is proposed. The combined increase in ethylene and reduction in cytokinin triggers the initiation of senescence and these two plant growth regulators directly or indirectly result in increased reactive oxygen species levels. A fall in conjugated auxin and/or the total auxin pool eventually triggers abscission.


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the mycobiota, occurrence of mycotoxins (aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid), and production of phytoalexin (trans-resveratrol) in two peanut varieties (Runner IAC 886 and Caiapo) during plant growth in the field. Climatic factors (rainfall, relative humidity and temperature) and water activity were also evaluated. The results showed a predominance of Fusarium spp. in kernels and pods, followed by Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus flavus. Aflatoxins were detected in 20% and 10% of samples of the IAC 886 and Caiapo varieties, respectively. Analysis showed that 65% of kernel samples of the IAC 886 variety and 25% of the Caiapo variety were contaminated with cyclopiazonic acid. trans-Resveratrol was detected in 6.7% of kernel samples of the IAC 886 variety and in 20% of the Caiapo variety. However, trans-resveratrol was found in 73.3% of leaf samples in the two varieties studied. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Analysis of the interaction of pathogens with plant roots is often complicated by the growth of plants in a soil substrate. A soil-free plant growth system (SPS) was developed that removes the need for a substrate while supporting the growth of seedlings in a nutrient rich, oxygenated environment. The model legume Lupinus angustifolius was used to compare the growth of seedlings within soil and the SPS. Seedlings grown under both conditions were similar in morphology, anatomy and health (measured by leaf chlorophyll abundance) and importantly there was little difference in root growth and development although straighter and fuller root systems were achieved in the SPS. The ease of access to the root system proved efficient for the analysis of root and pathogen interactions with no interference from soil or adhering particulate matter. Following inoculation of L. angustifolius roots with Phytophthora cinnamomi the host/pathogen interaction was easily observed and tissues sampled undamaged.


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The aerial spraying of plant ripeners on sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crops causes often the contamination of neighboring areas, which subsidizes formal complaints from the neighbors. These contaminations are due to spraying taking place during inadequate environmental conditions or from technical mistakes during the application. One of the most important causes of this contamination is the susceptibility of the species being cultivated surrounding sugar cane. In order to evaluate the effects of sugar cane plant ripeners trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl on peanuts, cotton, potato, coffee, citrus, beans, sunflower, cassava, rubber, soybean, and grapes, eleven experiments - one for each species - were carried out from May 2009 to Jan. 2010. The field experiment was set according to a completely random design with five treatments and four replications. Just before or during flowering, a single treatment of trinexapac-ethyl at 100 or 200 g ha-1 and sulfometuron-methyl at 7.5 or 15 g ha-1 was applied to plants. A control treatment (plants not treated) for each species was part of each experiment. Trinexapac, at the doses of 100 and 200 g ha-1, showed selectivity to peanuts, cotton, potato, coffee, citrus, sunflower, cassava, rubber, soybean, and grape. At the lowest dose (100 g ha-1), it was selective for bean. Sulfometuron, at the dose of 7.5 g ha-1, was selective for peanuts and, at the two studied doses (7.5 and 15 g ha-1), it was selective for coffee, citrus, cassava, and rubber.


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O trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos de auxinas e giberelinas, combinados e aplicados em pré-colheita no desenvolvimento e na taxa de queda natural de frutos de laranjeira 'Pêra'. Foram utilizadas árvores de laranjeira (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) cultivar Pêra com 5 anos de idade. Os tratamentos foram: GA3 + 2,4-D 12,5mg L-1 de cada; GA3 + 2,4-D 25mg L-1; GA3 + 2,4-D 37,5mg L-1; GA3 + NAA 12,5mg L-1; GA3 + NAA 25mg L-1; GA3 + NAA 37,5mg L-1; NAA + 2,4-D 12,5mg L-1; NAA + 2,4-D 25mg L-1; NAA + 2,4-D 37,5mg L-1 e testemunha (água). Durante todo o período experimental foram realizadas três aplicações a intervalos de 45 dias. As variáveis avaliadas foram: Taxa de queda natural dos frutos (%), comprimento (mm), diâmetro (mm) e massa fresca dos frutos (g). Nenhum dos tratamentos proporcionaram alterações no desenvolvimento final dos frutos, mas reduziram a taxa de queda natural em comparação com a testemunha em até 78,05%, inibindo a abscisão dos frutos em até três meses.


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Nas maiores regiões algodoeiras no Brasil, chove mais de 1.500mm anuais, existindo risco de ocorrer lavagem de reguladores de crescimento aplicados às folhas do algodoeiro, antes que sejam absorvidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a lavagem dos reguladores de crescimento cloreto de mepiquat e cloreto de chlormequat de folhas de algodoeiro por chuva, ocorrendo em diferentes momentos após a aplicação. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação. Ambos os reguladores foram aplicados no aparecimento do primeiro botão floral, na dose de 15g ha-1 de i.a. com e sem adjuvante siliconado, e chuva simulada foi aplicada aos 0, 0,75; 1,5; 3,0; 6,0; 12,0 e 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores, mais um tratamento sem chuva. A adição de adjuvante siliconado melhorou a absorção dos produtos. A ocorrência de chuva até mesmo 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores pode lavar parte dos produtos das plantas de algodoeiro, com maior intensidade para o tratamento sem adjuvante. A redução da absorção do produto leva à necessidade de reaplicá-lo para que possa haver a sua ação, sem comprometer sua função.


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BACKGROUND: Glyphosate blocks the shikimic acid pathway, inhibiting the production of aromatic amino acids and several secondary compounds derived from these amino acids. Non-target plants can be exposed to low doses of glyphosate by herbicide drift of spray droplets and contact with treated weeds. Previous studies have reported that low doses of glyphosate stimulate growth, although these data are very limited. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of low glyphosate doses on growth of a range of plant species.RESULTS: Growth of maize, conventional soybean, Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, Pinus caribea L. and Commelia benghalensis L. was enhanced by 1.8-36 g glyphosate ha(-1). Growth of glyphosate-resistant soybean was unaffected by any glyphosate dose from 1.8 to 720 g AE ha(-1). The optimum doses for growth stimulation were distinct for plant species and tissue evaluated. The greatest stimulation of growth was observed for C. benghalensis and P. caribea. Shikimic acid levels in tissues of glyphosate-treated soybean and maize were measured and found to be elevated at growth-stimulating doses.CONCLUSION: Subtoxic doses of glyphosate stimulate the growth of a range of plant species, as measured in several plant organs. This hormesis effect is likely to be related to the molecular target of glyphosate, since the effect was not seen in glyphosate-resistant plants, and shikimate levels were enhanced in plants with stimulated growth. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Aluminum (Al3+) toxicity is a major limiting factor to crop productivity in acid soils. The effects of aluminum on root and shoot growth of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) young plants and, the uptake and distribution of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and aluminum in the roots and shoots were investigated in the present study. Plants were grown in 2.5L pots in a greenhouse. After fourteen days of adaptation to nutrient solution, plants were exposed to Al concentrations of 0, 370, 740, 1,100 and 1,480 mu mol L-1, corresponding to an active Al3+ solution of 13.3, 35.3, 90.0, 153.3 and 220.7 mu mol L-1, respectively. The dry matter partitioning between roots, stems and leaves, and the concentrations of P, Ca, Mg and Al in plant tissue, were measured after 75 days exposure to Al. The increasing level of Al3+ activity in solution progressively decreased the growth of the shoot and root of physic nut plants, and at the two highest active Al3+ levels, plants showed morphological abnormalities typical of the toxicity caused by this metal. Higher Al3+ activity reduced P concentrations in leaves and Ca and Mg in leaves and roots of physic nut, demonstrating the effect of Al on the uptake, transport and use of these nutrients by plants. The Al accumulated preferentially in the roots of physic nut, whereas only a small amount was transported to shoots.


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Neste estudo, avaliou-se os efeitos de auxinas e giberelinas, combinados e aplicados em pré-colheita na qualidade interna de frutos de laranjeira Pêra. Citrus sinensis Osbeck cultivar Pêra foram pulverizadas com três aplicações, em intervalos de 45 dias, com os seguintes tratamentos: GA3 + 2,4-D a 12,5mg L-1 de cada; GA3 + 2,4-D 25mg L-1; GA3 + 2,4-D 37,5mg L-1; GA3 + NAA 12,5mg L-1;GA3 + NAA 25mg L-1; GA3 + NAA 37,5mg L-1; NAA + 2,4-D 12,5mg L-1; NAA+2,4-D 25mg L-1; NAA+2,4-D 37,5mg L-1 e testemunha (água). Os resultados mostraram que os tratamentos não prejudicaram a qualidade interna dos frutos. Além disso, os níveis de resíduo de reguladores vegetais no suco, ficaram abaixo de 0,05mg L-1, 110 dias após a última aplicação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho avaliou o enraizamento de estacas de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet sob a ação de diferentes níveis de reguladores vegetais. As estacas foram feitas de brotações de 4 a 6cm de comprimento de mudas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet com corte bisel na base sendo as acículas basais eliminadas. A base das estacas foram submetidas aos tratamentos por 2 segundos com os seguintes tratamentos: 1- NAA 2000mg L-1; 2- NAA 4000mg L-1; 3- NAA 6000mg L-1; 4- NAA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ 100mg L-1; 5- NAA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 6- NAA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ; 7- IBA 2000mg L-1; 8- IBA 4000mg L-1; 9- IBA 6000mg L-1; 10-IBA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ; 11- IBA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 12- IBA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ e testemunha. Após os tratamentos as estacas foram plantadas em tubetes contendo 50% de palha de arroz carbonizada e 50% de vermiculita. As avaliações realizadas aos 60 dias após o plantio mostraram que estacas de P. caribaea tratadas com IBA levaram a maior porcentagem de estacas enraizadas que aquelas tratadas com NAA, sendo o mais efetivo, IBA a 4000mg L-1 em conjunto com 100mg L-1 de paclobutrazol.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of plant growth regulators GA(3) 50 mg. L-1, NAA 100 mg. L-1, CCC 1500 mg.L-1 and SADH 3000 mg.L-1 on stem anatomy of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Angela Gigante were studied. Two sets of experiments were carried out in greenhouse during two separte periods. Anatomical studies,revealed that growth promoters induced increased xylem thickness and increased the number of tracheary elements while the growth retardants decreased xylem thickness and induced fiber formation.