645 resultados para PIC 18F8722


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A post classification change detection technique based on a hybrid classification approach (unsupervised and supervised) was applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat Enhanced Thematic Plus (ETM+), and ASTER images acquired in 1987, 2000 and 2004 respectively to map land use/cover changes in the Pic Macaya National Park in the southern region of Haiti. Each image was classified individually into six land use/cover classes: built-up, agriculture, herbaceous, open pine forest, mixed forest, and barren land using unsupervised ISODATA and maximum likelihood supervised classifiers with the aid of field collected ground truth data collected in the field. Ground truth information, collected in the field in December 2007, and including equalized stratified random points which were visual interpreted were used to assess the accuracy of the classification results. The overall accuracy of the land classification for each image was respectively: 1987 (82%), 2000 (82%), 2004 (87%). A post classification change detection technique was used to produce change images for 1987 to 2000, 1987 to 2004, and 2000 to 2004. It was found that significant changes in the land use/cover occurred over the 17- year period. The results showed increases in built up (from 10% to 17%) and herbaceous (from 5% to 14%) areas between 1987 and 2004. The increase of herbaceous was mostly caused by the abandonment of exhausted agriculture lands. At the same time, open pine forest and mixed forest areas lost (75%) and (83%) of their area to other land use/cover types. Open pine forest (from 20% to 14%) and mixed forest (from18 to 12%) were transformed into agriculture area or barren land. This study illustrated the continuing deforestation, land degradation and soil erosion in the region, which in turn is leading to decrease in vegetative cover. The study also showed the importance of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to estimate timely changes in the land use/cover, and to evaluate their causes in order to design an ecological based management plan for the park.


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The response of three coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi, Calcidiscus leptoporus and Syracosphaera pulchra) to elevated partial pressure (pCO2) of carbon dioxide was investigated in batch cultures. For the first time, we also report on the response of the non calcifying (haploid) life stage of these three species. The growth rate, cell size, inorganic (PIC) and organic carbon (POC) of both life stages were measured at two different pCO2 (400and 760 ppm) and their organic and inorganic carbon production calculated. The two lifestages within the same species generally exhibited a similar response to elevated pCO2, theresponse of the haploid stage being often more pronounced than that of the diploid stage. Thegrowth rate was consistently higher at higher pCO2 but the response of other processes varied among species. The calcification rate of C. leptoporus and of S. pulchra did not change at elevated pCO2 while increased in E. huxleyi. The POC production as well as the cell size of both life stages of S. pulchra and of the haploid stage of E. huxleyi markedly decreased at elevated pCO2. It remained unaltered in the diploid stage of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus and increased in the haploid stage of the latter. The PIC:POC ratio increased in E. huxleyi and was constant in C. leptoporus and S. pulchra. These results suggest that the non-calcifying stage, is more responsive than the calcifying stage and that the most versatile genera will proliferate in a more acidic ocean rather than all coccolithophores will decline.


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In tethered satellite technology, it is important to estimate how many electrons a spacecraft can collect from its ambient plasma by a bare electrodynamic tether. The analysis is however very difficult because of the small but significant Geo-magnetic field and the spacecraft’s relative motion to both ions and electrons. The object of our work is the development of a numerical method, for this purpose. Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method, for the calculation of electron current to a positive bare tether moving at orbital velocity in the ionosphere, i.e. in a flowing magnetized plasma under Maxwellian collisionless conditions. In a PIC code, a number of particles are distributed in phase space and the computational domain has a grid on which Poisson equation is solved for field quantities. The code uses the quasi-neutrality condition to solve for the local potential at points in the plasma which coincide with the computational outside boundary. The quasi-neutrality condition imposes ne - ni on the boundary. The Poisson equation is solved in such a way that the presheath region can be captured in the computation. Results show that the collected current is higher than the Orbital Motion Limit (OML) theory. The OML current is the upper limit of current collection under steady collisionless unmagnetized conditions. In this work, we focus on the flowing effects of plasma as a possible cause of the current enhancement. A deficit electron density due to the flowing effects has been worked and removed by introducing adiabatic electron trapping into our model.


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Estampado junto al retrato de: "Gaston de Foix"


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El present article analitza i situa en el context l’expedient urbanístic sobre la reforma interior del nucli urbà de Crevillent que l’ajuntament d’aquesta ciutat intentà dur a terme en l’últim quart del segle xix i que, en part, constitueix el plànol geomètric parcial d’aquesta vila. Es tracta d’un expedient municipal en què se succeeixen les actes del consistori per a la seua tramitació administrativa (entre 1876 i 1878) i en què s’intercala el projecte urbà de reforma interior, que consta de tres documents (memòria i dos planols: geomètric i de perfils), firmats el 12 de gener de 1877 per l’arquitecte José Guardiola y Picó (1836-1909), i que es tanca amb un plànol solt del 9 de gener de 1884 de firma no molt llegible.


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[Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, K. C. B. [by James White]--Adventures of Crispin Crisp.--My first duel.--The word as it is.--A mis-directed letter.--The pic-nic.--My aunt's bequest.--The dissenting minister.--The widow.]


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"The lamplighter's story", by Charles Dickens: v. 1, p. 1-16.


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Reprint of the 1824 ed. printed for Harris and Son, London.


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"The lamplighter's story," by Dickens: p. [1]-16.


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"Liste chronologique des luthiers lyonnais du XVIe siècle": p. [73]