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There is a growing awareness of the high levels of psychological distress being experienced by law students and the practising profession in Australia. In this context, a Threshold Learning Outcome (TLO) on self-management has been included in the six TLOs recently articulated as minimum learning outcomes for all Australian graduates of the Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). The TLOs were developed during 2010 as part of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s (ALTC’s) project funded by the Australian Government to articulate ‘Learning and Teaching Academic Standards’. The TLOs are the result of a comprehensive national consultation process led by the ALTC’s Discipline Scholars: Law, Professors Sally Kift and Mark Israel.1 The TLOs have been endorsed by the Council of Australian Law Deans (CALD) and have received broad support from members of the judiciary and practising profession, representative bodies of the legal profession, law students and recent graduates, Legal Services Commissioners and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee. At the time of writing, TLOs for the Juris Doctor (JD) are also being developed, utilising the TLOs articulated for the LLB as their starting point but restating the JD requirements as the higher order outcomes expected of graduates of a ‘Masters Degree (Extended)’, this being the award level designation for the JD now set out in the new Australian Qualifications Framework.2 As Australian law schools begin embedding the learning, teaching and assessment of the TLOs in their curricula, and seek to assure graduates’ achievement of them, guidance on the implementation of the self-management TLO is salient and timely.


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The Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Discipline Scholars for Law, Professors Sally Kift and Mark Israel, articulated six Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for the Bachelor of Laws degree as part of the ALTC’s 2010 project on Learning and Teaching Academic Standards. One of these TLOs promotes the learning, teaching and assessment of self-management skills in Australian law schools. This paper explores the concept of self-management and how it can be relevantly applied in the first year of legal education. Recent literature from the United States (US) and Australia provides insights into the types of issues facing law students, as well as potential antidotes to these problems. Based on these findings, I argue that designing a pedagogical framework for the first year law curriculum that promotes students’ connection with their intrinsic interests, values, motivations and purposes will facilitate student success in terms of their personal well-being, ethical dispositions and academic engagement.


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This article situates the development of the Threshold Learning Outcomes for law in relation to broader national and international trends in legal education and higher education regulation. It also addresses the significance of recent changes to the Australian higher education regulatory landscape catalysed by the current Government's commitment to reducing regulation and red tape for the sector.


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This paper explores how threshold uncertainty affects cooperative behaviors in the provision of public goods and the prevention of public bads. The following facts motivate our study. First, environmental (resource) problems are either framed as public bads prevention or public goods provision. Second, the occurrence of these problems is characterized by thresholds that are interchangeably represented as "nonconvexity," "bifurcation," "bi-stability," or "catastrophes." Third, the threshold location is mostly unknown. We employ a provision point mechanism with threshold uncertainty and analyze the responses of cooperative behaviors to uncertainty and to the framing for each type of social preferences categorized by a value orientation test. We find that aggregate framing effects are negligible, although the response to the frame is the opposite depending on the type of social preferences. "Cooperative" subjects become more cooperative in negative frames than in positive frames, whereas "individualistic" subjects are less cooperative in negative frames than in positive ones. This finding implies that the insignificance of aggregate framing effects arises from behavioral asymmetry. We also find that the percentage of cooperative choices non-monotonically varies with the degree of threshold uncertainty, irrespective of framing and value orientation. Specifically, the degree of cooperation is highest at intermediate levels of threshold uncertainty and decreases as the uncertainty becomes sufficiently large.


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Background Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is an endopeptidase that facilitates extracellular matrix remodeling and molecular regulation, and is implicated in tumor metastasis. Type I collagen (Col I) regulates the activation of MMP-2 through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional means; however gaps remain in our understanding of the involvement of collagen-binding ?1 integrins in collagen-stimulated MMP-2 activation. Methods Three ?1 integrin siRNAs were used to elucidate the involvement of ?1 integrins in the Col I-induced MMP-2 activation mechanism. ?1 integrin knockdown was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR, Western Blot and FACS analysis. Adhesion assay and collagen gel contraction were used to test the biological effects of ?1 integrin abrogation. MMP-2 activation levels were monitored by gelatin zymography. Results All three ?1 integrin siRNAs were efficient at ?1 integrin knockdown and FACS analysis revealed commensurate reductions of integrins ?2 and ?3, which are heterodimeric partners of ?1, but not ?V, which is not. All three ?1 integrin siRNAs inhibited adhesion and collagen gel contraction, however only the siRNA showing the greatest magnitude of ?1 knockdown inhibited Col I-induced MMP-2 activation and reduced the accompanying upregulation of MT1-MMP, suggesting a dose response threshold effect. Re-transfection with codon-swapped ?1 integrin overcame the reduction in MMP-2 activation induced by Col-1, confirming the ?1 integrin target specificity. MMP-2 activation induced by TPA or Concanavalin A (Con A) was not inhibited by ?1 integrin siRNA knockdown. Conclusion Together, the data reveals that strong abrogation of ?1 integrin is required to block MMP-2 activation induced by Col I, which may have implications for the therapeutic targeting of ?1 integrin.


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Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) can be repressed and degraded by small non-coding RNA molecules. In this paper, we formulate a coarsegrained Markov-chain description of the post-transcriptional regulation of mRNAs by either small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs). We calculate the probability of an mRNA escaping from its domain before it is repressed by siRNAs/miRNAs via cal- culation of the mean time to threshold: when the number of bound siRNAs/miRNAs exceeds a certain threshold value, the mRNA is irreversibly repressed. In some cases,the analysis can be reduced to counting certain paths in a reduced Markov model. We obtain explicit expressions when the small RNA bind irreversibly to the mRNA and we also discuss the reversible binding case. We apply our models to the study of RNA interference in the nucleus, examining the probability of mRNAs escaping via small nuclear pores before being degraded by siRNAs. Using the same modelling framework, we further investigate the effect of small, decoy RNAs (decoys) on the process of post-transcriptional regulation, by studying regulation of the tumor suppressor gene, PTEN : decoys are able to block binding sites on PTEN mRNAs, thereby educing the number of sites available to siRNAs/miRNAs and helping to protect it from repression. We calculate the probability of a cytoplasmic PTEN mRNA translocating to the endoplasmic reticulum before being repressed by miRNAs. We support our results with stochastic simulations


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As the conventional MOSFET's scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible candidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point'' is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition.The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by potential based definition while it is monotonous for charge based definition.The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current'' method or simply "TD'' method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found same in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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We show that the cubicity of a connected threshold graph is equal to inverted right perpendicularlog(2) alpha inverted left perpendicular, where alpha is its independence number.


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As the conventional MOSFETs scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible andidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body, is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point" is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by, potential based definition while it is monotonous for change based definition. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current" method or simply "TD" method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found some in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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Near threshold fatigue crack growth behavior of a high strength steel under different temper levels was investigated. It is found that the observed variations in ΔKth could predominantly be attributed to roughness induced crack closure. The closure-free component of the threshold stress intensity range, ΔKeff,th showed a systematic variation with monotonic yield strength.


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Two different definitions, one is potential based and the other is charge based, are used in the literatures to define the threshold voltage of undoped body symmetric double gate transistors. This paper, by introducing a novel concept of crossover point, proves that the charge based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. It is shown that for a given channel length the potential based definition predicts anomalous change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation while the charge based definition results in monotonous change. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain current versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation, transconductance and match-point methods. In all the three cases it is found that trend of threshold voltage variation support the charge based definition.


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A geometrical structure called the implied minterm structure (IMS) has been developed from the properties of minterms of a threshold function. The IMS is useful for the manual testing of linear separability of switching functions of up to six variables. This testing is done just by inspection of the plot of the function on the IMS.


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Recent studies (I-7) clearly indicate a strong dependence of fatigue threshold parameter, A K on grain size in several alloy systems. Attempts to explain these observations on the basis of crat~tortuosity (1,8), fracture surface roughness (5,9) and crack closure (6) appear to present a fairly clear picture of the mechanisms that cause a reduction in crack growth rates at threshold. In general, it has been shown that coarse grained microstructures exhibit higher fatigue threshold in low carbon steels (1,5) aluminium alloys (7) and titanium alloys (6). In spite of these observations, there exists (10-1#) considerable uncertainity about the manner in which the AK~L depends on prior austenitic grain size in quenched and tempered steels. Studies in quenched and tempered steels demonstrating both an increase (3,12,14) as well as a decrease (11,12) in AKth with an increase in prior austenitic grain size can be sought to illustrate this point. Occasionally , the absence of any sensitivity of AKth to the variations in prior austenitJc grain size has also been reported (11,13). While a few investigators (5-7) comfortably rationalised the grain size effects on AK~L on the basis of crack closure by a comparison in terms of the closure-free component of the thresho~Ifc~, AK -f such an approach has yet to be extended to high strength steels, An attempt has been made in t~et ,pthrg sent study to explai. n the effect of pri, or austeniti.c grain size on &Kth on the basis of crack closure measurements in a high strength steel.


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The statistical minimum risk pattern recognition problem, when the classification costs are random variables of unknown statistics, is considered. Using medical diagnosis as a possible application, the problem of learning the optimal decision scheme is studied for a two-class twoaction case, as a first step. This reduces to the problem of learning the optimum threshold (for taking appropriate action) on the a posteriori probability of one class. A recursive procedure for updating an estimate of the threshold is proposed. The estimation procedure does not require the knowledge of actual class labels of the sample patterns in the design set. The adaptive scheme of using the present threshold estimate for taking action on the next sample is shown to converge, in probability, to the optimum. The results of a computer simulation study of three learning schemes demonstrate the theoretically predictable salient features of the adaptive scheme.


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Pion photoproduction processes14Ngs(gamma, pgr +)14C and14Ngs(gamma, pgr –)14O have been studied in the threshold region. These processes provide an excellent tool to study the corrections to soft pion theorems and Kroll-Ruderman limit as applied to nuclear processes. The agreement with the available experimental data for these processes is better with the empirical wave functions while the shell-model wave functions predict a much higher value. Detailed experimental studies of these reactions at threshold, it is shown, are expected to lead to a better understanding of the shell-model inputs and radial distributions in the 1p state. We thank Dr. S.C.K. Nair for a helpful discussion during the initial stages of this work. One of us (MVN) thanks Dr. J.M. Laget for sending some unpublished data on pion photoproduction. He is also thankful to Dr. J. Pasupathy and Dr. R. Rajaraman for their interest and encouragement.