To defend the host from malignancies, the immune system can spontaneously raise CD8(+) T-cell responses against tumor antigens. Investigating the functional state of tumor-reactive cytolytic T cells in cancer patients is a key step for understanding the role of these cells in tumor immunosurveillance and for evaluating the potential of immunotherapeutic approaches of vaccination against cancer. In this study we identified a subset of circulating tumor-reactive CD8(+) T lymphocytes, which specifically secreted IFN-gamma after exposition to autologous tumor cell lines in stage IV metastatic melanoma patients. Additional phenotypic characterization using multicolor flow cytometry revealed that a significant fraction of these cells were CD45RA(+)CCR7(-), a phenotype that has been proposed recently to characterize cytolytic effectors potentially able to home into inflamed tissues. In the case of an HLA-A2-expressing patient, the antigen specificity of this population was identified by using HLA-A2/peptide multimers incorporating a tyrosinase-derived peptide. Consistently with their phenotypic characteristics, A2/tyrosinase peptide multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells, isolated by cell sorting, were directly lytic ex vivo and able to specifically recognize tyrosinase-expressing tumor cells. Overall, these results provide the first evidence that a proportion of melanoma patients have circulating tumor-reactive T cells, which are lytic effectors cells.
Pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and paraganglioma (PGL) are catecholamine-producing neuroendocrine tumors that arise respectively inside or outside the adrenal medulla. Several reports have shown that adrenal glucocorticoids (GC) play an important regulatory role on the genes encoding the main enzymes involved in catecholamine (CAT) synthesis i.e. tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). To assess the influence of tumor location on CAT metabolism, 66 tissue samples (53 PHEO, 13 PGL) and 73 plasma samples (50 PHEO, 23 PGL) were studied. Western blot and qPCR were performed for TH, DBH and PNMT expression. We found a significantly lower intra-tumoral concentration of CAT and metanephrines (MNs) in PGL along with a downregulation of TH and PNMT at both mRNA and protein level compared with PHEO. However, when PHEO were partitioned into noradrenergic (NorAd) and mixed tumors based on an intra-tumoral CAT ratio (NE/E >90%), PGL and NorAd PHEO sustained similar TH, DBH and PNMT gene and protein expression. CAT concentration and composition were also similar between NorAd PHEO and PGL, excluding the use of CAT or MNs to discriminate between PGL and PHEO on the basis of biochemical tests. We observed an increase of TH mRNA concentration without correlation with TH protein expression in primary cell culture of PHEO and PGL incubated with dexamethasone during 24 hours; no changes were monitored for PNMT and DBH at both mRNA and protein level in PHEO and PGL. Altogether, these results indicate that long term CAT synthesis is not driven by the close environment where the tumor develops and suggest that GC alone is not sufficient to regulate CAT synthesis pathway in PHEO/PGL.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that modulate gene expression implicated in cancer, which play crucial roles in diverse biological processes, such as development, differentiation, apoptosis, and proliferation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether miR-30c mediated the resistance of breast cancer cells to the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin (ADR) by targeting tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta (YWHAZ). miR-30c was downregulated in the doxorubicin-resistant human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7/ADR and MDA-MB-231/ADR compared with their parental MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines, respectively. Furthermore, we observed that transfection of an miR-30c mimic significantly suppressed the ability of MCF-7/ADR to resist doxorubicin. Moreover, the anti-apoptotic gene YWHAZ was confirmed as a target of miR-30c by luciferase reporter assay, and further studies indicated that the mechanism for miR-30c on the sensitivity of breast cancer cells involved YWHAZ and its downstream p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) pathway. Together, our findings provided evidence that miR-30c was one of the important miRNAs in doxorubicin resistance by regulating YWHAZ in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7/ADR.
Two enzyme mechanisms were examined: the 21-dehydroxylation of corticosteroids by the anaerobe Eubacterium l en tum, and the hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450. Deuterium labelling techniques were used to study the enzymic dehydroxylation. Corticosteroids doubly labelled (2H) at the C-21 position were incubated with a culture of Eubacterium lentum. It was found that t he enzymic dehydroxylation proceeded with the loss of one 2H f rom C-21 per molecule of substrate. The kinetic isotope ef fect f or the reaction was found to be k~kD = 2. 28. These results suggest that enzyme/substr ate binding in this case may proceed via t he enol form of the substrate. Also , it appears that this binding is, at least in part, the rate determining step of t he reaction. The hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450 was examined by means of a product study. Steroids with a double bond at the A8 (9), ~( lO ), or ~ (ll) position were synthesized. These steroids were then incubated with fungal strains known to use a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase to hydroxylate at positions allylic to these doubl e bonds. The products formed in these incubations indicated that the double bonds had migrated during allylic hydroxylat ion. This suggests that a carbon centred radical or ion may be an intermediate i n the cytochrome P450 cat alytic cycle.
Depuis la découverte d’archées capables d’oxyder l’ammoniac en milieu aérobie, de nombreuses études ont mesuré en simultané les taux de nitrification et la diversité des organismes oxydant l’ammoniac dans la colonne d’eau des milieux marins. Malgré l’importance globale des lacs d’eau douce, beaucoup moins d’études ont fait la même chose dans ces milieux. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué l’importance de la nitrification et caractérisé la communauté microbienne responsable de la première étape limitante de la nitrification dans un lac tempéré durant une année entière. L’utilisation de traceur isotopique 15NH4 nous a permis de mesurer des taux d’oxydation d’ammoniac à deux profondeurs dans la zone photique tout au long de l’année. Les taux d’oxydation d’ammoniac varient de non détectable à 333 nmol L-1 j-1 avec un pic d’activité sous la glace. De toutes les variables environnementales mesurées, la concentration d’ammonium dans la colonne d’eau semble avoir le plus grand contrôle sur les taux d’oxydation d’ammoniac. Nous avons détecté la présence d’archées (AOA) et de bactéries oxydante d’ammoniac (BOA) à l’aide de tests par réaction en chaîne de la polymérase (PCR) ciblant une partie du gène ammoniac monoxygénase (amoA). Les AOA et les BOA ont été détectées dans la zone photique du lac, cependant seules les AOA étaient omniprésentes durant l’année. Le séquençage du gène amoA des archées révèle que la majorité des AOA dans le lac sont membres du groupe phylogénétique Nitrosotalea (également appelé SAGMGC-1 ou groupe I.1a associé), ce qui confirme la pertinence écologique de ce groupe dans les eaux douces oligotrophes. Globalement, nos résultats indiquent l’hiver comme étant un moment propice pour l’oxydation de l’ammoniac dans les lacs tempérés. Cette étude fournit un point de référence pour la compréhension du processus d’oxydation de l’ammoniac dans les petits lacs oligotrophes.
The addition of commercial nitrifying bacterial products has resulted in significant improvement of nitrification efficiency in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). We developed two nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) from marine and brackish water as start up cultures for immobilizing commercialized nitrifying bioreactors for RAS. In the present study, the community compositions of the NBC were analyzed by universal 16S rRNA gene and bacterial amoA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This study demonstrated that both the consortia involved autotrophic nitrifiers, denitrifiers as well as heterotrophs. Abundant taxa of the brackish water heterotrophic bacterial isolates were Paenibacillus and Beijerinckia spp. whereas in the marine consortia they were Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and Gramella species. The bacterial amoA clones were clustered together with high similarity to Nitrosomonas sp. and uncultured beta Proteobacteria. FISH analysis detected ammonia oxidizers belonging to b subclass of proteobacteria and Nitrosospira sp. in both the consortia, and Nitrosococcus mobilis lineage only in the brackish water consortium and the halophilic Nitrosomonas sp. only in the marine consortium. However, nitrite oxidizers, Nitrobacter sp. and phylum Nitrospira were detected in both the consortia. The metabolites from nitrifiers might have been used by heterotrophs as carbon and energy sources making the consortia a stable biofilm.
L'agricultura i la industrialització han causat un augment significatiu del nombre d'ambients rics en amoni. La presència de compostos nitrogenats redueix la qualitat de l'aigua, causant problemes de toxicitat, deteriorant el medi ambient i fins i tot afectant la salut humana. En conseqüència, la nitrificació s'ha convertit en un procés global que afecta al cicle del nitrogen a la biosfera. Els bacteris oxidadors d'amoni (AOB) són els responsables de l'oxidació de l'amoni a nitrit, i juguen un paper essencial en el cicle del nitrogen. Els primers oxidadors d'amoni foren aïllats a finals del segle XIX, però la lentitud del seu creixement i les dificultats per cultivar-los feren que fins als anys 80, amb els primers estudis emprant el gen 16SrDNA, no s'assolís un coneixement complert d'aquest grup bacterià. Actualment les bases de dades contenen multitud d'entrades amb seqüències corresponents a AOB. L'objectiu d'aquest treball era trobar, desenvolupar i avaluar eines útils i fiables per a l'estudi dels AOB en mostres ambientals. En aquest treball primer descrivim la utilització de la hibridació in situ amb fluorescència (FISH), mitjançant l'aplicació de sondes amb diana en el 16SrRNA dels AOB. La FISH ens va permetre detectar i recomptar aquest grup bacterià; no obstant, aquest mètode no permetia la detecció de noves seqüències, pel que es necessitava una nova eina. Amb aquesta intenció vam aplicar la seqüència de la sonda Nso1225 en una PCR. El fet d'amplificar específicament un fragment del 16SrDNA dels AOB va suposar el desenvolupament d'una nova eina molecular que permetia detectar la presència i diversitat d'aquests bacteris en ambients naturals. Malgrat tot, algunes seqüències pertanyents a bacteris no oxidadors d'amoni del subgrup β dels proteobacteris, eren també obtingudes amb aquesta tècnica. Així mateix, un dels inconvenients de l'ús del 16SrDNA com a marcador és la impossibilitat de detectar simultàniament els AOB que pertanyen als subgrups β i γ dels proteobacteris. El gen amoA, que codifica per la subunitat A de l'enzim amoni monooxigenasa (AMO), era aleshores àmpliament utilitzat com a marcador per a la detecció dels AOB. En aquest treball també descrivim la utilització d'aquest marcador en mostres procedents d'un reactor SBR. Aquest marcador ens va permetre identificar seqüències de AOB en la mostra, però la necessitat de detectar amoA mitjançant clonatge fa que l'ús d'aquest marcador requereixi massa temps per a la seva utilització com a eina en estudis d'ecologia microbiana amb moltes mostres. Per altra banda, alguns autors han assenyalat l'obtenció de seqüències de no AOB en utilitzar amoA en un protocol de PCR-DGGE. Amb la finalitat d'obtenir una eina ràpida i rigorosa per detectar i identificar els AOB, vam desenvolupar un joc nou d'oligonucleòtids amb diana en el gen amoB, que codifica per a la subunitat transmembrana de l'enzim AMO. Aquest gen ha demostrat ser un bon marcador molecular pels AOB, oferint, sense tenir en compte afiliacions filogenètiques, una elevada especificitat, sensibilitat i fiabilitat. En aquest treball també presentem una anàlisi de RT-PCR basada en la detecció del gen amoB per a la quantificació del gènere Nitrosococcus. El nou joc d'oligonucleòtids dissenyat permet una enumeració altament específica i sensible de tots els γ-Nitrosococcus coneguts. Finalment, vam realitzar un estudi poligènic, comparant i avaluant els marcadors amoA, amoB i 16SrDNA, i vàrem construir un arbre filogenètic combinat. Com a resultat concloem que amoB és un marcador adequat per a la detecció i identificació dels AOB en mostres ambientals, proporcionant alhora agrupacions consistents en fer inferències filogenètiques. Per altra banda, la seqüència sencera del gen 16S rDNA és indicada com a marcador en estudis amb finalitats taxonòmiques i filogenètiques en treballar amb cultius purs de AOB.
The degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol involves the unusual rearrangement of stable carboncarbon bonds. Some nonylphenol isomers and bisphenol A possess a quaternary alpha-carbon atom as a common structural feature. The degradation of nonylphenol in Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3 occurs via a type II ipso substitution with the presence of a quaternary alpha-carbon as a prerequisite. We report here a new degradation pathway of bisphenol A. Consequent to the hydroxylation at position C-4, according to a type 11 ipso substitution mechanism, the C-C bond between the phenolic moiety and the isopropyl group of bisphenol A is broken. Besides the formation of hydroquinone and 4-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl) phenol as the main metabolites, further compounds resulting from molecular rearrangements consistent with a carbocationic intermediate were identified. Assays with resting cells or cell extracts of Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3 under an 18 02 atmosphere were performed. One atom of 180, was present in hydroquinone, resulting from the monooxygenation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol. The monooxygenase activity was dependent on both NADPH and flavin adenine dinucleotide. Various cytochrome P450 inhibitors had identical inhibition effects on the conversion of both xenobiotics. Using a mutant of Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3, which is defective for growth on nonylphenol, we demonstrated that the reaction is catalyzed by the same enzymatic system. In conclusion, the degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol is initiated by the same monooxygenase, which may also lead to ipso substitution in other xenobiotics containing phenol with a quaternary a-carbon.
Background: Podosphaera aphanis, the causal agent of strawberry powdery mildew causes significant economic loss worldwide. Methods: We used the diploid strawberry species Fragaria vesca as a model to study plant pathogen interactions. RNA-seq was employed to generate a transcriptome dataset from two accessions, F. vesca ssp. vesca Hawaii 4 (HW) and F. vesca f. semperflorens Yellow Wonder 5AF7 (YW) at 1 d (1 DAI) and 8 d (8 DAI) after infection. Results: Of the total reads identified about 999 million (92%) mapped to the F. vesca genome. These transcripts were derived from a total of 23,470 and 23,464 genes in HW and YW, respectively from the three time points (control, 1 and 8 DAI). Analysis identified 1,567, 1,846 and 1,145 up-regulated genes between control and 1 DAI, control and 8 DAI, and 1 and 8 DAI, respectively in HW. Similarly, 1,336, 1,619 and 968 genes were up-regulated in YW. Also 646, 1,098 and 624 down-regulated genes were identified in HW, while 571, 754 and 627 genes were down-regulated in YW between all three time points, respectively. Conclusion: Investigation of differentially expressed genes (log2 fold changes �5) between control and 1 DAI in both HW and YW identified a large number of genes related to secondary metabolism, signal transduction; transcriptional regulation and disease resistance were highly expressed. These included flavonoid 3´-monooxygenase, peroxidase 15, glucan endo-1,3-β-glucosidase 2, receptor-like kinases, transcription factors, germin-like proteins, F-box proteins, NB-ARC and NBS-LRR proteins. This is the first application of RNA-seq to any pathogen interaction in strawberry
Alkane monooxygenases (Alk) are the key enzymes for alkane degradation. In order to understand the dispersion and diversity of alk genes in Antarctic marine environments, this study analysed by clone libraries the presence and diversity of alk genes (alkB and alkM) in sediments from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Peninsula Antarctica. The results show a differential distribution of alk genes between the sites, and the predominant presence of new alk genes, mainly in the pristine site. Sequences presented 53.10-69.60% nucleotide identity and 50.90-73.40% amino acid identity to alkB genes described in Silicibacter pomeroyi, Gordonia sp., Prauserella rugosa, Nocardioides sp., Rhodococcus sp., Nocardia farcinica, Pseudomonas putida, Acidisphaera sp., Alcanivorax borkumensis, and alkM described in Acinetobacter sp. This is the first time that the gene alkM was detected and described in Antarctic marine environments. The presence of a range of previously undescribed alk genes indicates the need for further studies in this environment.
Biochemical responses in bivalve mollusks are commonly employed in environmental studies as biomarkers of aquatic contamination. The present study evaluated the possible influence of salinity (35, 25,15 and 9 ppt) in the biomarker responses of Crassostrea gigas oysters exposed to diesel at different nominal concentrations (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mLL(-1)) using a semi-static exposure system. Salinity alone did not resulted in major changes in the gill`s catalase activity (CAT), glutathione S-transferase activity (GST) and lipid peroxidation levels (measured as malondialdehyde. MDA), but influenced diesel related responses. At 25 ppt salinity, but not at the other salinity levels, oysters exposed to diesel showed a strikingly positive concentration-dependent GST response. At 25 ppt and 1 mLL(-1) diesel, the GST activity in the gills remained elevated, even after one week of depuration in clean water. The increased MDA levels in the oysters exposed to diesel comparing to control groups at 9, 15 and 35 ppt salinities suggest the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in those salinities, but not at 25 ppt salinity. The MDA quickly returned to basal levels after 24 h of depuration. CAT activity was unaltered by the treatments employed. High toxicity for 1 mLL(-1) diesel was observed only at 35 ppt salinity, but not in the other salinities. Results from this study strongly suggest that salinity influences the diesel related biomarker responses and toxicity in C. gigas, and that some of those responses remain altered even after depuration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A set of five fungal species, Botrytis cinerea, Trichoderma viride and Eutypa lata, and the endophytic fungi Colletotrichum crassipes and Xylaria sp., was used in screening for microbial biocatalysts to detect monooxygenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities (for the stereoselective reduction of carbonyl compounds). 4-Ethylcyclohexanone and acetophenone were biotransformed by the fungal set. The main reaction pathways involved reduction and hydroxylations at several positions including tertiary carbons. B. cinerea was very effective in the bioreduction of both substrates leading to the chiral alcohol (S)-1-phenylethanol in up to 90% enantiomeric excess, and the cis-trans ratio for 4-ethylcyclohexanol was 0:100. trans-4-Ethyl-1-(1S-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanol, obtained from biotransformation by means of an acyloin-type reaction, is reported here for the first time. The absolute configurations of the compounds trans-4-ethyl-1-(1S-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanol and 4-(1S- and 4-(1R-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanone were determined by NMR analysis of the corresponding Mosher's esters. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of the arachidonic acid metabolism inhibitors on the acetylcholine responses of aortae from control (CR) and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive (HR) rats were investigated. The acetylcholine decreased response observed in HR [relaxation (%): CR 95.5 +/- 2.7, n = 4; HR 52.0 +/- 6.3, n = 5, p < 0.05] was restored by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam [relaxation (%): CR 99.8 +/- 0.2, n = 4; HR 86.0 +/- 4.0, n = 5] and by the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor and the thrombox ane A(2)/prostaglandin H-2 receptor antagonist ridogrel [relaxation (%): CR 92.1 +/- 4.4, n = 7; HR 93.1 +/- 2.0, n = 7] but not by the inhibitors of thromboxane synthetase, prostacyclin synthetase, cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase, and lipoxygenase. So, endoperoxide intermediates seem to be involved in the decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine in DOCA-salt hypertension. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The biological effects of catecholamines in mammalian pigment cells are poorly understood. Our previous results showed the presence of α1-adrenoceptors in SK-Mel 23 human melanoma cells. The aims of this work were to (1) characterize catecholamine effects on proliferation, tyrosinase activity and expression, (2) identify the α1- adrenoceptor subtypes, and (3) verify whether chronic norepinephrine (NE) treatment modified the types and/or pharmacological characteristics of adrenoceptors present in SK-Mel 23 human melanoma cells. Cells treated with the aradrenergic agonist, phenylephrine (PHE, 10-5 or 10-4 M), for 24-72 h, exhibited decreased cell proliferation and enhanced tyrosinase activity, but unaltered tyrosinase expression as compared with the control. The proliferation and tyrosinase activity responses were inhibited by the α1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin, suggesting they were evoked by α1-adrenoceptors. The presence of actinomycin D, a transcription inhibitor, did not diminish PHE-induced effects. RT-PCR assays, followed by cloning and sequencing, demonstrated the presence of α1A- and α1B-adrenoceptor subtypes. NE-treated cells (24 or 72 h) were used in competition assays, and showed no significant change in the competition curves of α1-adrenoceptors as compared with control curves. Other adrenoceptor subtypes were not identified in these cells, and NE pretreatment did not induce their expression. In conclusion, the activation of SK-Mel 23 human melanoma α1- radrenoceptors elicit biological effects, such as proliferation decrease and tyrosinase activity increase. Desensitization or expression of other adrenoceptor subtypes after chronic NE treatment were not observed.
Elevated blood testosterone concentrations, often accompanied by male-typical behaviors, is a common signalment of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors (GCTCs), but no definitive information exists regarding the cellular differentiation of tumors associated with androgen secretion. This study was conducted to localize and thereby define the cellular expression of 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase cytochrome P450 (P450c17), the enzyme most directly responsible for androgen synthesis, in 30 GTCTs and control tissues (gonads and adrenal glands) using immuno-histochemistry (IHC). Immuno-reactivity for P450c17 was evident in approximately half of 30 specimens examined, was most consistent in the interstitial cells surrounding existing or developing cysts, and was less intense in cells within cysts in the smaller proportion of specimens where this was observed. In control tissues, the expression of P450c17 was localized primarily in theca interna of normal ovarian follicles, in theca-lutein cells of some corpora lutea, but not in granulosa-lutein cells. Testicular interstitial cells and islands of adreno-cortical cells located in the adrenal medulla of the adrenal cortex further established the specificity of the antisera used. These data provided the first substantive evidence that polyhedral cells identified previously in GTCTs by histopathology have the potential to synthesize and secrete androgens, similar to theca interna and theca lutein cells in normal equine ovaries. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.