55 resultados para PHENIX
The PHENIX experiment has measured electrons and positrons at midrapidity from the decays of hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks produced in d + Au and p + p collisions at root S-NN = 200 GeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.85 <= p(T)(e) <= 8.5 GeV/c. In central d + Au collisions, the nuclear modification factor R-dA at 1.5 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c displays evidence of enhancement of these electrons, relative to those produced in p + p collisions, and shows that the mass-dependent Cronin enhancement observed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider extends to the heavy D meson family. A comparison with the neutral-pion data suggests that the difference in cold-nuclear-matter effects on light- and heavy-flavor mesons could contribute to the observed differences between the pi(0) and heavy-flavor-electron nuclear modification factors R-AA. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.242301
We simulate top-energy Au + Au collisions using ideal hydrodynamics in order to make the first comparison to the complete set of midrapidity flow measurements made by the PHENIX Collaboration. A simultaneous calculation of nu(2), nu(3), nu(4), and the first event-by-event calculation of quadrangular flow defined with respect to the nu(2) event plane (nu(4){Psi(2)}) gives good agreement with measured values, including the dependence on both transverse momentum and centrality. This provides confirmation that the collision system is indeed well described as a quark-gluon plasma with an extremely small viscosity and that correlations are dominantly generated from collective effects. In addition, we present a prediction for nu(5).
Unpolarized cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of single-inclusive positive and negative charged hadrons at midrapidity from p + p collisions at root s = 62.4 GeV are presented. The PHENIX measurement of the cross sections for 1.0 < p(T) < 4.5 GeV/c are consistent with perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the strong-coupling constant, alpha(s). Resummed pQCD calculations including terms with next-to-leading-log accuracy, yielding reduced theoretical uncertainties, also agree with the data. The double-helicity asymmetry, sensitive at leading order to the gluon polarization in a momentum-fraction range of 0.05 less than or similar to x(gluon) less than or similar to 0.2, is consistent with recent global parametrizations disfavoring large gluon polarization.
Measurements of the anisotropy parameter v(2) of identified hadrons (pions, kaons, and protons) as a function of centrality, transverse momentum p(T), and transverse kinetic energy KET at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.35) in Au + Au collisions at root s(N N) = 200 GeV are presented. Pions and protons are identified up to p(T) = 6 GeV/c, and kaons up to p(T) = 4 GeV/c, by combining information from time-of-flight and aerogel Cerenkov detectors in the PHENIX Experiment. The scaling of v(2) with the number of valence quarks (n(q)) has been studied in different centrality bins as a function of transverse momentum and transverse kinetic energy. A deviation from previously observed quark-number scaling is observed at large values of KET/n(q) in noncentral Au + Au collisions (20-60%), but this scaling remains valid in central collisions (0-10%).
Contiene: Fiestas del SSmo. Sacramento repartidas en doce Actos Sacramentales .../ compuesta por el Phenix de España Fray Lope Felix de Vega Carpio ... ; recogidas por el Lic. Joseph Ortiz de Villena ...
No more published.
Fiestas del SSmo. Sacramento repartidas en doce Actos Sacramentales En sus Loas y Entremeses, compuesta por el Phenix de España Fray Lope Felix de Vega Carpio... recogidas por el Lic. Joseph Ortiz de Villena...
Contiene : Rimas divinas y humanas del Maestro Torne de Burguillas, p. 1-320. Oracion eclesiastica general en las exequias de Fray Lope de Vega / dicha por el P.F. Francisco de Peralta, p. 321-360. Sermon funebre predicado por el Doctor Francisco de Quintana, en las honras que hizo a Lope de Vega ..., p. 361-406. Oracion funeral panegyrica ... / por el P. Maestro F. Ignacio de Vitoria ..., p. 407-466. Oracion funebre en la muerte de Lope de Vega / por el Doctor Fernando Endoso, p. 467-492. Egloga a la fama inmortal del phenix de Europa Fray Lope Felix de Vega Carpio / del Doctor Juan Antonio de la Peña, p. 493-520.
(cont.) v. 17. Providence Phenix, Providence patriot, and Columbian Phenix-Marriages-A to R.- v. 18. Providence Phenix, Providence patriot, and Columbian Phenix-Marriages: S to Z; deaths: A to M.- v. 19. Providence Phenix, Providence patriot, and Columbian Phenix-Deaths: N to Z; Rhode Island American-Marriages: A to G.- v. 20. Rhode Island American: Marriages: H to Z. Deaths: A and B.- v. 21. Rhode Island American: Deaths: C to S.
"Compliments of American Eagle Fire Insurance Co., the Continental Insurance Company, Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co"