940 resultados para PHASED-ARRAY


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A method is proposed which uses a lower-frequency transmit to create a known harmonic acoustical source in tissue suitable for wavefront correction without a priori assumptions of the target or requiring a transponder. The measurement and imaging steps of this method were implemented on the Duke phased array system with a two-dimensional (2-D) array. The method was tested with multiple electronic aberrators [0.39π to 1.16π radians root-mean-square (rms) at 4.17 MHz] and with a physical aberrator 0.17π radians rms at 4.17 MHz) in a variety of imaging situations. Corrections were quantified in terms of peak beam amplitude compared to the unaberrated case, with restoration between 0.6 and 36.6 dB of peak amplitude with a single correction. Standard phantom images before and after correction were obtained and showed both visible improvement and 14 dB contrast improvement after correction. This method, when combined with previous phase correction methods, may be an important step that leads to improved clinical images.


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Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radar schemes whereby the transmit array is partitioned into subarrays have recently been proposed in the literature to combine advantages of phased array and MIMO radar technology. In this work, we utilize this architecture to significantly simplify a transmit procedure in which the covariance matrix across the MIMO radar array is optimized to improve the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) on target parameter estimation. The MIMO effective array for regular subarrayed transmit apertures is studied, and necessary conditions to obtain a filled effective aperture are presented, which is important for maintaining nonambiguous, low sidelobe beampatterns. The performance of the subarrayed transmit approach is evaluated in terms of the CRB on target parameter estimation, and the optimisation of the beamformer applied to the subarrays to minimize the CRB is considered. The subarrayed transmit scheme is found to have a CRB which is suboptimal to the full diversity transmission, as expected, but is solvable in a small fraction of the time using an iterative beamspace algorithm developed here.


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Presented is a design methodology which permits the application of distributed coupled resonator bandpass filter principles to form wideband small-aperture evanescent-mode waveguide antenna designs. This approach permits matching of the complex antenna aperture admittance of an evanescent-mode open-ended waveguide to a real impedance generator, and thereby to a coaxial feed probe. A simulated reflection coefficient of < - 10 dB was obtained over a bandwidth of 20%, from 2.0-2.45 GHz, in a 2.58 GHz cutoff waveguide. Dielectric-filled propagating waveguide and air-filled evanescent-mode waveguide sections are used to form the resonators/coupling elements of the antenna's coupled resonator matching sections. Simulated realised gain variation from 3.4-5.0 dBi is observed across the bandwidth. The antenna's maximum aperture dimension is < 0.47 wavelength at the upper operating frequency and so it is suitable for use in a wide angle scanning phased array.


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We present a novel antenna matching technique that uses the Imaginary Smith Chart to permit wideband matching of an evanescent open-ended waveguide antenna using a dielectric sheet air-spaced from the aperture. The fabricated antenna design is demonstrated to have a measured bandwidth of 24%, from 2.13–2.7 GHz, for reflection coefficient $qquad{<} -!!10~{rm dB}$ , with 2.725 GHz waveguide cutoff. The antenna's maximum aperture dimension is ${< 0.5}lambda_{0}$ at the upper frequency in the bandwidth and so it is suitable for use in a wide angle scanning phased array


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A means for scrambling the digital modulation content in the sidelobes of a radio transmission from a steerable antenna array is presented. The method uses a Fourier transform beam-forming network simultaneously excited by an RF information stream and orthogonally injected interference streams. The proposed system is implemented using a Fourier Rotman lens and its operational characteristics are validated for a 10 GHz QPSK transmission.


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This paper deals with the impact of several antenna chices on the radio transmission performance within a cellular Mobile Broaband System (MBS) currently under research in Europe. Several antenna types are considered, namely switchable-beam antennas and adaptive antennas employing a phased array approach.


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This paper deals with the impact of several antenna choices on the radio transmission performance within a cellular Mobile Broaband System (MBS) currently under research in Europe. Several antenna types are considered, namely switchble-beam antennas and adaptive antennas employing a phased array approach.


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Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging has been increasingly used for detection, localization and staging of prostate cancer over the last years. It combines high-resolution T2 Weighted-Imaging and at least two functional techniques, which include Dynamic Contrast–Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy. Although the combined use of a pelvic phased-array and an Endorectal Coil is considered the state-of-the-art for Magnetic Resonance Imaging evaluation of prostate cancer, Endorectal Coil is only absolute mandatory for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy at 1.5 T. Sensitivity and specificity levels in cancer detection and localization have been improving with functional technique implementation, compared to T2 Weighted-Imaging alone. It has been particularly useful to evaluate patients with abnormal PSA and negative biopsy. Moreover, the information added by the functional techniques may correlate to cancer aggressiveness and therefore be useful to select patients for focal radiotherapy, prostate sparing surgery, focal ablative therapy and active surveillance. However, more studies are needed to compare the functional techniques and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one. This article reviews the basic principles of prostatic mp-Magnetic Resonance Imaging, emphasizing its role on detection, staging and active surveillance of prostate cancer.


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Abstract. Interplanetary scintillation observations of 48 of the 55 Augusto et al. (1998) flat spectrum radio sources were carried out at 111 MHz using the interplanetary scintillation method on the Large Phased Array (LPA) in Russia. Due to the large size of the LPA beam (1◦ × 0.5◦) a careful inspection of all possible confusion sources was made using extant large radio surveys: 37 of the 48 sources are not confused. We were able to estimate the scintillating flux densities of 13 sources, getting upper limits for the remaining 35. Gathering more or improving extant VLBI data on these sources might significantly improve our results. This proof-of-concept project tells us that compact (<1 ) flat spectrum radio sources show strong enough scintillations at 111 MHz to establish/constrain their spectra (low-frequency end). Key words. galaxies: general – galaxies: active – galaxies: quasars: general


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The purpose of this paper was to evaluate attributes derived from fully polarimetric PALSAR data to discriminate and map macrophyte species in the Amazon floodplain wetlands. Fieldwork was carried out almost simultaneously to the radar acquisition, and macrophyte biomass and morphological variables were measured in the field. Attributes were calculated from the covariance matrix [C] derived from the single-look complex data. Image attributes and macrophyte variables were compared and analyzed to investigate the sensitivity of the attributes for discriminating among species. Based on these analyses, a rule-based classification was applied to map macrophyte species. Other classification approaches were tested and compared to the rule-based method: a classification based on the Freeman-Durden and Cloude-Pottier decomposition models, a hybrid classification (Wishart classifier with the input classes based on the H/a plane), and a statistical-based classification (supervised classification using Wishart distance measures). The findings show that attributes derived from fully polarimetric L-band data have good potential for discriminating herbaceous plant species based on morphology and that estimation of plant biomass and productivity could be improved by using these polarimetric attributes.


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Numerose evidenze dimostrano che le proprietà dei materiali compositi sono strettamente legate ai processi produttivi, alle tipologie di fibra e resina impiegate nel materiale stesso. Proprietà caratterizzate anche dai difetti contenuti nel materiale stesso. Nella tesi si presta particolare attenzione al processo produttivo con prepreg e autoclave trattando anche il tema della stesura di un ply-book. Si valutano in modo teorico e critico alcuni tra i metodi N.D.T. più avanzati tra cui: P.T.(Penetrant Test), Rx(Radiography Test), UT (Ultrasound Test in Phased Array) e IRT (InfraRed Termography - Pulsata). Molteplici sono i componenti testati che variano tra loro per: tipologia di resina e fibra impiegata, processo produttivo e geometria. Tutti questi componenti permettono di capire come i singoli parametri influenzino la visualizzazione e l'applicabilità delle tecniche N.D.T. sopra citate. Su alcuni provini è stata eseguita la prova meccanica Drop Weight Test secondo ASTM D7136 per correlare le aree di delaminazione indotte e la sensibilità di ogni singolo metodo, visualizzando così la criticità indotta dagli urti con bassa energia di impatto (BVID Barely Invisible Impact)di cui i materiali compositi soffrono durante la "service life". A conclusione del lavoro si potrà comprendere come solo l'analisi con più metodi in parallelo permetta di ottenere una adeguata Probability Of Detection.


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Il lavoro di questa tesi si propone di esaminare i dati di immagini cerebrali ricevuti da due differentii bobine RF per l'imaging in risonanza magnetica. La strumentazione utilizzata é: un apparecchio di RMN che utilizza uno scanner a 1.5T (GE Medical System signa HDx 15) e due differenti bobine a radiofrequenza: 1) 8-channel brain phased array coil GE (1.5T HD 8 Channel High Resolution Head Array per il GE HDx MR System); 2) GE Quad HEAD Birdcage Coil. I software utilizzati invece sono stati quattro, due per la segmentazione e la parcellizzazione dei dati dalle acquisizioni di MRI (FSL e Freesurfer), e due per l'analisi dei dati (SPSS e Microsoft Excel). I tool utilizzati di FSL sono stati SIENA, per un'indagine sulla variazione percentile della totalitá del volume cerebrale; SIENAX invece permette una segmentazione di volumi di 6 sotto regioni: sostanza grigia (GREY), sostanza bianca (WHITE), totalitá del cervello (BRAIN), liquor cerebrospinale dei ventricoli (vcsf), scaling volumetrico (vscaling), sostanza grigia periferica (pgrey). Freesurfer invece parcellizza la corteccia cerebrale e segmenta le zone della sostanza grigia profonda cerebrale. Lo scopo ultimo era quello di analizzare come la differenza di segnale acquisito dalle due bobine variasse i risultati delle analisi volumetriche delle immagini e vedere se il t-test evidenziasse variazioni sistematiche. Questa analisi aveva come scopo quello di determinare la possibilità di confrontare i soggetti i cui dati sono stati ottenuti con due bobine differenti. I dati analizzati non hanno evidenziato particolari differenze tra le due bobine, se non per i valori del liquor dei ventricoli che sono risultati variare, verosimilmente, per i processi fisiologici di atrofia della sostanza grigia cerebrale che avvengono nel tempo intercorso tra un'acquisizione e l'altra.


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Hybrid MIMO Phased-Array Radar (HMPAR) is an emerging technology that combines MIMO (multiple-in, multiple-out) radar technology with phased-array radar technology. The new technology is in its infancy, but much of the theoretical work for this specific project has already been completed and is explored in great depth in [1]. A brief overview of phased-array radar systems, MIMO radar systems, and the HMPAR paradigm are explored in this paper. This report is the culmination of an effort to support research in MIMO and HMPAR utilizing a concept called intrapulse beamscan. Using intrapulse beamscan, arbitrary spatial coverage can be achieved within one MIMO beam pulse. Therefore, this report focuses on designing waveforms for MIMO radar systems with arbitrary spatial coverage using that phenomenon. With intrapulse beamscan, scanning is done through phase-modulated signal design within one pulse rather than phase-shifters in the phased array over multiple pulses. In addition to using this idea, continuous phase modulation (CPM) signals are considered for their desirable peak-to-average ratio property as well as their low spectral leakage. These MIMO waveforms are designed with three goals in mind. The first goal is to achieve flexible spatial coverage while utilizing intrapulse beamscan. As with almost any radar system, we wish to have flexibility in where we send our signal energy. The second goal is to maintain a peak-to-average ratio close to 1 on the envelope of these waveforms, ensuring a signal that is close to constant modulus. It is desired to have a radar system transmit at the highest available power; not doing so would further diminish the already very small return signals. The third goal is to ensure low spectral leakage using various techniques to limit the bandwidth of the designed signals. Spectral containment is important to avoid interference with systems that utilize nearby frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. These three goals are realized allowing for limitations of real radar systems. In addition to flexible spatial coverage, the report examines the spectral properties of utilizing various space-filling techniques for desired spatial areas. The space-filling techniques examined include Hilbert/Peano curves and standard raster scans.


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The Advanced Land Observation System (ALOS) Phased-Array Synthetic-Aperture Radar (PALSAR) is an L-band frequency (1.27 GHz) radar capable of continental-scale interferometric observations of ice sheet motion. Here, we show that PALSAR data yield excellent measurements of ice motion compared to C-band (5.6 GHz) radar data because of greater temporal coherence over snow and firn. We compare PALSAR velocities from year 2006 in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica with those spanning years 1974 to 2007. Between 1996 and 2007, Pine Island Glacier sped up 42% and ungrounded over most of its ice plain. Smith Glacier accelerated 83% and ungrounded as well. Their largest speed up are recorded in 2007. Thwaites Glacier is not accelerating but widening with time and its eastern ice shelf doubled its speed. Total ice discharge from these glaciers increased 30% in 12 yr and the net mass loss increased 170% from 39 ± 15 Gt/yr to 105 ± 27 Gt/yr. Longer-term velocity changes suggest only a moderate loss in the 1970s. As the glaciers unground into the deeper, smoother beds inland, the mass loss from this region will grow considerably larger in years to come.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) requires integrated "all in one" electronic devices capable of performing analysis of structural integrity and on-board damage detection in aircraft?s structures. PAMELA III (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment, version III) SHM embedded system is an example of this device type. This equipment is capable of generating excitation signals to be applied to an array of integrated piezoelectric Phased Array (PhA) transducers stuck to aircraft structure, acquiring the response signals, and carrying out the advanced signal processing to obtain SHM maps. PAMELA III is connected with a host computer in order to receive the configuration parameters and sending the obtained SHM maps, alarms and so on. This host can communicate with PAMELA III through an Ethernet interface. To avoid the use of wires where necessary, it is possible to add Wi-Fi capabilities to PAMELA III, connecting a Wi-Fi node working as a bridge, and to establish a wireless communication between PAMELA III and the host. However, in a real aircraft scenario, several PAMELA III devices must work together inside closed structures. In this situation, it is not possible for all PAMELA III devices to establish a wireless communication directly with the host, due to the signal attenuation caused by the different obstacles of the aircraft structure. To provide communication among all PAMELA III devices and the host, a wireless mesh network (WMN) system has been implemented inside a closed aluminum wingbox. In a WMN, as long as a node is connected to at least one other node, it will have full connectivity to the entire network because each mesh node forwards packets to other nodes in the network as required. Mesh protocols automatically determine the best route through the network and can dynamically reconfigure the network if a link drops out. The advantages and disadvantages on the use of a wireless mesh network system inside closed aerospace structures are discussed.