977 resultados para PHAGE DISPLAY


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Candida albicans is a commensal opportunistic pathogen, which can cause superficial infections as well as systemic infections in immuocompromised hosts. Among nosocomial fungal infections, infections by C. albicans are associated with highest mortality rates even though incidence of infections by other related species is on the rise world over. Since C. albicans and other Candida species differ in their susceptibility to antifungal drug treatment, it is crucial to accurately identify the species for effective drug treatment. Most diagnostic tests that differentiate between C. albicans and other Candida species are time consuming, as they necessarily involve laboratory culturing. Others, which employ highly sensitive PCR based technologies often, yield false positives which is equally dangerous since that leads to unnecessary antifungal treatment. This is the first report of phage display technology based identification of short peptide sequences that can distinguish C. albicans from other closely related species. The peptides also show high degree of specificity towards its different morphological forms. Using fluorescence microscopy, we show that the peptides bind on the surface of these cells and obtained clones that could even specifically bind to only specific regions of cells indicating restricted distribution of the epitopes. What was peculiar and interesting was that the epitopes were carbohydrate in nature. This gives insight into the complexity of the carbohydrate composition of fungal cell walls. In an ELISA format these peptides allow specific detection of relatively small numbers of C. albicans cells. Hence, if used in combination, such a test could help accurate diagnosis and allow physicians to initiate appropriate drug therapy on time.


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Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns and virulence effectors are recognized by plants as a first step to mount a defence response against potential pathogens. This recognition involves a large family of extracellular membrane receptors and other immune proteins located in different sub-cellular compartments. We have used phage-display technology to express and select for Arabidopsis proteins able to bind bacterial pathogens. To rapidly identify microbe-bound phage, we developed a monitoring method based on microarrays. This combined strategy allowed for a genome-wide screening of plant proteins involved in pathogen perception. Two phage libraries for high-throughput selection were constructed from cDNA of plants infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, or from combined samples of the virulent isolate DC3000 of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and its avirulent variant avrRpt2. These three pathosystems represent different degrees in the specificity of plant-microbe interactions. Libraries cover up to 26107 different plant transcripts that can be displayed as functional proteins on the surface of T7 bacteriophage. A number of these were selected in a bio-panning assay for binding to Pseudomonas cells. Among the selected clones we isolated the ethylene response factor ATERF-1, which was able to bind the three bacterial strains in competition assays. ATERF-1 was rapidly exported from the nucleus upon infiltration of either alive or heat-killed Pseudomonas. Moreover, aterf-1 mutants exhibited enhanced susceptibility to infection. These findings suggest that ATERF-1 contains a microbe-recognition domain with a role in plant defence. To identify other putative pathogen-binding proteins on a genome-wide scale, the copy number of selected-vs.-total clones was compared by hybridizing phage cDNAs with Arabidopsis microarrays. Microarray analysis revealed a set of 472 candidates with significant fold change. Within this set defence-related genes, including well-known targets of bacterial effectors, are over-represented. Other genes non-previously related to defence can be associated through this study with general or strain-specific recognition of Pseudomonas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We report the use of “mRNA display,” an in vitro selection technique, to identify peptide aptamers to a protein target. mRNA display allows for the preparation of polypeptide libraries with far greater complexity than is possible with phage display. Starting with a library of ≈1013 random peptides, 20 different aptamers to streptavidin were obtained, with dissociation constants as low as 5 nM. These aptamers function without the aid of disulfide bridges or engineered scaffolds, yet possess affinities comparable to those for monoclonal antibody–antigen complexes. The aptamers bind streptavidin with three to four orders of magnitude higher affinity than those isolated previously by phage display from lower complexity libraries of shorter random peptides. Like previously isolated peptides, they contain an HPQ consensus motif. This study shows that, given sufficient length and diversity, high-affinity aptamers can be obtained even from random nonconstrained peptide libraries. By engineering structural constraints into these ultrahigh complexity peptide libraries, it may be possible to produce binding agents with subnanomolar binding constants.


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Saturation mutagenesis is a powerful tool in modern protein engineering, which permits key residues within a protein to be targeted in order to potentially enhance specific functionalities. However, the creation of large libraries using conventional saturation mutagenesis with degenerate codons (NNN or NNK/S) has inherent redundancy and consequent disparities in codon representation. Therefore, both chemical (trinucleotide phosphoramidites) and biological methods (sequential, enzymatic single codon additions) of non-degenerate saturation mutagenesis have been developed in order to combat these issues and so improve library quality. Large libraries with multiple saturated positions can be limited by the method used to screen them. Although the traditional screening method of choice, cell-dependent methods, such as phage display, are limited by the need for transformation. A number of cell-free screening methods, such as CIS display, which link the screened phenotype with the encoded genotype, have the capability of screening libraries with up to 1014 members. This thesis describes the further development of ProxiMAX technology to reduce library codon bias and its integration with CIS display to screen the resulting library. Synthetic MAX oligonucleotides are ligated to an acceptor base sequence, amplified, and digested, subsequently adding a randomised codon to the acceptor, which forms an iterative cycle using the digested product of the previous cycle as the base sequence for the next. Initial use of ProxiMAX highlighted areas of the process where changes could be implemented in order to improve the codon representation in the final library. The refined process was used to construct a monomeric anti-NGF peptide library, based on two proprietary dimeric peptides (Isogenica) that bind NGF. The resulting library showed greatly improved codon representation that equated to a theoretical diversity of ~69%. The library was subsequently screened using CIS display and the discovered peptides assessed for NGF-TrkA inhibition by ELISA. Despite binding to TrkA, these peptides showed lower levels of inhibition of the NGF-TrkA interaction than the parental dimeric peptides, highlighting the importance of dimerization for inhibition of NGF-TrkA binding.


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The kallikreins and kallikrein-related peptidases are serine proteases that control a plethora of developmental and homeostatic phenomena, ranging from semen liquefaction to skin desquamation and blood pressure. The diversity of roles played by kallikreins has stimulated considerable interest in these enzymes from the perspective of diagnostics and drug design. Kallikreins already have well-established credentials as targets for therapeutic intervention and there is increasing appreciation of their potential both as biomarkers and as targets for inhibitor design. Here, we explore the current status of naturally occurring kallikrein protease-inhibitor complexes and illustrate how this knowledge can interface with strategies for rational re-engineering of bioscaffolds and design of small-molecule inhibitors.


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An array of substrates link the tryptic serine protease, kallikrein-related peptidase 14 (KLK14), to physiological functions including desquamation and activation of signaling molecules associated with inflammation and cancer. Recognition of protease cleavage sequences is driven by complementarity between exposed substrate motifs and the physicochemical signature of an enzyme's active site cleft. However, conventional substrate screening methods have generated conflicting subsite profiles for KLK14. This study utilizes a recently developed screening technique, the sparse matrix library, to identify five novel high-efficiency sequences for KLK14. The optimal sequence, YASR, was cleaved with higher efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)=3.81 ± 0.4 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) than favored substrates from positional scanning and phage display by 2- and 10-fold, respectively. Binding site cooperativity was prominent among preferred sequences, which enabled optimal interaction at all subsites as indicated by predictive modeling of KLK14/substrate complexes. These simulations constitute the first molecular dynamics analysis of KLK14 and offer a structural rationale for the divergent subsite preferences evident between KLK14 and closely related KLKs, KLK4 and KLK5. Collectively, these findings highlight the importance of binding site cooperativity in protease substrate recognition, which has implications for discovery of optimal substrates and engineering highly effective protease inhibitors.


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There have been recent improvements in the clinical understanding and definition of the major types of autoimmune liver disease. However, still lacking is knowledge of their prevalence and pathogenesis. Three areas of study are in progress in our laboratory. First, in type 1 autoimmune hepatitis, the search continues to identify a liver/disease-specific autoantigenic reactant. Using hepatocyte membrane preparations, immunoblotting has underlined the problem of distinguishing, among multiple reactants, those that may be causally rather than consequentially related to hepatocellular damage. Second, in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), the need for population screening to ascertain prevalence and detect preclinical cases can be met by a rapid automated procedure for detection, by specific enzyme inhibition in microtitre wells, of antibody (anti-M2) to the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit (PDC-E2). Third, the structure of the conformational epitope within the inner lipoyl domain of PDC-E2 is being investigated by screening random phage-displayed peptide libraries using PBC sera. This has yielded phage clones in which the sequence of the peptide insert portrays the structure of this epitope, as judged by clustering of PBC-derived sequences to particular branches of a guide-tree that shows relatedness of peptides, and by reactivity of selected phage clones with anti-PDC-E2. Thus phage display identifies a peptide 'mimotope' of the antibody epitope in the inner lipoyl domain of PDC-E2.


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Modulation of protein binding specificity is important for basic biology and for applied science. Here we explore how binding specificity is conveyed in PDZ (postsynaptic density protein-95/discs large/zonula occludens-1) domains, small interaction modules that recognize various proteins by binding to an extended C terminus. Our goal was to engineer variants of the Erbin PDZ domain with altered specificity for the most C-terminal position (position 0) where a Val is strongly preferred by the wild-type domain. We constructed a library of PDZ domains by randomizing residues in direct contact with position 0 and in a loop that is close to but does not contact position 0. We used phage display to select for PDZ variants that bind to 19 peptide ligands differing only at position 0. To verify that each obtained PDZ domain exhibited the correct binding specificity, we selected peptide ligands for each domain. Despite intensive efforts, we were only able to evolve Erbin PDZ domain variants with selectivity for the aliphatic C-terminal side chains Val, Ile and Leu. Interestingly, many PDZ domains with these three distinct specificities contained identical amino acids at positions that directly contact position 0 but differed in the loop that does not contact position 0. Computational modeling of the selected PDZ domains shows how slight conformational changes in the loop region propagate to the binding site and result in different binding specificities. Our results demonstrate that second-sphere residues could be crucial in determining protein binding specificity.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) is the receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones, guanylin, and uroguanylin, in addition to the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins, which are one of the major causes of watery diarrhea the world over. GCC is expressed in intestinal cells, colorectal tumor tissue and tumors originating from metastasis of the colorectal carcinoma. We have earlier generated a monoclonal antibody to human GCC, GCC:B10, which was useful for the immunohistochemical localization of the receptor in the rat intestine (Nandi A et al., 1997, J Cell Biochem 66:500-511), and identified its epitope to a 63-amino acid stretch in the intracellular domain of GCC. In view of the potential that this antibody has for the identification of colorectal tumors, we have characterized the epitope for GCC:B10 in this study. Overlapping peptide synthesis indicated that the epitope was contained in the sequence HIPPENIFPLE. This sequence was unique to GCC, and despite a short stretch of homology with serum amyloid protein and pertussis toxin, no cross reactivity was detected. The core epitope was delineated using a random hexameric phage display library, and two categories of sequences were identified, containing either a single, or two adjacent proline residues. No sequence identified by phage display was identical to the epitope present in GCC, indicating that phage sequences represented mimotopes of the native epitope. Alignment of these sequences with HIPPENIFPLE suggested duplication of the recognition motif, which was confirmed by peptide synthesis. These studies allowed us not only to define the requirements of epitope recognition by GCC:B10 monoclonal antibody, but also to describe a novel means of epitope recognition involving topological mimicry and probable duplication of the cognate epitope in the native guanylyl cyclase C receptor sequence.


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The type III secretion system (T3SS) is an essential requirement for the virulence of many Gram-negative bacteria which infect plants, animals and men. Pathogens use the T3SS to deliver effector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm to the eukaryotic host cells, where the effectors subvert host defenses. The best candidates for directing effector protein traffic are the bacterial type III-associated appendages, called needles or pili. In plant pathogenic bacteria, the best characterized example of a T3SS-associated appendage is the HrpA pilus of the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. The components of the T3SS in plant pathogens are encoded by a cluster of hrp (hypersensitive reaction and pathogenicity) genes. Two major classes of T3SS-secreted proteins are: harpin proteins such as HrpZ which are exported into extracellular space, and avirulence (Avr) proteins such as AvrPto which are translocated directly to the plant cytoplasm. This study deals with the structural and functional characterization of the T3SS-associated HrpA pilus and the T3SS-secreted harpins. By insertional mutagenesis analysis of HrpA, we located the optimal epitope insertion site in the amino-terminus of HrpA, and revealed the potential application of the HrpA pilus as a carrier of antigenic determinants for vaccination. By pulse-expression of proteins combined with immuno-electron microscopy, we discovered the Hrp pilus assembly strategy as addition of HrpA subunits to the distal end of the growing pilus, and we showed for the first time that secretion of HrpZ occurs at the tip of the pilus. The pilus thus functions as a conduit delivering proteins to the extracellular milieu. By using phage-display and scanning-insertion mutagenesis methods we identified a conserved HrpZ-binding peptide and localized the peptide-binding site to the central domain of HrpZ. We also found that the HrpZ specifically interacts with a host bean protein. Taken together, the current results provide deeper insight into the molecular mechanism of T3SS-associated pilus assembly and effector protein translocation, which will be helpful for further studies on the pathogenic mechanisms of Gram-negative bacteria and for developing new strategies to prevent bacterial infection.


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Lung cancer accounts for more cancer-related deaths than any other cancer. In Finland, five-year survival ranges from 8% to 13%. The main risk factor for lung cancer is long-term cigarette smoking, but its carcinogenesis requires several other factors. The aim of the present study was to 1) evaluate post-operative quality of life, 2) compare clinical outcomes between minimally invasive and conventional open surgery, 3) evaluate the role of oxidative stress in the carcinogenesis of non-small lung cancer (NSCLC), and 4) to identify and characterise targeted agents for therapeutic and diagnostic use in surgery. For study I, pneumonectomy patients replied to 15D quality of life and baseline dyspnea questionnaires. Study III involved a prospective quality of life assessment using the 15D questionnaire after lobectomy or bi-lobectomy. Study IV was a retrospective comparison of clinical outcomes between 212 patients treated with open thoracotomy and 116 patients who underwent a minimally invasive technique. Study II measured parameters of oxidative metabolism (myeloperoxidase activity, glutathione content and NADPH oxidase activity) and DNA adducts. Study V employed the phage display method and identified a core motif for homing peptides. This method served in cell-binding, cell-localisation, and biodistribution studies. Following both pneumonectomy and lobectomy, NSCLC patients showed significantly decreased long-term quality of life. No significant correlation was noted between post-operative quality of life and pre-operative pulmonary function tests. Women suffered more from increased dyspnea after pneumonectomy which was absent after lobectomy or bi-lobectomy. Patients treated with video-assisted thoracoscopy showed significantly decreased morbidity and shorter periods of hospitalization than did open surgery patients. This improvement was achieved even though the VATS patients were older and suffered more comorbid conditions and poorer pulmonary function. No significant differences in survival were noted between these two groups. An increase in NADPH oxidase activity was noted in tumour samples of both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. This increase was independent from myeloperoxidase activity. Elevated glutathione content was noted in tumour tissue, especially in adenocarcinoma. After panning the clinical tumour samples with the phage display method, an amino acid sequence of ARRPKLD, the Thx, was chosen for further analysis. This method proved selective of tumour tissue in both in vitro and in vivo cell-binding assay, and biodistribution showed tumour accumulation. Because of the significantly reduced quality of life following pneumonectomy, other operative strategies should be implemented as an alternative (e.g. sleeve-lobectomy). To treat this disease, implementation of a minimally invasive surgical technique is safe, and the results showed decreased morbidity and a shorter period of hospitalisation than with thoracotomy. This technique may facilitate operative treatment of elderly patients with comorbid conditions who might otherwise be considered inoperable. Simultaneous exposure to oxidative stress and altered redox states indicates the important role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and malignant transformation of NSCLC. The studies showed with great specificity and with favourable biodistribution that Thx peptide is specific to NSCLC tumours. Thx thus shows promise in imaging, targeted therapy, and monitoring of treatment response.


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Single chain fragment variables (ScFvs) have been extensively employed in studying the protein-protein interactions. ScFvs derived from phage display libraries have an additional advantage of being generated against a native antigen, circumventing loss of information on conformational epitopes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to elucidate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor interactions by using a neutral and two inhibitory ScFvs against hCG. The objective was to dock a computationally derived model of these ScFvs onto the crystal structure of hCG and understand the differential roles of the mapped epitopes in hCG-LH receptor interactions. An anti-hCG ScFv, whose epitope was mapped previously using biochemical tools, served as the positive control for assessing the quality of docking analysis. To evaluate the role of specific side chains at the hCG-ScFv interface, binding free energy as well as residue interaction energies of complexes in solution were calculated using molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann/surface area method after performing the molecular dynamic simulations on the selected hCG-ScFv models and validated using biochemical and SPR analysis. The robustness of these calculations was demonstrated by comparing the theoretically determined binding energies with the experimentally obtained kinetic parameters for hCG-ScFv complexes. Superimposition of hCG-ScFv model onto a model of hCG complexed with the 51-266 residues of LH receptor revealed importance of the residues previously thought to be unimportant for hormone binding and response. This analysis provides an alternate tool for understanding the structure-function analysis of ligand-receptor interactions. Proteins 2011;79:3108-3122. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We report two antibodies, scFv 13B1 and MAb PD1.37, against the hinge regions of LHR and TSHR, respectively, which have similar epitopes but different effects on receptor function. While neither of them affected hormone binding, with marginal effects on hormone response, scFv 13B1 stimulated LHR in a dose-dependent manner, whereas MAb PD1.37 acted as an inverse agonist of TSHR. Moreover, PD1.37 could decrease the basal activity of hinge region CAMs, but had varied effects on those present in ECLs, whereas 13B1 was refractory to any CAMs in LHR. Using truncation mutants and peptide phage display, we compared the differential roles of the hinge region cysteine box-2/3 as well as the exoloops in the activation of these two homologus receptors. (C) 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Insulin like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) is highly up regulated in glioblastoma (GBM) tissues and has been one of the prognostic indicators. There are compelling evidences suggesting important roles for IGFBP2 in glioma cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Extracellular IGFBP2 through its carboxy terminal arginine glycine aspartate (RGD) motif can bind to cell surface alpha 5 beta 1 integrins and activate pathways downstream to integrin signaling. This IGFBP2 activated integrin signaling is known to play a crucial role in IGFBP2 mediated invasion of glioma cells. Hence a molecular inhibitor of carboxy terminal domain of IGFBP2 which can inhibit IGFBP2-cell surface interaction is of great therapeutic importance. In an attempt to develop molecular inhibitors of IGFBP2, we screened single chain variable fragment (scFv) phage display libraries, Tomlinson I (Library size 1.47 x 10(8)) and Tomlinson J (Library size 1.37 x 10(8)) using human recombinant IGFBP2. After screening we obtained three IGFBP2 specific binders out of which one scFv B7J showed better binding to IGFBP2 at its carboxy terminal domain, blocked IGFBP2-cell surface association, reduced activity of matrix metalloprotease 2 in the conditioned medium of glioma cells and inhibited IGFBP2 induced migration and invasion of glioma cells. We demonstrate for the first time that in vitro inhibition of extracellular IGFBP2 activity by using human scFv results in significant reduction of glioma cell migration and invasion. Therefore, the inhibition of IGFBP2 can serve as a potential therapeutic strategy in the management of GBM.