80 resultados para PETAL


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a temperatura basal, a soma térmica acumulada em diferentes fases fenológicas, a duração das fenofases, a produtividade e a sazonalidade do ciclo de uma cultivar de nectarina e de 14 cultivares de pêssego, entre 2006 e 2009. As fases fenológicas consideradas foram: poda-brotação; brotação-florescimento, da gema inchada até a flor aberta; florescimento-frutificação, da queda das pétalas até o fruto médio; e maturação. As temperaturas basais mínimas obtidas foram: poda-brotação, 8°C, independentemente das cultivares avaliadas; brotação-florescimento, 10°C, com exceção de 'Cascata 968', que necessitou de Tb de 8°C; florescimento-frutificação, 12°C, exceto 'Oro Azteca', que necessitou de Tb de 14°C; maturação, 14°C, com exceção de 'Sunblaze', 'Diamante Mejorado' e 'Precocinho', com Tb de 12°C. Para a maioria das cultivares, as temperaturas basais máximas foram de 30, 34, 34 e 28ºC, nas fases poda-brotação, brotação-florescimento, florescimento-frutificação e maturação, respectivamente. 'Turmalina', 'Marli' e 'Tropic Beauty' apresentaram produtividade média de 3.945,0, 3.969,3 e 3.954,0 kg ha-1, em 2009, respectivamente, enquanto a nectarineira 'Sunblaze' produziu em torno de 3.900 kg ha-1 em 2008 e 2009. As cultivares diferiram quanto ao ciclo total e quanto às somas térmicas acumuladas que variaram, respectivamente, de 245 dias e 1.881,4 graus-dia em 'Oro Azteca', a 144 dias e 1.455,7 graus-dia em 'Precocinho'.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Leguminosae is the third largest family of angiosperms with about 19.325 species and 727 genera, and it is pantropically distributed. Papilionoideae is the most diverse of the three legume subfamilies, with around 13.800 species (71%), 478 genera, and 28 tribes. Papilionoid legumes include herbs, shrubs, lianas or trees with pinnate, trifoliolate, unifoliolate or simple leaves, flowers frequently papilionate with descending imbricate petal aestivation, the petals highly differentiated into standard, keel, and wings, androecium usually diplostemous, and seeds without pleurogram, with conspicuous hilum, and the embryo radicle usually curved. The current study aims to carry out a taxonomic account of the Papilionoideae from Atlantic Forest remnants in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, across the herbaria data surveys, collections of field samples and morphological analysis of the collected specimens and/or herbaria materials. Identification key, descriptions, diagnostic characters, illustrations, and geographic distribution of the 68 species and 32 genera within the following tribes Phaseoleae (11 genera/24 species), Dalbergieae (9/20), Swartzieae (3/3), Millettieae (2/4), Sophoreae (2/2), Abreae (1/1), Crotalarieae (1/3), Desmodieae (1/7), Indigofereae (1/3), and Sesbanieae (1/1). The most species-rich genera were Desmodium Desv. (7 species), Centrosema (DC.) Benth. (5), Stylosanthes Sw. (5), Aeschynomene L. (4) and Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. (4). Concerning to the habit, the herbaceous and shrubby has predominated with 60% (41 spp.), following by the vine and lianas with 28% (19 spp.) and the woody with only 12% (8 spp.). Thirty two species and the following genera are newly recorded for the flora of Rio Grande do Norte: Chaetocalyx, Cochliasanthus, Crotalaria, Galactia, Geoffroea, Macroptilium, Rhynchosia, Swartzia, Trischidium, and Vigna


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Floral anatomy is described in ten genera of Bromeliaceae, including three members of subfamily Bromelioideae, three Tillandsioideae, and four genera of the polyphyletic subfamily Pitcairnioideae (including Brocchinia, the putatively basal genus of Bromeliaceae). Bromeliaceae are probably unique in the order Poales in possessing septal nectaries and epigynous or semi-epigynous flowers. Evidence presented here from floral ontogeny, vasculature, and the relative positions of nectary and ovules indicates that there could have been one or more reversals to apparent hypogyny in Bromeliaceae, although this hypothesis requires a better-resolved phylogeny. Such evolutionary reversals probably evolved in response to specialist pollinators, and in conjunction with other aspects of floral morphology of Bromeliaceae, such as the petal appendages of some species. The ovary is initiated in an inferior position even in semi-epigynous or hypogynous species. The ovary of all so-called hypogynous Bromeliaceae is actually semi-inferior, because the septal nectary is infralocular; in these species the nectaries have a labyrinthine surface and many vascular bundles. Brocchinia differs from most other fully epigynous species in that each carpel is secretory at the apex and reproductive, rather than secretory, at the base.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In southern Brazil, I recorded 14 species of hummingbirds, one woodpecker, three Psittacidae, four Tyrannidae, one mockingbird, and 31 tanagers and relatives at eucalyptus flowers. Others have registered 3 different hummingbirds, another parrotlet, four more tyrannids, a peppershrike, a thrush, and 5 tanagers and related birds, for a total of 69 species. However, commercial plantations rarely flower, so use is local or undependable. Understory Phaethorninae are not recorded at eucalyptus, rarely at other tall and hence multiflowered trees. Bromelias and other flowers are noted in various studies, which add 89 species of flower feeders, including 14 Psittacidae, 17 Trochilidae, and 37 tanagers and relatives. Isolated low flowers and epiphytes are mostly visited by hummingbirds (some by Coereba), but some tall trees (Chorisia) also. As two times as many tanager species visit flowers as hummingbirds, researchers will have to get up early and patiently study treetop and nonpatchy habitats. However, tree plantations can attract artificially, like feeders. Bunch-flowering extrafloral nectar (Mabea, Combretum) is preferred by wandering mixed-flock treetop or edge tanagers and relatives, which often crawl over bunched flowers like parrots or woodpeckers (or marsupials and other mammals) rather than hover at separate flowers like nonflocking Trochilidae or peck from nearby like Nectariniidae and Coereba. Clamberers and petal-pullers, even nectar robbers, can cause evolution of umbels and other bunched flowers, for the bird, mammal or insect receives pollen from nearby flowers. Psittacidae, saltators and others mostly eat flowers, but can pollinate if they touch nearby flowers. Multiflowered trees can also attract hawks, causing waves of tanagers, parrots and others that move on to pollinate trees via fear and nectarivory. Certain groups, notably thrushes and tyrannids, seem to use nectar little, the latter often catching insects.


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In order to identify genes expressed in the pistil that may have a role in the reproduction process, we have established an expressed sequence tags project to randomly sequence clones from a Nicotiana tabacum stigma/style cDNA library. A cDNA clone (MTL-8) showing high sequence similarity to genes encoding glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins was chosen for further characterization. Based on the extensive identity of MTL-8 to the RGP-1a sequence of N. sylvestris, a primer was defined to extend the 5′ sequence of MTL-8 by RT-PCR from stigma/style RNAs. The amplification product was sequenced and it was confirmed that MTL-8 corresponds to an mRNA encoding a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein. Two transcripts of different sizes and expression patterns were identified when the MTL-8 cDNA insert was used as a probe in RNA blots. The largest is 1,100 nucleotides (nt) long and markedly predominant in ovaries. The smaller transcript, with 600 nt, is ubiquitous to the vegetative and reproductive organs analyzed (roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles and ovaries). Plants submitted to stress (wounding, virus infection and ethylene treatment) presented an increased level of the 600-nt transcript in leaves, especially after tobacco necrosis virus infection. In contrast, the level of the 1,100-nt transcript seems to be unaffected by the stress conditions tested. Results of Southern blot experiments have suggested that MTL-8 is present in one or two copies in the tobacco genome. Our results suggest that the shorter transcript is related to stress while the larger one is a flower predominant and nonstress-inducible messenger.


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Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) is a perennial herbaceous aquatic ornamental plant with potential to be used as a new cut flower for the Brazilian ornamental market. It shows exotic and attractive flowers and has a strong market appeal, once it is known as a symbol of purity, holiness and immortality. However, flowers have a short-vase life. Lotus flower stem exudes a large quantity of sticky milky sap from the cut surface, which is produced in laticifers, spatially associated with both xylem and phloem. It has been reported that latex coagulates on the cut surface preventing or reducing water absorption and reducing flowers' vaselife, requiring treatments to stop the flow of latex. The objective of this study was to report observations of lotus postharvest characteristics and evaluate treatments to overcome latex flow. The experiment was conducted as a complete randomized design with three replications of four stems in each vase and eight treatments; a control (distilled water), pretreatment of cut stem-ends with hot water (40° C/1 minute), boiling water (3 seconds), isopropyl alcohol 90% (10 minutes) or citric acid (pH = 2.8/1h) and, maintenance of stems in a holding solution of Tween® 20 (0.01%), citric acid (200 mg L-1) or Tween® 20 (0.01%) plus citric acid (200 mg L-1). Treatments had no significant effect on flowers vaselife which was only about three days, although isopropyl alcohol, hot and boiling water completely stopped latex flow. Cut stem-ends pretreated with citric acid (pH = 2.8/1 h) showed a significantly higher relative water content of petals compared to others treatments. The senescence symptom of lotus cut flowers was mainly characterized by abscission of turgid petals and dehiscence of stamens without any visual change of petal color and brightness.


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New data on floral morphology, development, and vasculature in two Brazilian genera of the monocot family Velloziaceae (Pandanales) are used to explore the homologies of their unusual floral structures, especially the corona of Barbacenia and the corona-like appendages and multiple stamens of some Vellozia species. All Velloziaceae have epigynous flowers. Some species of Vellozia are polyandrous, and stamen number can be variable within species. In Vellozia jolyi, there is a single stamen opposite each sepal and a stamen fascicle (of three secondary stamens) opposite each petal. Each stamen possesses a single vascular bundle, and these are united into a single aggregate bundle in proximal regions of the fascicle. Stamens mature centripetally within each fascicle. The coronal appendages of both genera are closely associated with the stamens, but they share some vasculature with the tepals and develop late in ontogeny. The coronal organs cannot readily be homologized with any of the typical floral organs, but they show partial homology with both tepals and stamens. They are most readily interpreted as a late elaboration of the region between the petals and stamens associated with epigyny and the hypanthium. © 2010 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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The family Malpighiaceae is considered monophyletic, but the intra-family classification is conflicting. Analyses of floral vasculature allow the identification of reductions, connations and adnations and can even reveal evolutionary steps prior to current floral morphology. The present work analysed the floral vasculature of Janusia mediterranea, Mascagnia cordifolia and Tetrapterys chamaecerasifolia using material processed by traditional methods for light microscopy. A general pattern was observed of three bundle traces supplying each sepal and one trace per petal and stamen; Mascagnia is an exception, as its eglandular sepal has only a median trace but shares lateral traces with adjacent sepals. No dorsal traces are emitted to the carpels; however, three intercarpellary complexes are emitted that divide into six ventral bundles, supplying the ovule. Mascagnia demonstrates connation between the anterior and adjacent sepal glands; reductions of the anterior sepal glands were registered in Tetrapterys and Janusia. This work reveals two distinct processes for gland loss in non-related groups of the family that resulted in similar present appearances. Our evaluation of the number of calyx glands and the processes of glandular loss in species with less than ten glands improves our understanding of the evolution of calyx glands in Malpighiaceae. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)