104 resultados para PEANUTS


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma dieta hiperlipídica de baixo custo, tendo farinha de soja como fonte proteica, que seja eficiente na seleção de ratos propensos e resistentes à obesidade e que permita alcançar fenótipo obeso nos animais propensos. Além desses requisitos, a dieta deve ser palatável e não rejeitada a curto prazo pelo animal. MÉTODOS: A dieta proposta foi obtida misturando-se leite condensado (15,5%), amendoim (18,5%), farinha de soja (20,0%), óleo de milho (6,0%), ração Bio Tec (30,0%) e bolacha wafer de chocolate (10,0%). A mistura foi peletizada e submetida à análise bromatológica. A dieta foi ofertada a ratos Wistar durante uma semana; posteriormente, os animais foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o ganho de peso. O terço superior foi considerado propenso à obesidade e o terço inferior, resistente à obesidade. Após 80 dias de oferta da dieta, os animais foram sacrificados e foram quantificados o peso corpóreo, consumo alimentar, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal, de carcaça e gorduras totais. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a dieta apresentava 5,31kcal/g, com a seguinte composição: 22,3% de gordura, 22,2% de proteína, 15,9% de fibra, estimando-se 35,7% de carboidrato. Ratos propensos à obesidade, alimentados por 87 dias com a dieta hipercalórica, apresentaram peso corpóreo, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal e totais significativamente maiores do que animais resistentes à obesidade (p<0,05). O consumo de alimentos também foi maior em animais propensos (p<0,05). Verificou-se também que a substituição da caseína pela farinha de soja, como componente proteico da ração, levou à diminuição de 96,0% no custo do estudo. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta formulada com farinha de soja apresentou custo reduzido e foi capaz de desenvolver o fenótipo obeso em ratos propensos, à semelhança do observado na literatura com outras dietas.


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Peanuts are likely to be infested by fungi with consequent contamination by aflatoxin in post-harvest industries. A hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) plan is proposed for a typical Brazilian post-harvest industry from raw in-shell reception to the unpeeled peanuts transportation. Codex Alimentarius Commission guidelines were followed, with four critical control points (CCP) for aflatoxin being identified. The process steps with highest probability of aflatoxin occurrence (risk) are the in-shell reception, the dried in-shell storage, and the unpeeled kernel storage. During the storage steps there is a lack of control of air moisture and temperature. Therefore, there is no option but to keep rigid monitoring and control over each CCP, and detour lots with high aflatoxin levels to either oil or seed production. Attempts to correlate the aflatoxin levels with the rainfall showed an irregular trend of the toxin level. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estudos morfológicos foliares foram efetuados em dois genótipos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), do grupo Valência, completando informações contidas em trabalhos anteriores. O amendoim, importante cultura mundial, possui o Brasil como centro de origem e dispersão de suas espécies. Nenhuma pesquisa havia sido realizada em organografia nem em anatomia foliar, com genótipos em cultivo no País. O genótipo SO-53 ('Tatu') é suscetível às mais relevantes moléstias fúngicas foliares, ocupando a maior área do amendoim cultivado no Brasil. O SO-909 (PI-259747) tem sido freqüentemente citado como fonte de resistência às moléstias fúngicas foliares, em trabalhos de fitopatologia. Medições macroscópicas, com o uso de paquímetro, bem como observações microscópicas, através de fotomicroscópio, foram efetuadas. Um estudo organográfico foi executado com as folhas de plantas de campo, bem como o estudo anatômico, com o uso de lâminas semipermanentes, mediante desenhos esquemáticos e fotomicroscópio. Os idioblastos encontrados nos folíolos foram divididos em três tipos, de acordo com a presença de tanino, mucilagem ou cristal. Os mucilaginosos foram separados em dois tipos, aparecendo os longos somente na superfície adaxial do limbo foliolar, e os curtos, similares às células epidérmicas, em seção paradérmica em ambas as faces do limbo foliolar. Os pêlos foram separados em três tipos, de acordo com o tamanho: os longos, os curtos e os muito curtos. Todos têm de uma a quatro células basais e uma longa apical. As cerdas², presentes nos dois genótipos, foram classificadas em dois tipos, também conforme o tamanho: as grandes, observadas visualmente, presentes sobretudo na bainha, e as curtas, ao longo da margem foliolar, ambas multicelulares. Algumas características morfológicas, como a presença e freqüência de pêlos; a forma da terminação do sulco na inserção adaxial do pecíolo-raque; a freqüência de cerdas e a espessura da lâmina foliolar, podem ser utilizadas na caracterização dos genótipos de amendoim. A menor espessura dos folíolos e a presença de espaços aeríferos na epiderme da face abaxial do limbo foliolar podem ser correlacionadas à suscetibilidade a determinadas moléstias fúngicas foliares do 'Tatu'.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O tripes do prateamento, Enneothrips flavens Moulton, 1941, é considerado a principal praga do amendoim no Brasil, por sua ocorrência generalizada, pelos elevados níveis populacionais e pelos danos causados a cultura. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito do silício sobre a população de E. flavens e sobre a produtividade do amendoinzeiro. Avaliaram-se, semanalmente, 10 folíolos abertos ou semi-abertos no terço superior das plantas do cultivar IAC 886, por parcela. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por: uma aplicação foliar de silício realizada aos 20 dias após a emergência, duas aplicações foliares de silício realizadas aos 20 e 55 dias, e o controle. Uma aplicação de silício proporcionou proteção às plantas de amendoim, reduzindo o número de adultos e ninfas do tripes de E. flavens e aumentou a produtividade da cultura em 31,30% de amendoim em casca e 28,85% em grãos.


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Arachis villosulicarpa is a perennial species cultivated for its soft and tasty seeds by indigenous inhabitants of the Mate Grosso State, Brazil. Besides A. hypogaea, this species is considered as the only species of Arachis which represents a valuable food source for human consumption. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of A. villosulicarpa, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability of the accessions from the Germplasm Collection of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA (Brasilia, DF, Brazil) and Institute Agronomico (IAC, Campinas, SP, Brazil). In addition, the genetic similarity between A. villosulicarpa, the related wild species A. pietrarellii, and the cultivated peanut A. hypogaea cv. Tatu was evaluated. From the entire sample analyzed of A. villosulicarpa, the accession from Institute Agronomico showed the highest indices of diversity for both enzymatic systems analyzed, pointing this accession as a promising source of genetic variability that must be preserved in the Germplasm Bank. A high level of genetic similarity was observed between A. pietrarellii and A. villosulicarpa, supporting previous suggestions that A. pietrarellii could be the ancestral progenitor species of A. villosulicarpa or that both species originated from a common ancestor.


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A 20-year experience with the treatment of 74 patients (83.8% children) for foreign body aspiration is reviewed. The object of this review is to show the clinical manifestations, the radiological findings, the nature and distribution in the bronchial tree, and complications due to longstanding (months or years) foreign bodies in the bronchial tree. The most common foreign bodies found were peanuts (13.5%), corn (13.5%), and beans (13.5%). The most frequent clinical manifestation was choking (67.5%), and the most frequent radiological finding was atelectasis (41.8%). The most serious complication was bronchiectasis needing resection in six patients who had the foreign body retained for years in the bronchial tree. In conclusion, in spite of an obvious foreign body in the tracheobronchial tree many cases are not diagnosed, and a longstanding foreign body in the airway may be responsible for irreversible complications.


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A rapid and economical method is described for the determination of deltamethrin in wheat, rice, peanuts and corn. It is based on simultaneous extraction and clean-up on a column packed with alumina and silica gel using n-hexane-ethyl ether (8:2, v/v), followed by a derivatization step and gas-chromatographic analysis. Recoveries from fortified cereal and peanut samples were determined at four concentration levels and ranged from 73 to 109%. The detection limits were 0.01 to 0.03 mg/ kg. This method simplifies the traditional procedures in terms of sample size, solvent consumption and analysis time. © Springer-Verlag 1998.


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The objective of this work was to determine the ether extract content of peanut and canola seeds, with extraction in Soxhlet apparatus and with three types of processing: grinding in ball mill type; maceration in mortar and grind into micro mill after maceration in mortar. Data were analyzed in an entirely randomized design with 3 treatments and 12 replicates, submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using Tukey test (P<0.05) with routines of the SAS statistical package. The largest percentage of ether extract was obtained in the treatment which the peanuts were subjected to a greater number of extractions (56.43%), and all treatments presented different results(P <0.05). In canola grains, it was observed that the extraction with the method of grinding in ball mill and the method of sequential extraction (macerate + ground in micro mill) were statistically similar (43.52 and 42.35% respectively), and these methods were more efficient (P <0.05) to extract the ether extract than the treatment in which the grains were only macerated. For peanut grains it was concluded that the most efficient method was the sequential one and to the canola grain, it can be used only a grinding mill as samples processing witch will be submitted to ether extract extraction.


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Application of sewage sludge with high lead (Pb) contents may pollute soils and contaminate crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate peanut responses to application of sewage sludge with varying Pb contents in order to supply phosphorus (P) to the plant. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with peanut grown on soil sample from a medium-textured Haplustox. Treatments were arranged in 3 × 2 + 2 factorial scheme, replicated three times, distributed in randomized block design, and consisted of: three Pb rates applied to soil with sewage sludge (3, 21, and 42 mg kg-1) × two times of sewage sludge application (30 days before peanut sowing and at the day of the sowing) + mineral fertilization + control (without sewage sludge and mineral fertilization). Sewage sludge was efficient to supply P to peanut. Sewage sludge containing high rates of Pb, when applied, did not harm biomass and yield of the plant, but increased HCl-extractable Pb in soil and Pb content in shoot, roots, and pod husks. Increase of Pb content in pod husks may represent contamination risk of kernels and their products with fragments from husks detached during manipulation or industrial processing of peanuts. © 2012 Fábio Camilotti et al.


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Some wild species of the genus Arachis have demonstrated potential for improvement of peanuts. This work was performed to evaluate the occurrence and symptoms of Enneothrips flavens and Stegasta bosquella and its effects on agronomic traits of wild Arachis accessions. Nine accessions of wild Arachis species and a commercial A. hypogaea variety were studied in a split plot statistical scheme with a completely randomized block design and four replications. The main plots consisted of plants sprayed or not sprayed for insect control, while the subplots comprised the peanut accessions. Accessions GKP10017 (A. cardenasii) and V7639 (A. kuhlmannii) showed the lowest percentages of leaflets with E. flavens and S. bosquella. Accessions V9912, V7639 and V8979 (all three A. kuhlmannii) and V13250 (A. kempff-mercadoi) showed the lowest responses to insecticide application among the various plant traits evaluated. These accessions are of interest for further studies to identify mechanisms of resistance, to be used in breeding programs for resistance to these insects.


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The harvest is a critical time in the production of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), however in this operation losses are inevitable, in some cases o f up to 30% of production. Peanuts are grown for a short period during the reform of the sugarcane fields, providing better usage of the agricultural spaces in Jaboticabal, São Paulo. The objective of this research was to see how early the peanuts could be dug up once they are seen to have matured. The peanuts were dug up at 120, 125, 130, 135 and 140 days after sowing. Results were subjected to variance analysis by the F-test, and when there was significance of the averages, the Tukey test at 5% probability was applied, using a box plot for the following variables: maturation, moisture content of pods and soil, mechanical resistance of soil to penetration, harvest loss and productivity. The box plot proved efficient in the univariate evaluation of the analyzed variables, creating excellent conditions for viewing their behavior. Digging up the peanuts at 120 DAS is recommended.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE