907 resultados para PEÑALOZA, ANGEL VICENTE
A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.
Experiment was conducted to study the effect of dietary protein level on growth and nutrient utilization by angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) juveniles. Fifty-four juveniles (average wt. 2-2.5 g) were equally divided in three treatments with each of three replicates. Three formulated diets with graded protein levels, T1 (35% CP), T2 (40% CP) and T3 (45% CP) were fed to juveniles for 45 days. A trend of higher weight gain %, SGR, FER and PER was found with the increased CP level in the feed. Feed intake was similar in all the groups. T3 group fed with 45% CP registered highest weight gain % (43.26 ± 2.07), SGR (0.78 ± 0.04), FER (0.29 ± 0.01), which were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the T1 and T2 groups. Protein digestibility of T2 and T3 groups was significantly higher than the T1 group. Survival was similar in all the experimental groups. Diet with 45% CP with protein energy ratio of 112.62 mg protein/K cal. is ideal for juvenile angel fish for indoor rearing.
Angel相关元件属于微型反向重复转座元件(MITEs)的一个家族.我们在鲤科雅罗鱼系鱼类的生长激素基因内含子2序列中分离并鉴定了这类元件,而在鲃系的直系同源位点上没有发现,从而为雅罗鱼系的单系性提供了新证据.这类元件可能是在雅罗鱼系与鲃系分歧后插入到雅罗鱼系的共同祖先中的.较高的序列变异及相对广泛的物种分布表明生长激素基因中的Angel相关元件是一类古老的转座子,大约26 Ma前可能已经在雅罗鱼系共同祖先中出现.
Angel-related element belongs to the family of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). In this paper we report the identification of an Angel-related element in the series Leuciscini of cyprinid fishes, which is located in the second intron of the growth hormone (GH) gene. We have also found that this element is absent in orthologous locus in the series Barbini of cyprinid fishes, that provides new evidence for the monophyly of the series Leuciscini. The insertion of Angel-related element into the GH gene might take place in the common ancestor of the series Leuciscini after its divergence from the series Barbini. The high sequence divergence and relatively broad species distribution of Angel-related elements implies that they might be ancient transposons which appeared about 26 million years ago.
A presente aplicacao da funcao discriminante linear na classificacao de fatores que determinam o exodo rural foi realizada a partir dos dados coletados em pequenas propriedades na regiao de Ouricuri, no alto sertao de Pernambuco. Dentro do complexo de problemas que condicionam o exodo rural foi escolhido um conjunto de variaveis que explicariam o fenomeno. Estas variaveis foram estudadas em duas populacoes (com exodo rural e sem exodo), para verificar em que grau se explica esse fenomeno. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em testar instrumentos tecnicos e metodos estatisticos sobre problemas socio-economicos que possam ser usados posteriormente pelos orgaos de desenvolvimento.
Ireland Richard, 'The Felon and the Angel Copier: Criminal Identity and the Promise of Photography in Victorian England and Wales', In: Policing and War in Europe, Criminal Justice History, (Westport, CT, Greenwood Press), volume 16, pp.53-86, 2002 RAE2008
In this paper game theory is used to analyse the effect of a number of service failures during the execution of a grid orchestration. A service failure may be catastrophic in that it causes an entire orchestration to fail. Alternatively, a grid manager may utilise alternative services in the case of failure, allowing an orchestration to recover, A risk profile provides a means of modelling situations in a way that is neither overly optimistic nor overly pessimistic. Risk profiles are analysed using angel and daemon games. A risk profile can be assigned a valuation through an analysis of the structure of its associated Nash equilibria. Some structural properties of valuation functions, that show their validity as a measure for risk, are given. Two main cases are considered, the assessment of Orc expressions and the arrangement of a meeting using reputations.