CONTEXT: Fatigue-induced alterations in foot mechanics may lead to structural overload and injury. OBJECTIVES: To investigate how a high-intensity running exercise to exhaustion modifies ankle plantar-flexor and dorsiflexor strength and fatigability, as well as plantar-pressure distribution in adolescent runners. DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. SETTING: Academy research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Eleven male adolescent distance runners (age = 16.9 ± 2.0 years, height = 170.6 ± 10.9 cm, mass = 54.6 ± 8.6 kg) were tested. INTERVENTION(S): All participants performed an exhausting run on a treadmill. An isokinetic plantar-flexor and dorsiflexor maximal-strength test and a fatigue test were performed before and after the exhausting run. Plantar-pressure distribution was assessed at the beginning and end of the exhausting run. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): We recorded plantar-flexor and dorsiflexor peak torques and calculated the fatigue index. Plantar-pressure measurements were recorded 1 minute after the start of the run and before exhaustion. Plantar variables (ie, mean area, contact time, mean pressure, relative load) were determined for 9 selected regions. RESULTS: Isokinetic peak torques were similar before and after the run in both muscle groups, whereas the fatigue index increased in plantar flexion (28.1%; P = .01) but not in dorsiflexion. For the whole foot, mean pressure decreased from 1 minute to the end (-3.4%; P = .003); however, mean area (9.5%; P = .005) and relative load (7.2%; P = .009) increased under the medial midfoot, and contact time increased under the central forefoot (8.3%; P = .01) and the lesser toes (8.9%; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS: Fatigue resistance in the plantar flexors declined after a high-intensity running bout performed by adolescent male distance runners. This phenomenon was associated with increased loading under the medial arch in the fatigued state but without any excessive pronation.
This study aimed to examine the effects of a 5-h hilly run on ankle plantar (PF) and dorsal flexor (DF) force and fatigability. It was hypothesised that DF fatigue/fatigability would be greater than PF fatigue/fatigability. Eight male trail long distance runners (42.5 ± 5.9 years) were tested for ankle PF and DF maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction strength and fatigue resistance tests (percent decrement score), maximal voluntary and electrically evoked isometric contraction strength before and after the run. Maximal EMG root mean square (RMS(max)) and mean power frequency (MPF) values of the tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and soleus (SOL) EMG activity were calculated. The peak torque of the potentiated high- and low-frequency doublets and the ratio of paired stimulation peak torques at 10 Hz over 100 Hz (Db10:100) were analysed for PF. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength of PF decreased from pre- to post-run (-17.0 ± 6.2%; P < 0.05), but no significant decrease was evident for DF (-7.9 ± 6.2%). Maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction strength and fatigue resistance remained unchanged for both PF and DF. RMS(max) SOL during maximal voluntary isometric contraction and RMS(max) TA during maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction were decreased (P < 0.05) after the run. For MPF, a significant decrease for TA (P < 0.05) was found and the ratio Db10:100 decreased for PF (-6.5 ± 6.0%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, significant isometric strength loss was only detected for PF after a 5-h hilly run and was partly due to low-frequency fatigue. This study contradicted the hypothesis that neuromuscular alterations due to prolonged hilly running are predominant for DF.
This study aimed to determine changes in spring-mass model (SMM) characteristics, plantar pressures, and muscle activity induced by the repetition of sprints in soccer-specific conditions; i.e., on natural grass with soccer shoes. Thirteen soccer players performed 6 × 20 m sprints interspersed with 20 s of passive recovery. Plantar pressure distribution was recorded via an insole pressure recorder device divided into nine areas for analysis. Stride temporal parameters allowed to estimate SMM characteristics. Surface electromyographic activity was monitored for vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris muscles. Sprint time, contact time, and total stride duration lengthened from the first to the last repetition (+6.7, +12.9, and +9.3%; all P < 0.05), while flight time, swing time, and stride length remained constant. Stride frequency decrease across repetitions approached significance (-6.8%; P = 0.07). No main effect of the sprint number or any significant interaction between sprint number and foot region was found for maximal force, mean force, peak pressure and mean pressure (all P > 0.05). Center of mass vertical displacement increased (P < 0.01) with time, together with unchanged (both P > 0.05) peak vertical force and leg compression. Vertical stiffness decreased (-15.9%; P < 0.05) across trials, whereas leg stiffness changes were not significant (-5.9%; P > 0.05). Changes in root mean square activity of the three tested muscles over sprint repetitions were not significant. Although repeated sprinting on natural grass with players wearing soccer boots impairs their leg-spring behavior (vertical stiffness), there is no substantial concomitant alterations in muscle activation levels or plantar pressure patterns.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine adjustments in spring-mass model characteristics, plantar loading and foot mobility induced by an exhaustive run. DESIGN: Within-participants repeated measures. METHODS: Eleven highly-trained adolescent middle-distance runners ran to exhaustion on a treadmill at a constant velocity corresponding to 95% of velocity associated with VO₂max (17.8 ± 1.4 kmh(-1), time to exhaustion=8.8 ± 3.4 min). Contact time obtained from plantar pressure sensors was used to estimate spring-mass model characteristics, which were recorded (during 30 s) 1 min after the start and prior to exhaustion using pressure insoles. Foot mobility magnitude (a composite measure of vertical and medial-lateral mobility of the midfoot) was measured before and after the run. RESULTS: Mean contact area (foot to ground), contact time, peak vertical ground reaction force, centre of mass vertical displacement and leg compression increased significantly with fatigue, while flight time, leg stiffness and mean pressure decreased. Leg stiffness decreased because leg compression increased to a larger extent than peak vertical ground reaction forces. Step length, step frequency and foot mobility magnitude did not change at exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: The stride pattern of adolescents when running on a treadmill at high constant velocity deteriorates near exhaustion, as evidenced by impaired leg-spring behaviour (leg stiffness) and altered plantar loading.
This study aimed to examine the effects of a 5-h hilly run on ankle plantar (PF) and dorsal flexor (DF) force and fatigability. It was hypothesised that DF fatigue/fatigability would be greater than PF fatigue/fatigability. Eight male trail long distance runners (42.5 ± 5.9 years) were tested for ankle PF and DF maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction strength and fatigue resistance tests (percent decrement score), maximal voluntary and electrically evoked isometric contraction strength before and after the run. Maximal EMG root mean square (RMS(max)) and mean power frequency (MPF) values of the tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and soleus (SOL) EMG activity were calculated. The peak torque of the potentiated high- and low-frequency doublets and the ratio of paired stimulation peak torques at 10 Hz over 100 Hz (Db10:100) were analysed for PF. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength of PF decreased from pre- to post-run (-17.0 ± 6.2%; P < 0.05), but no significant decrease was evident for DF (-7.9 ± 6.2%). Maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction strength and fatigue resistance remained unchanged for both PF and DF. RMS(max) SOL during maximal voluntary isometric contraction and RMS(max) TA during maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction were decreased (P < 0.05) after the run. For MPF, a significant decrease for TA (P < 0.05) was found and the ratio Db10:100 decreased for PF (-6.5 ± 6.0%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, significant isometric strength loss was only detected for PF after a 5-h hilly run and was partly due to low-frequency fatigue. This study contradicted the hypothesis that neuromuscular alterations due to prolonged hilly running are predominant for DF.
Background : This study aimed to use plantar pressure analysis in relatively long-distance walking for objective outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments, i.e., ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement.Methods : Forty-seven subjects in four groups: three patient groups and controls, participated in the study. Each subject walked twice in 50-m trials. Plantar pressure under the pathological foot was measured using pressure insoles. Six parameters: initial contact time, terminal contact time, maximum force time, peak pressure time, maximum force and peak pressure were calculated and averaged over trials in ten regions of foot. The parameters in each region were compared between patient groups and controls and their effect size was estimated. Besides, the correlations between pressure parameters and clinical scales were calculated.Findings : We observed based on temporal parameters that patients postpone the heel-off event, when high force in forefoot and high ankle moment happens. Also based on maximum force and peak pressure, the patients apply smoothened maximum forces on the affected foot. In ten regions, some parameters showed improvements after total ankle replacement, some showed alteration of foot function after ankle arthrodesis and some others showed still abnormality after both surgical treatments. These parameters showed also significant correlation with clinical scales in at least two regions of foot.Interpretation : Plantar pressure parameters in relatively long-distance trials showed to be strong tools for outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The etiology of diabetic foot ulceration remains incompletely understood. Among other factors such as foot deformity in the presence of neuropathy, plantar fat pad atrophy has been identified as a contributory factor in diabetic foot ulceration. An association between fat pad atrophy and diabetic foot ulceration has been documented by imaging and histomorphological analysis of the calcaneal fat pad. However, histomorphological analysis of the metatarsal fat pad has not been performed to date. The present study entailed 14 patients with diabetes and 14 nondiabetic controls and was aimed at documenting histomorphological evidence for presumed plantar metatarsal fat pad atrophy in patients with diabetes. Histological stains and computer-assisted planimetry were performed on samples of metatarsal fat obtained during forefoot surgery. The histomorphological and planimetric analyses of adipocyte cross-sectional area and nuclear density demonstrated no differences between patients with diabetes and control patients. Our findings demonstrate that systemic atrophy of the metatarsal fat pad is not present in the diabetic foot and may not explain the structural changes previously proposed by noninvasive imaging. Level of Clinical Evidence: 3.
El problema de hiperhidrosis afecta al 0,5% de la población, y puede causar considerable estrés emocional, dificultando en ocasiones la vida personal, laboral y social del paciente, llevándole, por ejemplo, a evitar un acto como dar la mano o quitarse los zapatos en público. Por otra parte, el excesivo sudor puede ocasionar maceración cutánea, acrocianosis, queratoderma e incluso deshidratación. La forma más frecuente de hiperhidrosis es la idiopática y en el 60% de los casos afecta a palmas y plantas de los pies. En este artículo presentamos la aplicación del tratamiento con la toxina butolínica tipo A.
Los autores exponen la metodología de confección y las indicaciones terapéuticas del soporte plantar ergonómico de Tomás Céspedes. La experiencia en la aplicación de este soporte, alcanza los casi diez años, si bien se han efectuado diversas modificaciones, tanto en el diseño como en la utilización de nuevos materiales.
En la confección de un molde o férula plantar cabe conseguir unos objetivos que repercutirán en el paciente. Este molde debe reunir unas características de funcionalidad para poder adaptar en él un tratamiento ortopodológico eficaz, sea cual sea la alteración biomecánica o estructural existente.
Los autores describen el plan de tratamiento ortopodológico para un pie equinovaro. Ofrecen una metodología ordenada, priorizando objetivos y diversas alternativas ortopédicas.
La posición del primer radio tanto desde el plano frontal como desde el plano sagital, es de vital importancia para la consecución de una correcta y adecuada marcha, así como para mantener la estructura anatómica del pie durante la bipedestación estática. La deformidad en flexión plantar del primer radio modifica estos parámetros creando mecanismos compensatorios que pueden afectar a otras unidades funcionales articulares, tanto del mediopié como del retropié, lo que puede dar lugar a un patrón de metatarsalgia de difícil valoración al tener que contemplar y analizar varios diagnósticos y sus respectivos patrones mecánicos: el equino de columna lateral, el retropié varo compensado y el primer radio plantarflexionado flexible. Se presenta un caso clínico para su análisis conjunto.
1. Cronología del proceso evolutivo del estudio de la huella plantar. 2. Descripción y análisis de las biometrías del pie realizadas con los diferentes sistemas de obtención de la 1a huella plantar.