527 resultados para Oyster mushrooms
BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas tolaasii is a problematic pathogen of cultured mushrooms, forming dark brown 'blotches' on mushroom surfaces and causing spoilage during crop growth and post-harvest . Treating P. tolaasii infection is difficult, as other, commensal bacterial species such as Pseudomonas putida are necessary for mushroom growth, so treatments must be relatively specific. RESULTS: We have found that P. tolaasii is susceptible to predation in vitro by the δ-proteobacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. This effect also occurred in funga, where B. bacteriovorus was administered to post-harvest mushroom caps before and after administration of the P. tolaasii pathogen. A significant, visible improvement in blotch appearance, after incubation, was observed on administration of Bdellovibrio. A significant reduction in viable P. tolaasii cell numbers, recovered from the mushroom tissue, was detected. This was accompanied by a more marked reduction in blotch severity on Bdellovibrio administration. We found that there was in some cases an accompanying overgrowth of presumed-commensal, non-Pseudomonas bacteria on post-harvest mushroom caps after Bdellovibrio-treatment. These bacteria were identified (by 16SrRNA gene sequencing) as Enterobacter species, which were seemingly resistant to predation. We visualised predatory interactions occuring between B. bacteriovorus and P. tolaasii on the post-harvest mushroom cap surface by Scanning Electron Microscopy, seeing predatory invasion of P. tolaasii by B. bacteriovorus in funga. This anti-P. tolaasii effect worked well in post-harvest supermarket mushrooms, thus Bdellovibrio was not affected by any pre-treatment of mushrooms for commercial/consumer purposes. CONCLUSIONS: The soil-dwelling B. bacteriovorus HD100 preys upon and kills P. tolaasii, on mushroom surfaces, and could therefore be applied to prevent spoilage in post-harvest situations where mushrooms are stored and packaged for sale.
Two closely related chemoecological groups of fungi, the ammonia fungi and the postputrefaction fungi, have been associated with the decomposition by-products of cadavers. Sporocarps have been observed in disparate woodlands across the world and often mark sites of graves. These groups of fungi provide visible markers of the sites of cadaver decomposition and follow repeated patterns of successional change as apparent decomposition proceeds. We suggest these phenomena may become a useful tool for crime scene investigation, forensic archaeology and forensic taphonomy.
Biochemical responses in bivalve mollusks are commonly employed in environmental studies as biomarkers of aquatic contamination. The present study evaluated the possible influence of salinity (35, 25,15 and 9 ppt) in the biomarker responses of Crassostrea gigas oysters exposed to diesel at different nominal concentrations (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mLL(-1)) using a semi-static exposure system. Salinity alone did not resulted in major changes in the gill`s catalase activity (CAT), glutathione S-transferase activity (GST) and lipid peroxidation levels (measured as malondialdehyde. MDA), but influenced diesel related responses. At 25 ppt salinity, but not at the other salinity levels, oysters exposed to diesel showed a strikingly positive concentration-dependent GST response. At 25 ppt and 1 mLL(-1) diesel, the GST activity in the gills remained elevated, even after one week of depuration in clean water. The increased MDA levels in the oysters exposed to diesel comparing to control groups at 9, 15 and 35 ppt salinities suggest the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in those salinities, but not at 25 ppt salinity. The MDA quickly returned to basal levels after 24 h of depuration. CAT activity was unaltered by the treatments employed. High toxicity for 1 mLL(-1) diesel was observed only at 35 ppt salinity, but not in the other salinities. Results from this study strongly suggest that salinity influences the diesel related biomarker responses and toxicity in C. gigas, and that some of those responses remain altered even after depuration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study is to develop a Pollution Early Warning System (PEWS) for efficient management of water quality in oyster harvesting areas. To that end, this paper presents a web-enabled, user-friendly PEWS for managing water quality in oyster harvesting areas along Louisiana Gulf Coast, USA. The PEWS consists of (1) an Integrated Space-Ground Sensing System (ISGSS) gathering data for environmental factors influencing water quality, (2) an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for predicting the level of fecal coliform bacteria, and (3) a web-enabled, user-friendly Geographic Information System (GIS) platform for issuing water pollution advisories and managing oyster harvesting waters. The ISGSS (data acquisition system) collects near real-time environmental data from various sources, including NASA MODIS Terra and Aqua satellites and in-situ sensing stations managed by the USGS and the NOAA. The ANN model is developed using the ANN program in MATLAB Toolbox. The ANN model involves a total of 6 independent environmental variables, including rainfall, tide, wind, salinity, temperature, and weather type along with 8 different combinations of the independent variables. The ANN model is constructed and tested using environmental and bacteriological data collected monthly from 2001 – 2011 by Louisiana Molluscan Shellfish Program at seven oyster harvesting areas in Louisiana Coast, USA. The ANN model is capable of explaining about 76% of variation in fecal coliform levels for model training data and 44% for independent data. The web-based GIS platform is developed using ArcView GIS and ArcIMS. The web-based GIS system can be employed for mapping fecal coliform levels, predicted by the ANN model, and potential risks of norovirus outbreaks in oyster harvesting waters. The PEWS is able to inform decision-makers of potential risks of fecal pollution and virus outbreak on a daily basis, greatly reducing the risk of contaminated oysters to human health.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
P>The present work evaluates of harvested mushroom and viability of Agaricus bisporus growth in several casing materials based on spent mushroom substrate. The experiment consisted of eight casing layer, which six were made with spent mushroom substrate. The results confirm the usefulness of reincorporating the spent substrate in new cultivation cycles as an ingredient of casing mixtures. In general, biological efficiency was high, three of the SMS based-casings surpassing the threshold value of 100 kg 100 kg-1 of compost. The high electrical conductivity of mixtures containing a large proportion of spent substrate limits the extent to which it can be used, although mixing it with other materials (such as peat) reduces these values to acceptable levels. In short, it makes economic and environmental sense to reuse spent mushroom substrate as an ingredient of alternative casing materials.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Foi avaliado o efeito dos fungos contaminantes Trichoderma sp. e C. olivacearum na produtividade, eficiência biológica e número de cogumelos da produção do A. blazei em composto (mistura de cana-de-açúcar, palha de capim coast-cross, farelo de soja, gesso e calcário calcítico). O delineanamento foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (Trichoderma sp., C. olivacearum e testemunha) e oito repetições (caixa com 12 kg de composto colonizado com A. blazei). Após a colonização do composto pelo A. blazei, adicionou-se 150g de inóculo à base de triticale de cada um dos fungos contaminantes na superfície do composto seguido da camada de cobertura. O experimento foi conduzido em estufa com cobertura plástica, umidade relativa entre 60-90% e temperatura de 20-34ºC. A produtividade foi determinada pela relação entre a massa fresca de basidiomas e a massa úmida do composto. A eficiência biológica foi determinada pela relação entre a massa fresca de basidiomas e a massa seca do composto ao final do período de colheita. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, os fungos contaminantes C. olivacearum e Trichoderma sp. não afetaram a produtividade, eficiência biológica e número de cogumelos da produção do A. blazei em compostos previamente colonizados.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da composição química do substrato no cultivo do cogumelo comestível Pleurotus florida, seis resíduos agrícolas foram testados: palha de arroz, palha de feijão, palha de trigo, folha de bananeira, palha de sorgo e sabugo de milho. O substrato palha de feijão apresentou resultados semelhantes para a produção (189,8 g kg-1), eficiência biológica (89,2%) e número de cogumelos (12) à palha de arroz, substrato utilizado tradicionalmente no cultivo de Pleurotus em escala comercial. Não foi possível atribuir apenas a um fator químico as altas produções e eficiências biológicas observadas em palha de arroz e palha de feijão e muito menos para a baixa produção em palha de sorgo (77,8 g kg-1) e sabugo de milho (53,2 g g-1). No geral, substratos com relação C/N em torno de 45 (N = 1,0%), maior conteúdo de cinzas, acrescido de altos teores de P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn foram os melhores para o cultivo de P. florida.
Considering the high number of new cancer cases in Brazil (approximately 470 000 cases in 2005) and the remarkable differences in the incidence of this disease around the world, the development of chemopreventive strategies using foods widely consumed would have a huge impact, both medically and economically. This review summarizes some of our studies conducted to verify the anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic potential of some Brazilian natural dietary constituents (annatto, mushrooms, and propolis). Overall data have shown a clear role for these compounds in preventing mutation and specific preneoplastic lesions. Taken together, these agents indicate a favorable side-effect profile and may prove to be a promising alternative for cancer prevention strategies, although more investigation is needed to fully explore this issue.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Três formulações de composto, à base de palhas de Cynodom dactylon (L.) Pers. (cultivares Coast-cross e Tyfton) e Aveia-Avena sativa, foram testadas no cultivo das linhagens ABI-01/01, ABI-04/02, ABI-05/03 e ABI-06/04 de A. bisporus. O delineamento experimental foi em esquema fatorial, inteiramente casualizado com 12 tratamentos (4 linhagens de A. bisporus x 3 tipos de composto) e 8 repetições. Cada unidade experimental constou de uma caixa com 1212,5 kg de composto fresco úmido. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. de acordo com os resultados obtidos verificou-se que a produção de cogumelos foi influenciada pela linhagem e/ou pelo tipo de composto. Também verificou-se que o teor de proteína bruta, cinzas e fibra bruta de basidiomas variou com a linhagem de A. bisporus e com o tipo de palha utilizada na formulação do composto.