115 resultados para Oxyrhopus petola digitalis
Patterns of substitution in chloroplast encoded trnL_F regions were compared between species of Actaea (Ranunculales), Digitalis (Scrophulariales), Drosera (Caryophyllales), Panicoideae (Poales), the small chromosome species clade of Pelargonium (Geraniales), each representing a different order of flowering plants, and Huperzia (Lycopodiales). In total, the study included 265 taxa, each with > 900-bp sequences, totaling 0.24 Mb. Both pairwise and phylogeny-based comparisons were used to assess nucleotide substitution patterns. In all six groups, we found that transition/transversion ratios, as estimated by maximum likelihood on most-parsimonious trees, ranged between 0.8 and 1.0 for ingroups. These values occurred both at low sequence divergences, where substitutional saturation, i.e., multiple substitutions having occurred at the same (homologous) nucleotide position, was not expected, and at higher levels of divergence. This suggests that the angiosperm trnL-F regions evolve in a pattern different from that generally observed for nuclear and animal mtDNA (transitional/transversion ratio > or = 2). Transition/transversion ratios in the intron and the spacer region differed in all alignments compared, yet base compositions between the regions were highly similar in all six groups. A>-
We have shown that rats chronically treated with Arginine (Arg), although normoglycemic, exhibit hyperinsulinemia and decreased blood glucose disappearance rate after an insulin challenge. Attempting to investigate the processes underlying these alterations, male Wistar rats were treated with Arg (35 mg/d), in drinking water, for 4 wk. Rats were then acutely stimulated with insulin, and the soleus and extensorum digitalis longus muscles, white adipose tissue (WAT), and liver were excised for total and/or phosphorylated insulin receptor (IR), IR substrate 1/2, Akt, Janus kinase 2, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1/3/5, and p85 alpha/55 alpha determination. Muscles and WAT were also used for plasma membrane (PM) and microsome evaluation of glucose transporter (GLUT) 4 content. Pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression were estimated. It was shown that Arg treatment: 1) did not affect phosphotyrosine-IR, whereas it decreased phosphotyrosine-IR substrate 1/2 and phosphoserine-Akt content in all tissues studied, indicating that insulin signaling is impaired at post-receptor level; 2) decreased PM GLUT4 content in both muscles and WAT; 3) increased the pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression, the levels of phosphotyrosine-STAT5 in both muscles, phosphotyrosine-Janus kinase 2 in extensorum digitalis longus, phosphotyrosine-STAT3 in liver, and WAT as well as total p85 alpha in soleus, indicating that GH signaling is enhanced in these tissues; and 4) increased p55 alpha total content in muscles, WAT, and liver. The present findings provide the molecular mechanisms by which insulin resistance and, by extension, reduced GLUT4 content in PM of muscles and WAT take place after chronic administration of Arg, and further suggest a putative role for GH in its genesis, considering its diabetogenic effect. (Endocrinology 150: 2080-2086, 2009)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study examined whether high-sucrose intake effects on lipid profile and oral glucose tolerance may be inhibited by a single administration of digitonin, a saponin from the seeds of Digitalis purpurea Male Wistar 24 rats were initially divided into two groups (n = 12): (C) was given standard chow and water; (S) received standard chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 30 days of treatments, C rats were divided into two groups (n = 6): (CC) given an intra-gastric dose 0.5 mL saline, (CD) given a single intragastric dose of 15 mg/kg digitonin. S rats were also divided into two groups (n = 6): (SC) given intra-gastric saline and (SD) given digitonin. Rats were sacrificed after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 2 h after the digitonin administration. S rats had higher total energy intake and final body weight than C. SC rats had fasting hyperglycaemia and impaired OGTT. Digitonin in SD group improved the glucose tolerance. Triacylglycerol (TG), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) and free fatty acid (FFA) serum concentrations were increased in SD rats from CC. Digitonin in SD rats decreased FFA and led TG and VLDL-C concentrations at the levels observed in the CC group. Despite the enhanced cholesterol in CD group from CC., the high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) was increased in these animals. HDL-C/TG ratio was higher in CD and SD than in CC and SC, respectively. No significant differences were observed in lipid hydroperoxide(LH) between the groups. VLDL-C/LH ratio and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity were increased in SC group and were decreased in SD rats from the SC. In conclusion digitonin enhanced glucose tolerance and had beneficial effects on serum lipids by improve antioxidant activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo apresenta os resultados de um ano de observações de campo para amostragens da fauna de serpentes em um mosaico de habitats, abrangendo matas de terra firme e inundável, plantações de eucalipto e áreas abertas, na Fazenda Santo Amaro, Município de Urbano Santos, Maranhão. A região é dominada por vegetação de Cerrado e possui clima tropical rnegatérmico, com total pluviométrico anual em torno de 1800-mm. O ano de estudo (2001) apresentou-se mais seco que a média anual, com 1197,5mm. As amostragens foram realizadas durante 24 excursões quinzenais, com duração de quatro dias cada, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2001. Estas amostragens totalizaram 768h/observador de procuras visuais diurnas e noturnas, onde os diferentes habitats foram amostrados por sorteios randomizados, nos diversos horários do dia, obtendo o mesmo número de horas de amostragem nas diferentes épocas do ano. Foram capturadas 114 serpentes, representadas por seis famílias, vinte e sete gêneros e trinta e duas espécies. Para cada espécie são apresentadas informações sobre o tamanho, período de atividade, classe etária, habitat e microhabitat. Das 32 espécies amostradas na área seis foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Maranhão como, Apostolepis cearensis, Helicops leopardinus, Oxyrhopus trigeminus, Psornophis joberti, Waglerophis merremii e Micrurus ibiboboca, Em geral, a maioria das espécies registradas tem distribuição Amazônica. Entre as espécies da área, 40,1% foram arborícolas, 25% fossóreas/criptozóicas, 21,9% terrícolas e 12,5% aquáticas, embora algumas espécies ocuparam mais de um microhabitat. A maioria das espécies ocorreu nos ambientes de mata de terra firme, mata inundável e área aberta. A similaridade entre os habitats da área, de modo geral, foi muito baixa, sendo que apenas a mata de terra firme e área aberta tiveram mais de 60% de espécies em comum. A menor complementariedade de fauna ocorreu entre os habitats "mata de terra firme" e "área aberta" e "mata inundável" e "área aberta". Em relação a outras áreas a maior similaridade entre as áreas ocorreu com as serras e maciços do Estado do Ceará. A riqueza estimada para a área, segundo os índices e estimadores utilizados nas análises, indicam que o número de espécies observadas está abaixo do estimado, que variou entre 38 (bootstrap) e 58 (Chao 2) espécies. Esses resultados representam uma primeira contribuição sobre a diversidade de serpentes na região e oferece subsídios para possíveis programas de monitoramento da fauna de serpentes e da situação dos habitats na área.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal inventariar a fauna de serpentes do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Piraracuruca, Piauí, Brasil, enfocando os seguintes aspectos: composição, riqueza e abundância de espécies nos seus diversos habitats, padrões de atividade diária, dieta, reprodução e comparação de composição com outras áreas estudadas por outros autores. Foram realizadas seis expedições ao Parque, entre setembro de 2005 e agosto de 2006, que totalizaram 120 dias de trabalho de campo. Para a amostragem de campo, foram utilizados três métodos: procura limitada por tempo, armadilhas de interceptação e queda e encontros ocasionais. Foram registradas 87 serpentes, distribuídas em quatro famílias (Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae), 18 gêneros e 24 espécies. A espécie dominante foi Thamnodynastes sp. A (13,1%), seguida de Oxyrhopus trigeminus e Micrurus ibiboboca (10, 3%). Houve um predomínio de espécies terrestres e com períodos de atividade diurna. Como em outras taxocenoses de áreas abertas os colubrídeos mostraram-se dominantes. A fitofisionomia Cerrado Típico apresentou maior diversidade de espécies, sendo as menores diversidades registradas no Campo Limpo e Cerrado Rupestre. O método que apresentou melhor desempenho foi procura limitada por tempo, contudo, a utilização dos métodos de coleta isolados não se mostrou eficiente para inventariar a fauna de serpentes, sendo necessário o uso conjunto destes métodos para uma melhor amostragem da área. Através da análise de ACOP e da análise de agrupamento, foi possível observar que apesar de haver uma semelhança florística e fisionomicamente com Cerrado, a composição de espécies mostrou maior similaridade faunística com taxocenoses de áreas transição Cerrado/Caatinga e Caatinga.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Throughout the analysis of the collections JJ, CEVAP, IBSP, ZUEC and UEL, a study on the ophiofauna of Botucatu was made. We present a preliminary list of the species of snakes here found, with small comments on their natural history. The number of specimens studied was 943. We registered, for Botucatu, 51 species of snakes, distributed in 31 genera and 6 families. The families here found were Anomalepididae (1 spp.), Boidae (1 spp.), Colubridae (7 spp.), Dipsadidae (32 spp.), Elapidae (3 spp.) and Viperidae (7 spp.). The analysis of the relative abundance shows that Dipsadidae was the most abundant family, with n=425 (44,83%), followed by Viperidae, with n=388 (40,93%), Boidae, n=62 (6,54%), Colubridae, n=57 (6,01%), Elapidae, n=15 (1,6%) and, at last, Anomalepididae, with n=1 (0,1%). The five more representative species were Crotalus durissus (n=135, 14,31%), Oxyrhopus guibei (n=123, 12,8%) Bothropoides jararaca (N=121, 12,6%), Bothropoides neuwiedi (N=95, 9,88%) and Sibynomorphus mikani (N=65, 6,76%). A higher number of individuals collected was registered for the months of january to april that, together, sum up to almost 50% of the total. The months of june to september registered a lower number of individuals. The spacial distribution analysis shows that a higher number of snakes was found on the country areas of Botucatu (n=270, 41,54%), specially on pastures. Due to the lack of studies of Botucatu’s ophiofauna, this list is probably underestimated. It is mandatory that future studies approaching this group and its ecological components on this region are made, using appropriate sampling methodologies, in order to form an accurate list of the species of snakes of Botucatu
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) is highly expressed in muscle and fat tissue, where triiodothyronine (T-3) induces solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 4 (SLC2A4) gene transcription. T-3 was also shown to rapidly increase glucose uptake in myocytes exposed to cycloheximide, indicating that it might act nongenomically to regulate GLUT4 availability. We tested this hypothesis by evaluating, in thyroidectomized rats (Tx rats), the acute and/or chronic T-3 effects on GLUT4 mRNA expression and polyadenylation, protein content, and trafficking to the plasma membrane (PM) in skeletal muscle, as well as on blood glucose disappearance rate (kITT) after insulin administration. Methods: Rats were surgically thyroidectomized and treated with T-3 (0.3 to 100 mu g/100 g body weight) from 10 minutes to 5 days, and killed thereafter. Sham-operated (SO) rats were used as controls. Total RNA was extracted from the skeletal muscles (soleus [SOL] and extensorum digitalis longus [EDL]) and subjected to Northern blotting analysis using rat GLUT4 cDNA probe. Total protein was extracted and subjected to specific centrifugations for subcellular fractionation, and PM as well as microsomal (M) fractions were subjected to Western blotting analysis, using anti-GLUT4 antiserum as a probe. GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation was examined by a rapid amplification of cDNA ends-poly(A) test (RACE-PAT). Results: Thyroidectomy reduced skeletal muscle GLUT4 mRNA, mRNA poly(A) tail length, protein content, and trafficking to the PM, as well as the kITT. The acute T-3 treatment rapidly (30 minutes) increased all these parameters compared with Tx rats. The 5-day T-3 treatment increased GLUT4 mRNA and protein expression, and restored GLUT4 trafficking to the PM and kITT to SO values. Conclusions: The results presented here show for the first time that, in parallel to its transcriptional action on the SLC2A4 gene, T-3 exerts a rapid post-transcriptional effect on GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation, which might increase transcript stability and translation efficiency, leading to the increased GLUT4 content and availability to skeletal muscle, as well as on GLUT4 translocation to the PM, improving the insulin sensitivity, as shown by the kITT.
Although the prevalence of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in elderly outpatients is high, many potential DDIs do not have any actual clinical effect, and data on the occurrence of DDI-related adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in elderly outpatients are scarce. This study aimed to determine the incidence and characteristics of DDI-related ADRs among elderly outpatients as well as the factors associated with these reactions. A prospective cohort study was conducted between 1 November 2010 and 31 November 2011 in the primary public health system of the Ourinhos micro-region, Brazil. Patients aged a parts per thousand yen60 years with at least one potential DDI were eligible for inclusion. Causality, severity, and preventability of the DDI-related ADRs were assessed independently by four clinicians using validated methods; data were analysed using descriptive analysis and multiple logistic regression. A total of 433 patients completed the study. The incidence of DDI-related ADRs was 6 % (n = 30). Warfarin was the most commonly involved drug (37 % cases), followed by acetylsalicylic acid (17 %), digoxin (17 %), and spironolactone (17 %). Gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in 37 % of the DDI-related ADR cases, followed by hyperkalemia (17 %) and myopathy (13 %). The multiple logistic regression showed that age a parts per thousand yen80 years [odds ratio (OR) 4.4; 95 % confidence interval (CI) 3.0-6.1, p < 0.01], a Charlson comorbidity index a parts per thousand yen4 (OR 1.3; 95 % CI 1.1-1.8, p < 0.01), consumption of five or more drugs (OR 2.7; 95 % CI 1.9-3.1, p < 0.01), and the use of warfarin (OR 1.7; 95 % CI1.1-1.9, p < 0.01) were associated with the occurrence of DDI-related ADRs. With regard to severity, approximately 37 % of the DDI-related ADRs detected in our cohort necessitated hospital admission. All DDI-related ADRs could have been avoided (87 % were ameliorable and 13 % were preventable). The incidence of ADRs not related to DDIs was 10 % (n = 44). The incidence of DDI-related ADRs in elderly outpatients is high; most events presented important clinical consequences and were preventable or ameliorable.