958 resultados para Ovos - Contaminação
Foi estudado o efeito das gemas de ovos de aves hiperimunizadas contra Escherichia coli patogênica para suínos sobre a imunidade passiva (IP) de leitões recém-nascidos em uma unidade produtora de leitões (UPL). Foram avaliados densidade ótica do ELISA (DO), peso corporal (PC) e ocorrência de diarréia diária (OcD) em 137 leitões recém-nascidos oriundos de 25 fêmeas primíparas não vacinadas contra E. coli. De cada fêmea, foram separados 6 leitões recémnascidos de ambos os sexos, excluindo-se os mais leves e os mais pesados, divididos em 3 tratamentos e 2 repetições. A análise estatística para DO e PC foi realizada através de ANOVA, a comparação de médias entre tratamentos pelo Lsmeans e o teste do qui-quadradro para a OcD. As gemas estavam armazenadas à -5ºC, in natura e, minutos antes do fornecimento, foram descongeladas e diluídas em 15 mL de uma solução tampão (PBS). Os tratamentos foram fornecidos via oral, tendo sido os seguintes: T1: 2mL de PBS (controle) em 2 doses, a primeira ao nascer e a segunda 2 horas após o nascimento; T2: 2mL de gemas de ovos com título de 100.000 de anticorpos (IgY) contra E. coli em 2 doses, ao nascer e 2 horas após o nascimento; T3: idem ao T2, além de 2mL de gema de 3 em 3 dias até os leitões completarem 12 dias de idade. Foram realizadas duas coletas de sangue em 1 leitão/tratamento/porca: a primeira às 24 horas e a segunda aos 14 dias de idade. O título de IgY contra E. coli dos soros foi determinado por ELISA. A DO do ELISA dos leitões de T2 e T3 foi significativamente maior às 24 horas e aos 14 dias em relação ao controle (P≤0,0001). T3, T2 e T1 permaneceram 87, 79 e 72,5% do tempo estudado sem diarréia (P≤X20,0001). Os animais de T3 foram significativamente mais pesados do que os do T1 (P≤0,08), mas não diferiram de T2. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o uso de gemas de aves hiperimunizadas contra E. coli age efetivamente na prevenção da diarréia dos leitões e o seu uso contínuo é mais vantajoso do que o fornecimento somente ao nascer.
O mundo atual passa por uma crise ambiental sem precedentes na história, o que resulta em conseqüências ambientais perceptíveis e preocupantes. Governos e organizações internacionais têm dado maior relevância à variável ambiental como um dos principais eixos de definição das políticas de crescimento/desenvolvimento econômico, como o intuito de adequar as demandas sociais aos limites naturais. Como consequências dessa forma perdulária de produção e consumo da sociedade global temos a contaminação ambiental ampliada e diversificada. O presente artigo discute a acumulação capitalista no setor dos resíduos sólidos, partindo da hipótese da impossibilidade de se diminuir a geração ampliada dos resíduos, sendo necessário que se crie estratégias de gestão e tratamento para os resíduos baseados na atividade da reciclagem dos materiais. A parte final expõe os paradigmas da questão dos resíduos sólidos na sociedade global.
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and it causes death and blindness among children in the developing countries. The fortification of food could be an important source of vitamins to control deficiency. 60 Coturnix coturnix japonica quails were used in a randomized design with duration of seven weeks. The birds were assigned into five treatments with four repetitions. The objective was to evaluate the influence of the supplementation with different levels of retinyl palmitate (2,000 IU, 4,000 IU, 8,000IU and 16,000 IU) in quails under the levels of retinyl in egg yolks. The method used to dose retinyl in yolks of quail eggs was High Performance Liquid Chromatography and the enzymatic method to quantify the cholesterol concentration. The weight and production of eggs was significantly modified by the supplementation with retinyl in the birds. The results showed a gradual increase in the incorporation of retinyl in the egg yolk as a response to the supplementation, reaching values 384% higher than the control values. By the end of the supplementations a significant reduction in the concentrations of retinyl in the eggs yolk was observed. The most lasting supplementations were with 8,000 IU and 16,000 IU which lasted for three weeks. The cholesterol content in eggs was not significantly modified. The consumption of one egg enriched with 16000UI of retinol palmitate in the present study, by day, would probably reach 10 and 7,3% of the daily recommendations of this micronutrient for children of 1 to 3 years of age, and for 4 to 8 years, respectively. The nutritional value of eggs, related to the vitamin A, can be improved by supplementation of quails
Among the different types of pollutants typically attributed to human activities, the petroleum products are one of the most important because of its toxic potential. This toxicity is attributed to the presence of substances such as benzene and its derivatives are very toxic to the central nervous system of man, with chronic toxicity, even in small concentrations. The area chosen for study was the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, where samples were collected in six different areas in the city, comprising 10 wells located in the urban area, being carried out in three distinct periods March/2009, December / June/2010 and 2009, and were evaluated for contamination by volatile hydrocarbons (BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), so this work aimed to assess the quality of groundwater wells that supply funding for public supply and trade in the urban area of the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, contributing to the environmental assessment of the municipality. The analysis of BTEX in water was performed according to EPA Method 8021b. Was used the technique of headspace (TriPlus TP100) coupled to high resolution gas chromatography with selective photoionization detector (PID) and flame ionization (FID) - model Trace GC Ultra, Thermo Electron Corporation brand. The procedure adopted allowed the detection of concentrations of the order of μg.L-1. Data analysis with respect to BTEX in groundwater in the area monitored so far, shows that water quality is still preserved, because it exceeds the limits imposed by the potability Resolution CONAMA Nº. 396, April 2008
Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of groundwater are the gas stations. The city of Natal has about 120 gas stations, of which only has an environmental license for operation. Discontinuities in the offices were notified by the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte to carry out the environmental adaptations, among which is the investigation of environmental liabilities. The preliminary and confirmatory stages of this investigation consisted in the evaluation of soil gas surveys with two confirmatory chemical analysis of BTEX, PAH and TPH. To get a good evaluation and interpretation of results obtained in the field, it became necessary three-dimensional representation of them. We used a CAD software to graph the equipment installed in a retail service station fuel in Natal, as well as the plumes of contamination by volatile organic compounds. The tool was concluded that contamination is not located in the current system of underground storage of fuel development, but reflects the historical past in which tanks were removed not tight gasoline and diesel
In the artificial lift method by Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP), the energy is transmitted for the well´s deep through a flat electric handle, where it is converted into mechanical energy through an engine of sub-surface, which is connected to a centrifugal pump. This transmits energy to the fluid under the pressure form, bringing it to the surface In this method the subsurface equipment is basically divided into: pump, seal and motor. The main function of the seal is the protect the motor, avoiding the motor´s oil be contaminated by oil production and the consequent burning of it. Over time, the seal will be wearing and initiates a contamination of motor oil, causing it to lose its insulating characteristics. This work presents a design of a magnetic sensor capable of detecting contamination of insulating oil used in the artificial lift method of oil-type Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP). The objective of this sensor is to generate alarm signal just the moment when the contamination in the isolated oil is present, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance. The prototype was designed to work in harsh conditions to reach a depth of 2000m and temperatures up to 150°C. It was used a simulator software to defined the mechanical and electromagnetic variables. Results of field experiments were performed to validate the prototype. The final results performed in an ESP system with a 62HP motor showed a good reliability and fast response of the prototype.
The acidic galactan (AG) was obtained by extraction and proteolysis by acetone precipitation of the eggs of the mollusc Pomacea lineata. Its structure was elucidated by a combination of chemical analysis, the intrinsic viscosity and NMR spectroscopy 1D and 2D. Biological aspects of AG were evaluated by in vivo testing of healing and peritonitis induced (anti-inflammatory activity) and in vitro assays of cytotoxicity (MTT). This polymer showed a simple structure without the presence of sulfate and uronic acids in its structure. Its intrinsic viscosity and relative were evaluated at 0.44 ± 0.05 and 1.744± 0.07 dl.g-1. Spectroscopy showed that the AG has a constitution composed predominantly of β-D-galactosis, and β-D-glucosamine-NAcetil that comes in a smaller proportion in chain. The character of this acidic polysaccharide is given by the presence of pyruvate in the molecule, forming a cyclic acetal of six states, located in β-D-galactosis. The involvement of AG in the healing process was evaluated and the histological analysis revealed that there was so early in the process of healing, a great stimulation of macrophages with granuloma formation. Suggesting that AG may have promoted the advance of biological events required for tissue healing. In the trial of the GA-induced peritonitis showed dose dependent, demonstrating the anti-inflammatory effect at concentrations above 20 mg/kg, and confirming its inflammatory character and the concentration of 1mg/kg. In vitro tests used in the GA concentration of 1000 μg/mL showed proliferative activity by stimulating the growth of 3T3 cells, corroborating the findings in vivo and demonstrating the absence of cytotoxic activity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A competição intraespecífica e a ausência de hospedeiros podem comprometer o sucesso de programas de controle biológico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes densidades de fêmeas (1, 3, 6 e 9 fêmeas/ 100 ovos) e da ausência de hospedeiro no parasitismo de Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Observou-se aumento no parasitismo de ovos de S. frugiperda por T. remus a partir da densidade 3 fêmeas/ 100 ovos tanto em condições de laboratório (18%) quanto em campo (32%), embora o parasitismo causado por densidades maiores que 1 fêmea/100 ovos não foi significativamente diferente. Todavia, isso não causou superparasitismo. Por outro lado, o número de fêmeas produzidas na progênie diminuiu (39%) com a maior densidade de fêmeas sob condições de laboratório. Contudo, não verificou-se diferença significativa sob condições de campo. Mesmo após 9 dias de ausência de hospedeiro não houve redução nos índices de parasitismo, permanecendo em torno de 95 ovos parasitados/fêmea/dia. Todavia, no décimo dia pode-se observar redução (40%) no número médio de ovos parasitados. Desse modo, a liberação de três fêmeas por 100 ovos é adequada para se obter elevados níveis de parasitismo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The rubber tree lace bug, Leptopharsa heveae Drake & Poor occurs in high populations in rubber tree plantations and it is a limiting factor in rubber production due to the loss of photosynthetic tissue. The control of the pest has been made mainly with chemical products, which cause environmental contamination. The alternative would be the use of biological control agents, however, information about L. heveae natural enemies are scarce. The parasitoid Erythmelus tingitiphagus (Soares) parasitize eggs of the rubber tree lace bug. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of E. tingitiphagus in plantations of several rubber tree clones, located in Itiquira town, Mato Grosso State. The plant leaflets of the clones RRIM 600, PR 255, GT 1, PB 235 and PB 217 were collected weekly from October 2005 to February 2006. Parasitism was recorded during the entire study period. The parasitism rate of L. heveae eggs in the different clones ranged from 16.8 to 20.6%.