983 resultados para Overall Equipment Efficiency
Alternative, non-microscopic methods for the diagnosis of malaria have recently become available. Among these, rapid dipstick methods stand out. One such test, OptiMAL®, is based on the immunochromatographic detection of Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and has the capacity to detect and distinguish infections caused by P. falciparum and Plasmodium sp. This capacity is particularly important in countries where different species of Plasmodium co-exist. In this study we evaluated the performance of OptiMAL® in an urban referral center for malaria diagnosis. Two sets of patients were included: one (n = 112) having predetermined infections with P. falciparum or P. vivax and individuals with negative blood smears; and another consisting of all eligible consecutive patients (n = 80) consulting for diagnosis at the referral center during one month. The overall diagnostic efficiency of OptiMAL® for both sets of patients was 96.9%. Efficiency was higher for P. vivax (98.1%) than for P. falciparum (94.9%). These results corroborate the diagnostic utility of OptiMAL® in settings where P. vivax and P. falciparum co-exist and support its implementation where microscopic diagnosis is unavailable and in circumstances that exceed the capacity of the local microscopic diagnosis facility.
The treatment of some cancer patients has shifted from traditional, non-specific cytotoxic chemotherapy to chronic treatment with molecular targeted therapies. Imatinib mesylate, a selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinases (TKIs) is the most prominent example of this new era and has opened the way to the development of several additional TKIs, including sunitinib, nilotinib, dasatinib, sorafenib and lapatinib, in the treatment of various hematological malignancies and solid tumors. All these agents are characterized by an important inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability, are at risk for drug interactions, and are not devoid of toxicity. Additionally, they are administered for prolonged periods, anticipating the careful monitoring of their plasma exposure via Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) to be an important component of patients' follow-up. We have developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) requiring 100 microL of plasma for the simultaneous determination of the six major TKIs currently in use. Plasma is purified by protein precipitation and the supernatant is diluted in ammonium formate 20 mM (pH 4.0) 1:2. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of TKIs is obtained using a gradient elution of 20 mM ammonium formate pH 2.2 and acetonitrile containing 1% formic acid, followed by rinsing and re-equilibration to the initial solvent composition up to 20 min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection using the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effects variability (<9.6%), overall process efficiency (87.1-104.2%), as well as TKIs short- and long-term stability in plasma. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 1.3-9.4%), accurate (-9.2 to +9.9%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification comprised between 1 and 10 ng/mL). This is the first broad-range LC-MS/MS assay covering the major currently in-use TKIs. It is an improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single extraction procedure for six major TKIs, reducing significantly the analytical time), sensitivity, selectivity and throughput. It may contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics relationships of the latest TKIs developed after imatinib and better define their therapeutic ranges in different patient populations in order to evaluate whether a systematic TDM-guided dose adjustment of these anticancer drugs could contribute to minimize the risk of major adverse reactions and to increase the probability of efficient, long lasting, therapeutic response.
Treatment of symptomatic pharyngeal and esophageal strictures requires endoscopic dilatation. The Savary-Gilliard bougienage was developed by our department and has been used since 1980 for this purpose. We report our experience using this technique. The records of patients seen from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 2005, who had pharyngeal and esophageal strictures needing dilatation, were reviewed. The prevalence of different etiologies, and the incidence of complications using the Savary-Gilliard dilators were assessed. Efficiency of dilatation was assessed over a 17-year segment of this period, using number of dilatations and time intervals between dilatations until resolution of symptoms as outcome measures. Of the 2,652 pharyngeal and esophageal strictures reviewed, 90% were of organic origin (45% benign and 55% malignant stenoses), and 10% were of functional etiology. The most common etiologies were peptic strictures before the era of proton pump inhibitors, and postoperative anastomotic strictures thereafter. A total of 1,862 dilatations using the Savary-Gilliard technique were analyzed. Complication and mortality rates were 0.18 and 0.09% for benign and 4.58 and 0.81% for malignant etiologies, respectively. The number of dilatations per stricture and the time interval between different sessions were dependent on the type of strictures, varying from 1 to 23 dilatations and 7 days to 16 years, respectively. Pharyngeal and esophageal dilatations using the Savary-Gilliard technique were safe when used together with fluoroscopy. Overall, the efficiency of the dilatation procedure was good, but some types of strictures (e.g., caustic, post-surgical and/or post radiotherapy) were refractory to treatment and required repeated dilatations.
Astract: The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the presence of multiple queens (polygyny) affects social organization in colonies of the ant Formica exsecta. This is important because polygyny results in reduced relatedness among colony members and therefore reflects a potential paradox for altruistic cooperation being explained by inclusive fitness theory. The reason for this is that workers in polygynous colonies rear no longer only their siblings (high inclusive fitness gain) but also more distantly ox even unrelated brood (low or no inclusive fitness gain). All research projects conducted in this thesis are novel and significant contributions to the understanding of the social evolution of insect societies. We used a mixture of experimental and observational methodologies in laboratory and field colonies of F. exsecta to examine four important aspects of social life that are impacted by polygyny. First, we investigated the influence of queen number on colony sex allocation and found that the number of queens present in a colony significantly affects colony sex ratio investment. The data were consistent with the queen-replenishment hypothesis, which is based on the observation that newly mated queens are often recruited back to their parental nest. According to this theory, colonies containing many queens should only produce males due to local resource competition (i.e. related queens compete for common resources), whereas colonies hosting few queens benefit most from producing new queens to ensure colony survival. Second, we examined how reproduction is partitioned among nestmate queens. We detected a novel pattern of reproductive partitioning whereby a high proportion of queens were completely specialized in the production of only a subset of offspring classes produced within a colony, which might translate into great differences in reproductive success between queens. Third, we could demonstrate that F. exsecta workers indiscriminately reared highly related and unrelated brood although such nepotistic behaviour (preferential rearing of relatives) would be predicted by inclusive fitness theory. The absence of nepotism is probably best explained by its negative effects on overall colony efficiency. Finally, we conducted a detailed population genetic analysis, which revealed that the genetic population structure is different for queens and workers. Our data were best explained with queens forming family-based groups (multicolonial population structure), whereas workers from several nests seemed to be grouped into larger unites (unicolonial population structure) with workers moving freely between neighbouring nests. Altogether, the presented work significantly increased our understanding of the complex organization of polygynous social insect colonies and shows how an important life history trait such as queen number affects social organization at various levels. Résumé: Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier comment la présence de plusieurs reines par colonie (polygynie) influence la vie sociale chez la fourmi Formica exsecta. Ce sujet est important parce que la polygynie chez les insectes sociaux présente un passible paradoxe au niveau de la théorie du "fitness inclusive". Ce paradoxe est basé sur le fait que les ouvrières n'élèvent plus uniquement leurs frères et soeurs (gain de "fitness inclusive" maximale), mais également des individus moins ou pas du tout apparentés (gain de "fitness inclusive" réduit ou absent). Tous les projets de recherche présentés au cours de cette thèse apportent une meilleure compréhension et connaissance au niveau de l'organisation des colonies chez les insectes sociaux. Nous avons employé des méthodes d'observation et de laboratoire afin de mettre en évidence des aspects importants de la vie sociale chez les fourmis influencés par la polygynie. Quatre aspects ont été caractérisés : (1) l'influence du nombre de reines sur le sexe ratio produit par la colonie. Nous avons démontré que les colonies contenant beaucoup de reines produisaient rarement des reines tandis que les colonies contenant peu de reines souvent investissaient beaucoup de ressources dans la production des reines. Ces résultats sont en accord avec la "queen-replenishment hypothesis" qui est basé sur l'observation que les nouvelles reines sont recrutées dans la colonie où elles étaient nées. Cette hypothèse postule que la production des reines est défavorable dans les colonies contenant beaucoup de reines, parce que ces reines apparentées, rentrent en compétition pour des ressources communes. Au contraire, la production des reines est favorable dans des colonies contenant peu de reines afin d'assurer la survie de la colonie ; (2) comment les reines dans une colonie répartissent leur reproduction. Nous avons mis en évidence un nouveau pattern de cette répartition où une grande proportion de reines est complètement spécialisée dans la production d'un seul type de couvain ce qui probablement aboutit à des différences significatives entre reines dans le succès reproducteur ; (3) la capacité des ouvrières à discriminer un couvain de soeur d'un couvain non apparenté. Les résultats ont montré que les ouvrières ne font pas de discrimination entre le couvain de soeur et le couvain non apparenté ce qui n'est pas en accord avec la théorie de la "fitness inclusive". Cette absence de discrimination est probablement due à des effets négatifs comme par exemple la diminution de la production du couvain; (4) la structure génétique d'une population de F. exsecta. Nous avons mis en évidence que la structure génétique entre des groupes de reines est significativement différente de la structure génétique entre des groupes d'ouvrières. Les données suggèrent que les reines forment des groupes basés sur une structure familiale tandis que les ouvrières sont groupées dans des unités plus grandes.
Life cycle analyses (LCA) approaches require adaptation to reflect the increasing delocalization of production to emerging countries. This work addresses this challenge by establishing a country-level, spatially explicit life cycle inventory (LCI). This study comprises three separate dimensions. The first dimension is spatial: processes and emissions are allocated to the country in which they take place and modeled to take into account local factors. Emerging economies China and India are the location of production, the consumption occurs in Germany, an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development country. The second dimension is the product level: we consider two distinct textile garments, a cotton T-shirt and a polyester jacket, in order to highlight potential differences in the production and use phases. The third dimension is the inventory composition: we track CO2, SO2, NO (x), and particulates, four major atmospheric pollutants, as well as energy use. This third dimension enriches the analysis of the spatial differentiation (first dimension) and distinct products (second dimension). We describe the textile production and use processes and define a functional unit for a garment. We then model important processes using a hierarchy of preferential data sources. We place special emphasis on the modeling of the principal local energy processes: electricity and transport in emerging countries. The spatially explicit inventory is disaggregated by country of location of the emissions and analyzed according to the dimensions of the study: location, product, and pollutant. The inventory shows striking differences between the two products considered as well as between the different pollutants considered. For the T-shirt, over 70% of the energy use and CO2 emissions occur in the consuming country, whereas for the jacket, more than 70% occur in the producing country. This reversal of proportions is due to differences in the use phase of the garments. For SO2, in contrast, over two thirds of the emissions occur in the country of production for both T-shirt and jacket. The difference in emission patterns between CO2 and SO2 is due to local electricity processes, justifying our emphasis on local energy infrastructure. The complexity of considering differences in location, product, and pollutant is rewarded by a much richer understanding of a global production-consumption chain. The inclusion of two different products in the LCI highlights the importance of the definition of a product's functional unit in the analysis and implications of results. Several use-phase scenarios demonstrate the importance of consumer behavior over equipment efficiency. The spatial emission patterns of the different pollutants allow us to understand the role of various energy infrastructure elements. The emission patterns furthermore inform the debate on the Environmental Kuznets Curve, which applies only to pollutants which can be easily filtered and does not take into account the effects of production displacement. We also discuss the appropriateness and limitations of applying the LCA methodology in a global context, especially in developing countries. Our spatial LCI method yields important insights in the quantity and pattern of emissions due to different product life cycle stages, dependent on the local technology, emphasizing the importance of consumer behavior. From a life cycle perspective, consumer education promoting air-drying and cool washing is more important than efficient appliances. Spatial LCI with country-specific data is a promising method, necessary for the challenges of globalized production-consumption chains. We recommend inventory reporting of final energy forms, such as electricity, and modular LCA databases, which would allow the easy modification of underlying energy infrastructure.
Kansainvälinen ja kiristyvä kilpailu on muuttanut yritysten liiketoimintaympäristöä yhä monimutkaisemmaksi ja riskialttiimmaksi. Yritysten keskittyessä yhä syvemmin omaan ydinosaamiseensa on ulkoisten resurssien hallinnan merkitys korostunut. Työnjakoa syventämällä tavoitellaan parempaa joustavuutta, ajanhallintaa sekä kustannustehokkuutta. Myös hankintatoimen tehtävät ja vastuualueet muuttuvat ennakoivampaan ja riskialttiimpaan suuntaan. Modernin hankintatoimen on kyettävä tunnistamaan, analysoimaan ja hallitsemaan riskejä yhä pirstaloituneemmista lähteistä ja muodoista. Proaktiivinen hankintatoimi osallistuu yrityksen strategiseen suunnitteluun ja riskienhallintaan. Hankintariskit voidaan luokitella seuraaviin kymmeneen riskiluokkaan: keskeytymisriskit, saatavuusriskit, hintariskit, varasto- ja aikatauluriskit, teknologiariskit, luottamuksellisen tiedon vuotoriskit, laaturiskit, konfiguraatioriskit, opportunismiriskit sekä riippuvuusriskit. Tässä tutkimuksessa hankintariskienhallintaa tarkastellaan hankintastrategian valinnan näkökulmasta. Hankintastrategian yksi elementti on toimittajasuhteen ja toimittajien lukumäärän valinta. Tilanteesta riippuen yhteistyöstrategialla tai perinteisellä kilpailuttamisella voidaan tavoitella parempaa riskienhallintaa. Yhteistyöstrategioita ovat eri tasoiset kumppanuussuhteet ja liittoutumat, jolloin suhde toimittajaan on syvä ja luottamuksellinen hyödyttäen aidosti molempia osapuolia. Riskienhallinnan näkökulmasta yhteistyöstrategia soveltuu parhaiten tilanteissa, joissa toimittajista on pitkä kokemus sekä hankintanimikkeen tuottama arvo on merkittävä. Kilpailuttamisstrategia eli hankintojen toteuttaminen usealta toimittajalta vaatii ostavalta organisaatiolta tehokkaasti hyödynnettynä suurempia resursseja kuin yhteistyöstrategian käyttö. Kilpailuttaminen soveltuu usein parhaiten silloin, kun hankintanimikkeet ovat tavanomaisia ja vaihtoehtoisia hankintalähteitä on runsaasti. Lisäksi usean toimittajan käyttö suojaa materiaalivirran katkoksilta sekä lisää hankintamarkkinoiden tuntemusta. Empiirisessä tutkimusosassa tutkitaan, miten soveltuviksi riskienhallintamenetelmiksi erilaiset hankintastrategiat koetaan Suomen IVD-teollisuudessa. Lisäksi tunnistetaan Suomen IVD-teollisuudessa merkittävimmiksi koetut hankintariskiluokat sekä selvitetään millä organisaation tasolla hankintariskienhallinta pääasiassa suoritetaan. Lisäksi selvitetään, millä menetelmin hankintariskejä pääasiassa analysoidaan.
The use of enantiopure intermediates for drug synthesis is a trend in pharmaceutical industry. Different physiological effects are associated with the enantiomers of chiral molecules. Thus, the safety profile of a drug based on an enantiopure active pharmaceutical ingredient is more reliable. Biocatalysis is an important tool to access enantiopure molecules. In biocatalysis, the advantage of selectivity (chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity) is combined with the benefits of a green synthesis strategy. Chemoenzymatic syntheses of drug molecules, obtained by combining biocatalysis with modern chemical synthesis steps usually consists of fewer reaction steps, reduced waste production and improved overall synthetic efficiency both in yields and enantio- and/or diastereoselectivities compared with classical chemical synthesis. The experimental work together with the literature review clearly indicates that lipase catalysis is highly applicable in the synthesis of enantiopure intermediates of drug molecules as the basis to infer the correct stereochemistry. By lipase catalysis, enantiopure secondary alcohols used as intermediates in the synthesis of Dorzolamide, an antiglaucoma drug, were obtained. Enantiopure _-hydroxy nitriles as potential intermediates for the synthesis of antidepressant drugs with 1-aryl-3- methylaminopropan-1-ol structure were also obtained with lipases. Kinetic resolution of racemates was the main biocatalytic approach applied. Candida Antarctica lipase B, Burkholderia cepacia lipase and Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase were applied for the acylation of alcohols and the alcoholysis of their esters in organic solvents, such as in diisopropyl ether and tert-butyl methyl ether. Candida Antarctica lipase B was used under solvent free conditions for the acylation of ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate.
Calcium oxide looping is a carbon dioxide sequestration technique that utilizes the partially reversible reaction between limestone and carbon dioxide in two interconnected fluidised beds, carbonator and calciner. Flue gases from a combustor are fed into the carbonator where calcium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide within the gases at a temperature of 650 ºC. Calcium oxide is transformed into calcium carbonate which is circulated into the regenerative calciner, where calcium carbonate is returned into calcium oxide and a stream of pure carbon dioxide at a higher temperature of 950 ºC. Calcium oxide looping has proved to have a low impact on the overall process efficiency and would be easily retrofitted into existing power plants. This master’s thesis is done in participation to an EU funded project CaOling as a part of the Lappeenranta University of Technology deliverable, reactor modelling and scale-up tools. Thesis concentrates in creating the first model frame and finding the physically relevant phenomena governing the process.
Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia Empower Oy:n tuottamaa Storan Enson Anjalankosken paperi- ja kartonkitehtaiden ehkäisevää kunnossapitoa. Työ rajataan koskemaan mekaanista kunnossapitoa. Kunnossapitopalveluliiketoiminta asettaa vaatimuksia toiminnan raportoimiselle. Kuukausittain toimitettavaan asiakasraporttiin haluttiin lisätä kohta ehkäisevästä kunnossapidosta. Ongelmaksi muodostui kuitenkin se, mitä ja miten siitä tulisi raportoida. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi pintapuolisesti palveluliiketoimintaa. Kunnossapidosta on esitetty perusteoriaa, vikaantumismallit, kunnossapidon tunnusluvut ja kunnossapidon vaikutus tuotannon kokonaistehokkuuteen. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi kunnossapitolajit ja keskitytään nimenomaan ehkäisevään kunnossapitoon. Ehkäisevä kunnossapito on jaettu karkeasti jaksotettuun ja kuntoon perustuvaan kunnossapitoon. Ehkäisevässä kunnossapidossa painotetaan oman toiminnan analysointia ja pyrkimystä jatkuvaan parantamiseen. Kunnossapidon toimintamalleja on tarkasteltu, jotta ymmärrettäisiin syyt, miksi kunnossapitoa tehdään ja mihin sillä pyritään. Työssä käydään läpi Inkeroisissa tehtävien ennakkohuoltotöiden teoriaa ja tarkastellaan tehtävien käytännön suorittamista. Lopuksi pohditaan ehkäisevän kunnossapidon raportointiin käytettävää tunnuslukua ja esitetään parannusehdotus nykyiseen raportointiin.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten UPM:n Kymin tehtaan A4- arkittamon kunnossapitotoimintaa pystyttäisiin kehittämään niin, että tuotantolaitoksen kokonaistehokkuutta saataisiin kasvatettua. Työssä on pohdittu keinoja nykyisen, pääasiallisesti korjaavan kunnossapitotoiminnan muuttamiseksi suunnitelmalliseksi eri teorialähtökohtien pohjalta. Keskeinen teoria, johon työn tulokset pohjautuvat, on kokonaisvaltainen tuottava kunnossapito (TPM). Kirjallisuuslähteisiin tukeutuvaa tutkimusta täydensivät useat haastattelut, A4-valmistajille suunnattu laitteiden kuntokartoituskysely ja tuotannon- ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmistä kerätty mittausaineisto. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittavat, että A4-arkittamon kunnossapitotoimintaa tulisi suunnata nykyistä enemmän käyttökunnossapitolähtöiseksi. Käyttökunnossapito perustuu tuotannon operaattoreiden osallistumiseen kunnossapitotoimiin varsinaisen kunnossapitohenkilöstön ohella. Tuotantooperaattoreilla on työnsä vuoksi parhaat mahdollisuudet käyttämiensä laitteiden kunnonvalvontaan ja näin ollen mahdollisten vikaantumisten ennakointiin jo varhaisessa vaiheessa. Ennakoimalla pystyttäisiin parantamaan kunnossapidon suunnitelmallisuutta, minkä ansiosta laitteiden käytettävyys ja sitä kautta tuotantolaitoksen kokonaistehokkuus olisivat nykyistä korkeampia.
Työssä esitetään kriteeristö tehostamaan energiatehokkuuden toteutumista kaupungin julkisissa rakennushankkeissa. Kriteeristön tarkoituksena on edistää julkisen uudisrakennushankkeen energiatehokkuutta, ottaen huomioon hankkeen kokonaistaloudellisuus. Energiatehokkuutta ja kokonaistaloudellisuutta kunnallisessa rakentamisessa stimuloivat mm. kansainvälisten ja kansallisten sopimusten energiansäästötavoitteet, sekä kuntien tiukka budjettitilanne. Jotta kokonaistaloudellisuustavoitteet täyttyisivät, työssä käytettiin hyväksi elinkaariajattelutapaa. Työssä selvitettiin kirjallisuuden ja ammattilaisten haastattelujen tarjoaman tiedon pohjalta, mitkä näkökohdat vaikuttavat julkisen palvelurakennuksen energiatehokkuuteen sen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Hankitun tiedon avulla luotiin kaupungin rakennusinvestointien hankinnasta vastaavien tahojen käyttöön tarkoitettu kriteeristö, joka auttaa tunnistamaan ja valitsemaan energiatehokkuuden ja kokonaistaloudellisuuden kannalta parhaimmat hankkeen toteutustavat. Jatkotoimenpiteenä työssä laadittua kriteeristöä tullaan kehittämään edelleen case-kohteista saatavien kokemusten perusteella. Tutkimus osoitti, että uudisrakentamisen energiataloudellisuuden lisäksi on panostettava energiataloudelliseen korjausrakentamiseen, koska olemassa oleva rakennuskanta muodostaa merkittävän osan kaupungin energiankulutuksesta.
Environmental issues, including global warming, have been serious challenges realized worldwide, and they have become particularly important for the iron and steel manufacturers during the last decades. Many sites has been shut down in developed countries due to environmental regulation and pollution prevention while a large number of production plants have been established in developing countries which has changed the economy of this business. Sustainable development is a concept, which today affects economic growth, environmental protection, and social progress in setting up the basis for future ecosystem. A sustainable headway may attempt to preserve natural resources, recycle and reuse materials, prevent pollution, enhance yield and increase profitability. To achieve these objectives numerous alternatives should be examined in the sustainable process design. Conventional engineering work cannot address all of these substitutes effectively and efficiently to find an optimal route of processing. A systematic framework is needed as a tool to guide designers to make decisions based on overall concepts of the system, identifying the key bottlenecks and opportunities, which lead to an optimal design and operation of the systems. Since the 1980s, researchers have made big efforts to develop tools for what today is referred to as Process Integration. Advanced mathematics has been used in simulation models to evaluate various available alternatives considering physical, economic and environmental constraints. Improvements on feed material and operation, competitive energy market, environmental restrictions and the role of Nordic steelworks as energy supplier (electricity and district heat) make a great motivation behind integration among industries toward more sustainable operation, which could increase the overall energy efficiency and decrease environmental impacts. In this study, through different steps a model is developed for primary steelmaking, with the Finnish steel sector as a reference, to evaluate future operation concepts of a steelmaking site regarding sustainability. The research started by potential study on increasing energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reduction due to integration of steelworks with chemical plants for possible utilization of available off-gases in the system as chemical products. These off-gases from blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and coke oven furnace are mainly contained of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and partially methane (in coke oven gas) and have proportionally low heating value but are currently used as fuel within these industries. Nonlinear optimization technique is used to assess integration with methanol plant under novel blast furnace technologies and (partially) substitution of coal with other reducing agents and fuels such as heavy oil, natural gas and biomass in the system. Technical aspect of integration and its effect on blast furnace operation regardless of capital expenditure of new operational units are studied to evaluate feasibility of the idea behind the research. Later on the concept of polygeneration system added and a superstructure generated with alternative routes for off-gases pretreatment and further utilization on a polygeneration system producing electricity, district heat and methanol. (Vacuum) pressure swing adsorption, membrane technology and chemical absorption for gas separation; partial oxidation, carbon dioxide and steam methane reforming for methane gasification; gas and liquid phase methanol synthesis are the main alternative process units considered in the superstructure. Due to high degree of integration in process synthesis, and optimization techniques, equation oriented modeling is chosen as an alternative and effective strategy to previous sequential modelling for process analysis to investigate suggested superstructure. A mixed integer nonlinear programming is developed to study behavior of the integrated system under different economic and environmental scenarios. Net present value and specific carbon dioxide emission is taken to compare economic and environmental aspects of integrated system respectively for different fuel systems, alternative blast furnace reductants, implementation of new blast furnace technologies, and carbon dioxide emission penalties. Sensitivity analysis, carbon distribution and the effect of external seasonal energy demand is investigated with different optimization techniques. This tool can provide useful information concerning techno-environmental and economic aspects for decision-making and estimate optimal operational condition of current and future primary steelmaking under alternative scenarios. The results of the work have demonstrated that it is possible in the future to develop steelmaking towards more sustainable operation.
The objective of this project was to introduce a new software product to pulp industry, a new market for case company. An optimization based scheduling tool has been developed to allow pulp operations to better control their production processes and improve both production efficiency and stability. Both the work here and earlier research indicates that there is a potential for savings around 1-5%. All the supporting data is available today coming from distributed control systems, data historians and other existing sources. The pulp mill model together with the scheduler, allows what-if analyses of the impacts and timely feasibility of various external actions such as planned maintenance of any particular mill operation. The visibility gained from the model proves also to be a real benefit. The aim is to satisfy demand and gain extra profit, while achieving the required customer service level. Research effort has been put both in understanding the minimum features needed to satisfy the scheduling requirements in the industry and the overall existence of the market. A qualitative study was constructed to both identify competitive situation and the requirements vs. gaps on the market. It becomes clear that there is no such system on the marketplace today and also that there is room to improve target market overall process efficiency through such planning tool. This thesis also provides better overall understanding of the different processes in this particular industry for the case company.
This thesis studies energy efficiencies and technical properties of gas driven ground source heat pumps and pump systems. The research focuses on two technologies: gas engine driven compressor heat pump and thermally driven gas absorption heat pump. System consist of a gas driven compressor or absorption ground source heat pump and a gas condensing boiler, which covers peak load. The reference system is a standard electrically powered compressor heat pump with electric heating elements for peak load. The systems are compared through primary energy ratios. Coefficient of performances of different heat pump technologies are also compared. At heat pump level, gas driven heat pumps are having lower coefficient of performances as compared with corresponding electric driven heat pump. However, gas heat pumps are competitive when primary energy ratios, where electricity production losses are counted in, are compared. Technically, gas heat pumps can potentially achieve a slightly higher temperatures with greater total energy efficiency as compared to the electric driven heat pump. The primary energy ratios of gas heat pump systems in relation to EHP-system improves when the share of peak load increases. Electric heat pump system's overall energy efficiency is heavily dependent on the electricity production efficiency. Economy as well as CO2-emissions were not examined in this thesis, which however, would be good topics for further study.
In any manufacturing system, there are many factors that are affecting and limiting the capacity of the entire system. This thesis addressed a study on how to improve the production capacity in a Finnish company (Viljavuuspalvelu Oy) through different methods like bottleneck analysis, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and Just in Time production. Four analyzing methods have been studied in order to detect the bottleneck machine in Viljavuuspalvelu Oy. The results shows that the bottleneck machine in the industrial area that constraint the production is the grinding machine while the bottleneck machine in the laboratory section is the photometry machine. In addition, the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of the entire system of the studied case was calculated and it has been found that the OEE of the Viljavuuspalvelu Oy is 35.75%. Moreover, two methods on how to increase the OEE were studied and it was shown that either the total output of the company should be 1254 samples/shift in order to have an OEE around 85% which is considered as a world class or the Ideal run rate should be 1.45 pieces/minute. In addition, some realistic methods are applied based on the finding in this thesis to increase the OEE factor in the company and in one realistic method the % OEE has increase to 62.59%. Finally, an explanation on how to implement the Just in Time production in Viljavuuspalvelu Oy has been studied.