55 resultados para Osteocytes


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Osteoporosis is characterised by a progressive loss of bone mass and microarchitecture which leads to increased fracture risk. Some of the drugs available to date have shown reductions in vertebral and non-vertebral fracture risk. However, in the ageing population of industrialised countries, still more fractures happen today than are avoided, which highlights the large medical need for new treatment options, models, and strategies. Recent insights into bone biology, have led to a better understanding of bone cell functions and crosstalk between osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes at the molecular level. In the future, the armamentarium against osteoporotic fractures will likely be enriched by (1.) new bone anabolic substances such as antibodies directed against the endogenous inhibitors of bone formation sclerostin and dickkopf-1, PTH and PTHrp analogues, and possibly calcilytics; (2.) new inhibitors of bone resorption such as cathepsin K inhibitors which may suppress osteoclast function without impairing osteoclast viability and thus maintain bone formation by preserving the osteoclast-osteoblast crosstalk, and denosumab, an already widely available antibody against RANKL which inhibits osteoclast formation, function, and survival; and (3.) new therapeutic strategies based on an extended understanding of the pathophysiology of osteoporosis which may include sequential therapies with two or more bone active substances aimed at optimising the management of bone capital acquired during adolescence and maintained during adulthood in terms of both quantity and quality. Finally, one of the future challenges will be to identify those patients and patient populations expected to benefit the most from a given drug therapy or regimen. The WHO fracture risk assessment tool FRAX® and improved access to bone mineral density measurements by DXA will play a key role in this regard.


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Mouse molars undergo distal movement, during which new bone is formed at the mesial side of the tooth root whereas the preexisting bone is resorbed at the distal side of the root. However, there is little detailed information available regarding which of the bones that surround the tooth root are involved in physiological tooth movement. In the present study, we therefore aimed to investigate the precise morphological differences of the alveolar bone between the bone formation side of the tooth root, using routine histological procedures including silver impregnation, as well as by immunohistochemical analysis of alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity, and immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of the osteocyte markers dentin matrix protein 1, sclerostin, and fibroblast growth factor 23. Histochemical analysis indicated that bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts occurred at the bone formation side and the bone resorption side, respectively. Osteocyte marker immunoreactivity of osteocytes at the surface of the bone close to the periodontal ligament differed at the bone formation and bone resorption sides. We also showed different specific features of osteocytic lacunar canalicular systems at the bone formation and bone resorption sides by using silver staining. This study suggests that the alveolar bone is different in the osteocyte nature between the bone formation side and the bone resorption side due to physiological distal movement of the mouse molar.


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OBJECTIVES Osteocytes, the most common cells of the bone, are buried in lacunae. Density and area of the osteocyte lacunae change with increasing maturation of the newly formed bone. Evaluation of osteocyte lacunae can therefore provide insights into the process of graft consolidation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Here, we determined the osteocyte lacunar density (number of osteocyte lacunae per bone area; N.Ot/BAr) and the osteocyte lacunar area in μm(2) (Lac.Ar) in histological specimens 6 and 12 weeks after the sinuses of 10 minipigs were augmented with Bio-Oss(®) , a deproteinized bovine bone mineral, and Ostim(®) , an aqueous paste of synthetic nanoparticular hydroxyapatite. The region of interest was defined by the following criteria: (i) >1 mm from the host bone, (ii) >0.5 mm from the sinus mucosa, (iii) minimum area of 0.2 mm(2) , and (iv) bone tissue spanning at least two bone substitute particles. RESULTS The overall osteocyte lacunar density was significantly higher in the Bio-Oss(®) group than in the Ostim(®) group and decreased during the observation period at a similar range in both groups. The osteocyte lacunar area was smaller in the Bio-Oss(®) group than the Ostim(®) group but there was no significant change within the groups over time. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that bone substitutes affect the osteocyte lacunar density and the osteocyte lacunar area in the newly formed bone within the augmented sinus in this particular model situation. These measures can provide insights into the maturation of newly formed bone in the augmented sinus.


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Sclerostin is a Wnt signalling antagonist that controls bone metabolism. Sclerostin is expressed by osteocytes and cementocytes; however, its role in the formation of dental structures remains unclear. Here, we analysed the mandibles of sclerostin knockout mice to determine the influence of sclerostin on dental structures and dimensions using histomorphometry and micro-computed tomography (μCT) imaging. μCT and histomorphometric analyses were performed on the first lower molar and its surrounding structures in mice lacking a functional sclerostin gene and in wild-type controls. μCT on six animals in each group revealed that the dimension of the basal bone as well as the coronal and apical part of alveolar part increased in the sclerostin knockout mice. No significant differences were observed for the tooth and pulp chamber volume. Descriptive histomorphometric analyses of four wild-type and three sclerostin knockout mice demonstrated an increased width of the cementum and a concomitant moderate decrease in the periodontal space width. Taken together, these results suggest that the lack of sclerostin mainly alters the bone and cementum phenotypes rather than producing abnormalities in tooth structures such as dentin.


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Question: The intervertebral disc (IVD) has a limited regenerative potential and low back pain represents a leading cause of disability [1]. IVD repair strategies require an appropriate cell source that is able to regenerate the damaged tissue such as progenitor stem cells. Recently, progenitor cells that are positive for the angiopoietin re- ceptor (Tie2) in the nucleus pulposus were identified [2]. Here we isolated primary cells from bovine IVD and sorted bovine nucleus pulposus progenitor cells (NPPC) for the marker Tie2. Furthermorewe tested whether Tie2 expressing cells can differentiate into os- teogenic and adipogenic lineages in vitro. Methods: NP cells were obtained from 1 year old bovine tails by sequential digestion with pronase for 1 h and collagenase over- night. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ cells were cultured in osteogenic and adipogenic medium for 3 weeks. The formed cell layers from both subpopulations were stained for calcium deposition and fat droplets. Colony forming units were prepared for both cell sus- pensions in methylcellulose-based medium and formed colonies ([10 cells) were analyzed macroscopically after 8 days. Results: After 3 weeks of culture, sorted Tie2+ cells were able to differentiate into osteocytes and adipocytes as characterized by cal- cium deposition and fat droplet formation. By contrast, Tie2- cells generated a weak staining for calcium and no fat droplets were ob- tained (Fig. 1). Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies, however with different morphologies. The colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. Conclusion: Our data showed that Tie2+ cells of the nucleus pul- posus cells are progenitor-like cells that are able to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages. Sorting of NPPC for Tie2 may represent a promising strategy with the potential to be used in the clinics for treatment of intervertebral disc damage. References 1. Freemont AJ (2009) The cellular pathobiology of the degenerate intervertebral disc and discogenic back pain. Rheumatology (Oxford) 48:5–10 2. Sakai D, Nakamura Y, Nakai T et al (2012) Exhaustion of nucleus pulposus progenitor cells with ageing and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Nat Commun 3:1264 Acknowledgments: This project was funded by two projects of the Swiss National Science Foundation grant number #IZK0Z3_154384 and #310030_153411.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE: Signaling molecules derived from osteocytes have been proposed as a mechanism by which autografts contribute to bone regeneration. However, there have been no studies that determined the role of osteocytes in bone grafts. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Herein, it was examined whether bone chips and demineralized bone matrix release sclerostin and FGF-23, both of which are highly expressed by osteocytes. RESULTS: Bone grafts from seven donors were placed in culture medium. Immunoassay showed that bone chips released sclerostin (median 1.0 ng/ml) and FGF-23 (median 9.8 relative units/ml) within the first day, with declining levels overtime. Demineralized bone matrix also released detectable amounts of sclerostin into culture medium, while FGF-23 remained close to the detection limit. In vitro expanded isolated bone cells failed to release detectable amounts of sclerostin and FGF-23. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that autografts but also demineralized bone matrix can release signaling molecules that are characteristically produced by osteocytes. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. KEYWORDS: FGF-23; autologous bone; bone grafts; demineralized bone matrix; osteocytes; sclerostin


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Bone remodeling depends on the spatial and temporal coupling of bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts; however, the molecular basis of these inductive interactions is unknown. We have previously shown that osteoblastic overexpression of TGF-β2 in transgenic mice deregulates bone remodeling and leads to an age-dependent loss of bone mass that resembles high-turnover osteoporosis in humans. This phenotype implicates TGF-β2 as a physiological regulator of bone remodeling and raises the question of how this single secreted factor regulates the functions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts and coordinates their opposing activities in vivo. To gain insight into the physiological role of TGF-β in bone remodeling, we have now characterized the responses of osteoblasts to TGF-β in these transgenic mice. We took advantage of the ability of alendronate to specifically inhibit bone resorption, the lack of osteoclast activity in c-fos−/− mice, and a new transgenic mouse line that expresses a dominant-negative form of the type II TGF-β receptor in osteoblasts. Our results show that TGF-β directly increases the steady-state rate of osteoblastic differentiation from osteoprogenitor cell to terminally differentiated osteocyte and thereby increases the final density of osteocytes embedded within bone matrix. Mice overexpressing TGF-β2 also have increased rates of bone matrix formation; however, this activity does not result from a direct effect of TGF-β on osteoblasts, but is more likely a homeostatic response to the increase in bone resorption caused by TGF-β. Lastly, we find that osteoclastic activity contributes to the TGF-β–induced increase in osteoblast differentiation at sites of bone resorption. These results suggest that TGF-β is a physiological regulator of osteoblast differentiation and acts as a central component of the coupling of bone formation to resorption during bone remodeling.


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BACKGROUND The intervertebral disc (IVD) has limited self-healing potential and disc repair strategies require an appropriate cell source such as progenitor cells that could regenerate the damaged cells and tissues. The objective of this study was to identify nucleus pulposus-derived progenitor cells (NPPC) and examine their potential in regenerative medicine in vitro. METHODS Nucleus pulposus cells (NPC) were obtained from 1-year-old bovine coccygeal discs by enzymatic digestion and were sorted for the angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2. The obtained Tie2- and Tie2+ fractions of cells were differentiated into osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages in vitro. Colony-forming units were prepared from both cell populations and the colonies formed were analyzed and quantified after 8 days of culture. In order to improve the preservation of the Tie2+ phenotype of NPPC in monolayer cultures, we tested a selection of growth factors known to have stimulating effects, cocultured NPPC with IVD tissue, and exposed them to hypoxic conditions (2 % O2). RESULTS After 3 weeks of differentiation culture, only the NPC that were positive for Tie2 were able to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes as characterized by calcium deposition (p < 0.0001), fat droplet formation (p < 0.0001), and glycosaminoglycan content (p = 0.0095 vs. Tie2- NPC), respectively. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies; however, the colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape, whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. In addition, Tie2+ cells formed more colonies in 3D culture (p = 0.011) than Tie2- cells. During expansion, a fast decline in the fraction of Tie2+ cells was observed (p < 0.0001), which was partially reversed by low oxygen concentration (p = 0.0068) and supplementation of the culture with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Our results showed that the bovine nucleus pulposus contains NPPC that are Tie2+. These cells fulfilled formally progenitor criteria that were maintained in subsequent monolayer culture for up to 7 days by addition of FGF2 or hypoxic conditions. We propose that the nucleus pulposus represents a niche of precursor cells for regeneration of the IVD.


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Load-induced extravascular fluid flow has been postulated to play a role in mechanotransduction of physiological loads at the cellular level. Furthermore, the displaced fluid serves as a carrier for metabolites, nutrients, mineral precursors and osteotropic agents important for cellular activity. We hypothesise that load-induced fluid flow enhances the transport of these key substances, thus helping to regulate cellular activity associated with processes of functional adaptation and remodelling. To test this hypothesis, molecular tracer methods developed previously by our group were applied in vivo to observe and quantify the effects of load-induced fluid flow under four-point-bending loads. Preterminal tracer transport studies were carried out on 24 skeletally mature Sprague Dawley rats. Mechanical loading enhanced the transport of both small- and larger-molecular-mass tracers within the bony tissue of the tibial mid-diaphysis. Mechanical loading showed a highly significant effect on the number of periosteocytic spaces exhibiting tracer within the cross section of each bone. For all loading rates studied, the concentration of Procion Red tracer was consistently higher in the tibia subjected to pure bending loads than in the unloaded, contralateral tibia, Furthermore, the enhancement of transport was highly site-specific. In bones subjected to pure bending loads, a greater number of periosteocytic spaces exhibited the presence of tracer in the tension band of the cross section than in the compression band; this may reflect the higher strains induced in the tension band compared with the compression band within the mid-diaphysis of the rat tibia. Regardless of loading mode, the mean difference between the loaded side and the unloaded contralateral control side decreased with increasing loading frequency. Whether this reflects the length of exposure to the tracer or specific frequency effects cannot be determined by this set of experiments. These in vivo experimental results corroborate those of previous ex vivo and in vitro studies, Strain-related differences in tracer distribution provide support for the hypothesis that load-induced fluid flow plays a regulatory role in processes associated with functional adaptation.


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RESUMO: A geleia de Wharton é uma fonte de células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) que ainda não havia sido testada para a produção de embriões bovinos por transferência nuclear (TN). O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar, caracterizar e testar as CTMs derivadas da geleia de Wharton para produção de embriões e gestações por transferência nuclear em bovinos. O cordão umbilical foi coletado durante o nascimento e as células derivadas da geleia de Wharton (CGWs) foram isoladas por explante e cultivadas em Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Fibroblastos (FB) da pele foram isolados após 6 meses de vida. As análises morfológicas foram realizadas pelas microscopias de campo claro e eletrônica de varredura durante o cultivo celular. Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica, RT-PCR e indução da diferenciação em linhagens celulares foi realizada com as CGWs. No procedimento de TN, ovócitos no estágio de metáfase II foram enucleados usando micromanipuladores, fusionados com CGWs ou FB e então ativados artificialmente. Micrografias de microscopia de varredura revelaram que CGWs tiveram forma variada sob cultivo. Os marcadores mesenquimais de CTMs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) foram expressos em cultura de CGWs bovina, como evidenciado por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica e RT-PCR. Quando induzidas, estas células diferenciaram-se em osteócitos, condrócitos e adipócitos. Após classificação, as CGWs foram utilizadas na TN. A taxa de formação de blastocistos por TN com CGWs no sétimo dia de cultivo foi de 25,80±0,03%, similar a produção de blastócitos por TN com fibroblastos de pele (19,00±0,07). Gestações foram obtidas e mostraram que CGWs constituem um novo tipo celular para ser usado na clonagem animal. ABSTRACT: Wharton?s jelly is a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that had not yet been tested for bovine embryo production by nuclear transfer (NT). Thus, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize and test MSCs derived from Wharton?s jelly for embryo and pregnancy production by NT in cattle. The umbilical cord was collected during calving and cells derived from Wharton?s jelly (WJCs) were isolated by explant and cultured in Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Skin Fibroblasts (FB) were isolated after 6 months of life. Morphological analysis was performed by bright field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) during cell culture. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and differentiation induction in cell lineages were performed for WJC. In the NT procedure, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated using micromanipulators, fused with WJCs or FB and later activated artificially. SEM micrographs revealed that WJCs have variable shape under culture. Mesenchymal markers of MSCs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) were expressed in bovine-derived WJC cultures, as evidenced by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. When induced, these cells differentiated into osteocytes, chondrocytes and adipocytes. After classification, the WJCs were used in NT. Blastocyst formation rate by NT with WJCs at day 7 was 25.80±0.03%, similar to blatocyst rate with NT using skin fibroblasts (19.00±0.07%). Pregnancies were obtained and showed that WJCs constitute a new cell type for use in animal cloning.