900 resultados para Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)


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[EN] Objective: To explore the role of Major Vault Protein (MVP) in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma patients. Subjects and Methods: 131 consecutive patients suffering from oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma were included in the study. In the whole series, the mean follow-up for survivors was 123.11 ± 40.36 months. Patients in tumour stages I and II were referred to surgery; patients in stage III-IV to postoperative radiotherapy (mean dose = 62.13 ± 7.74 Gy in 1.8–2 Gy/fraction). MVP expression was studied by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded tumour tissue. Results: MVP expression was positive in 112 patients (85.5%) and no relation was found with clinic pathological variables. MVP overexpression (those tumours with moderate or strong expression of the protein) was related to insulin-like growth factor receptor-1 (IGF-1R) expression (P = 0.014). Tumour stage of the disease was the most important prognostic factor related to survival. Tumours overexpressing MVP and IGF-1R were strongly related to poor disease-free survival (P = 0.008, Exp(B) = 2.730, CI95% (1.302-5.724)) and cause-specific survival (P = 0.014, Exp(B) = 2.570, CI95% (1.215-5.437)) in patients achieving tumour stages III-IV, in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: MVP and IGF-1R expression were related in oral squamous cell carcinoma and conferred reduced long-term survival in patients suffering from advanced stages of the disease.


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Suusyöpä on yleisin pään ja kaulan alueen pahanlaatuisista kasvaimista. Niistä yli 90 % on levyepiteelikarsinoomia. Koska suusyöpäpotilaan viisivuotisennuste on vain noin 50 %, on jatkuva tarve löytää keinoja ennustamaan potilaan selviytymistä ja ohjaamaan hoitoa. Suun levyepiteelikarsinooman ympäristössä havaitaan säännöllisesti eosinofiilejä. Eosinofiili on ihmisen immuunijärjestelmän erikoistunut solu, joiden määrä lisääntyy sekä tulehdusreaktioissa että syöpien läheisyydessä. Toistaiseksi ei tiedetä, miten eosinofiilit liittyvät suun levyepiteelikarsinoomaan, mutta oletuksena on, että suusyöpään liittyvällä eosinofilialla, TATE (tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia), voisi olla vaikutusta suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan ennusteeseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää TATE:n ilmenemistä ja vaikutusta potilaan ennusteeseen suun levyepiteelikarsinoomassa. Lisäksi tutkimus käsittelee potilaan ennusteen kannalta optimaalista eosinofiilimäärän raja-arvoa, jota voitaisiin käyttää patologin työkaluna ennusteen arvioinnissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Turun yliopiston Suupatologian laitoksella vuosina 2002-2010 tutkituista 122 suuontelon ja huulen limakalvokoepalasta, jotka oli otettu diagnostisia tarkoituksia varten 99 potilaalta. Tutkimuksen potilaista 44 oli naisia ja 55 miehiä, ja heidän keski-ikänsä oli 65,3 vuotta. Seuranta-aika oli keskimäärin 40,7 kk. Kaksi tutkijaa analysoivat hematoksyliini-eosiinilla värjätyt näytteet suurentamalla ne 400-kertaisiksi valomikroskoopilla. Eosinofiilien määrä laskettiin yhteensä kuudelta edustavimmalta syövän ja strooman alueelta. TATE:n suhde potilaan kliinispatologisiin piirteisiin ja selviytymiseen selvitettiin Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan potilastiedoistoista ja analysoitiin tilastollisesti käyttämällä Fischerin testiä. Työllä oli Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin eettisen toimikunnan lupa (nro T10/2011, päätös O31/11). Levyepiteelikarsinooman kliininen kuva vaihteli haavaisen muutoksen ollessa yleisin. Yleisin sijainti levyepiteelikarsinoomalle oli kieli. TATE:a löydettiin 61,5 %:sta (78/122) levyepiteelikarsinoomanäytteitä. Mikäli TATE:a ei löydetty tai sen määrä oli korkea, oli potilaan selviytyminen tilastollisesti merkitsevästi parempi kuin potilailla, joilla TATE oli matala. Lisäanalyyseissä havaittiin, että potilaan ennuste oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi huonompi, mikäli TATE:n raja-arvo oli vähemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä per tutkittu mikroskooppinäkymä (HPF). TATE on täten merkki suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan paremmasta ennusteesta erityisesti, kun havaitaan enemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä/HPF. Tutkimustulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan kuitenkin jatkossa laajempia tutkimuksia.


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Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) often arise from dysplastic lesions. The role of cancer stem cells in tumour initiation is widely accepted, yet the potential existence of pre-cancerous stem cells in dysplastic tissue has received little attention. Cell lines from oral diseases ranging in severity from dysplasia to malignancy provide opportunity to investigate the involvement of stem cells in malignant progression from dysplasia. Stem cells are functionally defined by their ability to generate hierarchical tissue structures in consortium with spatial regulation. Organotypic cultures readily display tissue hierarchy in vitro; hence, in this study, we compared hierarchical expression of stem cell-associated markers in dermis-based organotypic cultures of oral epithelial cells from normal tissue (OKF6-TERT2), mild dysplasia (DOK), severe dysplasia (POE-9n) and OSCC (PE/CA P J15). Expression of CD44, p75NTR, CD24 and ALDH was studied in monolayers by flow cytometry and in organotypic cultures by immunohistochemistry. Spatial regulation of CD44 and p75NTR was evident for organotypic cultures of normal (OKF6-TERT2) and dysplasia (DOK and POE-9n) but was lacking for OSCC (PE/CA PJ15)-derived cells. Spatial regulation of CD24 was not evident. All monolayer cultures exhibited CD44, p75NTR, CD24 antigens and ALDH activity (ALDEFLUOR® assay), with a trend towards loss of population heterogeneity that mirrored disease severity. In monolayer, increased FOXA1 and decreased FOXA2 expression correlated with disease severity, but OCT3/4, Sox2 and NANOG did not. We conclude that dermis-based organotypic cultures give opportunity to investigate the mechanisms that underlie loss of spatial regulation of stem cell markers seen with OSCC-derived cells.


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For optimal treatment planning, a thorough assessment of the metastatic status of mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is required. Current imaging methods do not allow the recognition of all patients with metastatic disease. Therefore, elective treatment of the cervical lymph nodes is usually given to patients in whom the risk of subclinical metastasis is estimated to exceed 15-20%. The objective of this study was to improve the pre-treatment evaluation of patients diagnosed with HNSCC. Particularly, we aimed at improving the identification of patients who will benefit from elective neck treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest and abdomen was performed prospectively for 100 patients diagnosed with HNSCC. The findings were analysed to clarify the indications for this examination in this patient group. CT of the chest influenced the treatment approach in 3% of patients, while CT of the abdomen did not reveal any significant findings. Our results suggest that CT of the chest and abdomen is not indicated routinely for patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC but can be considered in selected cases. Retrospective analysis of 80 patients treated for early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue was performed to investigate the potential benefits of elective neck treatment and to examine whether histopathological features of the primary tumour could be used in the prediction of occult metastases, local recurrence, or/and poor survival. Patients who had received elective neck treatment had significantly fewer cervical recurrences during the follow-up when compared to those who only had close observation of the cervical lymph nodes. Elective neck treatment did not result in survival benefit, however. Of the histopathological parameters examined, depth of infiltration and pT-category (representing tumour diameter) predicted occult cervical metastasis, but only the pT-category predicted local recurrence. Depth of infiltration can be used in the identification of at risk patients but no clear cut-off value separating high-risk and low-risk patients was found. None of the histopathological parameters examined predicted survival. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was studied as a means of diagnosing patients with subclinical cervical metastases. SLN biopsy was applied to 46 patients who underwent elective neck dissection for oral squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, SLN biopsy was applied to 13 patients with small oral cavity tumours who were not intended to undergo elective neck dissection because of low risk of occult metastasis. The sensitivity of SLN biopsy for finding subclinical cervical metastases was found to be 67%, when SLN status was compared to the metastatic status of the rest of the neck dissection specimen. Of the patients not planned to have elective neck dissection, SLN biopsy revealed cervical metastasis in 15% of the patients. Our results suggest that SLN biopsy can not yet entirely replace elective neck dissection in the treatment of oral cancer, but it seems beneficial for patients with low risk of metastasis who are not intended for elective neck treatment according to current treatment protocols.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: Local invasion of bone is a frequent complication of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Development of these osteolytic lesions is mediated by osteoclasts. Receptor activation of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) signaling, counteracted by osteoprotegerin (OPG), regulates osteoclastogenesis. Previous studies in rodent models have demonstrated that inhibition of RANKL decreases tumor growth and lesions within bone. However, the contributory role of OSCC cells to this disease process has yet to be defined.Methods: RANKL expression was assessed in a panel of OSCC cell lines by qPCR, flow cytometry, and ELISA. Induction of osteoclastogenesis was assessed by co-culture with macrophages or with OSCC-derived conditioned medium. In an animal model of bone invasion, nude mice were injected intratibially with UMSCC-11B cells expressing a RANKL luciferase promoter to detect tumor-derived RANKL activity. Osteolytic lesions were analyzed by X-ray, micro-CT, and histological methods. RANKL expression was assessed in human OSCC tissues by immunohistochemistry.Results: We demonstrated that OSCCs express varied levels of all RANKL isoforms, both membrane-bound and soluble RANKL. Both co-culture and treatment with OSCC-conditioned media induced osteoclastogenesis. In mice, we demonstrated human RANKL promoter activity during bone invasion. Over the course of the experiment, animals suffered osteolytic lesions as RANKL-driven luciferase expression increased with time. After 8 weeks, human-derived RANKL was detected in areas of bone resorption by immunohistochemistry. Similar epithelial RANKL expression was detected in human OSCC tissues.Conclusion: These data demonstrate the ability of OSCCs to produce RANKL, directly altering the tumor microenvironment to increase osteoclastogenesis and mediate local bone invasion. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Human N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) is a metastasis suppressor gene with several potential functions, including cell differentiation, cell cycle regulation and response to hormones, nickel and stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immunoexpression of NDRG1 in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas searching for its role in the clinical course of these tumors. We investigated immunohistochemical expression of NDRG1 protein in 412 tissue microarray cores of tumor samples from 103 patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas and in 110 paraffin-embedded surgical margin sections. The results showed NDRG1 up-regulation in 101/103 (98.1 %) tumor samples, but no expression in any normal tissue sample. Western blot assays confirmed the immunohistochemical findings, suggesting that lower levels of NDRG1 are associated with a high mortality rate. NDRG1 overexpression was related to long-term specific survival (HR = 0.38; p = 0.009), whereas the presence of lymph-node metastasis showed the opposite association with survival (HR = 2.45; p = 0.013). Our findings reinforce the idea that NDRG1 plays a metastasis suppressor role in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas and may be a useful marker for these tumors.


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Purpose: To identify effective molecular diagnostic methods for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) to facilitate treatment of the disease in its initial stages. Methods: To identify molecular markers, OSCC tissue samples were collected from cancer patients and healthy controls. CD44+ cells were sorted using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Immunohistochemistry and immunostaining experiments were performed to identify markers for OSCC. Results: The qRT-PCR data confirmed the presence of oncogenic miR-155 in the OSCC samples. The immunohistochemical and immunostaining results confirmed the expression of Oct-4, an important target for the early diagnosis of OSCC, in oncogenic miR-155-positive OSCCs. Conclusion: Detection of the expression of miR-155 and Oct-4, which are key molecular markers, may be useful in improving the early diagnosis of OSCC.


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4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO)-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis is a useful model for studying oral squamous cell carcinoma. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of bcl-2 and bax during tongue carcinogenesis induced by 4NQO. Male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of 10 animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution through their drinking water for 4, 12 or 20 weeks. Ten animals were used as negative control. Although no histological changes were induced in the epithelium after 4 weeks of carcinogen exposure, bcl-2 and bax were over-expressed (P < 0.01) in all layers of the 'normal' epithelium. The expression levels were the same in all layers of epithelium for both the antibodies used (bcl-2 or bax). In dysplastic lesions at 12 weeks following carcinogen administration, the levels of bcl-2 and bax expression did not increase when compared to negative control with the immunoreactivity for bcl-2 being restricted to the superficial layer of epithelium. In well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma induced after 20 weeks of treatment with 4NQO, bcl-2 was expressed in some cells of tumour islands. on the other hand, immunostaining for bax was widely observed at the tumour nests. The labelling index for bcl-2 and bax showed an increase (P < 0.05) after only 4 weeks of 4NQO administration. In conclusion, our results suggest that abnormalities in the apoptosis pathways are associated with the development of persistent clones of mutated-epithelial cells in the oral mucosa. Bcl-2 and bax expression appears to be associated with a risk factor in the progression of oral cancer.


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Background: Cancer pain severely limits function and significantly reduces quality of life. Subtypes of sensory neurons involved in cancer pain and proliferation are not clear.Methods: We produced a cancer model by inoculating human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells into the hind paw of athymic mice. We quantified mechanical and thermal nociception using the paw withdrawal assays. Neurotoxins isolectin B4-saporin (IB4-SAP), or capsaicin was injected intrathecally to selectively ablate IB4(+) neurons or TRPV1(+) neurons, respectively. JNJ-17203212, a TRPV1 antagonist, was also injected intrathecally. TRPV1 protein expression in the spinal cord was quantified with western blot. Paw volume was measured by a plethysmometer and was used as an index for tumor size. Ki-67 immunostaining in mouse paw sections was performed to evaluate cancer proliferation in situ.Results: We showed that mice with SCC exhibited both mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity. Selective ablation of IB4(+) neurons by IB4-SAP decreased mechanical allodynia in mice with SCC. Selective ablation of TRPV1(+) neurons by intrathecal capsaicin injection, or TRPV1 antagonism by JNJ-17203212 in the IB4-SAP treated mice completely reversed SCC-induced thermal hyperalgesia, without affecting mechanical allodynia. Furthermore, TRPV1 protein expression was increased in the spinal cord of SCC mice compared to normal mice. Neither removal of IB4(+) or TRPV1(+) neurons affected SCC proliferation.Conclusions: We show in a mouse model that IB4(+) neurons play an important role in cancer-induced mechanical allodynia, while TRPV1 mediates cancer-induced thermal hyperalgesia. Characterization of the sensory fiber subtypes responsible for cancer pain could lead to the development of targeted therapeutics.


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Taking intraoperative frozen sections (FS) is a widely used procedure in oncologic surgery. However so far no evidence of an association of FS analysis and premalignant changes in the surgical margin exists. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of FS on different categories of the final margins of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and lips.


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to link expression patterns of B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) and p16 to patient outcome (recurrence and survival) in a cohort of 252 patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer (OSCC). METHODS: Expression levels of Bmi-1 and p16 in samples from 252 patients with OSCC were evaluated immunohistochemically using the tissue microarray method. Staining intensity was determined by calculating an intensity reactivity score (IRS). Staining intensity and the localization of expression within tumor cells (nuclear or cytoplasmic) were correlated with overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival. RESULTS: The majority of cancers were localized in the oropharynx (61.1%). In univariate analysis, patients who had OSCC and strong Bmi-1 expression (IRS >10) had worse outcomes compared with patients who had low and moderate Bmi-1 expression (P = .008; hazard ratio [HR], 1.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.167-2.838); this correlation was also observed for atypical cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression (P = .001; HR, 2.164; 95% CI, 1.389-3.371) and for negative p16 expression (P < .001; HR, 0.292; 95% CI, 0.178-0.477). The combination of both markers, as anticipated, had an even stronger correlation with overall survival (P < .001; HR, 8.485; 95% CI, 4.237-16.994). Multivariate analysis demonstrated significant results for patients with oropharyngeal cancers, but not for patients with oral cavity tumors: Tumor classification (P = .011; HR, 1.838; 95%CI, 1.146-2.947) and the combined marker expression patterns (P < .001; HR, 6.254; 95% CI, 2.869-13.635) were correlated with overall survival, disease-specific survival (tumor classification: P = .002; HR, 2.807; 95% CI, 1.477-5.334; combined markers: P = .002; HR, 5.386; 95% CI, 1.850-15.679), and the combined markers also were correlated with recurrence-free survival (P = .001; HR, 8.943; 95% CI, 2.562-31.220). CONCLUSIONS: Cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression, an absence of p16 expression, and especially the combination of those 2 predictive markers were correlated negatively with disease-specific and recurrence-free survival in patients with oropharyngeal cancer. Therefore, the current results indicate that these may be applicable as predictive markers in combination with other factors to select patients for more aggressive treatment and follow-up. Cancer 2011;. © 2011 American Cancer Society.