443 resultados para Optica cristalográfica


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El nuevo escenario internacional produce lo que se ha dado en caracterizar como la globalización del derecho, especialmente en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. En este contexto se analiza la incidencia del Sistema Interamericano de protección de los Derechos Humanos con especial énfasis en el derecho de la información, desde la optica del derecho interno. Nos preguntamos acerca de cómo se presenta la tensión entre la lógica estatal con su rasgo de afirmación en la soberanía y monopolio en la creación de la jurisdicción doméstica, con la doctrina del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, que consecuentemente conduce hacia una globalización jurídica de estos temas. Esto refleja un debilitamiento en el monopolio de creación y aplicación del derecho por parte de los Estados. A partir de este dato del escenario internacional buscamos determinar la incidencia de los informes de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y los pronunciamientos de la Corte Interamericana en materia de derecho de la información y su influencia en la jurisprudencia y creación de legislación en nuestro país. The new internacional scenario produces wtah has come to be characterized as the globalization of law, especially in the field of the human rights. In this context we analyze the impact of the Inter-American system of human Rights, whit particular emphasis on media law in domestic law


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Em uma zona cristalográfica podem ocorrer símbolos de faces, cujos índices de Miller, colocados em determinada ordem, formam aquilo que, em algebra, se conhece sob a designação de "série harmônica". Este trabalho mostra como tal possibilidade pode ser pesquisada.


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Aquest projecte s'ha realitzat al Servei de Microscòpia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i ha tingut una durada de dos anys (2006-2008). La finalitat d’aquest projecte ha estat l’elaboració de material didàctic basat en la captació d’imatges i l’edició de recursos pedagògics de suport digital aplicats a la ciència de materials. Es pretén millorar així la qualitat docent de les pràctiques de diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Física i d’Enginyeria de Materials utilitzant tècniques d’anàlisi actuals com són la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER) i la Microscòpia Optica (MO). Amb aquest projecte es vol fomentar també el treball interdisciplinari en equip entre professionals (docents i tècnics superiors de recerca) i acostar la teoria de les assignatures a la realització pràctica, facilitant el suport digital necessari per aconseguir un màxim aprofitament a les aules. Les imatges de MER i MO ajudaran als alumnes a familiaritzar-se amb el món de la recerca i la indústria.


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We report on three children with acute transverse myelitis. One of them also had optic neuritis. In connection with these three cases, we discuss etiology, diagnosis and outcome of transverse myelitis in childhood and possible involvement of the optic nerve. Our observations show the variability of spinal cord deficit and the fact that there can be a good prognosis, despite severe initial neurological deficits and massive elevation of basic myelin protein in children with ATM.


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El present treball ofereix una revisió de les pintures murals de la basílica de «Es Cap des Port» (Fornells, Menorca), així com un estudi de caracterització arqueometrica deIs materials i tecniques per microscopia optica, tant amb lupa binocular com amb micro scopi petrografic mitjanliant ¡¡lmina prima, difracció de raigs X i microscopia electronica de rastreig. Els resultats han permes identificar els pigments emprats, així com la seva tecnica d'aplicació. Igua!ment, han permes caracteritzar els morters i han desvelat l' existencia de dos tipus diferents de suporto Malgrat aquestes diferencies en els morters, els pigments són sempre els mateixos per a tots els conjunts pictorics caracteritzats.


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1.° Practica geometriae, ordinata per Magistrum Dominicum de Mastinario Clanaxio. — 2.° Tractatus brevis et utilis de proportionalitate motuum coelestium : authore Nicolao Oresme, Normanno. — 3.° Anonymi fragmentum de quadratura circuli. — 4.° Euclidis liber de speculis : initium desideratur. — 5.° Ejusdem perspectiva. — 6.° Anonymi liber de crepusculis. — 7.° Liber Jordanis de triangulis. — 8.° Ejusdem liber de ponderibus. — 9.° Libri duo de musica. — 10.° Joannis de Lineriis canones primi mobilis. — 11.° Canones minutiarum, sive fractionum arithmetica. — 12.° Magistri Leonis, Hebraei, tractatus de harmonicis numeris. — 13.° Ars novae musicae. — 14.° Ars cujusvis compositionis de motetis, compilata à Philippo de Vitry, Magistro in musica. — 15.° Magister Leo, Judaeus, Prognosticatio super conjunctione Saturni, Jovis et Martis. — 16.° Johannes de Muris Prognosticatio super eodem argumento. — 17.° Firminus de Bellavalle Prognosticatio de eodem argumento. — 18.° Planisphaerium Nicolai Jude. — 19.° Tractatus brevis de compositione et usu cylindri. — 20.° Epistola Petri Peregrini de Maricourt ad Sigermum de Foucaucourt, de magnete : ibi reperias delineationem veteris pyxidis nauticae. — 21.° Compositio tabulae quae saphea dicitur, sive astrolabium Arzachelis. — 22.° Tractatus de optica, dioptrica et catoptrica. — 23.° Canones astrolabii. — 24.° Variae receptae medicinales. — 25.° Plantarum usitatarum nomina, ordine alphabetico disposita. — 26.° Anonymi fragmentum de visione. — 27.° Propositiones notabiles octo librorum Aristotelis de physica auscultatione. — 28.° Dicta super libros de coelo et mundo Aristotelis. Decimo quarto saeculo videtur exaratus.


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Purpose: To analyze the therapeutic indications for off-label use of rituximab, the available evidence for its use, the outcomes, and the cost. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of patients treated with rituximab for off-label indications from January 2007 to December 2009 in two tertiary hospitals. Information on patient characteristics, medical conditions, and therapeutic responses was collected from medical records. Available evidence for the efficacy of rituximab in each condition was reviewed, and the cost of treatment was calculated. Results: A total of 101 cases of off-label rituximab use were analyzed. The median age of the patients involved was 53 [interquartile range (IQR) 37.568.0] years; 55.4 % were women. The indications for prescribing rituximab were primarily hematological diseases (46 %), systemic connective tissue disorders (27 %), and kidney diseases (20 %). Available evidence supporting rituximab treatment for these indications mainly came from individual cohort studies (53.5 % of cases) and case series (25.7 %). The short-term outcome (median 3 months, IQR 24 months) was a complete response in 38 % of cases and partial response in 32.6 %. The highest short-term responses were observed for systemic lupus erythematosus and membranous glomerulonephritis, and the lowest was for neuromyelitis optica, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and miscellaneous indications. Some response was maintained in long-term follow-up (median 23 months IQR 1230months) in 69.2%of patients showing a short-term response. Median cost per patient was 5,187.5 (IQR 5,187.57,781.3). Conclusions: In our study, off-label rituximab was mainly used for the treatment of hematological, kidney, and systemic connective tissue disorders, and the response among our patient cohort was variable depending on the specific disease. The level of evidence supporting the use of rituximab for these indications was low and the cost was very high. We conclude that more clinical trials on the off-label use of rituximab are needed, although these may be difficult to conduct in some rare diseases. Data from observational studies may provide useful information to assist prescribing in clinical practice.


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En el presente trabajo se estudian las variaciones de la dureza (microdureza) de los minerales, en función de la dirección cristalográfica en que se han medido. Los datos experimentales se han obtenido utilizando un equipo Vickers, siendo los minerales seleccionados para el estudio el cinabrio y la enargita


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Purpose: To analyze the therapeutic indications for off-label use of rituximab, the available evidence for its use, the outcomes, and the cost. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of patients treated with rituximab for off-label indications from January 2007 to December 2009 in two tertiary hospitals. Information on patient characteristics, medical conditions, and therapeutic responses was collected from medical records. Available evidence for the efficacy of rituximab in each condition was reviewed, and the cost of treatment was calculated. Results: A total of 101 cases of off-label rituximab use were analyzed. The median age of the patients involved was 53 [interquartile range (IQR) 37.5-68.0] years; 55.4 % were women. The indications for prescribing rituximab were primarily hematological diseases (46 %), systemic connective tissue disorders (27 %), and kidney diseases (20 %). Available evidence supporting rituximab treatment for these indications mainly came from individual cohort studies (53.5 % of cases) and case series (25.7 %). The short-term outcome (median 3 months, IQR 2-4 months) was a complete response in 38 % of cases and partial response in 32.6 %. The highest short-term responses were observed for systemic lupus erythematosus and membranous glomerulonephritis, and the lowest was for neuromyelitis optica, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and miscellaneous indications. Some response was maintained in long-term follow-up (median 23 months IQR 12-30months) in 69.2%of patients showing a short-term response. Median cost per patient was 5,187.5 (IQR 5,187.5-7,781.3). Conclusions: In our study, off-label rituximab was mainly used for the treatment of hematological, kidney, and systemic connective tissue disorders, and the response among our patient cohort was variable depending on the specific disease. The level of evidence supporting the use of rituximab for these indications was low and the cost was very high. We conclude that more clinical trials on the off-label use of rituximab are needed, although these may be difficult to conduct in some rare diseases. Data from observational studies may provide useful information to assist prescribing in clinical practice.


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En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de las reacciones de Síntesis Autopropagada a Alta Temperatura (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, SHS) de Nitruro de Silicio. La síntesis autopropagada a alta temperatura consiste básicamente en la generación de reacciones altamente exotérmicas capaces de automantenerse. Se puede considerar como principal ventaja del método el ahorro energético que supone. La síntesis se realiza sobre una mezcla inicial de silicio metálico sobre la cual se realizan adiciones de diluyente y otros aditivos (sales amónicas) que afectan al desarrollo de la reacción. Se ha estudiado la influencia que en este sistema pueden tener las proporciones de las distintas incorporaciones en la mezcla, tanto en el material resultante como en las condiciones de reacción. Igualmente se ha estudiado la posibilidad de utilización de nuevos aditivos que puedan minimizar el impacto medio ambiental. Se presentan los estudios microestructurales del material obtenido, la identificación cristalográfica de las fases presentes así como los comportamientos de los parámetros que definen la propia reacción. Con la información obtenida se propone el mecanismo predominante de la síntesis del Nitruro de Silicio mediante SHS.


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D'abord versé dans le Supplément grec; cf. H. Omont, Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale. Troisième partie. Ancien fonds grec. Belles lettres. Coislin. Supplément. Paris et département, Paris 1888, 240; — figure sur la liste récapitulative d'acquisitions du 10 mars 1756 parmi 34 volumes "provenant de chez M. Bouillaud et qui etoient chés M. de Saint-Port"; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, Archives Ancien Régime 65, registre des acquisitions du département des Manuscrits 1667-1758, f. 357v "Recueil in fol. cotté sur dos: Ptolemaeus de optica et alii, contenant (...) in fol. sur pap."


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The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.


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Texto-Guía para la asignatura de matemáticas, materia obligatoria en los planes de estudio de la diplomatura de Optica y Optometría. El programa consta de 9 capítulos de dicados a: números y desigualdades; cálculo diferencial e integral de una variable; ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias; álgebra lineal y geometría analítica; cálculos diferencial e integral en varias variables y estadística descriptiva unidimensional y bidimensional.