54 resultados para OpenFoam


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The analysis of the wind flow around buildings has a great interest from the point of view of the wind energy assessment, pollutant dispersion control, natural ventilation and pedestrians wind comfort and safety. Since LES turbulence models are computationally time consuming when applied to real geometries, RANS models are still widely used. However, RANS models are very sensitive to the chosen turbulence parametrisation and the results can vary according to the application. In this investigation, the simulation of the wind flow around an isolated building is performed using various types of RANS turbulence models in the open source code OpenFOAM, and the results are compared with benchmark experimental data. In order to confirm the numerical accuracy of the simulations, a grid dependency analysis is performed and the convergence index and rate are calculated. Hit rates are calculated for all the cases and the models that successfully pass a validation criterion are analysed at different regions of the building roof, and the most accurate RANS models for the modelling of the flow at each region are identified. The characteristics of the wind flow at each region are also analysed from the point of view of the wind energy generation, and the most adequate wind turbine model for the wind energy exploitation at each region of the building roof is chosen.


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Computational models for the investigation of flows in deformable tubes are developed and implemented in the open source computing environment OpenFOAM. Various simulations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids under various flow conditions are carried out and analyzed. First, simulations are performed to investigate the flow of a shear-thinning, non-Newtonian fluid in a collapsed elastic tube and comparisons are made with experimental data. The fluid is modeled by means of the Bird-Carreau viscosity law. The computational domain of the deformed tube is constructed from data obtained via computer tomography imaging. Comparison of the computed velocity fields with the ultrasound Doppler velocity profile measurements show good agreement, as does the adjusted pressure drop along the tube's axis. Analysis of the shear rates show that the shear-thinning effect of the fluid becomes relevant in the cross-sections with the biggest deformation. The peristaltic motion is simulated by means of upper and lower rollers squeezing the fluid along a tube. Two frames of reference are considered. In the moving frame the computational domain is fixed and the coordinate system is moving with the roller speed, and in the fixed frame the roller is represented by a deforming mesh. Several two-dimensional simulations are carried out for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The effect of the shear-thinning behavior of the fluid on the transport efficiency is examined. In addition, the influence of the roller speed and the gap width between the rollers on the xxvii transport efficiency is discussed. Comparison with experimental data is also presented and different types of moving waves are implemented. In addition, the influence of the roller speed and the gap width between the rollers on the transport efficiency is discussed. Comparison with experimental data is also presented and different types of moving waves are implemented.


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Dans les turbomachines, le bruit du volume tournant est considéré comme une source majeure d’inconfort. La connaissance et l’identification des sources de bruit du rotor sont primordiales pour la conception d’une machine silencieuse et énergétiquement plus efficace. Ce document examine la capacité à la fois de la décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs (POD) et la décomposition aux valeurs singulières (SVD) à identifier les zones sur la surface d’une source (pale de ventilateur) fixe ou en mouvement subsonique qui contribuent le plus à la puissance acoustique rayonnée. La méthode de calcul de la dynamique des fluides (CFD) du code source OpenFoam est utilisée comme une première étape pour évaluer le champ de pression à la surface de la pale en mouvement subsonique. Les fluctuations de ce champ de pression permettent d’estimer à la fois le bruit de charge et la puissance sonore qui est rayonnée par la pale basée sur l’analogie acoustique de Ffowcs Williams et Hawkings (FW&H). Dans une deuxième étape, le bruit de charge estimé est également utilisé tant pour les approches POD et SVD. On remarque que la puissance sonore reconstruite par les deux dernières approches en se fondant uniquement sur les modes acoustiques les plus importants est similaire à celle prédite par l’analogie de FW&H. De plus, les modes les plus rayonnants estimés par la méthode SVD sont projetés sur la surface de la pale, mettant ainsi en évidence leurs emplacements. Il est alors prévu que cette identification soit utilisée comme guide pour l’ingénieur dans la conception d’une roue moins bruyante.


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The main objective of this PhD thesis is to optimize a specific multifunctional maritime structure for harbour protection and energy production, named Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC), developed by the team of the University of Campania. This device is provided with a sloping plate followed by a unique reservoir, which is linked with the machine room (where the energy conversion occurs) by means of a pipe passing through the crown wall, provided with a parapet on top of it. Therefore, the potential energy of the overtopping waves, collected inside the reservoir located above the still water level, is then converted by means of low – head turbines. In order to improve the understanding of the wave – structure interactions with OBREC, several methodologies have been used and combined together: i. analysis of recent experimental campaigns on wave overtopping discharges and pressures at the crown wall on small – scale OBREC cross sections, carried out in other laboratories by the team of the University of Campania; ii. new experiments on cross sections similar to the OBREC device, planned and carried out in the hydraulic lab at the University of Bologna in the framework of this PhD work; iii. numerical modelling with a 1 – phase incompressible fluid model IH – 2VOF, developed by the University of Cantabria, and with a 2 – phase incompressible fluid model OpenFOAM, both available from the literature; iv. numerical modelling with a new 2 – phase compressible fluid model developed in the OpenFOAM environment within this PhD work; v. analysis of the data gained from the monitoring of the OBREC prototype installation.


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Lo studio ha lo scopo di analizzare la fluidodinamica di una caldaia di un co-inceneritore presente a Widmerpool (Nottingham, UK) costruito dall'azienda "STC Power, s.r.l.". L'obiettivo è analizzare profili di velocità, temperatura, densità, calore scambiato e tempo di residenza lungo il bruciatore del suddetto impianto per valutare la possibilità di formazione gas nocivi, come le diossine, durante il processo di combustione. Per la generazione della mesh per le simulazioni fluidodinamiche si sono utilizzati due differenti software: Salome (software open source) e starCCM+ (software con licenza). In particolare sono state prodotte due mesh differenti attraverso Salome. I risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni con le due mesh sono stati messi a confronto con i risultati prodotti dalla simulazione con la mesh di starCCM+ per provare l'utilizzabilità di software open source anche nei casi ingegneristici reali. Nello studio si discusso inizialmente degli inceneritori a biomassa in maniera generale per poi concentrarsi sulle possibili emissioni che possono essere prodotte da un impianto di questo tipo e sui sistemi di controllo della combustione e abbattimento dei fumi. Si è descritto successivamente l'impianto analizzato e le condizioni di funzionamento analizzate. Sono stati descritti inoltre il metodo di costruzione delle tre diverse meshes, il solutore utilizzato e come sono state impostate le condizioni a contorno. Infine sono stati riportati i risultati e le conclusioni che hanno riportato una temperatura adatta all'abbattimento degli NOx alla'altezza dell'SNCR, tempi di residenza medi conformi con le normative e profili di temperature e velocità corrispondenti a quelle aspettate dalla caldaia. Infine si sono analizzate le differenze tra i risultati ottenuti dalle tre simulazioni con le diverse meshes.


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This thesis is based on two studies that are related to floating wave energy conversion (WEC) devices and turbulent fountains. The ability of the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM® has been studied to simulate these phenomena. The CFD model has been compared with the physical experimental results. The first study presents a model of a WEC device, called MoonWEC, which is patented by the University of Bologna. The CFD model of the MoonWEC under the action of waves has been simulated using OpenFOAM and the results are promising. The reliability of the CFD model is confirmed by the laboratory experiments, conducted at the University of Bologna, for which a small-scale prototype of the MoonWEC was made from wood and brass. The second part of the thesis is related to the turbulent fountains which are formed when a heavier source fluid is injected upward into a lighter ambient fluid, or else a lighter source fluid is injected downward into a heavier ambient fluid. For this study, the first case is considered for laboratory experiments and the corresponding CFD model. The vertical releases of the source fluids into a quiescent, uniform ambient fluid, from a circular source, were studied with different densities in the laboratory experiments, conducted at the University of Parma. The CFD model has been set up for these experiments. Favourable results have been observed from the OpenFOAM simulations for the turbulent fountains as well, indicating that it can be a reliable tool for the simulation of such phenomena.


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In questo lavoro di tesi si è voluta creare una metodologia solida per la generazione di geome-trie banchi di flussaggio stazionario, sia per Tumble che per Swirl, a varie alzate valvole (in questo caso solo aspirazione, ma estendibile anche a quelle di scarico), avvalendosi del soft-ware SALOME; seguite da creazione griglia di calcolo e infine simulazione in ambiente Open-FOAM. Per prima cosa si è importata la geometria creata in un CAD esterno e importata in SALOME in formato STEP. A seguito si sono posizionate le valvole all’alzata da simulare, insieme alla creazione del falso cilindro, diversificato tra il caso Tumble e Swirl. Si è importato il file del banco di flussaggio, in formato STL, in snappyHexMesh e generata la griglia; questa è stata utilizzata per la simulazione in ambiente OpenFOAM, utilizzando l’utility rhoPorousSimpleFoam. Infine, si sono estratti i dati per il calcolo di grandezze utili, coppia di Tumble/Swirl e portata in massa, oltre alla creazione di immagini di visualizzazione campi di moto, utilizzando il post processore ParaView. In parallelo si è sviluppata l’automatizzazione delle varie fasi servendosi sia di script scritti in python che in bash.


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The main focus of this work is to define a numerical methodology to simulate an aerospike engine and then to analyse the performance of DemoP1, which is a small aerospike demonstrator built by Pangea Aerospace. The aerospike is a promising solution to build more efficient engine than the actual one. Its main advantage is the expansion adaptation that allows to reach the optimal expansion in a wide range of ambient pressures delivering more thrust than an equivalent bell-shaped nozzle. The main drawbacks are the cooling system design and the spike manufacturing but nowadays, these issues seem to be overcome with the use of the additive manufacturing method. The simulations are performed with dbnsTurbFoam which is a solver of OpenFOAM. It has been designed to simulate a supersonic compressible turbulent flow. This work is divided in four chapters. The first one is a short introduction. The second one shows a brief summary of the theoretical performance of the aerospike. The third one introduces the numerical methodology to simulate a compressible supersonic flow. In the fourth chapter, the solver has been verified with an experiment found in literature. And in the fifth chapter, the simulations on DemoP1 engine are illustrated.


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Since the majority of the population of the world lives in cities and that this number is expected to increase in the next years, one of the biggest challenges of the research is the determination of the risk deriving from high temperatures experienced in urban areas, together with improving responses to climate-related disasters, for example by introducing in the urban context vegetation or built infrastructures that can improve the air quality. In this work, we will investigate how different setups of the boundary and initial conditions set on an urban canyon generate different patterns of the dispersion of a pollutant. To do so we will exploit the low computational cost of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations to reproduce the dynamics of an infinite array of two-dimensional square urban canyons. A pollutant is released at the street level to mimic the presence of traffic. RANS simulations are run using the k-ɛ closure model and vertical profiles of significant variables of the urban canyon, namely the velocity, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the concentration, are represented. This is done using the open-source software OpenFOAM and modifying the standard solver simpleFoam to include the concentration equation and the temperature by introducing a buoyancy term in the governing equations. The results of the simulation are validated with experimental results and products of Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) from previous works showing that the simulation is able to reproduce all the quantities under examination with satisfactory accuracy. Moreover, this comparison shows that despite LES are known to be more accurate albeit more expensive, RANS simulations represent a reliable tool if a smaller computational cost is needed. Overall, this work exploits the low computational cost of RANS simulations to produce multiple scenarios useful to evaluate how the dispersion of a pollutant changes by a modification of key variables, such as the temperature.