984 resultados para Open pit deformation


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A mineração de carvão em lavra a céu aberto provoca a mistura dos materiais sobrejacentes ao carvão e que são, posteriormente, utilizados no preenchimento das cavas mineradas. O processo de construção dos solos e a mistura podem ocasionar problemas ambientais pelas alterações quimicas e fisicas provocadas nos solos construidos. A fimde comparar solos construidos de diferentes idades, caracterizou-se a coluna geológica. o ~Io natural originale solos construidos de 2 anos e de 24 anos da mina de carvão Boa Vista, no Municípiode Minas do Leão, RS. A descrição morfológicado perfil do solo e as análises quimicas e fisicas demonstram que os solos construidos apresentam sérias limitações físicas, impedindo o desenvolvimento normal da vegetação. Ademais. diferenças quimicas entre os perfis de diferentes idades originam-se principalmente da utilização de materiais geológicos e processos de construção distintos, do que pelos processos pedogenéticos. Quanto à evolução temporal dos solos construidos, observou-se que está fortemente caracterizada pela intemperização acido-sulfatada, intensificando-se na sub-área mais antiga. O potencial de acidificação e o potencial de neutralização determínados na coluna geológica indicam a existência de camadas com alto potencial gerador de Drenagem Ácida de Minas, recomendando-se o cuidado na deposição final destas camadas. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as propriedades químicas e fisicas determinadas nos solos construidos servem como indicadores para o monitoramentode áreas construídas,visando a prevenção de danos ambientais.


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During the building of a hydroelectrical power plant at Ilha Solteira in the Parana River (Brazil), materials of a highly weathered soil Oxisol were extracted from a depth between 5 and 8 m for engineering works. This resulted in an abandoned depression area. The topsoil was not salvaged and the open pit was not backfilled, and as result vegetation hardly or not at all recovered. on the residual saprolite materials, an experimental field was established to assess different soil rehabilitation treatments. Field experiments were initiated in 1992. After soil tillage, two different crops and three different liming strategies were compared, giving six combinations. In addition, two uncropped control treatments, tilled and no-tilled, were established so that a total of eight treatments were assessed. The experimental design consisted of four randomized experimental blocks, which included a total of 32 plots with a plot area of 100 m(2). This experiment was used to study the effectiveness of the soil-reclamation treatments after a 9-year period. Soil samples were taken at three different depths (0-10, 10-20, and 20-40 cm), and they were analyzed routinely for pH, organic-matter content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Revegetation of the abandoned saprolite material increased soil organic-matter content and cation exchange capacity (CEC), and to some extent small differences between treatments were evidenced. Exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) recovered faster than organic-matter content. A significant linear relationship was found between organic-matter content and CEC, suggesting continued addition of organic material will further approach the value of these parameters to those levels corresponding to natural soils under "Cerrado" vegetation.


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in the city of Limeira, southeastern Brazil, an important exposure of Permian sediments of the Parana basin was revealed by an open pit mine that exploits limestone for production of soil correction compounds and raw materials for the ceramic industry. The radioactivity of these sediments was investigated in some detail and the results provided a general view of the vertical distributions of uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations and of the element ratios U/K, U/Th and Th/K. In general, the concentrations of the main natural radioactive elements are low, with uranium being enriched in some limestone and shale levels. In addition the results showed that the U-238 series is in radioactive disequilibrium in many of the analyzed samples. Although the origin of the observed disequilibrium has not been investigated, the results suggest that it is due to weathering processes and water interaction with the rock matrix. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) represents one of the biggest aquifers in the world and is the most relevant groundwater resource in South America. For the first time, by combining field and laboratory measurements, a high-resolution aquifer analog model of fluvial-aeolian sediments of the GAS in São Paulo State (Brazil) is constructed. Three parallel sections of frontal outcrops, 28 m × 5.8 m, and two parallel sections of lateral outcrops, 7 m × 5.8 m, are recorded during open-pit mining of sandy sediments and describe in detail the three-dimensional distribution of the local lithofacies and hydrofacies. Variations of hydraulic conductivity, K, and porosity, n, are resolved on the centimeter scale, and the most permeable units of the fluvial-aeolian facies association are identified. The constructed aquifer analog model shows moderate hydraulic heterogeneity and a mean K value of 1.36 × 10-4 m/s, which is greater than the reported range of K values for the entire GAS in São Paulo State. The results suggest that the examined sedimentary unit constitutes a relevant portion of the GAS in São Paulo State in the context of groundwater extraction and pollution. Moreover, the constructed aquifer analog is considered an ideal basis for future numerical model experiments, aiming at in-depth understanding of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport patterns at this GAS portion or at comparable fluvial-aeolian facies associations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Die (Wieder-)Nutzung auf Schwerkraft basierender Fördertechniken, die insbesondere durch das niedrige Energiepreisniveau in den Jahrzehnten nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der Tagebautechnik nahezu vollständig verdrängt wurden, ist bei den heutigen wirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen und anzustrebenden ökologischen Standards eine Herausforderung für die bergbautreibende Industrie. Seit Aufnahme der Entwicklung des Förderkonzeptes – Geführte Versturztechnik – Mitte der 1990er Jahre haben sich die Kosten für Rohöl vor Steuern nach dem Tiefstand um das Jahr 1998 bis heute mehr als verdreifacht, alleine seit 2004 mehr als verdoppelt. Gesetzliche Regelwerke wie die europäische IVU-Richtlinie 96/61/EG zur „integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung“ fordern, Genehmigungen nur noch bei Einsatz der besten verfügbaren Techniken (BVT oder BAT: „best available techniques“) zu erteilen. Die Umsetzung in nationale Vorschriften wie das Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz und nachgeordnete Regelwerke fordern hierauf aufbauend, dass Umweltbelastungen nicht in andere Medien verlagert werden dürfen. Die Anordnung einer Versturzrinne zur Nutzung von Massenschwerebewegungen am Beispiel von Quarzitabbau im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge bei denen die Förderbezugsebene unterhalb der Strossen liegt, die zur sichern und selektiven Gewinnung des Rohstoffs aufgefahren werden müssen, erfüllt durch Rückgriff auf ein vermeintlich „archaisches“ Förderkonzept durch Nutzung der Schwerkraft die obigen Anforderungen. Offenkundige Umweltbelastungen, die alleine durch die Verbrennung von Dieselkraftstoff und hieraus resultierender Schadstoff- und Wärmeeinträge in die Luft beim verbreiteten Einsatz von SLKW zur Abwärtsförderung entstehen, können erheblich vermindert werden. Der Aspekt der Betriebssicherheit einer solchen Anordnung kann durch Auffahren eines geradlinigen Bauwerks mit an das Fördergut angepassten Dimensionen sowie Einrichtungen zur Beschränkung der kinetischen Energie erreicht werden. Diese stellen auch gleichzeitig sicher, dass die Zerkleinerung des durch die Versturzrinne abwärts transportierten Materials betrieblich zulässige Grenzen nicht überschreitet. Hierfür kann auf das umfangreiche Wissen zu Massenschwerebewegungen Rückgriff genommen werden. Dem Aspekt des Umweltschutzes, der sich in Bezug auf das Medium Luft auf den autochtonen Staub reduziert, kann durch Vorrichtungen zur Staubniederschlagung Rechnung getragen werden. Vertiefende Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um die mit komplexen, aber erprobten Techniken arbeitende Tagebauindustrie auch in dicht besiedelten Regionen wieder an die Nutzung von Schwerkraft (-gestützten) Fördertechniken heranzuführen. Auch das Konzept – Geführte Versturztechnik – ist auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle hin in Details anzupassen.


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L'approvvigionamento di risorse minerali e la tutela dell'ambiente sono spesso considerate attività contrapposte ed inconciliabili, ma in realtà rappresentano due necessità imprescindibili per le società moderne. Le georisorse, in quanto non rinnovabili, devono essere valorizzate in maniera efficiente, adoperando strumenti che garantiscano la sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica degli interventi estrattivi. La necessità di tutelare il territorio e migliorare la qualità della vita delle comunità locali impone alla Pubblica Amministrazione di implementare misure per la riqualificazione di aree degradate, ma fino ai primi anni '90 la normativa di settore non prevedeva strumenti a tal proposito, e ciò ha portato alla proliferazione di siti estrattivi dismessi e abbandonati senza interventi di recupero ambientale. Il presente lavoro di ricerca fornisce contributi innovativi alla pianificazione e progettazione sostenibile delle attività estrattive, attraverso l'adozione di un approccio multidisciplinare alla trattazione del tema e l'utilizzo esperto dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici, in particolare GRASS GIS. A seguito di una approfondita analisi in merito agli strumenti e le procedure adottate nella pianificazione delle Attività Estrattive in Italia, sono stati sviluppati un metodo di indagine ed un sistema esperto per la previsione ed il controllo delle vibrazioni indotte nel terreno da volate in cava a cielo aperto, che consentono di ottimizzare la progettazione della volata e del sistema di monitoraggio delle vibrazioni grazie a specifici strumenti operativi implementati in GRASS GIS. A supporto di una più efficace programmazione di interventi di riqualificazione territoriale, è stata messa a punto una procedura per la selezione di siti dismessi e di potenziali interventi di riqualificazione, che ottimizza le attività di pianificazione individuando interventi caratterizzati da elevata sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano la necessità di un approccio esperto alla pianificazione ed alla progettazione delle attività estrattive, incrementandone la sostenibilità attraverso l'adozione di strumenti operativi più efficienti.


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In this issue...Dr. Van Pelt, Anderson-Carlisle Society, Rose Garden Party, Main Hall, Gordon Parker, Magma Yearbook, Berkley Open Pit, Malmstrom Air Force Base


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las relaciones de cooperación y conflicto entre una compañía minera y las comunidades, los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales y los tres niveles de gobierno involucrados. La compañía Minera inició operaciones para una mina a cielo abierto de oro y plata con el apoyo de los gobiernos locales, estatales y federal. Los habitantes de estas comunidades apoyados por grupos ambientalistas y Organizaciones No Gubernamentales argumentan que el proyecto contamina las Fuentes de agua fresca además de perturbar el medio ambiente y la ecología de la región. La metodología empleada consistió en un análisis histórico social para determinar, en un estudio exploratorio, las principales variables económicas, políticas, legales, sociales y culturales que inciden en el caso, sobre todo después de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Los hallazgos de esta investigación contribuyen a explicar las relaciones de cooperación y conflicto entre las empresas multinacionales que operan en las comunidades, a analizar el rol del gobierno en sus tres niveles y de los nuevos movimientos sociales en la conformación de las economías locales bajo procesos de integración económica regional. Los resultados también son de relevancia por sus contribuciones para el entendimiento de procesos de responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas transnacionales y los procesos de contestación y acción colectiva de los nuevos movimientos sociales en el desarrollo económico y ambiental de las comunidades locales.


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Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3. Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements.


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El proyecto se centra en la caracterización, evaluación, diseño de la explotación y tratamiento de un yacimiento de fosfato precámbrico cristalizado. Este se desarrolla a partir de los datos obtenidos de la prospección minera del mismo realizada anteriormente. Esto condujo a la evaluación mediante modelo de bloques y el diseño de explotación por el método de cielo abierto. El diseño de la planta de tratamiento se basó en estudios mineralúrgicos y de recuperación, incluyendo el cálculo del relleno de las cámaras con pasta y el vertido de estériles necesario. Completado con el plan de restauración cierre y abandono de la explotación. ABSTRACT The project focuses on the characterization, evaluation, design of mining operation and processing plant of precambrian phosphate deposit. This is developed from data obtained from the mineral exploration undertaken previously. This led to the evaluation by the block model designing and operating by open pit method. The design of the treatment plant was based on mineralurgy studies and mineral recovery, including the calculation of filled labors with pasta and sterile deposit necessary. Completed with the restoration, close and abandonment plan of the mine.


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Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3 . Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements. RESUMEN Se han analizado veinte voladuras de producción en dos minas a cielo abierto, en rocas con resistencia entre media y muy alta. Se usaron tres agentes de voladura diferentes (ANFO, hidrogel y emulsión mezcla), con consumos específicos entre 0.88 y 1.45 kg/m3 . Las excavadoras eran cargadoras frontales y palas de cables. Se midió cuidadosamente las propiedades de la roca, las características de las voladuras y las velocidades de carga, a partir de las cuales se desarrolla un modelo para el cálculo de la productividad de las excavadoras en el que ésta es función de una productividad máxima o ideal multiplicada por una eficacia operativa. La producción máxima es función de la capacidad del cazo y la eficiencia es función de la densidad y resistencia de la roca, y de la concentración energética del explosivo en la roca. El modelo tiene significación estadística y explica un 92 % de la varianza de las medidas de velocidad.


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An alternative explanation for the modes of failure of large scale failures of open pit walls to those of classical slope stability theory is proposed that makes use of the concept of a transition zone, which is described by a modified Prandtls prism.


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The hydrochemistry and the microbial diversity of a pristine aquifer system near Garzweiler, Germany next to the open-pit lignite mine Garzweiler 1, were characterized. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data indicate a recent activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Tertiary marine sands. The community structure in the aquifer was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Up to 7.3 x 10**5 cells/ml were detected by DAPIstaining. Bacteria (identified by the probe EUB338) were dominant, representing 51.9% of the total cell number (DAPI). Another 25.7% of total cell were affiliated with the domain Archaea as identified by the probe ARCH915. Within the domain Bacteria, the beta-Proteobacteria were most abundant (21.0% of total cell counts). Using genusspecific probes for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), 2.5% of the total cells were identified as members of the genus Desulfotomaculum. This reflects the predominant role these microorganisms have been found to play in sulfatereducing zones of aquifers at other sites. Previously, all SRB cultured from this site were from the spore-forming genera Desulfotomaculum and Desulfosporosinus. Samples were taken after pumping for >= 40 min and after parameters such as temperature, pH, redox potential, oxygen and conductivity of the groundwater had remained stable for >= 15 min due to recharge of aquifer water. Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)- stained cells were performed as described in Snaidr et al., (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800-1000 DAPI stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations and oligonucleotide probes used please see further details.