953 resultados para Open Reading Frame


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The 3' terminal 1255 nt sequence of Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) genomic RNA has been determined from a set of overlapping cDNA clones. The open reading frame (ORF) at the 3' terminus corresponds to the amino acid sequence of the coat protein (CP) determined earlier except for the absence of the dipeptide, Lys-Leu, at position 110-111. In addiition, the sequence upstream of the CP gene contains the message coding for 178 amino acid residues of the C-terminus of the putative replicase protein (RP). The sequence downstream of the CP gene contains an untranslated region whose terminal 80 nucleotides can be folded into a characteristic tRNA-like structure. A phylogenetic tree constructed after aligning separately the sequence of the CP, the replicase protein (RP) and the tRNA-like structure determined in this study with the corresponding sequences of other tymoviruses shows that PhMV wrongly named belladonna mottle virus [BDMV(I)] is a separate tymovirus and not another strain of BDMV(E) as originally envisaged. The phylogenetic tree in all the three cases is identical showing that any subset of genomic sequence of sufficient length can be used for establishing evolutionary relationships among tymoviruses.


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Heat shock protein 90 participates in diverse biological processes ranging from protein folding, cell cycle, signal transduction and development to evolution in all eukaryotes. It is also critically involved in regulating growth of protozoa such as Dictyostelium discoideum, Leishmania donovani, Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Trypanosoma evansi. Selective inhibition of Hsp90 has also been explored as an intervention strategy against important human diseases such as cancer, malaria, or trypanosomiasis. Giardia lamblia, a simple protozoan parasite of humans and animals, is an important cause of diarrheal disease with significant morbidity and some mortality in tropical countries. Here we show that the G. lamblia cytosolic hsp90 ( glhsp90) is split in two similar sized fragments located 777 kb apart on the same scaffold. Intrigued by this unique arrangement, which appears to be specific for the Giardiinae, we have investigated the biosynthesis of GlHsp90. We used genome sequencing to confirm the split nature of the giardial hsp90. However, a specific antibody raised against the peptide detected a product with a mass of about 80 kDa, suggesting a post-transcriptional rescue of the genomic defect. We show evidence for the joining of the two independent Hsp90 transcripts in-trans to one long mature mRNA presumably by RNA splicing. The splicing junction carries hallmarks of classical cis-spliced introns, suggesting that the regular cis-splicing machinery may be sufficient for repair of the open reading frame. A complementary 26-nt sequence in the ``intron'' regions adjacent to the splice sites may assist in positioning the two pre-mRNAs for processing. This is the first example of post-transcriptional rescue of a split gene by trans-splicing.


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The structural proteins of mycobacteriophage I3 have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), radioiodination and immunoblotting. Based on their abundance the 34- and 70-kDa bands appeared to represent the major structural proteins. Successful cloning and expression of the 70-kDa protein-encoding gene of phage I3 in Escherichia coli and its complete nucleotide sequence determination have been accomplished, A second (partial) open reading frame following the stop codon for the 70-kDa protein was also identified within the cloned fragment. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the 70-kDa protein and the codon usage patterns indicated the preponderance of codons, as predicted from the high G+C content of the genomic DNA of phage I3.


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We describe here the characterization of the gene gp64 encoding the envelope fusion protein GP64 (open reading frame) ORF 105 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV). gp64 was transcribed from the early to late stages of infection and the transcripts were seen from 6 to 72 h post infection (hpi). The early transcripts initiated from a consensus CAGT motif while the late transcripts arose from three conserved TAAG motifs, all of which were located in the near upstream region of the coding sequence. Both early and late transcripts terminated at a run of T residues following the second polyadenylation signal located 31 nt downstream of the translation termination codon. BmGP64 protein was detectable from 6 hpi and was present in larger quantities throughout the infection process from 12 hpi, in BmNPV-infected BmN cells. The persistent presence of GP64 in BmN cells differed from the protein expression pattern of GP64 in Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus infection, where the protein levels decreased significantly by late times (48 hpi). BmGP64 was located in the membrane and cytoplasm of the infected host cells and as a component of the budded virions. The production of infectious budded virus and the fusion activity were reduced when glycosylation of GP64 was inhibited. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the noninfectious soil saprophyte Mycobacterium smegmatis, intracellular levels of the stress alarmones guanosine tetraphosphate and guanosine pentaphosphate, together termed (p)ppGpp, are regulated by the enzyme Rel(Msm). This enzyme consists of a single, bifunctional polypeptide chain that is capable of both synthesizing and hydrolyzing (p)ppGpp. The rel(Msm), knockout strain of M. smegmatis (Delta rel(Msm)) is expected to show a (p)ppGpp null (p)ppGpp(0)] phenotype. Contrary to this expectation, the strain is capable of synthesizing (p)ppGpp in vivo. In this study, we identify and functionally characterize the open reading frame (ORF), MSMEG_5849, that encodes a second functional (p)ppGpp synthetase in M. smegmatis. In addition to (p)ppGpp synthesis, the 567-amino-acid-long protein encoded by this gene is capable of hydrolyzing RNA(.)DNA hybrids and bears similarity to the conventional RNase HII enzymes. We have classified this protein as actRel(Msm) in accordance with the recent nomenclature proposed and have named it MS_RHII-RSD, indicating the two enzymatic activities present RHII, RNase HII domain, originally identified as (d) under bar omain of (u) under bar nknown (f) under bar unction 429 (DUF429), and RSD, RelA_SpoT nucleotidyl transferase domain, the SYNTH domain responsible for (p)ppGpp synthesis activity]. MS_RHII-RSD is expressed and is constitutively active in vivo and behaves like a monofunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase in vitro. The occurrence of the RNase HII and (p)ppGpp synthetase domains together on the same polypeptide chain is suggestive of an in vivo role for this novel protein as a link connecting the essential life processes of DNA replication, repair, and transcription to the highly conserved stress survival pathway, the stringent response.


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Long-term batch cultures of Escherichia coli grown in nutrient-rich medium accumulate mutations that provide a growth advantage in the stationary phase (GASP). We have examined the survivors of prolonged stationary phase to identify loci involved in conferring a growth advantage and show that a mutation in the hns gene causing reduced activity of the global regulator H-NS confers a GASP phenotype under specific conditions. The hns-66 allele bears a point mutation within the termination codon of the H-NS open reading frame, resulting in a longer protein that is partially functional. Although isolated from a long-term stationary-phase culture of the parent carrying the rpoS819 allele that results in reduced RpoS activity, the hns-66 survivor showed a growth disadvantage in the early stationary phase (24 to 48 h) when competed against the parent. The hns-66 mutant is also unstable and reverts at a high frequency in the early stationary phase by accumulating second-site suppressor mutations within the ssrA gene involved in targeting aberrant proteins for proteolysis. The mutant was more stable and showed a moderate growth advantage in combination with the rpoS819 allele when competed against a 21-day-old parent. These studies show that H-NS is a target for mutations conferring fitness gain that depends on the genetic background as well as on the stage of the stationary phase.


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The chb operon of Escherichia coli is involved in the utilization of the beta-glucosides chitobiose and cellobiose. The function of chbG (ydjC), the sixth open reading frame of the operon that codes for an evolutionarily conserved protein is unknown. We show that chbG encodes a monodeacetylase that is essential for growth on the acetylated chitooligosaccharides chitobiose and chitotriose but is dispensable for growth on cellobiose and chitosan dimer, the deacetylated form of chitobiose. The predicted active site of the enzyme was validated by demonstrating loss of function upon substitution of its putative metal-binding residues that are conserved across the YdjC family of proteins. We show that activation of the chb promoter by the regulatory protein ChbR is dependent on ChbG, suggesting that deacetylation of chitobiose-6-P and chitotriose-6-P is necessary for their recognition by ChbR as inducers. Strains carrying mutations in chbR conferring the ability to grow on both cellobiose and chitobiose are independent of chbG function for induction, suggesting that gain of function mutations in ChbR allow it to recognize the acetylated form of the oligosaccharides. ChbR-independent expression of the permease and phospho-beta-glucosidase from a heterologous promoter did not support growth on both chitobiose and chitotriose in the absence of chbG, suggesting an additional role of chbG in the hydrolysis of chitooligosaccharides. The homologs of chbG in metazoans have been implicated in development and inflammatory diseases of the intestine, indicating that understanding the function of E. coli chbG has a broader significance.


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The sea urchin embryonic skeleton, or spicule, is deposited by mesenchymal progeny of four precursor cells, the micromeres, which are determined to the skeletogenic pathway by a process known as cytoplasmic localization. A gene encoding one of the major products of the skeletogenic mesenchyme, a prominent 50 kD protein of the spicule matrix, has been characterized in detail. cDNA clones were first isolated by antibody screening of a phage expression library, followed by isolation of homologous genomic clones. The gene, known as SM50, is single copy in the sea urchin genome, is divided into two exons of 213 and 1682 bp, and is expressed only in skeletogenic cells. Transcripts are first detectable at the 120 cell stage, shortly after the segregation of the skeletogenic precursors from the rest of the embryo. The SM50 open reading frame begins within the first exon, is 450 amino acids in length, and contains a loosely repeated 13 amino acid motif rich in acidic residues which accounts for 45% of the protein and which is possibly involved in interaction with the mineral phase of the spicule.

The important cis-acting regions of the SM50 gene necessary for proper regulation of expression were identified by gene transfer experiments. A 562 bp promoter fragment, containing 438 bp of 5' promoter sequence and 124 bp of the SM50 first exon (including the SM50 initiation codon), was both necessary and sufficient to direct high levels of expression of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene specifically in the skeletogenic cells. Removal of promoter sequences between positions -2200 and -438, and of transcribed regions downstream of +124 (including the SM50 intron), had no effect on the spatial or transcriptional activity of the transgenes.

Regulatory proteins that interact with the SM50 promoter were identified by the gel retardation assay, using bulk embryo mesenchyme blastula stage nuclear proteins. Five protein binding sites were identified and mapped to various degrees of resolution. Two sites are homologous, may be enhancer elements, and at least one is required for expression. Two additional sites are also present in the promoter of the aboral ectoderm specific cytoskeletal actin gene CyIIIa; one of these is a CCAA T element, the other a putative repressor element. The fifth site overlaps the binding site of the putative repressor and may function as a positive regulator by interfering with binding of the repressor. All of the proteins are detectable in nuclear extracts prepared from 64 cell stage embryos, a stage just before expression of SM50 is initiated, as well as from blastula and gastrula stage; the putative enhancer binding protein may be maternal as well.


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Albacore and Atlantic Bluefin tuna are two pelagic fish. Atlantic Bluefin tuna is included in the IUCN red list of threatened species and albacore is considered to be near threatened, so conservation plans are needed. However, no genomic resources are available for any of them. In this study, to better understand their transcriptome we functionally annotated orthologous genes. In all, 159 SNPs distributed in 120 contigs of the muscle transcriptome were analyzed. Genes were predicted for 98 contigs (81.2%) using the bioinformatics tool BLAST. In addition, another bioinformatics tool, BLAST2GO was used in order to achieve GO terms for the genes, in which 41 sequences were given a biological process, and 39 sequences were given a molecular process. The most repeated biological process was metabolism and it is important that no cellular process was given in any of the sequences. The most abundant molecular process was binding and very few catalytic activity processes were given. From the initial 159 SNPs, 40 were aligned with a sequence in the database after BLAST2GO was run, and were polymorphic in Atlantic Bluefin tuna and monomorphic in albacore. From these 40 SNPs, 24 were located in an open reading frame of which four were non-synonymous and 20 were synonymous and 16 were not located in a known open reading frame,. This study provides information for better understanding the ecology and evolution of these species and this is important in order to establish a proper conservation plan and an appropriate management.


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Neuropsin is a secreted-type serine protease involved in learning and memory. The type II splice form of neuropsin is abundantly expressed in the human brain but not in the mouse brain. We sequenced the type II-spliced region of neuropsin gene in humans and representative nonhuman primate species. Our comparative sequence analysis showed that only the hominoid species (humans and apes) have the intact open reading frame of the type II splice form, indicating that the type II neuropsin originated recently in the primate lineage about 18 MYA. Expression analysis using RT-PCR detected abundant expression of the type II form in the frontal lobe of the adult human brain, but no expression was detected in the brains of lesser apes and Old World monkeys, indicating that the type II form of neuropsin only became functional in recent time, and it might contribute to the progressive change of cognitive abilities during primate evolution.


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Specific interactions among biomolecules drive virtually all cellular functions and underlie phenotypic complexity and diversity. Biomolecules are not isolated particles, but are elements of integrated interaction networks, and play their roles through specific interactions. Simultaneous emergence or loss of multiple interacting partners is unlikely. If one of the interacting partners is lost, then what are the evolutionary consequences for the retained partner? Taking advantages of the availability of the large number of mammalian genome sequences and knowledge of phylogenetic relationships of the species, we examined the evolutionary fate of the motilin (MLN) hormone gene, after the pseudogenization of its specific receptor, MLN receptor (MLNR), on the rodent lineage. We speculate that the MLNR gene became a pseudogene before the divergence of the squirrel and other rodents about 75 mya. The evolutionary consequences for the MLN gene were diverse. While an intact open reading frame for the MLN gene, which appears functional, was preserved in the kangaroo rat, the MLN gene became inactivated independently on the lineages leading to the guinea pig and the common ancestor of the mouse and rat. Gain and loss of specific interactions among biomolecules through the birth and death of genes for biomolecules point to a general evolutionary dynamic: gene birth and death are widespread phenomena in genome evolution, at the genetic level; thus, once mutations arise, a stepwise process of elaboration and optimization ensues, which gradually integrates and orders mutations into a coherent pattern.


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We have cloned a mouse homologue (designated Myak) of the yeast protein kinase YAK1. The 1210 aa open reading frame contains a putative protein kinase domain, nuclear localization sequences and PEST sequences. Myak appears to be a member of a growing family of YAK1-related genes that include Drosophila and human Minibrain as well as a recently identified rat gene ANPK that encode a steroid hormone receptor interacting protein. RNA blot analysis revealed that Myak is expressed at low levels ubiquitously but at high levels in reproductive tissues, including testis, epididymis, ovary, uterus, and mammary gland, as well as in brain and kidney. In situ hybridization analysis on selected tissues revealed that Myak is particularly abundant in the hormonally modulated epithelia of the epididymis, mammary gland, and uterus, in round spermatids in the testis, and in the corpora lutea in the ovary, Myak is also highly expressed in the aqueduct of the adult brain and in the brain and spinal cord of day 12.5 embryos, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 55:372-378, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The immunoglobulin (Ig) joining (J) chain plays an important role in the formation of polymeric Igs and their transport into secretions. In the present study, the cDNA sequence of J chain has been cloned from the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The cDNA sequence is 2347 bp in length and contains an open reading frame of 480 bp encoding 160 aa including the signal sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence has a high degree of homology with that of an already reported turtle J chain (80.7%), and of chicken (71.3%). By using real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis, a significant up-regulation of J-chain transcripts was observed in spleen, kidney and blood of turtles injected with inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila, indicating the immune role of J chain in response to bacterial infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the differential expression of genes in the skeletal muscle between Yorkshire and Chinese indigenous breed Meishan pigs, suppression subtractive hybridization was carried out and many genes were proved to be expressed significantly different in the two breeds. One gene highly expressed in Meishan but lowly expressed in Yorkshire specific library, shared strong homology with human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4). Using semi-quantity and quantity PCR, We confirmed its differential expression between the two breeds. Temporal and spatial expression analysis indicated that porcine PDK4 gene is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and the highest in neonatal pigs. Complete cDNA cloning and sequence analysis revealed that porcine PDK4 gene contains an open reading frame of 1,221 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence showed conservation in evolution. A G/A mutation in intron 9 was identified and association analysis showed that it was significantly associated with intramuscular fat, muscle water content.


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A novel gene-K23, differentially expressed in cross-subfamily cloned embryos, was isolated by RACE-PCR technique. It had 2580 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 1,425 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 474 amino acids (aa). Bioinformatic analysis indicated that K23 had 22 phosphorylation sites, but it had no signal peptides. Developmental expression analysis in zebrafish showed that K23 transcripts were maternally expressed in ovum and the amount of K23 transcripts increased gradually from zygote to pharyngula period. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that K23 protein was homogeneously distributed both in nuclei and cytoplasm. Taken together, our findings indicate that K23 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.