951 resultados para Open Innovation
The objective of this study is to explore how the Open Innovation paradigm is applied in by small and medium-size enterprises in Russia. The focus of the study is to understand how the processes of research and development and commercialization proceed in these kind of companies and to which extent they apply open innovation principles. Russian leadership makes certain steps for transition from the export of raw materials to an innovative model of economic growth. The research aims to disclose actual impact of these attempts. The closed innovation model and the erosion factors which lead to the destruction of an old one and emergence of new model are described. Features of open innovation implementation and intellectual property rights protection in small and medium enterprises are presented. To achieve the objective, a qualitative case study approach was chosen. Research includes facts and figures, views and opinions of management of studied companies related to innovation process in the company and in Russia in general. The research depicts the features of Open Innovation implementation by SMEs in Russia. A large number of research centers with necessary equipment and qualified personnel allow case companies to use external R&D effectively. They cooperate actively with research institutes, universities and laboratories. Thus, they apply inbound Open Innovation. On the contrary, lack of venture capital, low demand for technologies within the domestic market and weak protection of intellectual property limit the external paths to new markets. Licensing-out and creation of spin-off are isolated cases. Therefore, outbound Open Innovation is not a regular practice.
Desde que Chesbrough (2003) cunhou o termo inovação aberta, o conceito tem atraído uma atenção crescente tanto no meio acadêmico quanto no mundo empresarial. Apesar dos esforços crescentes em explorar práticas de inovação aberta, muitas perguntas permanecem sem resposta. A pesquisa acadêmica expandiu o foco abordando o tema de forma bastante ampla como gestão da inovação, estratégia empresarial, comportamento organizacional e políticas públicas. Ao mesmo tempo, gestores também têm explorado na prática o conceito de inovação aberta de formas muito diversificadas. Levando em conta a variabilidade das práticas de inovação aberta, este estudo visa fornecer microfundamentos para a inovação aberta, adotando a teoria de effectuation. A teoria de effectuation foi originalmente desenvolvida no campo da pesquisa sobre empreendedorismo. Pode ser definida como um conjunto de princípios de tomada de decisão que pode ser ensinado e aprendido, formando uma lógica global empregada por empreendedores com expertise frente a situações de incerteza durante a criação de novos empreendimentos e novos mercados (SARASVATHY, 2001; 2008). Nós demostramos que a teoria effectuation tem a consistência para fornecer uma contribuição sólida no nível micro das práticas de inovação aberta. Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo de caso extensivo sobre uma organização de gestão da inovação aberta destinada a promover a colaboração entre Brasil e Suécia. Examinamos os processos de tomada de decisão de 13 especialistas em R&D e gerentes de inovação que juntos representam oito diferentes entidades envolvidas em sua criação. Como resultado de nossa pesquisa, identificamos e descrevemos a metodologia de tomada de decisão utilizada pelos gestores de inovação envolvidos na criação de uma organização dedicada à gestão da inovação aberta. As percepções frutos da pesquisa realizada nos permitiu desenvolver um quadro de tomada de decisão com base nas teorias de effectuation e inovação aberta, capaz de apoiar gestores na criação de novas organizações dedicadas à gestão da inovação aberta.
Inovação tem se tornado um fenômeno cada vez mais complexo e dinâmico, com a mudança de um paradigma focado na inovação industrial, onde a inovação acontecia no produto ou no processo de fabricação, para outro baseado no conhecimento, muito mais amplo. Além disso, o conhecimento e a competência técnica não são mais considerados como um monopólio do departamento de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Isto trouxe mudanças nas práticas de inovação, que se tornaram mais abertas e levaram as empresas a interagir cada vez mais com o seu ambiente. Por outro lado, a inovação tecnológica, cujo primeiro objetivo é de criar valor para a empresa, tem experimentado alguns limites para resolver problemas sociais, como o aquecimento global. As novas tecnologias têm a capacidade de melhorar a qualidade de vida de muita gente, mas não é suficiente. É nesse contexto que surge outro tipo de inovação, cujo objetivo é de maximizar o impacto positivo na sociedade: a inovação social. Estes dois paradigmas de inovação, mais adequados aos desafios atuais, têm alguns pontos em comum na sua integração com o ambiente externo: a sociedade e outros atores da inovação. No entanto, praticamente não existem estudos integrando inovação aberta e inovação social. Este trabalho estuda a integração destes dois modelos a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória, realizando entrevistas em profundidade com 11 dirigentes de organizações sociais. As iniciativas sociais parecem atrair mais organizações externas para colaborar do que empresas com fins lucrativos, já que são mais altruístas. Parecem integrar essas pessoas e procurar por mais ajuda, especialmente no momento de escalar o negócio. Ainda que algumas organizações têm como prioridade institucionalizar a inovação aberta, outras veem isto como secundário ou simplesmente não sabem como fazer. Isto resulta em uma colaboração mais informal, que não é focada em atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, prática ausente nas empresas da nossa amostra.
O objetivo desse estudo é discutir a estratégia de inovação aberta adotada pelas quarto maior companhias farmacêuticas norte-americanas nos último quarto anos. A inovação tem sido reconhecida como uma fonte essencial de vantagem competitiva de uma firma. A partir do momento em que empresas começam a expandir e interagir em escala global, sua estratégia de inovação começa a mudar, e adquire um aspecto mais integrado, intensificando seu relacionamento com atores externos e recursos. Essa mudança tem como objetivo reduzir o custo da inovação e aumentar sua eficiência, e tem impacto nos resultados da empresa. Essa pesquisa realiza uma pesquisa exploratória usando dois modelos de inovação aberta como referência, Lichtenthaler (2008) e Lazzarotti-Manzini-Pellegrini (2010). Entender como firmas aplicam estratégias de inovação aberta é o primeiro passo para avaliar seu impacto na estratégia geral da mesma na nova conjuntura internacional.
This paper considers challenges of Human Resource Management (HRM) in Open Innovation processes. It examines which strategies managers used to overcome these problems in the case of the Brazilian Oil and Gas company Petrobras. By conducting an inductive case study it develops a contextual model based on the use of grounded theory. It argues that the most important categories were to overcome problems of (a) the interpersonal relationship, (b) power shifting inside the organization, and (c) making people more valuable to the organization and shows how managers tackled these challenges. It contributes with a deep analysis of HRM challenges in Open Innovation that is important for a better understanding of management problems that can come along with Open Innovation processes.
Innovation is an essential factor for obtaining competitive advantages. The search for external knowledge sources for product creation, which can contribute to the innovation process, has become a constant among companies, and users play an important role in this search. In this study, we aimed to analyze user’s involvement in the product development process based on open innovation concepts. We used the unique case study research method. This study was carried out in an automotive company that has developed a project of a concept car involving user’s through the Web 2.0. With such scope, the research demonstrates that users can contribute not only with generation of ideas but also with the innovation process itself.
The phenomenon of Open Innovation has been gaining prominence over the last decade. Idea competitions have been used in a variety of industrial sectors. Nevertheless, the legal issues raised by this topic have not been broadly addressed, yet. These arise from the adverse interests of the actors. The company which organizes an idea competition would usually like to have the opportunity to comprehensively use the solutions, ideas or products submitted by the competition entrants. For the company it is important to obtain all intellectual property rights in the idea, in the product created as a result and, thus, in the rights to be exploited in the future, in particular, patents, utility models, trademarks, copyrights and registered designs as well as other industrial property rights. The participant would like to participate to the greatest extent possible in the success of the submitted solution. This affects, firstly, the question of fair remuneration or further participation in any profits earned as well as, secondly, any personal rights such as being named as inventor or author. The article aims to show the contractual difficulties which have to be addressed tailoring theterms of an idea competition under German law.
Open innovation is increasingly being adopted in business and describes a situation in which firms exchange ideas and knowledge with external participants, such as customers, suppliers, partner firms, and universities. This article extends the concept of open innovation with a push model of open innovation: knowledge is voluntarily created outside a firm by individuals and organisations who proceed to push knowledge into a firm’s open innovation project. For empirical analysis, we examine source code and newsgroup data on the Eclipse Development Platform. We find that outsiders invest as much in the firm’s project as the founding firm itself. Based on the insights from Eclipse, we develop four propositions: ‘preemptive generosity’ of a firm, ‘continuous commitment’, ‘adaptive governance structure’, and ‘low entry barrier’ are contexts that enable the push model of open innovation.
There is growing concern over the challenges for innovation in Freight Pipeline industry. Since the early works of Chesbrough a decade ago, we have learned a lot about the content, context and process of open innovation. However, much more research is needed in Freight Pipeline Industry. The reality is that few corporations have institutionalized open innovation practices in ways that have enabled substantial growth or industry leadership. Based on this, we pursue the following question: How does a firm’s integration into knowledge networks depend on its ability to manage knowledge? A competence-based model for freight pipeline organizations is analysed, this model should be understood by any organization in order to be successful in motivating professionals who carry out innovations and play a main role in collaborative knowledge creation processes. This paper aims to explain how can open innovation achieve its potential in most Freight Pipeline Industries.
Idea Management Systems are an implementation of open innovation notion in the Web environment with the use of crowdsourcing techniques. In this area, one of the popular methods for coping with large amounts of data is duplicate de- tection. With our research, we answer a question if there is room to introduce more relationship types and in what degree would this change affect the amount of idea metadata and its diversity. Furthermore, based on hierarchical dependencies between idea relationships and relationship transitivity we propose a number of methods for dataset summarization. To evaluate our hypotheses we annotate idea datasets with new relationships using the contemporary methods of Idea Management Systems to detect idea similarity. Having datasets with relationship annotations at our disposal, we determine if idea features not related to idea topic (e.g. innovation size) have any relation to how annotators perceive types of idea similarity or dissimilarity.
Innovation has been identified as the single most relevant element in fuelling corporations’ competitive advantage and ultimate value creation. Corporations no longer rely on a single, linear structure of innovation; the new paradigm of open innovation opens up new possibilities of organizing innovation within the ecosystem, thus giving rise to new drivers for value creation. These value drivers have an impact on the strategic position of the firm and have the ability to create superior financial performance. In this paper we explore the close relationship between open innovation and value creation and propose a framework to analyze this process as well as the most critical elements involved.