981 resultados para One-carbon metabolism


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Candida albicans is the most common opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans. The balance between commensal and pathogenic C. albicans is maintained largely by phagocytes of the innate immune system. Analysis of transcriptional changes after macrophage phagocytosis indicates the C. albicans response is broadly similar to starvation, including up-regulation of alternate carbon metabolism. Systems known and suspected to be part of acetate/acetyl-CoA metabolism were also up-regulated, importantly the ACH and ACS genes, which manage acetate/acetyl-CoA interconversion, and the nine-member ATO gene family, thought to participate in transmembrane acetate transport and also linked to the process of environmental alkalinization. ^ Studies into the roles of Ach, Acs1 and Acs2 function in alternate carbon metabolism revealed a substantial role for Acs2 and lesser, but distinct roles, for Ach and Acs1. Deletion mutants were made in C. albicans and were phenotypically evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. Loss of Ach function resulted in mild growth defects on ethanol and acetate and no significant attenuation in virulence in a disseminated mouse model of infection. While loss of Acs1 did not produce any significant phenotypes, loss of Acs2 greatly impaired growth on multiple carbon sources, including glucose, ethanol and acetate. We also concluded that ACS1 and ACS2 likely comprise an essential gene pair. Expression analyses indicated that ACS2 is the predominant form under most growth conditions. ^ ATO gene function had been linked to the process of environmental alkalinization, an ammonium-mediated phenomenon described here first in C. albicans. During growth in glucose-poor, amino acid-rich conditions C. albicans can rapidly change its extracellular pH. This process was glucose-repressible and was accompanied by hyphal formation and changes in colony morphology. We showed that introduction of the ATO1G53D point mutant to C. albicans blocked alkalinization, as did over-expression of C. albicans ATO2, the only C. albicans ATO gene to lack the conserved N-terminal domain. A screen for alkalinization-deficient mutants revealed that ACH1 is essential for alkalinization. However, addition of acetate to the media restored alkalinization to the ach1 mutant. We proposed a model of ATO function in which Atos regulated the cellular co-export of ammonium and acetate. ^


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Ocean Acidification (OA) has been shown to affect photosynthesis and calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a cosmopolitan calcifier that significantly contributes to the regulation of the biological carbon pumps. Its non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage was found to be relatively unaffected by OA with respect to biomass production. Deeper insights into physiological key processes and their dependence on environmental factors are lacking, but are required to understand and possibly estimate the dynamics of carbon cycling in present and future oceans. Therefore, calcifying diploid and non-calcifying haploid cells were acclimated to present and future CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 38.5 Pa vs. 101.3 Pa CO2) under low and high light (50 vs. 300 µmol photons/m**2 /s). Comparative microarray-based transcriptome profiling was used to screen for the underlying cellular processes and allowed to follow up interpretations derived from physiological data. In the diplont, the observed increases in biomass production under OA are likely caused by stimulated production of glycoconjugates and lipids. The observed lowered calcification under OA can be attributed to impaired signal-transduction and ion-transport. The haplont utilizes distinct genes and metabolic pathways, reflecting the stage-specific usage of certain portions of the genome. With respect to functionality and energy-dependence, however, the transcriptomic OA-responses resemble those of the diplont. In both life-cycle stages, OA affects the cellular redox-state as a master regulator and thereby causes a metabolic shift from oxidative towards reductive pathways, which involves a reconstellation of carbon flux networks within and across compartments. Whereas signal transduction and ion-homeostasis appear equally OA-sensitive under both light intensities, the effects on carbon metabolism and light physiology are clearly modulated by light availability. These interactive effects can be attributed to the influence of OA and light on the redox equilibria of NAD and NADP, which function as major sensors for energization and stress. This generic mode of action of OA may therefore provoke similar cell-physiological responses in other protists.


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El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es considerado uno de los cultivos hortícolas de mayor importancia económica en el territorio Español. Sin embargo, su producción está seriamente afectada por condiciones ambientales adversas como, salinidad, sequía y temperaturas extremas. Para resolver los problemas que se presentan en condiciones de estrés, se han empleado una serie de técnicas culturales que disminuyen sus efectos negativos, siendo de gran interés el desarrollo de variedades tolerantes. En este sentido la obtención y análisis de plantas transgénicas, ha supuesto un avance tecnológico, que ha facilitado el estudio y la evaluación de genes seleccionados en relación con la tolerancia al estrés. Estudios recientes han mostrado que el uso de genes reguladores como factores de transcripción (FTs) es una gran herramienta para obtener nuevas variedades de tomate con mayor tolerancia a estreses abióticos. Las proteínas DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) son una familia de FTs específica de plantas (Yangisawa, 2002), que están involucrados en procesos fisiológicos exclusivos de plantas como: asimilación del nitrógeno y fijación del carbono fotosintético, germinación de semilla, metabolismo secundario y respuesta al fotoperiodo pero su preciso rol en la tolerancia a estrés abiótico se desconoce en gran parte. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis tiene como objetivo estudiar genes reguladores tipo DOF para incrementar la tolerancia a estrés abiotico tanto en especies modelo como en tomate. En el primer capítulo de esta tesis se muestra la caracterización funcional del gen CDF3 de Arabidopsis, así como su papel en la respuesta a estrés abiótico y otros procesos del desarrollo. La expresión del gen AtCDF3 es altamente inducido por sequía, temperaturas extremas, salinidad y tratamientos con ácido abscísico (ABA). La línea de inserción T-DNA cdf3-1 es más sensible al estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas, mientras que líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis 35S::AtCDF3 aumentan la tolerancia al estrés por sequía, osmótico y bajas temperaturas en comparación con plantas wild-type (WT). Además, estas plantas presentan un incremento en la tasa fotosintética y apertura estomática. El gen AtCDF3 se localiza en el núcleo y que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional en ensayos de protoplastos de Arabidopsis. El dominio C-terminal de AtCDF3 es esencial para esta localización y su capacidad activación, la delección de este dominio reduce la tolerancia a sequía en plantas transgénicas 35S::AtCDF3. Análisis por microarray revelan que el AtCDF3 regula un set de genes involucrados en el metabolismo del carbono y nitrógeno. Nuestros resultados demuestran que el gen AtCDF3 juega un doble papel en la regulación de la respuesta a estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas y en el control del tiempo de floración. En el segundo capítulo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo la identificación de 34 genes Dof en tomate que se pueden clasificar en base a homología de secuencia en cuatro grupos A-D, similares a los descritos en Arabidopsis. Dentro del grupo D se han identificado cinco genes DOF que presentan características similares a los Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) de Arabidopsis. Estos genes son considerados ortólogos de Arabidopsis CDF1-5, y han sido nombrados como Solanum lycopersicum CDFs o SlCDFs. Los SlCDF1-5 son proteínas nucleares que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional in vivo. Análisis de expresión de los genes SlCDF1-5 muestran diferentes patrones de expresión durante el día y son inducidos de forma diferente en respuesta a estrés osmótico, salino, y de altas y bajas temperaturas. Plantas de Arabidopsis que sobre-expresan SlCDF1 y SlCDF3 muestran un incremento de la tolerancia a la sequía y salinidad. Además, de la expresión de varios genes de respuesta estrés como AtCOR15, AtRD29A y AtERD10, son expresados de forma diferente en estas líneas. La sobre-expresión de SlCDF3 en Arabidopsis promueve un retardo en el tiempo de floración a través de la modulación de la expresión de genes que controlan la floración como CONSTANS (CO) y FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). En general, nuestros datos demuestran que los SlCDFs están asociados a funciones aun no descritas, relacionadas con la tolerancia a estrés abiótico y el control del tiempo de floración a través de la regulación de genes específicos y a un aumento de metabolitos particulares. ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the horticultural crops of major economic importance in the Spanish territory. However, its production is being affected by adverse environmental conditions such as salinity, drought and extreme temperatures. To resolve the problems triggered by stress conditions, a number of agricultural techniques that reduce the negative effects of stress are being frequently applied. However, the development of stress tolerant varieties is of a great interest. In this direction, the technological progress in obtaining and analysis of transgenic plants facilitated the study and evaluation of selected genes in relation to stress tolerance. Recent studies have shown that a use of regulatory genes such as transcription factors (TFs) is a great tool to obtain new tomato varieties with greater tolerance to abiotic stresses. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) proteins form a family of plant-specific TFs (Yangisawa, 2002) that are involved in the regulation of particular plant processes such as nitrogen assimilation, photosynthetic carbon fixation, seed germination, secondary metabolism and flowering time bur their precise roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown. The work described in this thesis aims at the study of the DOF type regulatory genes to increase tolerance to abiotic stress in both model species and the tomato. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis CDF3 gene as well as its role in the response to abiotic stress and in other developmental processes. AtCDF3 is highly induced by drought, extreme temperatures, salt and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. The cdf3-1 T-DNA insertion mutant was more sensitive to drought and low temperature stresses, whereas the AtCDF3 overexpression enhanced the tolerance of transgenic plants to drought, cold and osmotic stress comparing to the wild-type (WT) plants. In addition, these plants exhibit increased photosynthesis rates and stomatal aperture. AtCDF3 is localized in the nuclear region, displays specific binding to the canonical DNA target sequences and has a transcriptional activation activity in Arabidopsis protoplast assays. In addition, the C-terminal domain of AtCDF3 is essential for its localization and activation capabilities and the deletion of this domain significantly reduces the tolerance to drought in transgenic 35S::AtCDF3 overexpressing plants. Microarray analysis revealed that AtCDF3 regulated a set of genes involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtCDF3 plays dual roles in regulating plant responses to drought and low temperature stress and in control of flowering time in vegetative tissues. In the second chapter this work, we carried out to identification of 34 tomato DOF genes that were classified by sequence similarity into four groups A-D, similar to the situation in Arabidopsis. In the D group we have identified five DOF genes that show similar characteristics to the Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) of Arabidopsis. These genes were considered orthologous to the Arabidopsis CDF1 - 5 and were named Solanum lycopersicum CDFs or SlCDFs. SlCDF1-5 are nuclear proteins that display specific binding to canonical DNA target sequences and have transcriptional activation capacities in vivo. Expression analysis of SlCDF1-5 genes showed distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt and low and high temperature stresses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SlCDF1 and SlCDF3 showed increased drought and salt tolerance. In addition, various stress-responsive genes, such as AtCOR15, AtRD29A and AtERD10, were expressed differently in these lines. The overexpression of SlCDF3 in Arabidopsis also results in the late flowering phenotype through the modulation of the expression of flowering control genes such CONSTANS (CO) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). Overall, our data connet SlCDFs to undescribed functions related to abiotic stress tolerance and flowering time through the regulation of specific target genes and an increase in particular metabolites.


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Photosynthesis, biological nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide assimilation are three fundamental biological processes catalyzed by photosynthetic bacteria. In the present study, it is shown that mutant strains of the nonsulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, containing a blockage in the primary CO2 assimilatory pathway, derepress the synthesis of components of the nitrogen fixation enzyme complex and abrogate normal control mechanisms. The absence of the Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) reductive pentose phosphate CO2 fixation pathway removes an important route for the dissipation of excess reducing power. Thus, the mutant strains develop alternative means to remove these reducing equivalents, resulting in the synthesis of large amounts of nitrogenase even in the presence of ammonia. This response is under the control of a global two-component signal transduction system previously found to regulate photosystem biosynthesis and the transcription of genes required for CO2 fixation through the CBB pathway and alternative routes. In addition, this two-component system directly controls the ability of these bacteria to grow under nitrogen-fixing conditions. These results indicate that there is a molecular link between the CBB and nitrogen fixation process, allowing the cell to overcome powerful control mechanisms to remove excess reducing power generated by photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Furthermore, these results suggest that the two-component system integrates the expression of genes required for the three processes of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide fixation.


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Low folate intake as well as alterations in folate metabolism as a result of polymorphisms in the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) have been associated with an increased incidence of neural tube defects, vascular disease, and some cancers. Polymorphic variants of MTHFR lead to enhanced thymidine pools and better quality DNA synthesis that could afford some protection from the development of leukemias, particularly those with translocations. We now report associations of MTHFR polymorphisms in three subgroups of pediatric leukemias: infant lymphoblastic or myeloblastic leukemias with MLL rearrangements and childhood lymphoblastic leukemias with either TEL-AML1 fusions or hyperdiploid karyotypes. Pediatric leukemia patients (n = 253 total) and healthy newborn controls (n = 200) were genotyped for MTHFR polymorphisms at nucleotides 677 (C→T) and 1,298 (A→C). A significant association for carriers of C677T was demonstrated for leukemias with MLL translocations (MLL+, n = 37) when compared with controls [adjusted odd ratios (OR) = 0.36 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.15–0.85; P = 0.017]. This protective effect was not evident for A1298C alleles (OR = 1.14). In contrast, associations for A1298C homozygotes (CC; OR = 0.26 with a 95% CI of 0.07–0.81) and C677T homozygotes (TT; OR = 0.49 with a 95% CI of 0.20–1.17) were observed for hyperdiploid leukemias (n = 138). No significant associations were evident for either polymorphism with TEL-AML1+ leukemias (n = 78). These differences in allelic associations may point to discrete attributes of the two alleles in their ability to alter folate and one-carbon metabolite pools and impact after DNA synthesis and methylation pathways, but should be viewed cautiously pending larger follow-up studies. The data provide evidence that molecularly defined subgroups of pediatric leukemias have different etiologies and also suggest a role of folate in the development of childhood leukemia.


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Photosynthetic carbon metabolism is initiated by ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), which uses both CO2 and O2 as substrates. One 2-phosphoglycolate (P-glycolate) molecule is produced for each O2 molecule fixed. P-glycolate has been considered to be metabolized exclusively via the oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle. This paper reports an additional pathway for P-glycolate and glycolate metabolism in the chloroplasts. Light-dependent glycolate or P-glycolate oxidation by osmotically shocked chloroplasts from the algae Dunaliella or spinach leaves was measured by three electron acceptors, methyl viologen (MV), potassium ferricyanide, or dichloroindophenol. Glycolate oxidation was assayed with 3-(3,4)-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) as oxygen uptake in the presence of MV at a rate of 9 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. Washed thylakoids from spinach leaves oxidized glycolate at a rate of 22 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. This light-dependent oxidation was inhibited completely by SHAM, an inhibitor of quinone oxidoreductase, and 75% by 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which inhibits electron transfer from plastoquinone to the cytochrome b6f complex. SHAM stimulated severalfold glycolate excretion by algal cells, Dunaliella or Chlamydomonas, and by isolated Dunaliella chloroplasts. Glycolate and P-glycolate were oxidized about equally well to glyoxylate and phosphate. On the basis of results of inhibitor action, the possible site which accepts electrons from glycolate or P-glycolate is a quinone after the DCMU site but before the DBMIB site. This glycolate oxidation is a light-dependent, SHAM-sensitive, glycolate-quinone oxidoreductase system that is associated with photosynthetic electron transport in the chloroplasts.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The first topic area of this thesis involved studies on the accumulation and translocation of glucosinolates (GSs), bioactive secondary plant compounds, in broccoli plants. Changes in GS accumulation and gene expression levels in response to exogeneous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment were analyzed in different tissue types at different developmental stages of broccoli. Greater accumulation of GSs with MeJA treatment was observed in apical leaves of broccoli seedlings and florets of plants at harvest maturity. Increases in indolyl GS in apical leaves of seedlings and florets were coupled with the up-regulation of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes. The accumulation of indolyl GSs appears to be modulated by MeJA treatment in an organ-specific manner for optimal distribution of defense substances in the plant. Metabolic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites using GC-MS demonstrated increased accumulation of various phenolics, ascorbates and amino acids in broccoli tissues after MeJA treatment. Distinct changes in carbohydrate levels observed between different tissues (vegetative leaves and floret tissues) of broccoli plants after treatment suggest that carbon metabolism is differentially modulated by MeJA treatment in different tissue types depending on sink-source relationships. Reduced levels of hexose sugars and tricarboxylic acid intermediates after MeJA treatment may reflect the increased requirement for carbon and energy needed to drive secondary product biosynthesis to accumulate metabolites for defense against insects and other herbivores. Substantial increases of indolyl and aromatic GSs after exogenous treatment with MeJA in stem and petioles of seedlings and the existence of intact indolyl-GS forms in phloem exudates suggest enhanced de novo synthesis in combination with active transport. Indoly GSs share structural similarities with the auxin, IAA, and may interact with components of the auxin transport system for intra- and extra-cellular transport or translocation. Application of the auxin efflux inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) reduced MeJA-mediated accumulation of indolyl GSs in broccoli florets and seedling tissues. NPA did not inhibit expression of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes shown to be upregulated by MeJA treatment or the accumulation of tryptophan, the amino acid precursor of indolyl GSs. Exogenous application of benzyl GS to Arabidopsis roots induced ectopic expression of the PIN1 protein associated with the auxin transport system similar to treatment with NPA, again suggesting GS interaction with the auxin efflux carrier system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on MeJA-mediated accumulation of GS may be due to competitive binding of NPA to auxin efflux carrier components and that GS transport is mediated by the auxin transport system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on indolyl and aromatic GS accumulation and the bioactivity of exogenous treatment of these GS compounds in PIN1 localization, Arabidopsis root growth, and gravitrophic response suggest that indolyl and aromatic GSs may be antagonistic to IAA transport and biosynthesis. Indolyl and aromatic GSs can also be potentially converted into IAA by hydrolysis. This intrinsic feature of GSs may be the part of a sophisticated regulatory process where the metabolic pathways in the plant shift from active growth to a reversible defense posture in response to biotic or abiotic stress. It seems likely that indolyl and aromatic GSs are important compounds that provide connections between jasmonate and auxin signaling. Further studies are required to reveal the regulatory mechanism for crosstalk between the two hormones. The third part of this research was to investigate effect of selenium fertilization and MeJA treatment on accumulation of GSs in broccoli florets. Increasing dietary intake of the element selenium (Se) has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Simultaneous enhancement of both Se and GS concentrations in broccoli floret tissue were conducted through the combined treatment of MeJA with Se fertilization. A low level of Se fertilization (concentration) with MeJA treatment displayed no significant changes in total aliphatic GS concentrations with 90% and 50% increases in indolyl and total GSs concentrations, respectively. This result suggests that Se- and GS-enriched broccoli with improved health-promoting properties can be generated by this combined treatment. The second topic of this thesis was conducted to provide basic information required to improve biomass quality and productivity and develop tools for gene transformation in Miscanthus x giganteus. The perennial rhizomatous grass, Miscanthus x giganteus is an ideal biomass crop due to its rapid vegetative growth and high biomass yield potential. As a naturally occurring sterile hybrid, M. x giganteus must be propagated vegetatively by mechanicalling divided rhizomes or from micropropagated plantlets. The effect of callus type, age and culture methods on regeneration competence was studied to improve regeneration efficiency and shorten the period of tissue culture in M. x giganteus propagation. Seven lignin biosynthesis genes and one putative flowering gene were isolated from M. x giganteus by PCR reactions using maize othologous sequences. Southern hybridization and nuclear DNA content analysis indicated that the genes isolated from M. x giganteus exist in the genome of other Miscanthus species as multiple copies. Analysis of lignin content and histological staining of lignin deposition indicated that higher lignin content is found in mature stem node tissues compared to young leaves and apical stem nodal tissues. Cell wall lignification is associated with increasing tissue maturity in Miscanthus species. RNAi and antisense constructs harboring sequences of these genes were developed to generate Miscanthus transgenic plants with suppressed of lignin biosynthesis and delayed flowering.


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Extreme abiotic factors, such drought combined with heat waves and/or high UVB radiation are predicted to become more frequent in the future. The impact on plant production of these challenges on multipurpose Moringa oleifera L. remains unclear. A susceptibility of this species may lead to increase poverty in endangered regions. M. oleifera is a woody species native from sub-Himalaya regions under high climate stress pressure. The interest on this species is emerging due to its several medicinal properties and its nutritional value. Agropharmaceutical industry is interest in this species too. To understand the impact of increased climate factors, young (2 months old) plants of this species were exposed to water deficit (WD) and UVB (alone or combined). WD and WD+UVB imposition consists of unwater for 4 days. After 1 day withholding water, UVB and WD+UVB were irradiated with 26.3 kJ m-2 distributed per 3 days. Immediately after treatment exposition (1 day) and after 10 days, plant water status, growth, carbon metabolism and oxidative stress were measured. Overall no significant differences were observed in WD, regarding the parameters analysed, except on gas exchanges, MDA and phenols. The plants exposed to UVB showed, in general, more severe effects, as higher pigment content, MDA and membrane permeability, while no changes were observed in the total antioxidant activity. Plants exposed to UVB+WD, despite changes observed, the impact was lower than the one observed in UVB exposed plants, meaning that a protective/adaptive mechanism was developed in the plants under combined stressors. On the other hand, in all treatments the net CO2 assimilation rate decreased. Results suggest that M. oleifera has some tolerance to WD and UVB, and that develops mechanism of adaptation to these two types of stress that often arise in combination under a climate change scenario.


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Cultivation of chilling-tolerant ornamental crops at lower temperature could reduce the energy demands of heated greenhouses. To provide a better understanding of how sub-optimal temperatures (12 degrees C vs. 16 degrees C) affect growth of the sensitive Petunia hybrida cultivar 'SweetSunshine Williams', the transcriptome, carbohydrate metabolism, and phytohormone homeostasis were monitored in aerial plant parts over 4 weeks by use of a microarray, enzymatic assays and GC-MS/MS. The data revealed three consecutive phases of chilling response. The first days were marked by a strong accumulation of sugars, particularly in source leaves, preferential up-regulation of genes in the same tissue and down-regulation of several genes in the shoot apex, especially those involved in the abiotic stress response. The midterm phase featured a partial normalization of carbohydrate levels and gene expression. After 3 weeks of chilling exposure, a new stabilized balance was established. Reduced hexose levels in the shoot apex, reduced ratios of sugar levels between the apex and source leaves and a higher apical sucrose/hexose ratio, associated with decreased activity and expression of cell wall invertase, indicate that prolonged chilling induced sugar accumulation in source leaves at the expense of reduced sugar transport to and reduced sucrose utilization in the shoot. This was associated with reduced levels of indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid in the apex and high numbers of differentially, particularly up-regulated genes, especially in the source leaves, including those regulating histones, ethylene action, transcription factors, and a jasmonate-ZIM-domain protein. Transcripts of one Jumonji C domain containing protein and one expansin accumulated in source leaves throughout the chilling period. The results reveal a dynamic and complex disturbance of plant function in response to mild chilling, opening new perspectives for the comparative analysis of differently tolerant cultivars.


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Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, the first enzyme in the pathway for the interconversion of one carbon compounds was purified from mung bean seedlings by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-Sephadex, Blue Sepharose CL-6B affinity chromatography and gel filteration on Sephacryl S-200. The specific activity of the enzyme, 0.73 (u mol HCHO formed/min/mg protein) was 104 times larger than the highest value reported hitherto. Saturation of tetrahydrofolate was sigmoid, whereas with serine was hyperbolic, with nH values of 1.9 and 1.0 respectively. Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, lysine and methionine decreased, whereas nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, adenosine 5′-monophosphate and adenosine 5′-triphosphate increased the sigmoidicity. These results suggest that serine hydroxymethyltransferase from mung bean is a regulatory enzyme. H4folate; (±)-L-tetrahydrofolate


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The availability of oxygen has a major effect on all organisms. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to adapt its metabolism for growth in different conditions of oxygen provision, and to grow even under complete lack of oxygen. Although the physiology of S. cerevisiae has mainly been studied under fully aerobic and anaerobic conditions, less is known of metabolism under oxygen-limited conditions and of the adaptation to changing conditions of oxygen provision. This study compared the physiology of S. cerevisiae in conditions of five levels of oxygen provision (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.8 and 20.9% O2 in feed gas) by using measurements on metabolite, transcriptome and proteome levels. On the transcriptional level, the main differences were observed between the three level groups, 0, 0.5 2.8 and 20.9% O2 which led to fully fermentative, respiro-fermentative and fully respiratory modes of metabolism, respectively. However, proteome analysis suggested post-transcriptional regulation at the level of 0.5 O2. The analysis of metabolite and transcript levels of central carbon metabolism also suggested post-transcriptional regulation especially in glycolysis. Further, a global upregulation of genes related to respiratory pathways was observed in the oxygen-limited conditions and the same trend was seen in the proteome analysis and in the activities of enzymes of the TCA cycle. The responses of intracellular metabolites related to central carbon metabolism and transcriptional responses to change in oxygen availability were studied. As a response to sudden oxygen depletion, concentrations of the metabolites of central carbon metabolism responded faster than the corresponding levels of gene expression. In general, the genome-wide transcriptional responses to oxygen depletion were highly similar when two different initial conditions of oxygen provision (20.9 and 1.0% O2) were compared. The genes related to growth and cell proliferation were transiently downregulated whereas the genes related to protein degradation and phosphate uptake were transiently upregulated. In the cultures initially receiving 1.0% O2, a transient upregulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation, peroxisomal biogenesis, response to oxidative stress and pentose phosphate pathway was observed. Additionally, this work analysed the effect of oxygen on transcription of genes belonging to the hexose transporter gene family. Although the specific glucose uptake rate was highest in fully anaerobic conditions, none of the hxt genes showed highest expression in anaerobic conditions. However, the expression of genes encoding the moderately low affinity transporters decreased with the decreasing oxygen level. Thus it was concluded that there is a relative increase in high affinity transport in anaerobic conditions supporting the high uptake rate.


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) belongs to the alpha-family of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes and catalyzes the reversible conversion of L-Ser and etrahydrofolate to Gly and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate. 5,10-Methylene tetrahydrofolate serves as a source of one-carbon fragment in many biological processes. SHMT also catalyzes the tetrahydrofolate-independent conversion of L-allo-Thr to Gly and acetaldehyde. The crystal structure of Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT (bsSHMT) suggested that E53 interacts with the substrate, L-Ser and etrahydrofolate. To elucidate the role of E53, it was mutated to Q and structural and biochemical studies were carried out with the mutant enzyme. The internal aldimine structure of E53QbsSHMT was similar to that of the except for significant changes at Q53, Y60 and Y61. The wild-type enzyme, carboxyl of Gly and side chain of L-Ser were in two conformations in the respective external aldimine structures. The mutant enzyme was completely inactive for tetrahydrofolate-depen dent cleavage of L-Ser, whereas there was a 1.5-fold increase in the rate of tetrahydrofolate-independent reaction with L-allo-Thr. The results obtained from these studies suggest that E53 plays an essential role in tetrahydrofolate/5-formyl tetrahydrofolate binding and in the proper positioning of C beta of L-Ser for direct attack by N5 of tetrahydrofolate. Most interestingly, the structure of the complex obtained by cocrystallization of E53QbsSHMT with Gly and 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate revealed the gem-diamine form of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate bound to Gly and active site Lys. However, density for 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate was not observed. Gly carboxylate was in a single conformation, whereas pyridoxal 5'-phosphate had two distinct conformations. The differences between the structures of this complex and Gly external aldimine suggest that the changes induced by initial binding of 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate are retained even though 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate is absent in the final structure. Spectral studies carried out with this mutant enzyme also suggest that 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate binds to the E53QbsSHMT-Gly complex forming a quinonoid intermediate and falls off within 4 h of dialysis, leaving behind the mutant enzyme in the gemdiamine form. This is the first report to provide direct evidence for enzyme memory based on the crystal structure of enzyme complexes.


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A novel method for the construction of tricyclo[,5)]undecane and tricyclo[,6)]dodecane frame work has been developed. Thus the alcohols 6, 18, 21 and 29 undergo Lewis acid-catalysed rearrangement to the tricyclic ketones 5, 19, 22 and 30. Dehydrogenation of 22 to the enone 23 proves the synchronous anti-migration of the methanobridge during the skeletal rearrangement. Finally, one carbon homologation of the ketones 5 and 19 leads to the syntheses of 2-norcedrene 4 and some analogues of funebrene 20 and 30.