933 resultados para Olfactory Sensory Neuron


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Chemosensation is the detection of chemical signals in the environment that enable an animal to make informed decisions about food choice, mate preference or predator detection. Dissecting the molecular and neural mechanisms by which animals detect chemical cues is an important goal towards understanding how they interact with the environment. An attractive system to dissect the mechanisms of chemosensation is the olfactory system. One of the most-investigated olfactory systems is that of Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism that is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and physiological analyses. Embedded within the antennal olfactory organ of Drosophila is an unusual sensory structure called the sacculus. The sacculus is comprised of three distinct chambers, each lined with several sensilla housing two to three neurons. Previous morphological, anatomical and surgical studies of sacculus neurons have implicated sacculus neurons in chemosensation, hygrosensation and/or thermosensation. While a subset of sacculus neurons have been physiologically characterised as temperature sensors, the role of this organ has remained largely mysterious, due to its inaccessibility to peripheral electrophysiological analysis. Recently a new family of olfactory receptors, the lonotropic Receptors (IRs), was identified. Five IRs are expressed in sacculus neurons providing the first selective molecular markers for these cells. In this thesis I describe the molecular, physiological and anatomical characterisation of these neurons. Genetic labelling of specific populations of sacculus neurons with anatomical (CD8:GFP) reporters has identified neurons in sacculus chambers I and II express IR40a+IR93a together with their co- receptor IR25a, while neurons in chamber III express IR64a with its co-receptor IR8a. Both these sets of neurons project to two distinct glomeruli in the antennal lobe; IR40a neurons project to the column and arm, IR64a neurons project to DC4 and DP1m. Through a live optical imaging screen I showed that these neurons are indeed olfactory and IR64a neurons recognise acidic ligands, while IR40a neurons recognise amine ligands. IR40a and IR64a neurons are in fact composed of anatomically and physiologically distinct subpopulations, strongly implying the existence of other factors that define their functional properties. My thesis identifies the sacculus as a specialised olfactory organ capable of detecting acids and bases, which are of widespread importance to insects. The data from my thesis along with data from other labs show the sacculus is composed of different populations of olfactory sensory neurons and thermosensory neurons. Comparative genomic analysis of sacculus IRs across insects reveals them to be among the most conserved of this receptor repertoire, suggesting that the sacculus represents an evolutionarily ancient insect olfactory acid-base sensor. - La détection des produits chimiques se trouvant dans l'environnement (perception chimiosensorielle) permet à un animal de choisir sa nourriture, son partenaire ou encore d'identifier ses prédateurs. Décortiquer les mécanismes moléculaires et neuronaux grâce auxquels les animaux détectent ces signaux chimiques permet de comprendre comment ces animaux interagissent avec leur environnement. Un système intéressant pour décortiquer ces mécanismes de perception chimiosensorielle est le système olfactif, de la drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre. C'est un animal modèle très utile grâce à la combinaison d'outils génétiques puissants et d'analyses physiologiques facilement réalisables. Dans l'antenne de la drosophile, qui est l'organe olfactif principal de cet animal, se trouve une structure appelée sacculus. Celui-ci est composé de trois chambres distinctes, chacune comprenant plusieurs sensilles à l'intérieur desquelles se trouvent deux à trois neurones. De précédentes études morphologiques et anatomiques des ces neurones ont déterminé qu'ils sont impliqués dans la perception des odeurs, de l'humidité et de la température. Malgré ceci, la fonction principale de cet organe reste largement inconnue, principalement car il est inaccessible aux analyses électrophysiologiques. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de soixante-six récepteurs olfactifs, nommés Récepteurs lonotropiques (IRs), a été découverte chez la drosophile. Cinq IRs sont exprimés dans les neurones du sacculus. Pour la première fois, une sélection de marqueurs moléculaires est disponible pour l'étude de ces cellules. Dans cette thèse, les caractéristiques moléculaires, physiologiques et anatomiques des neurones du sacculus sont décrites. Ces populations de neurones situés dans le sacculus ont été marquées avec des gènes rapporteurs (CD8:GFP). Ceci a montré que les récepteurs IR40a et IR93a sont exprimés ensemble avec le co-récepteur IR25a dans les chambres I et II, tandis que les neurones de la chambre III expriment IR64a avec son co-récepteur IR8a. Ces deux groupes de neurones projettent vers deux glomérules distincts du lobe antennaire : les neurones IR40a projettent vers la column et le arm, alors que les neurones IR64a projettent vers DC4 et DP1m. Un screen d'imagerie optique a démontré que ces neurones sont en effet des neurones olfactifs, et que les neurones IR64a reconnaissent des ligands acides, tandis que les neurones IR40a reconnaissent des ligands aminés. De plus, les neurones IR40a et IR64a sont séparés en sous-populations distinctes anatomiquement et physiologiquement, et d'autres facteurs permettant de définir leurs propriétés fonctionnelles sont probablement impliqués. Cette thèse identifie ainsi le sacculus comme un organe olfactif spécialisé capable de détecter des acides et amines, lesquels sont très importants pour les insectes. Toutes les données collectées durant cette thèse, combinées aux données d'autres laboratoires, montrent que le sacculus est composé de différentes populations de neurones olfactifs et thermosenseurs. Ces IRs sont très conservés parmi les insectes, suggérant que le sacculus représente révolution d'un ancien détecteur olfactif d'acides et de bases chez l'insecte. - Tous les animaux sont capables de percevoir les signaux chimiques dans leur environnement, comme les odeurs ou le goût, via différents organes. L'odorat est le sens qui permet de percevoir les odeurs, et il est implique des neurones olfactifs qui se trouvent dans le nez des mammifères ou les antennes des insectes. La capacité d'un neurone olfactif à détecter une molécule odorante dépend des types de récepteurs olfactifs qu'il exprime. Il existe deux grandes familles de récepteurs qui perçoivent les odeurs : les Récepteurs Olfactifs, ORs, et Récepteurs lonotropiques IRs, qui détectent différents types d'odeurs avec différents mécanismes. Lorsqu'un récepteur reconnaît une molécule odorante, il convertit ce signal en un signal électrique qui est ensuite transmis au centre olfactif dans le cerveau. La drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre, est utilisée comme animal modèle pour étudier l'odorat, parce que son génome entier a été séquencé et que ses gènes sont facilement manipulables. De plus, l'anatomie du système olfactif de la mouche est similaire à celui des mammifères, malgré qu'il possède moins de neurones, ce qui le rend moins complexe. Ma thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les Récepteurs lonotropiques dans un organe spécifique, appelé le sacculus, situé dans les antennes. Les neurones du sacculus exprimant des IRs envoient leurs projections au centre olfactif du cerveau, suggérant que ces neurones perçoivent les odeurs. Une technique d'imagerie optique a été utilisée sur le cerveau de mouches vivantes afin de mesurer la réponse des neurones du le sacculus à différentes odeurs. J'ai démontré que ces récepteurs détectent des acides et des amines, qui sont très importants pour les insectes. Par exemple, les acides se retrouvent dans les fruits mûrs sur lesquels les mouches vont se nourrir, s'accoupler et poser leurs oeufs, et les amines sont souvent produites par des bactéries pouvant être nuisible pour la mouche. La principale découverte de ma thèse est donc l'identification du sacculus comme un organe capable de détecter deux des principales odeurs importantes pour la mouche. Ces récepteurs sont aussi présents dans d'autres insectes où ils jouent peut-être des rôles différents. Les acides et les amines se retrouvent aussi dans les excrétions (comme la sueur ou l'urine) de beaucoup de mammifères, qui pourraient potentiellement être dangereux pour la mouche, mais qui attirent les moustiques se nourrissant de leur sang.


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Chemical sensing begins when peripheral receptor proteins recognise specific environmental stimuli and translate them into spatial and temporal patterns of sensory neuron activity. The chemosensory system of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has become a dominant model to understand this process, through its accessibility to a powerful combination of molecular, genetic and electrophysiological analysis. Recent results have revealed many surprises in the biology of peripheral chemosensation in Drosophila, including novel structural and signalling properties of the insect odorant receptors (ORs), combinatorial mechanisms of chemical recognition by the gustatory receptors (GRs), and the implication of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels as a novel class of chemosensory receptors.


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Most odors in natural environments are mixtures of several compounds. Perceptually, these can blend into a new "perfume," or some components may dominate as elements of the mixture. In order to understand such mixture interactions, it is necessary to study the events at the olfactory periphery, down to the level of single-odorant receptor cells. Does a strong ligand present at a low concentration outweigh the effect of weak ligands present at high concentrations? We used the fruit fly receptor dOr22a and a banana-like odor mixture as a model system. We show that an intermediate ligand at an intermediate concentration alone elicits the neuron's blend response, despite the presence of both weaker ligands at higher concentration, and of better ligands at lower concentration in the mixture. Because all of these components, when given alone, elicited significant responses, this reveals specific mixture processing already at the periphery. By measuring complete dose-response curves we show that these mixture effects can be fully explained by a model of syntopic interaction at a single-receptor binding site. Our data have important implications for how odor mixtures are processed in general, and what preprocessing occurs before the information reaches the brain.


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Les informations olfactives sont connues pour leur capacité à induire des comportements moteurs spécifiques. En dépit de nombreuses observations comportementales chez les vertébrés, on ne connaît toujours pas les mécanismes et les voies nerveuses qui sous-tendent ces phénomènes de transformation olfacto-locomotrices. Chez la lamproie, des travaux récents ont permis de décrire cette voie, et les mécanismes responsables de la transformation des entrées olfactives en activité locomotrice (Derjean et al., 2010). Cette voie prend origine dans la partie médiane du bulbe olfactif, et envoie des projections vers le tubercule postérieur, une région qui se trouve dans le diencéphale. De là, les neurones projettent directement vers la Région Locomotrice Mésencéphalique, connue pour envoyer des connexions vers les neurones réticulospinaux, et activer la locomotion. L’objectif de cette étude était d’établir si l’ensemble des neurones réticulospinaux répond aux stimulations olfactives. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé sur une préparation de cerveau isolé de lamproie des techniques d’électrophysiologie et d’imagerie calcique. La stimulation électrique des nerfs olfactifs, de la région médiane du bulbe olfactif ou du tubercule postérieur a provoqué une activation de toutes les cellules réticulospinales qui se retrouvent dans les quatre noyaux réticulaires (ARRN : Noyau Réticulaire Rhombencéphalique Antérieur; MRN : Noyau Réticulaire Mésencéphalique; MRRN : Noyau Réticulaire Rhombencéphalique Moyen; PRRN : Noyau Réticulaire Rhombencéphalique Postérieur). Seule la partie médiane du bulbe olfactif est impliquée dans le passage de l’information olfactive vers les neurones réticulospinaux. Nous avons aussi découvert que le blocage des récepteurs GABAergiques dans la partie médiane du bulbe olfactif augmentait les réponses olfactives de façon considérable dans les cellules réticulospinales. Nous avons montré ainsi qu’il existe un tonus inhibiteur impliqué dans la dépression modulatrice de la voie olfacto-locomotrice. Ce travail a permis de montrer que la stimulation des afférences sensorielles olfactives active simultanément l’ensemble des populations de neurones réticulospinaux qui commandent la locomotion. De plus, il existerait un tonus inhibiteur GABAergique, au niveau de la partie médiane du bulbe olfactif, responsable d’une dépression modulatrice dans la voie olfacto-locomotrice.


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Human functional imaging provides a correlative picture of brain activity during pain. A particular set of central nervous system structures (eg, the anterior cingulate cortex, thalamus, and insula) consistently respond to transient nociceptive stimuli causing pain. Activation of this so-called pain matrix or pain signature has been related to perceived pain intensity, both within and between individuals,1,2 and is now considered a candidate biomarker for pain in medicolegal settings and a tool for drug discovery. The pain-specific interpretation of such functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses, although logically flawed,3,4 remains pervasive. For example, a 2015 review states that “the most likely interpretation of activity in the pain matrix seems to be pain.”4 Demonstrating the nonspecificity of the pain matrix requires ruling out the presence of pain when highly salient sensory stimuli are presented. In this study, we administered noxious mechanical stimuli to individuals with congenital insensitivity to pain and sampled their brain activity with fMRI. Loss-of-function SCN9A mutations in these individuals abolishes sensory neuron sodium channel Nav1.7 activity, resulting in pain insensitivity through an impaired peripheral drive that leaves tactile percepts fully intact.5 This allows complete experimental disambiguation of sensory responses and painful sensations


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Odorant receptors and other chemoreceptors are usually poorly expressed in the plasma membrane of heterologous cells. A key point of regulation in G protein-mediated signaling is the interconversion between the active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states of the G alpha subunit, which regulatory proteins, such as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), can control. GEFs stimulate formation of the GTP-bound state of G alpha and therefore are considered to work as positive regulators of G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Ric-8B, a GEF that is specifically expressed in olfactory sensory neurons, promotes functional expression of odorant receptors in HEK293T cells because it amplifies the initially low receptor signaling through G alpha olf. This same strategy could be used to functionally express other types of chemoreceptors.


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Regulation of glutamate transporters accompanies plasticity of some glutamatergic synapses. The regulation of glutamate uptake at the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse during long-term facilitation (LTF) was investigated. Previously, increases in levels of ApGT1 (Aplysia glutamate transporter 1) in synaptic membranes were found to be related to long-term increases in glutamate uptake. In this study, we found that regulation of ApGT1 during LTF appears to occur post-translationally. Serotonin (5-HT) a transmitter that induces LTF did not increase synthesis of ApGT1. A pool of ApGT1 appears to exist in sensory neuron somata, which is transported to the terminals by axonal transport. Blocking the rough endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-trans-Golgi network (TGN) pathway with Brefeldin A prevented the 5-HT-induced increase of ApGT1 in terminals. Also, 5-HT produced changes in post-translational modifications of ApGT1 as well as changes in the levels of an ApGT1-co-precipitating protein. These results suggest that regulation of trafficking of ApGT1 from the vesicular trafficking system (rough endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-TGN) in the sensory neuron somata to the terminals by post-translational modifications and protein interactions appears to be the mechanism underlying the increase in ApGT1, and thus, glutamate uptake during memory formation.


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Activity-dependent alterations of synaptic transmission important for learning and memory are often induced by Ca(2+) signals generated by depolarization. While it is widely assumed that Ca(2+) is the essential transducer of depolarization into cellular plasticity, little effort has been made to test whether Ca(2+)-independent responses to depolarization might also induce memory-like alterations. It was recently discovered that peripheral axons of nociceptive sensory neurons in Aplysia display long-lasting hyperexcitability triggered by conditioning depolarization in the absence of Ca(2+) entry (using nominally Ca(2+)-free solutions containing EGTA, "0Ca/EGTA") or the absence of detectable Ca(2+) transients (adding BAPTA-AM, "0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM"). The current study reports that depolarization of central ganglia to approximately 0 mV for 2 min in these same solutions induced hyperexcitability lasting >1 h in sensory neuron processes near their synapses onto motor neurons. Furthermore, conditioning depolarization in these solutions produced a 2.5-fold increase in excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitude 1-3 h afterward despite a drop in motor neuron input resistance. Depolarization in 0 Ca/EGTA produced long-term potentiation (LTP) of the EPSP lasting > or = 1 days without changing postsynaptic input resistance. When re-exposed to extracellular Ca(2+) during synaptic tests, prior exposure to 0Ca/EGTA or to 0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM decreased sensory neuron survival. However, differential effects on neuronal health are unlikely to explain the observed potentiation because conditioning depolarization in these solutions did not alter survival rates. These findings suggest that unrecognized Ca(2+)-independent signals can transduce depolarization into long-lasting synaptic potentiation, perhaps contributing to persistent synaptic alterations following large, sustained depolarizations that occur during learning, neural injury, or seizures.


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Enhanced expression of the presynaptic protein synapsin has been correlated with certain forms of long-term plasticity and learning and memory. However, the regulation and requirement for enhanced synapsin expression in long-term memory remains unknown. In the present study the technical advantages of the marine mollusc Aplysia were exploited in order to address this issue. In Aplysia, learning-induced enhancement in synaptic strength is modulated by serotonin (5-HT) and treatment with 5-HT in vitro of the sensorimotor synapse induces long-term facilitation (LTF) of synaptic transmission, which lasts for days, as well as the formation of new connections between the sensory and motor neuron. Results from immunofluorescence analysis indicated that 5-HT treatment upregulates synapsin protein levels within sensory neuron varicosities, the presumed site of neurotransmitter release. To investigate the mechanisms underlying increased synapsin expression, the promoter region of the Aplysia synapsin gene was cloned and a cAMP response element (CRE) was identified, raising the possibility that the transcriptional activator cAMP response element-binding protein-1 (CREB1) mediates the 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin. Results from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays indicated that 5-HT treatment enhanced association of CREB1 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter and led to increased acetylation of histones H3 and H4 and decreased association of histone deacetylase 5 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter, a sign of transcriptional activation. In addition, sensory neurons injected with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter vector driven by the synapsin promoter exhibited a significant increase in EGFP expression following treatment with 5-HT. These results suggest that synapsin expression is regulated by 5-HT in part through transcriptional activation of the synapsin gene and through CREB1 association with the synapsin promoter. Furthermore, RNA interference that blocks 5-HT-induced elevation of synapsin expression also blocked long-term synaptic facilitation. These results indicate that 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin is necessary for LTF and that synapsin is part of the cascade of synaptic events involved in the consolidation of memory.


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Plasticity at the connections between sensory neurons and their follower cells in Aplysia has been used extensively as a model system to examine mechanisms of simple forms of learning, such as sensitization. Sensitization is induced, at least in part, by the transmitter serotonin (5-HT) and expressed in several forms, including facilitation of sensorimotor connections. Spike broadening has been believed to be a key mechanism underlying facilitation of nondepressed synapses. Previously, this broadening was believed to be dependent primarily on cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated reduction of a noninactivating, relatively voltage-independent K$\sp{+}$ current termed the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}S}$). Recent evidence, however, suggests that 5-HT-induced somatic spike broadening is composed of at least two components: a cAMP-dependent, rapidly developing component and a cAMP-independent, slowly developing component.^ Phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C (PKC), mimicked the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Staurosporine, which inhibits PKC, had little effect on the rapidly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening, but inhibited significantly the slowly developing component. These results suggest that PKC is involved in the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. The membrane currents responsible for the slowly developing component of broadening were examined. Activation of PKC mimicked, and partially occluded, 5-HT-induced modulation of membrane currents above 0 mV, where a voltage-dependent K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$) is significantly activated. This modulation was complex because it was associated with a reduction in the magnitude of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$, as well as a slowing of both activation and inactivation kinetics of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$. These results support the hypothesis that PKC modulates I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ and that this modulation contributes to the slowly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Based on these results and others, a new scheme for 5-HT-induced spike broadening is proposed in which the modulatory effects are mediated via two second messenger/protein kinase systems converging and diverging on multiple ionic conductances.^ The relationship between spike broadening and synaptic facilitation was also examined. Pharmacological reduction of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ by low concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) led to spike broadening and facilitation of the nondepressed sensorimotor connections, indicating that spike broadening via the reduction of I$\sc{K,V}$ can facilitate the synaptic connection. Further analyses, however, revealed that 4-AP-induced facilitation has qualitative differences from 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation. These results suggest that 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation of nondepressed synapses is mediated, at least in part, by spike-duration independent (SDI) processes. Under certain conditions, the PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, significantly inhibited the 5-HT-induced facilitation of sensorimotor connections.^ Finally, it was found that activation of PKC increased a basal level of cAMP and that PKC caused desensitization of the 5-HT receptor, which may be a possible negative feedback mechanism through which an extracellular ligand, 5-HT, is regulated. These results suggest that these two second messenger/protein kinase pathways can interact in the sensory neuron. Thus, neuronal plasticity that may contribute to learning and memory appears to involve several complex and interactive processes. ^


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Previous studies have shown that short-term sensitization of the Aplysia siphon-withdrawal reflex circuit results in multiple sites of change in synaptic efficacy. In this dissertation I have used a realistic modeling approach (using an integrate-and-fire scheme), in conjunction with electrophysiological experiments, to evaluate the contribution of each site of plasticity to the sensitized response.^ This dissertation contains a detailed description of methodology for the construction of the model circuit, consisting of the LFS motor neurons and ten interneurons known to convey excitatory input to them. The model replicates closely the natural motor neuron firing response to a brief tactile stimulus.^ The various circuit elements have different roles for producing circuit output. For example, the sensory connections onto the motor neuron are important for the production of the phasic response, while the polysynaptic interneuronal connections are important for producing the tonic response.^ The multiple sites of plasticity that produce changes in circuit output also have specialized roles. Presynaptic facilitation of the sensory neuron to LFS connection enhances only the phasic component of the motor neuron firing response. The sensory neuron to interneuron connections primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Also, the L29 posttetanic potentiation and the L30 presynaptic inhibition primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Finally, the information content at the various sites of plasticity can shift with changes in stimulus intensity. This suggests that while the sites of plasticity encoding memory are fixed, the information content at these sites can be dynamic, shifting in anatomical location with changes in the intensity of the test stimulus.^ These sites of plasticity also produce specific changes in the behavioral response. Sensory-LFS plasticity selectively increases the amplitude of the behavioral response, and has no effect on the duration of the behavioral response. Interneuronal plasticity (L29 and L30) affects both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response. Other sensory plasticity also affect both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response, presumably by increasing the recruitment of the interneurons, which provide all of the effect on duration of the behavioral response. ^


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Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) is a cytokine and neurotrophic factor whose neuromodulatory effects in Aplysia californica were recently described. Previous results demonstrated that TGF-β1 induces long-term increases in the efficacy of sensorimotor synapses, a neural correlate of sensitization of the defensive tail withdrawal reflex. These results provided the first evidence that a neurotrophic factor regulates neuronal plasticity associated with a simple form of learning in Aplysia, and raised many questions regarding the nature of the modulation. No homologs of TGF-β had previously been identified in Aplysia, and thus, it was not known whether components of TGF-β1 signaling pathways were present in Aplysia. Furthermore, the signaling mechanisms engaged by TGF-β1 had not been identified, and it was not known whether TGF-β1 regulated other aspects of neuronal function.^ The present investigation into the actions of TGF-β1 was initiated by examining the distribution of the type II TGF-β1 receptor, the ligand binding receptor. The receptor was widely distributed in the CNS and most neurons exhibited somatic and neuritic immunoreactivity. In addition, the ability of TGF-β1 to activate the cAMP/PKA and MAPK pathways, known to regulate several important aspects of neuronal function, was examined. TGF-β1 acutely decreased cAMP levels in sensory neurons, activated MAPK and triggered translocation of MAPK to the nucleus. MAPK activation was critical for both short- and long-term regulation of neuronal function by TGF-β1. TGF-β1 acutely decreased synaptic depression induced by low frequency stimuli in a MAPK-dependent manner. This regulation may result, at least in part, from the modulation of synapsin, a major peripheral synaptic vesicle protein. TGF-β1 stimulated MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin, a process believed to regulate synaptic vesicle mobilization from reserve to readily-releasable pools of neurotransmitter. In addition to its acute effect on synaptic efficacy, TGF-β1 also induced long-term increases in sensory neuron excitability. Whereas transient exposure to TGF-β1 was not sufficient to drive short-or long-term changes in excitability, prolonged exposure to TGF-β1 induced long-term changes in excitability that depended on MAPK. The results of these studies represent significant progress toward an understanding of the role of TGF-β1 in neuronal plasticity. ^


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Despite vast research efforts since Cajal's seminal thoughts on the adaptation of the nervous system, researchers have only recently begun to understand the diversity of forms of neuronal plasticity and its mechanisms. All known forms of activity-dependent neuronal plasticity utilize alterations in [Ca 2+]i as a signal of changes in the membrane voltage. Ca 2+ sensors trigger modifications in excitability or synaptic strength that last from seconds to weeks and presumably years. Intriguingly, Kunjilwar et al., (unpublished observations) discovered in peripheral sensory axons of Aplysia that the induction of depolarization-dependent long-term axonal hyperexcitability does not require Ca2+ transients. Here we show that induction of depolarization-dependent intermediate-term and long-term synaptic potentiation in Aplysia occurs in conditions that prevent Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated channels and elevation of [Ca2+]i. We found that the intermediate-term synaptic potentiation induced under conditions expected to prevent Ca 2+ transients is associated with increased excitability of sensory neuron axons near presynaptic terminals, suggesting that the synaptic potentiation involves a presynaptic locus. The Ca2+-independent intermediate- and long-term synaptic potentiation appeared similar to previously reported Ca2+-dependent modifications in Aplysia. ^


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Neuronal Ca2+ channels are inhibited by a variety of transmitter receptors coupled to Go-type GTP-binding proteins. Go has been postulated to work via a direct interaction between an activated G protein subunit and the Ca2+ channel complex. Here we show that the inhibition of sensory neuron N-type Ca2+ channels produced by γ-aminobutyric acid involves a novel, rapidly activating tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that is mediated by Gαo and a src-like kinase. In contrast to other recently described G protein-coupled tyrosine kinase pathways, the Gαo-mediated modulation requires neither protein kinase C nor intracellular Ca2+. The results suggest that this pathway mediates rapid receptor-G protein signaling in the nervous system and support the existence of a previously unrecognized form of crosstalk between G protein and tyrosine kinase pathways.


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Inflammatory pain manifests as spontaneous pain and pain hypersensitivity. Spontaneous pain reflects direct activation of specific receptors on nociceptor terminals by inflammatory mediators. Pain hypersensitivity is the consequence of early posttranslational changes, both in the peripheral terminals of the nociceptor and in dorsal horn neurons, as well as later transcription-dependent changes in effector genes, again in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons. This inflammatory neuroplasticity is the consequence of a combination of activity-dependent changes in the neurons and specific signal molecules initiating particular signal-transduction pathways. These pathways phosphorylate membrane proteins, changing their function, and activate transcription factors, altering gene expression. Two distinct aspects of sensory neuron function are changed as a result of these processes, basal sensitivity, or the capacity of peripheral stimuli to evoke pain, and stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, the capacity of certain inputs to generate prolonged alterations in the sensitivity of the system. Posttranslational changes largely alter basal sensitivity. Transcriptional changes both potentiate the system and alter neuronal phenotype. Potentiation occurs as a result of the up-regulation in the dorsal root ganglion of centrally acting neuromodulators and simultaneously in the dorsal horn of their receptors. This means that the response to subsequent inputs is augmented, particularly those that induce stimulus-induced hypersensitivity. Alterations in phenotype includes the acquisition by A fibers of neurochemical features typical of C fibers, enabling these fibers to induce stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, something only C fiber inputs normally can do. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible provides new opportunities for therapeutic approaches to managing inflammatory pain.