60 resultados para Oleo
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
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Sabe-se que na atualidade, é grande a preocupação da comunidade científica mundial, em relação à resistência microbiana frente às substâncias convencionais, utilizadas indiscriminadamente, por isso, é crescente a motivação da pesquisa básica na bioprospecção de novas substâncias, que apresentem atividade antimicrobiana e antifúngica e que possam ser uma alternativa segura e eficaz contra esses microorganismos no tratamento das doenças causadas por eles. As dermatofitoses, por exemplo, são processos infecciosos de pele, pêlo e unhas que acometem muitas pessoas, de todas as faixas etárias, no mundo todo, provocando as chamadas tinhas ou tineas, denominadas corporis, pedis, cruris, capitis, unguium(onicomicose) e outras (dependendo o local do corpo onde estão), causadas pelo dermatófito filamentoso, Trichophyton rubrum. Estudos envolvendo este patógeno são cada vez mais importantes, devido ao aparecimento de linhagens resistentes aos medicamentos antifúngicos disponíveis no mercado, e ao comportamento invasivo deste agente em pacientes com o sistema imune comprometido. Porém, somente a descoberta de novas drogas não é suficiente, é preciso desenvolver produtos eficazes e seguros, que possam veicular essas substâncias sem causar prejuízo ao paciente. Sendo assim, a proposta desse trabalho é desenvolver uma emulsão A/O, contendo óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia (TTO), verificar sua estabilidade preliminar e caracterizá-la realizando o estudo reológico da formulação, determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e a concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) do TTO e averiguar a atividade antifúngica in vitro da emulsão frente ao T. rubrum, agente patogênico ao qual se destina o uso do produto
There are cardiopathies that acometem the dogs, being able this being congenital or acquired and lately have grown the number of cases due to the increase of the life expectancy of these animals becoming each time more necessary prevention methods. In recent years innumerable research is being carried through to understand the influence of the fish oil in the cardiopathies. The fish oil ingestion, Omega 3, has shown beneficial effect in the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses in such a way in the men as in the animals. Such effect this related to the presence of acid greasy polyunsaturateds n-3, mainly acid the eicosapentaenóico (EPA) and acid the docosahexaenóico (DHA). These substances can be found in foods as marine cold water fish (salmon, tuna, sardine and Trout), hemp seeds and soy. The present study, therefore, it has as objective to carry through an update on the use of the fish oil in the treatment of cardiopathies in dogs
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The rancidity of vegetable oils is considered one problem in the food industry,thus, are added antioxidants in food. The objective of this study was to investigatethe antioxidant effect of oregano and thyme extracts in soybean oil underthermoxidation. Soybean oil containing 3,000 mg/kg of oregano and thyme oleo-resins and the mixture of both, as well as soybean oil containing tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ; 50 mg/kg) and soybean oil free of were subjected tothermoxidation. Then, the physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile wereevaluated. Oregano and thyme oleoresins applied separately presented a higherprotective effect, inhibiting a greater formation of polar compounds than the anti-oxidant TBHQ, indicating that the addition of 3,000 mg/kg has ensured a betteroxidative protection than the synthetic antioxidant. The increase in the concentra-tion of oleoresins by mixing thyme and oregano extracts has given a higher pro-tective effect.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The antimicrobials products from plants have increased in importance due to the therapeutic potential in the treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore, we aimed to examine the chemical characterisation (GC-MS) of essential oils (EO) from seven plants and measure antibacterial activities against bacterial strains isolated from clinical human specimens (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and sensitive (MSSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium) and foods (Salmonella Enteritidis). Assays were performed using the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC and MIC90%) (mg/mL) by agar dilution and time kill curve methods (log CFU/mL) to aiming synergism between EO. EO chemical analysis showed a predominance of terpenes and its derivatives. The highest antibacterial activities were with Cinnamomun zeylanicum (0.25 mg/mL on almost bacteria tested) and Caryophyllus aronzaticus EO (2.40 mg/mL on Salmonella Enteritidis), and the lowest activity was with Eugenia uniflora (from 50.80 mg/mL against MSSA to 92.40 mg/mL against both Salmonella sources and P aeruginosa) EO. The time kill curve assays revealed the occurrence of bactericide synergism in combinations of C. aromaticus and C. zeylanicum with Rosmarinus. officinalis. Thus, the antibacterial activities of the EO were large and this can also be explained by complex chemical composition of the oils tested in this study and the synergistic effect of these EO, yet requires further investigation because these interactions between the various chemical compounds can increase or reduce (antagonism effect) the inhibitory effect of essential oils against bacterial strains.
Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. commonly known as "copaiba", produce a commercially valuable oil-resin that is extensively used in folk medicine for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic purposes. We have found the hydroalcoholic extract of this plant leaf has the potential to treat urolithiasis, a problem affecting similar to 7% of the population. To isolate the functional compounds C. langsdorffii leaves were dried, ground, and macerated in a hydroalcoholic solution 7:3 to produce a 16.8% crude extract after solvent elimination. Urolithiasis was induced by introduction of a calcium oxalate pellet (CaOx) into the bladders of adult male Wistar rats. The treated groups received the crude extract by oral gavage at 20 mg/kg body weight daily for 18 days. Extract treatment started 30 days after CaOx seed implantation. To monitor renal function sodium, potassium and creatinine concentrations were analyzed in urine and plasma, and were found to be in the normal range. Analyses of pH, magnesium, phosphate, calcium, uric acid, oxalate and citrate levels were evaluated to determine whether the C. langsdorffii extract may function as a stone formation prevention agent. The HPLC analysis of the extract identified flavonoids quercitrin and afzelin as the major components. Animals treated with C. langsdorffii have increased levels of magnesium and decreased levels of uric acid in urinary excretions. Treated animals have a significant decrease in the mean number of calculi and a reduction in calculi mass. Calculi taken from extract treated animals were more brittle and fragile than calculi from untreated animals. Moreover, breaking calculi from untreated animals required twice the amount of pressure as calculi from treated animals (6.90 +/- A 3.45 vs. 3.00 +/- A 1.51). The extract is rich in flavonoid heterosides and other phenolic compounds. Therefore, we hypothesize this class of compounds might contribute significantly to the observed activity.
Actualmente el sector privado posee un papel relevante en la provisión y gestión de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de ingreso medio‐bajo, principalmente a través de los proyectos de participación público‐privada (PPPs). Muchos países han impulsado este tipo de proyectos con el fin de hacer frente a la gran demanda de infraestructuras de transporte existente, debido a la escasez de recursos públicos y a la falta de eficiencia en la provisión de los servicios públicos. Como resultado, las PPPs han experimentado un crecimiento importante en las últimas dos décadas a nivel mundial. A pesar de esta tendencia creciente, muchos países no han sido capaces de atraer la participación del sector privado para la provisión de sus infraestructuras o no han logrado el nivel de participación privada que habrían requerido para alcanzar sus objetivos. Según numerosos autores, el desarrollo y el éxito de los proyectos PPP de infraestructuras de transporte de cualquier país está condicionado por una diversidad de factores, siendo uno de ellos la calidad de su entorno institucional. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar la influencia del entorno institucional en el volumen de inversión en proyectos de participación público‐privada de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de ingreso medio‐bajo. Para acometer dicho objetivo se ha realizado un análisis empírico de 81 países distribuidos en seis regiones del mundo, durante el periodo 1996‐2013. En el análisis se han desarrollado dos modelos empíricos aplicando principalmente dos metodologías: el contraste de hipótesis y los modelos de datos de panel Tobit. El desarrollo de estos modelos ha permitido analizar de una forma exhaustiva el tema de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencia de que la calidad del entorno institucional posee una influencia significativa en el volumen de inversión en los proyectos PPP de transporte. En general, en esta tesis se muestran evidencias empíricas de que el sector privado ha tendido a invertir en mayor medida en países con entornos institucionales fuertes, es decir, en aquellos países en los que ha existido un mayor nivel de Estado de derecho, estabilidad política y regulatoria, efectividad del gobierno, así como un mayor control de la corrupción. Además, aquellos países donde se ha registrado una mejora en el nivel de su calidad institucional también han experimentado un incremento en el volumen de inversión en PPP de transporte. The private sector has an important role in the provision and management of transport infrastructure in countries of medium‐low income, primarily through projects of public‐private partnerships (PPPs). Many countries have developed PPP projects to meet the high demand of transport infrastructure, due to the scarcity of public resources and the lack of efficiency in the provision of public services. As a result, PPPs have experienced a significant growth, worldwide, in the past two decades. Despite this growing trend, many countries have not been able to attract private sector participation in the provision of infrastructure or have not accomplished the level of private participation that would have required to achieve its objectives. According to various authors, the development of PPP projects for transport infrastructure is determined by a number of factors, one of them being the quality of the institutional environment. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the influence of the institutional environment on the volume of investment, in projects of public‐private partnerships for transport infrastructure in countries of medium‐low income. In order to meet this objective, we conducted an empirical analysis of 81 countries, in six regions of the world, during the period of 1996‐2013. The analysis used two empirical models, implementing different methodologies and various statistical techniques: hypothesis testing, and Tobit model using panel data. The development of these models allowed to carry out a more comprehensive analysis. The results show that the quality of the institutional environment has a significant influence on the volume of investment in PPP projects of transport. Overall, this dissertation shows that the private sector tends to invest more in countries with stronger institutional environments, i.e. countries where there has been a higher level of Rule of Law, political and regulatory stability, and an effective control of corruption. In addition, those that have improved the level of institutional quality have also experienced an increase in the volume of investment in PPP of transport.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2012.
One of the main activities in the petroleum engineering is to estimate the oil production in the existing oil reserves. The calculation of these reserves is crucial to determine the economical feasibility of your explotation. Currently, the petroleum industry is facing problems to analyze production due to the exponentially increasing amount of data provided by the production facilities. Conventional reservoir modeling techniques like numerical reservoir simulation and visualization were well developed and are available. This work proposes intelligent methods, like artificial neural networks, to predict the oil production and compare the results with the ones obtained by the numerical simulation, method quite a lot used in the practice to realization of the oil production prediction behavior. The artificial neural networks will be used due your learning, adaptation and interpolation capabilities
A especie vegetal Argentum conyzoides L., empregada popularmente como antidiarreica, antiespasmódica, carminativa, febrifuga, antirreumática teve sua propriedade anti inflamatória comprovada cientificamente, foi estudada morfológica e anatomicamente com vistas a sua caracterização farmacognostica . O extrato fluido da referida planta foi analisado por cromatografia em camada delgada, através de diversos sistemas cromatográficas, com vistas a fornecer subsídios ao controle de qualidade deste insumo farmacêutico.
Para avaliar a erva medicinal Cymbopogon citratus (capim-limao) no controle de fitopatogenos e de plantas daninhas em feijoeiro, foram instalados experimentos utilizando diferentes subprodutos da planta. O oleo essencial de C. citratus a 10% obtido de folhas inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de Fusarium solani f. sp phaseoli, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum e Rhizoctonia solani, ao passo que Sclerotium rolfsii apresentou-se menos sensivel, apesar da substancia reduzir significativamente o diametro medio das colonias do fungo. Tambem o oleo de C. citratus a 10% promoveu inibicao total da germinacao de sementes de Digitaria horizontalis (capim-colchao), Sorghum halepense (capim-massambara), Bidens pilosa (picao-preto), Euphorbia heterophylla (amendoim-bravo, leiteiro) e Raphanus raphanistrum (nabica). O oleo inibiu parcialmente a germinacao de Echinochloa crusgalli (capim-arroz) e nao afetou a germinacao de Portulaca oleracea (beldroega). Em casa de vegetacao, o oleo de folhas a 10% afetou a emergencia do feijoeiro, enquanto o po (folha seca moida) incrementou a emergencia para 97% contra 75% e 88% em solos infestados com R. solani e F. solani, respectivamente. Em condicoes de campo, observou-se reducao da incidencia de F. solani e R. solani nas parcelas tratadas com suspensao aquosa de oleo de C. citratus a 1% e 5% no sulco de plantio e em tratamento de sementes a 0,5%. A analise da producao nao evidenciou diferencas significativas entre os tratamentos. Para verificar o efeito da combinacao do uso de C. citratus e da reducao de doses dos herbicidas, foram ultilizados os herbicidas pos-emergentes fomesafen e fenoxaprop-etil nas doses usadas pelo produtor (0,619 l ia/ha de cada produto) e a 80% destas doses. As especies de plantas daninhas predominantes foram: P. oleracea, Eleusine indica (capim-pe-de-galinha) e Amaranthus deflexus (caruru).