243 resultados para Olefins


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HSAPO-34 molecular sieve was employed in chloromethane conversion and showed high performance in activity and selectivity in production of light olefins. Our detailed IR investigation allowed the identification of the active sites and the adsorbed species and demonstrated that the conversion started from 350 degrees C with alkoxy group as the intermediate. The fixed-bed catalytic testing evidenced that in the range of 350-500 degrees C, 70-80% of chloromethane was transferred to ethylene, propylene and butenes. Increasing reaction temperature favors the conversion and enhances the yield of lighter olefins. A very important reversible phenomenon, the breaking of Al-O-P bonds upon adsorption of HCl, a main product of reaction to generate a large amount of P-OH groups and the recovery of Al-O-P upon removal of HCI was revealed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Lewis acidic chlorogallate(III) ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hepta-chlorodigallate(III), [C(2)mim][Ga2Cl7], was successfully used to oligomerise 1-pentene. The influence of temperature, time, catalyst concentration, and stirring rate on conversion and product distribution was modelled using a design of experiment (DoE) approach (chemometrics). The process was optimised for lubricant base oils production; the C20-C50 fraction (where Cn indicates the number of carbons in the oligomer) was maximised, while the heavier oligomer fraction (>C50) was minimised.


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The dual template synthesis of zeolite SSZ-13 by use of trimethyl-adamantanammonium hydroxide and a diquaternary-ammonium mesoporogen induces considerable mesoporosity without impeding zeolite microporosity. The strongly improved accessibility of Bronsted sites in mesoporous SSZ-13 increases its stability during application as an acid catalyst in the methanol-to-olefins reaction.


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Hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites were synthesized by combining N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantanammonium hydroxide (TMAdOH) as the structure-directing agent for chabazite formation with mono- and diquaternary ammonium-type and organosilane mesoporogens and extensively characterized for their structural, textural, and catalytic properties. Mesoporous SSZ-13 zeolites can be synthesized in one step by combining TMAdOH and the diquaternary ammonium-type surfactant C22-4-4Br2. The mesopore volume increases with the mesoporogen/SDA ratio. The hierarchical zeolites are highly crystalline and exhibit similar Brønsted acidity as SSZ-13. Hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites display increased lifetime in packed-bed MTO experiments than conventional SSZ-13 at similar light olefins yield. The increased lifetime is due to better utilization of the micropore space. With increasing mesoporosity, the micropore space is used more efficiently, but also the rate of coke formation at the crystal periphery increases. Accordingly, the most stable zeolite is obtained at a relatively low C22-4-4Br2/SDA ratio. These zeolite catalysts can be regenerated without substantial loss of activity.


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Ligated Pd(II) complexes have been studied for the catalytic oxidation of terminal olefins to their corresponding methyl ketones. The method uses aqueous hydrogen peroxide as the terminal oxidant; a sustainable and readily accessible oxidant. The choice of ligand, counterion and solvent all have a significant effect on catalytic performance and we were able to develop systems which perform well for these challenging oxidations.


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This research was focussed on the effects of light, solvent and substituents in the molybdenum-catalyzed oxidation of phenylmethyl sulfides with t-Bu02H and on the effect of light in the molybdenum-catalyzed epoxidation of l-octene with t-Bu02H. It was shown that the Mo(CO)6-catalyzed oxidation of phenylmethyl sulfide with t-Bu02H~ at 35°C, proceeds 278 times faster underUV light than under laboratory lighting, whereas the Mo02(acac)2-catalyzed oxidation proceeds only 1.7 times faster under UV light than under normal laboratory lighting. The difference between the activities of both catalysts was explained by the formation of the catalytically active species, Mo(VI). The formation of the Mo(VI) species, from Mo(CO)6 was observed from the IR spectrum of Mo(CO)6 in the carbonyl region. The Mo(CO)6-catalyzed epoxidation of l-octene with t-Bu02H showed that the reaction proceeded 4.6 times faster under UV light than in the dark or under normal laboratory lighting; the rates of epoxidations were found to be the same in the dark and under normal laboratory lighting. The kinetics of the epoxidations of l-octene with t-Bu02H, catalyzed by Mo02(acac)2 were found to be complicated; after fast initial rates, the epoxidation rates decreased with time. The effect of phenylmethyl sulfide on the Mo(CO)6-catalyzed epoxidation of l-octene waS studied. It was shown that instead of phenylmethyl sulfide, phenylmethyl sulfone, which formed rapidly at 85°C, lowered the reaction rate. The epoxidation of l-octene was found to be 2.5 times faster in benzene than in ethanol. The substituent effect on the Mo02(acac)2-catalyzed oxidations of p-OH, p-CHgO, P-CH3' p-H, p-Cl, p-Br, p-CHgCO, p-HCO and P-N02 substituted phenylmethyl sulfides were studied. The oxidations followed second order kinetics for each case; first order dependency on catalyst concentration was also observed in the oxidation of p-CHgOPhSMeand PhSMe. It was found that electron-donating groups on the para position of phenylmethyl sulfide increased the rate of reaction, while electronwithdrawing groups caused the reaction rate to decrease. The reaction constants 0 were determined by using 0, 0- and 0* constants. The rate effects were paralleled by the activation energies for oxidation. The decomposition of t-Bu02H in the presence of M.o (CO)6, Mo02 (acac)2 and VO(acac)2 was studied. The rates of decomposition were found to be very small compared to the oxidation rates at high concentration of catalysis. The relative rates of the Mo02(acac)2-catalyzed oxidation of p-N02PhSMe by t-Bu02H in the presence of either p-CH30PhSMe or PhSMe clearly show that PhSMe and p-CHgOPhSMe act as co-catalysts in the oxidation of p-N02PhSMe. Benzene, mesity1ene and cyclohexane were used to determine the effect of solvent in the Mo02 (acac)2 and Mo(CO)6-catalyzed oxidation of phenylmethyl sulfide. The results showed that in the absence of hydroxylic solvent, a second molecule of t-Bu02H was involved in the transition state. The complexation of the solvent with the catalyst could not be explained.The oxidations of diphenyl sulfoxide catalyzed by VO(acac)2, Mo(CO)6 and Mo02(acac)2 showed that VO(acac)2 catalyzed the oxidation faster than Mo(CO)6 and Mo02 (acac)2_ Moreover, the Mo(CO)6-catalyzed oxidation of diphenyl sulfoxide proceeded under UV light at 35°C.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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The objective of the present work is to improve the textural and structural properties of zeolite-Y through ion exchange with rare earth metals. We meant to obtain a comparative evaluation of the physicochemical properties and catalytic activity of rare earth modified H-Y, Na-Y, K-Y, and Mg-Y zeolites. Friedel-Crafts alkylations of benzene with higher 1- olefins such as 1-octene, 1-decene, and 1dodecene for the synthesis of linear alkylbenzene (LAB) have been selected for the present study. An attempt has also been directed towards the correlation of the enhancement in 2-phenylalkane formation to the improvement in the textural and structural properties upon rare earth modification for the zeolite-Y. The present method for LAB synthesis stands as an effective Green alternative for the existing hydrofluoric acid technology


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Aziridine, Stickstoffanaloga der Epoxide, können regio- und stereoselektive Ringöffnungsreaktionen eingehen, wodurch ihnen als „building blocks“ in der Organischen Synthese eine große Bedeutung zukommt. In dieser Arbeit wurden unterschiedliche N-Aminoverbindungen synthetisiert sowie die Anwendungsmöglichkeit dieser Hydrazinderivate als Stickstoffquellen in Aziridinierungen von Olefinen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde eine neue Methode zur Darstellung von N-Aminosuccinimid entwickelt und die Einsatzmöglichkeit als Stickstoffquelle in Aziridinierungsreaktionen in einer Reihe von Umsetzungen mit funktionalisierten ebenso wie mit nicht-funktionalisierten Olefinen demonstriert. Die ableitbaren Aziridine wurden hierbei in Ausbeuten von bis zu 80 % erhalten. In der Aziridinierungsreaktion von N-Aminosuccinimid mit 4,7-Dihydro-2-isopropyl-1,3-dioxepin resultieren bicyclische Aziridinierungsprodukte, die als endo/exo-Isomere in einem 1:1-Verhältnis anfallen. Es ist in dieser Arbeit gelungen, die Isomere in guten Ausbeuten zu erhalten, sie säulenchromatographisch zu trennen und ihre Konfiguration im festen Zustand mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig zu bestimmen. Enantiomerenangereicherte Olefine, wie z. B. in 2-Position alkylsubstituierte 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit Enantiomerenüberschüssen von 92% ee liefern in der Aziridinierung mit N-Aminosuccinimid und Iodosylbenzol ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat in einer zweistufigen Reaktion- der Aziridinierung und einer Umlagerung- ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat. Für die Diastereoselektivität des Aziridinierungsschrittes wurde 65 % de bestimmt. In einer neuen Synthese über zwei Stufen ausgehend von (+)-3,4-Dimethoxysuccinanhydrid konnte ein chiraler Stickstoffüberträger - (+)-N-Amino-3,4-dimethoxysuccinimid - in Ausbeuten bis zu 86 % synthetisiert. Die Umsetzung dieser optisch aktiven Stickstoffquelle mit einer Vielzahl prochiraler Alkene führt zu diastereomeren Aziridinen in Ausbeuten bis zu 65% und Diastereoselektivitäten von bis zu 66% de. Anhand ausgewählter Verbindungen konnten die Absolutkonfigurationen der Reaktionsprodukte mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig geklärt werden.


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Two oxorhenium(V) complexes with bidentate phosphine ligands were synthesized and isolated as [ReOCl3(dppm)] 1 and [ReOCl3(dppp)] 2 [where dppm = 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino) methane and dppp = 1.3-bis(diphenylphosphino) propanel. Complex 2 was structurally characterized. Both the complexes were used as catalysts in the epoxidation of olefins using NaHCO3 as co-catalyst and H2O2 as terminal oxidant. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high pressure mediated (3+2) cycloaddition polymerization strategy has been employed to afford linear poly(isoxazolidine) architectures. Under these high pressure conditions this cycloaddition process was found to afford primarily endoheterocycles which when translated to the polymerization should ultimately affect the tacticity and resultant properties of the polymer. The stereoselectivity occurred as a result of a lower volume of activation for the endo-transition state and the application of a 'type-I' regime (HOMODipole-LUMODipolarophile) cycloaddition process that features secondary orbital interactions within the extended molecular orbitals. A variety of linker segments were employed in an attempt to affect the physical properties of the polymeric cycloadducts such as T-g and solubility in order to tailor these materials for use in coating applications. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.