95 resultados para OSMOREGULATION


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As adults, anadromous lampreys migrate from seawater into freshwater rivers, where they require branchial ion (NaCl) absorption for osmoregulation. In teleosts and elasmobranchs, pharmological, immunohistochemical, and molecular data support roles for Na+/K+-ATPase (NPPase), carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), and vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) in two different models of branchial ion absorption. To our knowledge, these transport-related proteins have not been studied in adult freshwater lampreys, and therefore it is not known if they are expressed, or have similar functions, in lampreys. The purpose of this study was to localize NPPase, CAII, and V-ATPase in the gills of adult freshwater lampreys and determine if any of these transport-related proteins are expressed in the same cells. Heterologous antibodies were used to localize the three proteins in gill tissue from pouched lamprey (Geotria australis). Immunoreactivity (IR) for all three proteins occurred between, and at the base of, lamellae in cells that match previous descriptions of mitochondrion-rich-cells (MRCs). NPPase-IR was always on the basolateral side of cells that did not stain for CAII or V-ATPase. In contrast, CAII-IR was always on the apical side of cells that also contained diffuse V-ATPase-IR. Therefore, we have identified two types of MRC in adult freshwater lamprey gills based on immunohistochemical staining for three transport proteins. A model of ion transport, based on our results, is proposed for adult freshwater lampreys. 


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a problem in the farming of Atlantic salmon, and may compromise osmoregulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We examined the effects of AGD on atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide (ANP and CNP) stimulated branchial cyclic GMP formation, since natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in cardiovascular function and osmoregulation. NPs act via guanylyl cyclase receptors (NPR), which stimulate cGMP formation. NPR activity was measured by ANP and CNP stimulation of branchial cGMP formation, and compared between diseased and healthy salmon over an 11 day AGD infection. We also measured plasma osmolality. Osmolality increased in AGD infected salmon from an initial 355 mmol.kg-1 to 411 mmol.kg-1 at 11 days. There was no evidence that branchial cGMP formation changed in response to AGD. In all groups, CNP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase was 190% of basal rate, whereas ANP was 150% of basal. After 11 days, all groups were given a 4 h freshwater bath, the usual treatment for AGD. Another group was given a seawater to seawater transfer, to control for handling. In this group, plasma osmolality at 11 days was the same as in AGD fish. This elevation may be due to these fish experiencing disturbance for the first time in 11 days. ANP and CNP branchial NPR activity at the conclusion of the 4 h transfers was elevated in all groups compared to that at 11 days. The increased cGMP formation in the handling control suggests a NPR response to the transfer/handling stress. AGD fish demonstrated the greatest elevation in ANP and CNP guanylyl cyclase activity immediately following the bath; these values were greater than in the control groups. The AGD infected salmon, therefore, responded more emphatically to the freshwater treatment, suggesting that the NP system is involved in some aspects of AGD.


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This study examined the osmoregulatory capability of Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii, affected by chronic ulcerative dermatopathy (CUD) in intensive aquaculture. This condition appears to arise only in facilities utilizing groundwater, with the causative agent suggested to be a water-borne factor. Healthy Murray cod (~ 700 g) were transferred to a CUD-affected farm to monitor the progression of the syndrome and began to show signs of CUD after approximately five months. In order to evaluate possible effects of CUD on osmoregulation; plasma electrolyte concentrations, osmolality, and Na+,K+-ATPase activities were measured, and gill histology and immunohistochemistry were analyzed. Plasma electrolyte concentrations and osmolality of CUD-affected Murray cod were consistent with reference values determined for non CUD-affected fish. A greater number of gill mucous cells were observed in Murray cod cultured at the CUD-affected farm compared to non CUD-affected fish. We also found an un-identified cell type that was present solely in the gills of CUD-affected Murray cod. Gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity was significantly higher in severely CUD-affected Murray cod compared to individuals transferred to the CUD-affected farm. While there appeared to be some minor changes in the gills of CUD-affected fish, this study demonstrated that Murray cod were able to effectively osmoregulate, although, perhaps at an energetic cost.


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This research determined how the natriuretic peptide system, which controls water and salt balance, responds to water limitation in a desert rodent. It was found that a uniform down-regulation of the system is not part of the physiological response to minimise water loss during periods of low water availability.


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Natriuretic peptide hormones exert their effects by binding to receptor proteins and activating cellular responses. Fish gills interface with the aquatic environment. Therefore, natriuretic peptide receptor activity in gills from marine and freshwater fishes was examined. The potencies of natriuretic peptides were compared and a novel cellular response was identified.


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This study identified cell receptors for trout natriuretic peptide hormone. These hormones protect the heart and maintain fluid balance. Receptor populations on cells depend on whether the animal lives in freshwater or saltwater. Receptors are widely distributed and different receptor types perform different tasks. Their original evolutionary role is suggested.


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Many animals live in the deserts of Australia and survive without drinking water. This research examined desert adaptations in the Spinifex hopping mouse (Notomys alexis), and is the first study to demonstrate how many genes and exzymes in the kidney are controlled to maintain water balance in the absence of drinking water.


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Fish must maintain their internal ionic concentration. This occurs through co-ordination of cellular ion channels and transporters, and hormones acting on and within the cells of the gill, kidney, intestine, and, in some species, unique organs. This study measured some of these transporters and hormones in unusual species of the Australasian region.


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The exchange of sodium and protons across the gills of fishes has long been associated with osmoregulatory and acid-base regulatory mechanisms in both freshwater and marine fishes. This thesis identifies several types of sodium/proton exchangers in the gills of fishes from different taxonomic classes. In addition, it was observed that the expression of sodium/proton exchanger messenger RNA was upregulated for 24 hours following induced metabolic acidosis in the Atlantic hagfish suggesting that sodium/proton exchangers have functioned in acid/base regulation from early in vertebrate history.


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The syndrome known as gastric dilation air sacculitis (GDAS) has previously been shown to affect Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in seawater (SW) aquaculture. Feed and osmoregulatory stress have been implicated as potential epidemiological co-factors. The development and physiology of GDAS was investigated in SW and freshwater (FW) adapted smolts. Diet A (low-cohesion pellets) and diet B (high-cohesion pellets) were fed to both FW- and SW-adapted fish. GDAS was induced only in the SW trial on feeding diet A. Stimulated gastro-intestinal (GI) smooth muscle contractility, and fluid transport by the pyloric caeca were different in GDAS-affected fish, which also showed osmoregulatory dysfunction. Cardiac stomach (CS) smooth muscle contractility in response to acetylcholine and potassium chloride (KCl) was significantly reduced in fish fed diet A relative to controls from weeks 3–5. In contrast, maximal pyloric sphincter (PS) circular smooth muscle contraction in response to KCl was significantly elevated in fish fed diet A in weeks 4 and 5. Serum osmolality was elevated in GDAS-affected fish from week 2 of the SW trial. Fluid transport from the mucosal to serosal surface of isolated pyloric caeca was significantly reduced in weeks 3, 4 and 5 in SW fish fed diet A. Gastric evacuation from the stomach of healthy fish was shown to be significantly different when diets of low- and high-cohesion were fed. The results are consistent with the intestinal brake playing a role in the development of the disease.


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MasterFoods wetlands exhibit phytoplankton communities, yet no zooplankton to consume them. Macrophytes were planted to improve the water quality. However a lack of oxygen, methane production and highly soluble salts in the wetland water potentially disrupted osmoregulation mechanisms in both colonising zooplankton and submerged macrophytes, thereby inhibiting their survival.


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The latex dilution reaction during the tapping flow course has been well documented and associated with the facilitation of tapping latex flow. However, its underlying mechanism has not experimentally examined. The latex total solid content, osmotic potential and phloem turgor pressure change during the tapping flow course were simultaneously measured to investigate the cause of water movement during the tapping flow course. It was found that there are three different stages for the laticifer water equilibrium during the tapping flow course. The tapping-induced rapid turgor pressure drop is the cause of the first stage water influx into laticifers, while osmoregulation prevails during water exchange in the second and third stages of tapping flow. Meanwhile, aquaporin expressions were, for the first time, investigated during the tapping flow course. The rapid transcript up-regulation of HbPIP1, HbPIP2;1 and HbPIP2;3 contributes to the latex dilution reaction. However, their activity gating cannot be ruled out. Ethrel stimulation can significantly dilute the corresponding latex fractions during the tapping flow course due to its up-regulations of HbPIP1, HbPIP2;1 and HbPIP2;3. Nevertheless, the latex dilution reaction pattern for the Ethrel treated trees did not change, except for a lower degree of dilution compared with the un-treated trees. All these results suggest that both phloem turgor pressure and aquaporins are involved in the latex dilution reaction during the tapping flow course.


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A number of amphibians and reptiles have cyclic behavior, becoming inactive with the coming of the dry season. In South America this pattern of activity is common, particularly in savannah-like vegetation. During the dry season amphibians burrow into the mud or soil, and either form a cocoon or increase the osmotic concentration of body fluids to reduce evaporative water loss. Some phyllomedusid tree frogs coat their body surface with skin secretion and excrete uric acid to minimize water loss. Reptiles also retreat into shelter deep enough to avoid temperature fluctuation during estivation or reduce metabolic response to temperature. Reduction of temperature sensitivity of the metabolism seems to be a strategy common to estivating amphibians and reptiles. Despite seasonal change of the environment, some species of reptiles are active all year round.