237 resultados para ORTHOREXIA NERVOSA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Catuama((R)) is composed of four Brazilian plants extracts (Paullinia cupana, Trichilia catigua, Ptychopetalum olacoides e Zingiber officinale). The Catuama((R)) is known as having neuroprotector, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antidepressant effects. Bilobalide, extracted from leaves of Ginkgo biloba, is known by its neuroprotective effect in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The present study evaluates the effect of Catuama((R)) and bilobalide on peripheral nerve regeneration in rats following a sciatic nerve section. Sciatic nerve of forty adult rats was transected with a 10-mm gap and the proximal and distal nerve stumps were fixed in a silicone tube filled with liquid collagen. The animals were divided into four groups: the control group (A), two groups treated with Catuama((R)) by gavage along 28 days after the surgery in different doses of 100 (B) and 400mg. kg(-1) (C) and the group using 200 mu M bilobalide (D) associated with the liquid collagen in the silicone tube. Evaluations were done by a walk test on the first, fifth and tenth week after the surgery. Electrophysiological stimulation and quantitative and qualitative histological analyses of the sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius muscle were also performed on the tenth week after the surgery. All groups showed good regeneration but no statistical difference was found between treatments and control groups (P > 0.05).
Background Anorexia Nervosa ( AN) is an illness characterised by extreme concern about body weight and shape, severe self-imposed weight loss, and endocrine dysfunction. In spite of its high mortality, morbidity and chronicity, there are few intervention studies on the subject.Objectives The aim of this review was to evaluate the efficacy and acceptability of antidepressant drugs in the treatment of acute AN.Search strategy The strategy comprised of database searches of the Cochrane Collaboration Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE (1966 to April 28th, 2005), EMBASE (1980 to week 36, 2004), PsycINFO (1969 to August week 5, 2004), handsearching the International Journal of Eating Disorders and searching the reference lists of all papers selected. Personal letters were sent to researchers in the field requesting information on unpublished or in-progress trials.Selection criteria All randomised controlled trials of antidepressant treatment for AN patients, as de fined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth edition (DSM-IV) or similar international criteria, were selected.Data collection and analysis Quality ratings were made giving consideration to the strong relationship between allocation concealment and potential for bias in the results; studies meeting criteria A and B were included. Trials were excluded if non-completion rates were above 50%. The standardised mean difference and relative risk were used for continuous data and dichotomous data comparisons, respectively. Whenever possible, analyses were performed according to intention- to-treat principles. Heterogeneity was tested with the I-squared statistic. Weight change was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes were severity of eating disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms, and global clinical state. Acceptability of treatment was evaluated by considering non-completion rates.Main results Only seven studies were included. Major methodological limitations such as small trial size and large confidence intervals decreased the power of the studies to detect differences between treatments, and meta-analysis of data was not possible for the majority of outcomes. Four placebo-controlled trials did not find evidence that antidepressants improved weight gain, eating disorder or associated psychopathology. Isolated findings, favouring amineptine and nortriptyline, emerged from the antidepressant versus antidepressant comparisons, but cannot be conceived as evidence of efficacy of a specific drug or class of antidepressant in light of the findings from the placebo comparisons. Non-completion rates were similar between the compared groups.Authors' conclusions A lack of quality information precludes us from drawing de finite conclusions or recommendations on the use of antidepressants in acute AN. Future studies testing safer and more tolerable antidepressants in larger, well designed trials are needed to provide guidance for clinical practice.
This study's objective was to understand how occupational roles of individuals with anorexia nervosa are configured. The sample was composed of a control group and 11 adult women with anorexia nervosa being cared for by the Eating Disorders Care Group in a hospital in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data were collected and the Role Checklist was applied. The results revealed a significant loss of roles for women with anorexia nervosa in relation to the performance of the roles worker, friend, and amateur/hobbyist, supporting the idea that psychosocial harm may arise from this eating disorder. The evaluation of occupational roles in the treatment of eating disorders is an important strategy for planning Occupational Therapy activities and supporting the creation of healthier spaces to enable individuals to resume occupational roles, and acquire independence and autonomy.
Revisão integrativa da literatura com objetivo de investigar os construtos da imagem corporal e hábitos alimentares na anorexia nervosa (AN). As bases consultadas foram MedLine, LILACS e PsycINFO, no período de 2005 a 2009. A maioria dos artigos encontrados é constituída de estudos não-experimentais e descritivos, provenientes de fontes internacionais. Os resultados evidenciaram que a personalidade de mulheres com AN é permeada por baixa autoestima, sentimentos de inferioridade, inadequação, insegurança, perfeccionismo e obsessividade, fatores que acarretam acentuada inibição e retraimento social, e que exercem influência na distorção da imagem corporal e na aquisição de hábitos alimentares disfuncionais. Como conclusão ressalta-se a necessidade de tratamento interdisciplinar, e de novos estudos experimentais e nacionais, que busquem compreender a relação entre os construtos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da corrente catódica de alta voltagem sobre a dor em um modelo experimental de ciatalgia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 16 ratos Wistar, machos, submetidos a um modelo de ciatalgia experimental no membro pélvico direito. Os sujeitos foram divididos em grupo simulacro (GS) e grupo tratado com corrente catódica (GP-) por 20 min diários durante 10 dias. O modelo de compressão foi realizado com amarria por fio catgut 4.0 cromado, em quatro pontos ao longo do nervo isquiático. A avaliação da nocicepção foi realizada, de forma funcional, com o tempo de elevação da pata (TEP), e à pressão, pelo limiar de retirada, via analgesímetro eletrônico. Os dados foram coletados antes do modelo de ciatalgia (AV1), três dias depois da compressão (antes, AV2, e após o tratamento, AV3), após o quinto dia de tratamento (AV4) e em seguida ao décimo dia de tratamento (AV5). RESULTADOS: Pela avaliação funcional, em ambos os grupos houve aumento da nocicepção, sem redução da mesma em qualquer momento da avaliação. À pressão, no entanto, o GS mostrou redução do limiar de retirada em todos os momentos, enquanto o GP- apresentou redução do limiar apenas inicialmente - em AV5 o limiar foi restaurado. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve alteração na nocicepção pela avaliação funcional; porém, à pressão, o tratamento com corrente catódica mostrou efeito com a somatória de terapias.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação precoce do laser terapêutico e do ultrassom no processo de regeneração de uma lesão experimental em ratos. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se 24 ratos. Dezoito foram submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico de lesão do nervo ciático por compressão, através de uma pinça hemostática acima da fossa poplítea. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos com seis animais em cada. Grupo controle normal. GI: controle lesado sem intervenção terapêutica. GII: intervenção terapêutica do laser ArGaAl. GIII: intervenção terapêutica do ultrassom Pulsado. Iniciamos as intervenções terapêuticas 24 horas após a lesão, com aplicações diárias, por um período de quatorze dias consecutivos. RESULTADOS: Ao avaliar a perimetria dos músculos da coxa direita obteve-se os seguintes valores médios de diminuição (mm), para cada grupo GI: 0,45; GII: 0,42; GIII: 0,40. Quanto ao tempo de deslocamento tanto o GII e GIII apresentaram diferença significativa, quando comparados ao GI. Na avaliação final do IFC o GII sobressaiu ao GIII. Quanto a cicatrização observou-se grande melhora no GII e GIII. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram que a recuperação nervosa foi maior com a aplicação do laser. Nível de evidência II, Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é um termo que descreve um grupo de doenças que afetam funcionalmente o aparelho mastigatório, particularmente a musculatura mastigatória e a articulação temporomandibular (ATM). Tem etiologias múltiplas e tratamentos específicos, entre os quais a estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS). O objetivo deste artigo é o de revisar a literatura científica sobre o uso da TENS em pacientes com DTM. CONTEÚDO: Estudos epidemiológicos mostram que aproximadamente 75% da população apresentam algum sinal de DTM, enquanto 33% possuem ao menos um sintoma. Sempre que possível deve-se tratar a causa da dor, caso não se consiga estabelecer a sua etiologia, inicia-se com procedimentos menos invasivos e reversíveis, especialmente nos casos de dor e disfunção muscular. A terapia com TENS consiste na administração de corrente elétrica na superfície cutânea, de modo a relaxar os músculos hiperativos e promover o alívio da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Embora existam controvérsias quanto ao uso de TENS para o controle da dor crônica, seu uso na dor muscular mastigatória continua relevante. Entretanto, é fundamental o diagnóstico preciso para evitar uso inadequado. São necessários ainda estudos randomizados controlados que incluam amostras selecionadas para homogeneizar o uso de TENS em pacientes com DTM.
Man har genom forskning inte kunnat dra någon generell slutsats angående orsaksfaktorer bakom anorexia nervosa. Alla drabbade har egna erfarenheter och tankar om varför just hon eller han blivit sjuk. Vårt syfte var att i möjligaste mån återspegla de i studien utvalda kvinnornas beskrivningar av tankar och erfarenheter kring sitt sjukdomsförlopp, utifrån familjeförhållanden och individuella faktorer. Vi ville veta vad de ansåg vara orsaken till just deras insjuknande, men också vad som var anledningen till att de slutligen bestämde sig för att bli friska. Detta syfte ledde oss till frågeställningar som: Hur kan familjen påverka ett insjuknande i anorexia nervosa? Vilka individuella faktorer kan influera? Vad ansåg de vara vändpunkten för sitt tillfrisknande? För att få en så tydlig bild som möjligt av kvinnornas tankar och erfarenheter behövde vi se en helhet, varför vi valde att göra en kvalitativ studie med djupintervjuer. I arbetet framförs tidigare forskning om familjeförhållanden och individuella faktorer som kan ha en inverkan på insjuknandet, samt om vändpunktsprocesser. Vår granskning gick ut på att tolka kvinnornas berättelser i jämförelser med den forskning vi använt oss av. I vårt resultat framkommer att berättelserna till viss del liknar varandra, och att vissa jämförelser kan ses med forskningen, men att erfarenheterna trots allt är unika och därmed skiljer sig för de fyra kvinnorna.
Stress plays a role in the pathology of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders, but it is unclear whether they involve similar disturbances of biological stress responses.
Disturbances in reward processing have been implicated in bulimia nervosa (BN). Abnormalities in processing reward-related stimuli might be linked to dysfunctions of the catecholaminergic neurotransmitter system, but findings have been inconclusive. A powerful way to investigate the relationship between catecholaminergic function and behavior is to examine behavioral changes in response to experimental catecholamine depletion (CD). The purpose of this study was to uncover putative catecholaminergic dysfunction in remitted subjects with BN who performed a reinforcement-learning task after CD. CD was achieved by oral alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) in 19 unmedicated female subjects with remitted BN (rBN) and 28 demographically matched healthy female controls (HC). Sham depletion administered identical capsules containing diphenhydramine. The study design consisted of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover, single-site experimental trial. The main outcome measures were reward learning in a probabilistic reward task analyzed using signal-detection theory. Secondary outcome measures included self-report assessments, including the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire. Relative to healthy controls, rBN subjects were characterized by blunted reward learning in the AMPT-but not in placebo-condition. Highlighting the specificity of these findings, groups did not differ in their ability to perceptually distinguish between stimuli. Increased CD-induced anhedonic (but not eating disorder) symptoms were associated with a reduced response bias toward a more frequently rewarded stimulus. In conclusion, under CD, rBN subjects showed reduced reward learning compared with healthy control subjects. These deficits uncover disturbance of the central reward processing systems in rBN related to altered brain catecholamine levels, which might reflect a trait-like deficit increasing vulnerability to BN.
Because of the typical localisation of erosions in anorectic/bulimic patients, the dentist is frequently the first medical person to discern this general illness (anorexia and bulimia nervosa). From the dental viewpoint, the aim should be to preserve sound dental tissue and to prevent further toothwear. A restorative treatment is to be carried out only after causal therapy and after resolving the basic disease. By means of this procedure a good long-term prognosis can be expected. Considering the patient's young age, dentistry should be preservative using the adhesive technique. This case report documents the systematic procedure of the functional and esthetic rehabilitation of an eroded dentition and shows factors essential to the treatment.
BACKGROUND: Bulimia nervosa (BN) has been associated with dysregulation of the central catecholaminergic system. An instructive way to investigate the relationship between catecholaminergic function and psychiatric disorder has involved behavioral responses to experimental catecholamine depletion (CD). The purpose of this study was to examine a possible catecholaminergic dysfunction in the pathogenesis of bulimia nervosa. METHODS: CD was achieved by oral administration of alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) in 18 remitted female subjects with BN (rBN) and 31 healthy female control subjects. The study design consisted of a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled crossover, single-site experimental trial. The main outcome measures were bulimic symptoms assessed by the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire. Measures were assessed before and 26, 30, 54, 78, 102 hours after the first AMPT or placebo administration. RESULTS: In the experimental environment (controlled environment with a low level of food cues) rBN subjects had a greater increase in eating disorder symptoms during CD compared with healthy control subjects (condition × diagnosis interaction, p < .05). In the experimental environment, rBN subjects experienced fewer bulimic symptoms than in the natural environment (uncontrolled environment concerning food cues) 36 hours after the first AMPT intake (environment × diagnosis interaction, p < .05). Serum prolactin levels increased significantly, and to a comparable degree across groups, after AMPT administration. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that rBN is associated with vulnerability for developing eating disorder symptoms in response to reduced catecholamine neurotransmission after CD. The findings support the notion of catecholaminergic dysfunction as a possible trait abnormality in BN.
Background: A relationship between bulimia nervosa (BN) and reward-related behavior is supported by several lines of evidence. The dopaminergic dysfunctions in the processing of reward-related stimuli have been shown to be modulated by the neurotrophin brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the hormone leptin. Methods: Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, a reward learning task was applied to study the behavior of 20 female subjects with remitted BN (rBN) and 27 female healthy controls under placebo and catecholamine depletion with alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT). The plasma levels of BDNF and leptin were measured twice during the placebo and the AMPT condition, immediately before and 1 h after a standardized breakfast. Results: AMPT-induced differences in plasma BDNF levels were positively correlated with the AMPT-induced differences in reward learning in the whole sample (p = 0.05). Across conditions, plasma BDNF levels were higher in rBN subjects compared to controls (diagnosis effect; p = 0.001). Plasma BDNF and leptin levels were higher in the morning before compared to after a standardized breakfast across groups and conditions (time effect; p < 0.0001). The plasma leptin levels were higher under catecholamine depletion compared to placebo in the whole sample (treatment effect; p = 0.0004). Conclusions: This study reports on preliminary findings that suggest a catecholamine-dependent association of plasma BDNF and reward learning in subjects with rBN and controls. A role of leptin in reward learning is not supported by this study. However, leptin levels were sensitive to a depletion of catecholamine stores in both rBN and controls.