55 resultados para ORGANOCLAY


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The relative amounts of amorphous and crystalline ?- and a-phases in polyamide-6 nanocomposites, estimated from the deconvolution of X-ray diffraction peaks using Gaussian functions, correlates with their mechanical, thermomechanical, and barrier properties. The incorporation of organoclay platelets (Cloisite 15A and 30B) induced the crystallization of the polymer in the ? form at expense of the amorphous phase, such that 12 wt % of Cloisite is enough to enhance the mechanical and the thermomechanical properties. However, higher nanofiller loads were necessary to achieve good barrier effects, because this property is mainly dependent on the tortuous path permeation mechanism of the gas molecules through the nanocomposite films. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen mittels EPR-Spektroskopie; damit sollten ein Beitrag zur Analyse der Tensidschicht in solchen Systemen geleistet und die Ergebnisse anderer Messmethoden ergänzt werden. Die Tensidschicht in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen nimmt großen Einfluss auf das System, denn sie bestimmt die Wechselwirkung zwischen Ton und Polymer: Damit hydrophiler Ton gut mit hydrophobem Polymer (hier Polystyrol) mischbar ist, muss das Schichtsilikat zunächst mit Tensiden organisch-modifiziert werden; dies geschieht durch Kationenaustausch der Natriumionen im Ton gegen Tenside. Um mit Hilfe der EPR einen Einblick in die Tensidschicht zu gewinnen, muss etwa 1% der zur Tonmodifizierung eingesetzten Amphiphile spinmarkiert sein. So gelang es im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, Tenside mit verschiedenen Kopfgruppen, nämlich Trimethylammonium- bzw. Trimethylphosphoniumtenside, zu synthetisieren und sie an verschiedenen Positionen ihrer hydrophoben Alkylkette mit einem Nitroxidradikal zu markieren. Das Nitroxidradikal diente als Spinsonde für die EPR-Experimente. Neben der Synthese verschiedener, spinmarkierter Amphiphile, der anschließenden Darstellung organisch-modifizierten Tons (Kationenaustausch) und verschiedener Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite (Schmelzinterkalation) wurden alle Proben mittels EPR-Spektroskopie untersucht; dabei wurden sowohl cw- als auch gepulste Messtechniken eingesetzt. Aus cw-Experimenten ging hervor, dass die Dynamik der gesamten Tensidschicht mit der Temperatur zunimmt und die Mobilität der hydrophoben Tensidalkylkette mit wachsendem Abstand zu ihrer Kopfgruppe wächst. Zugabe von Polymer behindert bei steigender Temperatur das Anschwellen des Tons bei Aufschmelzen der Tensidschicht; die Dynamik des Systems ist eingeschränkt. Mit Hilfe gepulster EPR-Messungen (ENDOR und ESEEM), die Informationen über Abstände bzw. Kontakt in den untersuchten Systemen lieferten, ließ sich ein Strukturmodell der Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite skizzieren, das Vorstellungen anderer, älterer Methoden unterstützt: Hierbei richten sich die Tenside in Multischichten unterschiedlicher Mobilität parallel zur Tonoberfläche aus.


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I materiali (nano)compositi, unendo al loro interno le prestazioni dei loro componenti, che in alcuni casi possono addirittura agire sinergicamente sviluppando nuove proprietà non appartenenti alle singole fasi isolate, appaiono come una risposta ottimale alle nuove esigenze che richiedono materiali performanti dal punto di vista meccanico e sempre più dotati di funzionalità aggiuntive. È noto come l’uso di nanocariche consenta non solo di migliorare le proprietà meccaniche, ma di aggiungere proprietà funzionali di varia natura. In questo lavoro di tesi si sono quindi valutate due tipologie di nanocariche, grafene e organoclay (ritardante di fiamma), come modificatori di una matrice epossidica commerciale. La stessa matrice è stata utilizzata anche per produrre compositi contenenti fibra di carbonio riciclata da pirolisi, con la prospettiva futura di unire i processi e ottenere compositi da fibra di riciclo e matrice multifunzionale.


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Este trabalho aborda o estudo do comportamento mecânico e térmico do nanocompósito híbrido de polipropileno com uma argila brasileira bentonítica do Estado da Paraíba (PB), conhecida como \"chocolate\" com concentração de 1, 2 e 5 % em massa com a adição de 1 e 2 % em massa de celulose proveniente de papel descartado. Foi utilizado nesse nanocompósito o agente compatibilizante polipropileno graftizado com anidrido maleico PP-g-AM com 3 % de concentração em massa, através da técnica de intercalação do fundido utilizando uma extrusora de dupla-rosca e, em seguida, os corpos de prova foram confeccionados em uma injetora. O comportamento mecânico foi avaliado pelos ensaios de tração, flexão e impacto. O comportamento térmico foi avaliado pelas técnicas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e termogravimetria (TGA). A morfologia dos nanocompósitos foi estudada pela técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A argila, a celulose e os nanocompósitos híbridos foram caracterizados por difração de raios X (DRX), fluorescência de raios X (FRX) e espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR). Nos ensaios mecânicos de tração houve um aumento de 11 % na tensão máxima em tração e 15 % no módulo de Young, para o nanocompósito com argila, PPA 5 %. No ensaio de impacto Izod, o nanocompósito com argila, PPA 2 % obteve um aumento de 63 % na resistência ao impacto. Para o nanocompósito híbrido PPAC 1 % houve aumento de 8 % na tensão máxima em tração e para o nanocompósito híbrido PPAC 2 % houve aumento de 14 % na resistência ao impacto.


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Understanding the interlayer swelling and molecular packing in organoclays is important to the formation and design of polymer nanocomposites. This paper presents recent experimental and molecular simulation studies on a variety of organoclays that show a linear relationship between the increase of d-spacing and the mass ratio between organic and clay. A denser molecular packing is observed in organoclays containing surfactants with hydroxyl-ethyl units. Moreover, our simulation results show that the head (nitrogen) groups are essentially tethered to the clay surface while the long hydrocarbon chains tend to adopt a layering structure with disordered conformation, which contrasts with the previous assumptions of either the chains lying parallel to the clay surface or being tilted at rather precise angles. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The yield behavior of melt-mixed nanocomposites containing 5 wt % organically modified montmorillonite in matrices of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) or a modified polyethylene was studied as a function of the temperature. and strain rate. In the melt-mixed LLDPE nanocomposite, the montmorillonite showed a slight increase in the clay spacing, which suggested that the clay was at best intercalated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed that the dispersion in this nanocomposite was poor. The use of the modified polyethylene promoted exfoliation of the clay tactoids in the nanocomposite, as assessed by X-ray diffraction and TEM. In both nanocomposites, the yield mechanisms were insensitive to the addition of the organoclay, even though modest increases in the modulus were produced. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Polymer processing experiments have been conducted with a twin screw extruder. Different formulations of starch-based nanocomposites are being tested in a pilot scale film blowing tower. The physical properties of different starch-based films have been examined with thermal and mechanical analysis and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the addition of organoclay significantly improves both the processing and tensile properties over the original starch blends. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends are also sensitive to the scale the clay particles are dispersed.


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Today, speciality use organoclays are being developed for an increasingly large number of specific applications. Many of these, including use in cosmetics, polishes, greases and paints, require that the material be free from abrasive impurities so that the product retains a smooth `feel'. The traditional `wet' method preparation of organoclays inherently removes abrasives naturally present in the parent mineral clay, but it is time-consuming and expensive. The primary objective of this thesis was to explore the alternative `dry' method (which is both quicker and cheaper but which provides no refining of the parent clay) as a process, and to examine the nature of the organoclays produced, for the production of a wide range of commercially usable organophilic clays in a facile way. Natural Wyoming bentonite contains two quite different types of silicate surface (that of the clay mineral montmorillonite and that of a quartz impurity) that may interact with the cationic surfactant added in the `dry' process production of organoclays. However, it is oil shale, and not the quartz, that is chiefly responsible for the abrasive nature of the material, although air refinement in combination with the controlled milling of the bentonite as a pretreatment may offer a route to its removal. Ion exchange of Wyoming bentonite with a long chain quaternary ammonium salt using the `dry' process affords a partially exchanged, 69-78%, organoclay, with a monolayer formation of ammonium ions in the interlayer. Excess ion pairs are sorbed on the silicate surfaces of both the clay mineral and the quartz impurity phases. Such surface sorption is enhanced by the presence of very finely divided, super paramagnetic, Fe2O3 or Fe(O)(OH) contaminating the surfaces of the major mineral components. The sorbed material is labile to washing, and induces a measurable shielding of the 29Si nuclei in both clay and quartz phases in the MAS NMR experiment, due to an anisotropic magnetic susceptibility effect. XRD data for humidified samples reveal the interlamellar regions to be strongly hydrophobic, with the by-product sodium chloride being expelled to the external surfaces. Many organic cations will exchange onto a clay. The tetracationic cyclophane, and multipurpose receptor, cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) undergoes ion exchange onto Wyoming bentonite to form a pillared clay with a very regular gallery height. The major plane of the cyclophane is normal to the silicate surfaces, thus allowing the cavity to remain available for complexation. A series of group VI substituted o-dimethoxybenzenes were introduced, and shown to participate in host/guest interactions with the cyclophane. Evidence is given which suggests that the binding of the host structure to a clay substrate offers advantages, not only of transportability and usability but of stability, to the charge-transfer complex which may prove useful in a variety of commercial applications. The fundamental relationship between particle size, cation exchange capacity and chemical composition of clays was also examined. For Wyoming bentonite the extent of isomorphous substitution increases with decreasing particle size, causing the CEC to similarly increase, although the isomorphous substitution site: edge site ratio remains invarient throughout the particle size range studied.


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Polyethylene (a 1:1 blend of m-LLDPE and z-LLDPE) double layer silicate clay nanocomposites were prepared by melt extrusion using a twin screw extruder. Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (PEgMA) was used as a compatibiliser to enhance the dispersion of two organically modified monmorilonite clays (OMMT): Closite 15A (CL15) and nanofill SE 3000 (NF), and natural montmorillonite (NaMMT). The clay dispersion and morphology obtained in the extruded nanocomposite samples were fully characterised both after processing and during photo-oxidation by a number of complementary analytical techniques. The effects of the compatibiliser, the organoclay modifier (quartenary alkyl ammonium surfactant) and the clays on the behaviour of the nanocomposites during processing and under accelerated weathering conditions were investigated. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), rheometry and attenuated reflectance spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) showed that the nanocomposite structure obtained is dependent on the type of clay used, the presence or absence of a compatibiliser and the environment the samples are exposed to. The results revealed that during processing PE/clay nanocomposites are formed in the presence of the compatibiliser PEgMA giving a hybrid exfoliated and intercalated structures, while microcomposites were obtained in the absence of PEgMA; the unmodified NaMMT-containing samples showed encapsulated clay structures with limited extent of dispersion in the polymer matrix. The effect of processing on the thermal stability of the OMMT-containing polymer samples was determined by measuring the additional amount of vinyl-type unsaturation formed due to a Hoffman elimination reaction that takes place in the alkyl ammonium surfactant of the modified clay at elevated temperatures. The results indicate that OMMT is responsible for the higher levels of unsaturation found in OMMT-PE samples when compared to both the polymer control and the NaMMT-PE samples and confirms the instability of the alkyl ammonium surfactant during melt processing and its deleterious effects on the durability aspects of nanocomposite products. The photostability of the PE/clay nanocomposites under accelerated weathering conditions was monitored by following changes in their infrared signatures and mechanical properties. The rate of photo-oxidation of the compatibilised PE/PEgMA/OMMT nanocomposites was much higher than that of the PE/OMMT (in absence of PEgMA) counterparts, the polymer controls and the PE–NaMMT sample. Several factors have been observed that can explain the difference in the photo-oxidative stability of the PE/clay nanocomposites including the adverse role played by the thermal decomposition products of the alkyl ammonium surfactant, the photo-instability of PEgMA, unfavourable interactions between PEgMA and products formed in the polymer as a consequence of the degradation of the surfactant on the clay, as well as a contribution from a much higher extent of exfoliated structures, determined by TEM, formed with increasing UV-exposure times.


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Surfactants are versatile organic compounds that have, in a single molecule, double chemical affinity. The surfactant molecule is composed by a hy drophobic tail group, a hydrocarbon chain (linear, branched, or mixed), and by a hydrophilic head group, which contains polar groups that makes it able to be applied in the organophilization process of natural clays. Microemulsions are microheterogeneous b lends composed by: a surfactant, an oily phase (non - polar solvent), an aqueous phase, and, sometimes, a co - surfactant (short - chain alcohol). They are systems with thermodynamic stability, transparent, and have high solubility power. Vermiculite is a clay m ineral with an expandable crystalline structure that has high cation exchange capacity. In this work vermiculite was used to obtain organoclays. The ionic surfactants dodecyl ammonium chlori de (DDAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (C 16 TAB) were used in the organophilization process. They were used as surfactant aqueous solutions and, for DDAC, as a microemulsion system. The organoclays were used to promote the separation of binary mixtures of xylene isomers (ortho - and meta - xylene). Dif ferent analytical techniques were used to characterize microemulsion systems and also the nanoclays. It was produced a water - rich microemulsion system with 0.92 nm droplet average diameter. The vermiculite used in this work has a cationic exchange capacity of 172 meq/100g and magnesium as main cation (24.25%). The basal spacing of natural vermiculite and organo - vermiculites were obtained by X - ray Diffraction technique. The basal spacing was 1.48nm for natural vermiculite, 4.01nm for CTAB - vermiculite (CTAB 4 ) , and 3.03nm for DDAC - vermiculite (DDAC M1A), that proves the intercalation process. Separation tests were carried out in glass columns using three binary mixtures of xylene (ortho - xylene and meta - xylene). The results showed that the organovermiculite pre sented an enhanced chemical affinity by the mixture of hydrocarbons, when compared with the natural vermiculite, and also its preference by ortho - xylene. A factorial experimental design 2 2 with triplicate at the central point was used to optimize the xylen e separation process. The experimental design revealed that the initial concentration of isomers in the mixture and the mass of organovermiculite were the significant factors for an improved separation of isomers. In the experiments carried out using a bin ary mixture of ortho - xylene and meta - xylene (2:1), after its percolating through the organovermiculite bed (DDAC M1), it was observed the preference of the organoclay by the ortho - xylene isomer, which was retained in greater quantity than the meta - xylene o ne. At the end of the treatment, it was obtained a final concentration in meta - xylene of 47.52%.