994 resultados para ORGANIC-COMPOUND


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Terpenes are a valuable natural resource for the production of fine chemicals. Turpentine, obtained from biomass and also as a side product of softwood industry, is rich in monoterpenes such as α-pinene and β-pinene, which are widely used as raw materials in the synthesis of flavors, fragrances and pharmaceutical compounds. The rearrangement of their epoxides has been thoroughly studied in recent years, as a method to obtain compounds which are further used in the fine chemical industry. The industrially most desired products of α-pinene oxide isomerization are campholenic aldehyde and trans-carveol. Campholenic aldehyde is an intermediate for the manufacture of sandalwood-like fragrances such as santalol. Trans-carveol is an expensive constituent of the Valencia orange essence oil used in perfume bases and food flavor composition. Furthermore it has been found to exhibit chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis. A wide range of iron and ceria supported catalysts were prepared, characterized and tested for α-pinene oxide isomerization in order to selective synthesis of above mentioned products. The highest catalytic activity in the preparation of campholenic aldehyde over iron modified catalysts using toluene as a solvent at 70 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with a selectivity of 66 % to the desired aldehyde) was achieved in the presence of Fe-MCM-41. Furthermore, Fe-MCM-41 catalyst was successfully regenerated without deterioration of catalytic activity and selectivity. The most active catalysts in the synthesis of trans-carveol from α-pinene oxide over iron and ceria modified catalysts in N,N-dimethylacetamide as a solvent at 140 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with selectivity 43 % to trans-carveol) were Fe-Beta-300 and Ce-Si-MCM-41. These catalysts were further tested for an analogous reaction, namely verbenol oxide isomerization. Verbenone is another natural organic compound which can be found in a variety of plants or synthesized by allylic oxidation of α-pinene. An interesting product which is synthesized from verbenone is (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol. It has been discovered that this diol possesses potent anti-Parkinson activity. The most effective way leading to desired diol starts from verbenone and includes three stages: epoxidation of verbenone to verbenone oxide, reduction of verbenone oxide and subsequent isomerization of obtained verbenol oxide, which is analogous to isomerization of α-pinene oxide. In the research focused on the last step of these synthesis, high selectivity (82 %) to desired diol was achieved in the isomerization of verbenol oxide at a conversion level of 96 % in N,N-dimethylacetamide at 140 °C using iron modified zeolite, Fe-Beta-300. This reaction displayed surprisingly high selectivity, which has not been achieved yet. The possibility of the reuse of heterogeneous catalysts without activity loss was demonstrated.


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Haihtuvat orgaaniset yhdisteet (eng. volatile organic compound, VOC) ovat yksi yleisimmistä ja laajimmalle levinneistä ympäristökontaminaattiryhmistä. VOC- yhdisteryhmän yhdisteet ovat määritelmän mukaisesti haihtuvia, molekyylimassaltaan pieniä (16-250 Da) yhdisteitä, joista suurin osa on joko haitallisia tai myrkyllisiä. VOC- yhdisteet pääasiallisesti emittoituvat ympäristöön ihmisen toiminnasta johtuen (teollisuus, autot, maatalous) ja päätyvät luonnossa vesistöihin ja maaperään. Ihmisille haitallisten ominaisuuksien lisäksi, VOC-yhdisteet vaikuttavat esimerkiksi ilmaston lämpenemiseen ja savusumujen syntyyn. Edellä mainittujen ominaisuuksien vuoksi on tärkeää analysoida VOC-yhdisteiden pitoisuuksia. Haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden ryhmän laajuus, ja fysikaalisten sekä kemiallisten ominaisuuksien (poolisuus, höyrynpaine, vesiliukoisuus) erot asettavat haastetta niiden analysointiin. Yleisimmin VOC-yhdisteitä analysoidaan kaasukromatografia- massaspektrometrin avulla. Pro gradu -tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa käydään läpi VOC-yhdisteiden analytiikassa käytettyjä erilaisia GC-MS-laitekokonaisuuksia ja niiden ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi keskitytään VOC-yhdisteiden erilaisiin näytteenkäsittelymenetelmiin vesi-, maa- ja sedimettinäytteissä. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoitiin kuutta kynureniinipolun metaboliittia solunäytteistä. Kynureniinipolku on nisäkkäillä tärkein tryptofaanin katabolinen polku. Kynureniinipolku aktivoituu entsymaattisesti esimerkiksi tulehdusten, hermostoa rappeuttavien prosessien ja immuunivasteen aikana. Kynureniinipolun yhdisteiden uskotaan lisäävän solun toksisuutta, mutta parantavan sen kykyä lisääntyä ja vähentävän solukuolleisuutta. Esimerkiksi 3-hydroksikynureniinin lisääntynyt määrä on yhdistetty hermostoperäisiin sairauksiin, kuten Huntingtonin- ja Parkinsonin tautiin. Kokeellisessa osassa luotiin yhdistespesifinen MRM-menetelmä, ultra korkean erotuskyvyn nestekromatografi-sähkösumutusionisaatio- kolmoiskvadrupolimassaspektrometrille. Luodulla ja optimoidulla menetelmällä kvantitoitiin soluviljelmänäytteistä samanaikaisesti L-kynureniini-, kynureniinihappo-, 3-hydroksikynureniini-, antraniilihappo-, 3-hydroksiantraniilihappo-, sekä kinoliinihappo-pitoisuudet sisäisen- ja ulkoisen standardin menetelmällä. Solunäytteiden päämetaboliiteiksi havaittiin kynureniini, kunyreniinihappo, sekä antraniilihappo. Ainoastaan 3-hydroksikynureniinihappoa ja kinoliinihappoa ei havaittu yhdestäkään näytteestä.


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Il est reconnu que le benzène, le toluène, l’éthylbenzène et les isomères du xylène, composés organiques volatils (COVs) communément désignés BTEX, produisent des effets nocifs sur la santé humaine et sur les végétaux dépendamment de la durée et des niveaux d’exposition. Le benzène en particulier est classé cancérogène et une exposition à des concentrations supérieures à 64 g/m3 de benzène peut être fatale en 5–10 minutes. Par conséquent, la mesure en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant est essentielle pour détecter rapidement un danger associé à leur émission dans l’air et pour estimer les risques potentiels pour les êtres vivants et pour l’environnement. Dans cette thèse, une méthode d’analyse en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant a été développée et validée. La méthode est basée sur la technique d’échantillonnage direct de l’air couplée avec la spectrométrie de masse en tandem utilisant une source d’ionisation chimique à pression atmosphérique (APCI-MS/MS directe). La validation analytique a démontré la sensibilité (limite de détection LDM 1–2 μg/m3), la précision (coefficient de variation CV < 10%), l’exactitude (exactitude > 95%) et la sélectivité de la méthode. Des échantillons d’air ambiant provenant d’un site d’enfouissement de déchets industriels et de divers garages d’entretien automobile ont été analysés par la méthode développée. La comparaison des résultats avec ceux obtenus par la technique de chromatographie gazeuse on-line couplée avec un détecteur à ionisation de flamme (GC-FID) a donné des résultats similaires. La capacité de la méthode pour l’évaluation rapide des risques potentiels associés à une exposition aux BTEX a été prouvée à travers une étude de terrain avec analyse de risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans trois garages d’entretien automobile et par des expériences sous atmosphères simulées. Les concentrations mesurées dans l’air ambiant des garages étaient de 8,9–25 µg/m3 pour le benzène, 119–1156 µg/m3 pour le toluène, 9–70 µg/m3 pour l’éthylbenzène et 45–347 µg/m3 pour les xylènes. Une dose quotidienne environnementale totale entre 1,46 10-3 et 2,52 10-3 mg/kg/jour a été déterminée pour le benzène. Le risque de cancer lié à l’exposition environnementale totale au benzène estimé pour les travailleurs étudiés se situait entre 1,1 10-5 et 1,8 10-5. Une nouvelle méthode APCI-MS/MS a été également développée et validée pour l’analyse directe de l’octaméthylcyclotétrasiloxane (D4) et le décaméthylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) dans l’air et les biogaz. Le D4 et le D5 sont des siloxanes cycliques volatils largement utilisés comme solvants dans les processus industriels et les produits de consommation à la place des COVs précurseurs d’ozone troposphérique tels que les BTEX. Leur présence ubiquitaire dans les échantillons d’air ambiant, due à l’utilisation massive, suscite un besoin d’études de toxicité. De telles études requièrent des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de traces de ces composés. Par ailleurs, la présence de traces de ces substances dans un biogaz entrave son utilisation comme source d’énergie renouvelable en causant des dommages coûteux à l’équipement. L’analyse des siloxanes dans un biogaz s’avère donc essentielle pour déterminer si le biogaz nécessite une purification avant son utilisation pour la production d’énergie. La méthode développée dans cette étude possède une bonne sensibilité (LDM 4–6 μg/m3), une bonne précision (CV < 10%), une bonne exactitude (> 93%) et une grande sélectivité. Il a été également démontré qu’en utilisant cette méthode avec l’hexaméthyl-d18-disiloxane comme étalon interne, la détection et la quantification du D4 et du D5 dans des échantillons réels de biogaz peuvent être accomplies avec une meilleure sensibilité (LDM ~ 2 μg/m3), une grande précision (CV < 5%) et une grande exactitude (> 97%). Une variété d’échantillons de biogaz prélevés au site d’enfouissement sanitaire du Complexe Environnemental de Saint-Michel à Montréal a été analysée avec succès par cette nouvelle méthode. Les concentrations mesurées étaient de 131–1275 µg/m3 pour le D4 et 250–6226 µg/m3 pour le D5. Ces résultats représentent les premières données rapportées dans la littérature sur la concentration des siloxanes D4 et D5 dans les biogaz d’enfouissement en fonction de l’âge des déchets.


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The current study is an attempt to find a means of lowering oxalate concentration in individuals susceptible to recurrent calcium oxalate stone disease.The formation of renal stone composed of calcium oxalate is a complex process that remains poorly understood and treatment of idiopathic recurrent stone formers is quite difficult and this area has attracted lots of research workers. The main objective of this work are to study the effect of certain mono and dicarboxylic acids on calcium oxalate crystal growth in vitro, isolation and characterization of oxalate degrading bacteria, study the biochemical effect of sodium glycollate and dicarboxylic acids on oxalate metabolism in experimental stone forming rats and To investigate the effect of dicarboxylic acids on oxalate metabolism in experimental hyperoxaluric rats. Oxalic acid is one of the most highly oxidized organic compound widely distributed in the diets of man and animals, and ingestion of plants that contain high concentration of oxalate may lead to intoxication. Excessive ingestion of dietary oxalate may lead to hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate stone disease.The formation of calcium oxalate stone in the urine is dependent on the saturation level of both calcium and oxalate. Thus the management of one or both of these ions in individuals susceptible to urolithiasis appears to be important. The control of endogenous oxalate synthesis from its precursors in hyperoxaluric situation is likely to yield beneficial results and can be a useful approach in the medical management of urinary stones. A variety of compounds have been investigated to curtain endogenous oxalate synthesis which is a crucial factor, most of these compounds have not proved to be effective in the in vivo situation and some of them are not free from the toxic effect. The non-operative management of stone disease has been practiced in ancient India in the three famous indigenous systems of medicine, Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha, and proved to be effective.However the efficiency of most of these substances is still questionable and demands further study. Man as well as other mammals cannot metabolize oxalic acid. Excessive ingestion of oxalic acid can arise from oxalate rich food and from its major metabolic precursors, glycollate, glyoxylate and ascorbic acid can lead to an acute oxalate toxicity. Increasedlevels of circulating oxalate, which can result in a variety of diseases including renal failure and oxalate lithiasis. The ability to enzymatically degrade oxalate to less noxious Isubstances, formate and CO2, could benefit a great number of individuals including those afflicted with hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate stone disease.


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Preparation of an appropriate optical-fiber preform is vital for the fabrication of graded-index polymer optical fibers (GIPOF), which are considered to be a good choice for providing inexpensive high bandwidth data links, for local area networks and telecommunication applications. Recent development of the interfacial gel polymerization technique has caused a dramatic reduction in the total attenuation in GIPOF, and this is one of the potential methods to prepare fiber preforms for the fabrication of dye-doped polymer-fiber amplifiers. In this paper, the preparation of a dye-doped graded-index poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) rod by the interfacial gel polymerization method using a PMMA tube is reported. An organic compound of high-refractive index, viz., diphenyl phthalate (DPP), was used to obtain a graded-index distribution, and Rhodamine B (Rh B), was used to dope the PMMA rod. The refractive index profile of the rod was measured using an interferometric technique and the index exponent was estimated. The single pass gain of the rod was measured at a pump wavelength of 532 nm. The extent of doping of the Rh B in the preform was studied by axially exciting a thin slice of the rod with white light and measuring the spatial variation of the fluorescence intensity across the sample.


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Den Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation bildet zum einen die Entwicklung eines theoretischen Modells zur Beschreibung des Strukturbildungsprozesses in organisch/anorganischen Doppelschichtsystemen und zum anderen die Untersuchung der Übertragbarkeit dieser theoretisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse auf reale Systeme. Hierzu dienen systematische experimentelle Untersuchungen dieses Phänomens an einem Testsystem. Der Bereich der selbstorganisierenden Systeme ist von hohem wissenschaftlichen Interesse, erlaubt er doch die Realisierung von Strukturen, die nicht den Begrenzungen heutiger Techniken unterliegen, wie etwa der Beugung bei lithographischen Verfahren. Darüber hinaus liefert ein vertieftes Verständnis des Strukturbildungsprozesses auch eine Möglichkeit, im Falle entsprechender technischer Anwendungen Instabilitäten innerhalb der Schichtsysteme zu verhindern und somit einer Degradation der Bauteile entgegenzuwirken. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit konnte ein Modell im Rahmen der klassischen Elastizitätstheorie entwickelt werden, mit dessen Hilfe sich die Entstehung der Strukturen in Doppelschichtsystemen verstehen läßt. Der hier gefundene funktionale Zusammenhang zwischen der Periode der Strukturen und dem Verhältnis der Schichtdicken von organischer und anorganischer Schicht, wird durch die experimentellen Ergebnisse sehr gut bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß es technologisch möglich ist, über die Vorgabe der Schichtdicke in einem Materialsystem die Periodizität der entstehenden Strukturen vorzugeben. Darüber hinaus liefert das vorgestellte Modell eine Stabilitätsbedingung für die Schichtsysteme, die es ermöglicht, zu jedem Zeitpunkt die dominierende Mode zu identifizieren. Ein Schwerpunkt der experimentellen Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Strukturbildung innerhalb der Schichtsysteme. Das Testsystem wurde durch Aufbringen einer organischen Schicht - eines sog. Molekularen Glases - auf ein Glassubstrat realisiert, als Deckschicht diente eine Siliziumnitrid-Schicht. Es wurden Proben mit variierenden Schichtdicken kontrolliert erwärmt. Sobald die Temperatur des Schichtsystems in der Größenordnung der Glasübergangstemperatur des jeweiligen organischen Materials lag, fand spontan eine Strukturbildung auf Grund einer Spannungsrelaxation statt. Es ließen sich durch die Wahl einer entsprechenden Heizquelle unterschiedliche Strukturen realisieren. Bei Verwendung eines gepulsten Lasers, also einer kreisförmigen Wärmequelle, ordneten sich die Strukturen konzentrisch an, wohingegen sich ihre Ausrichtung bei Verwendung einer flächenhaften Heizplatte statistisch verteilte. Auffällig bei allen Strukturen war eine starke Modulation der Oberfläche. Ferner konnte in der Arbeit gezeigt werden, daß sich durch eine gezielte Veränderung der Spannungsverteilung innerhalb der Schichtsysteme die Ausrichtung der Strukturen (gezielt) manipulieren ließen. Unabhängig davon erlaubte die Variation der Schichtdicken die Realisierung von Strukturen mit einer Periodizität im Bereich von einigen µm bis hinunter zu etwa 200 nm. Die Kontrolle über die Ausrichtung und die Periodizität ist Grundvoraussetzung für eine zukünftige technologische Nutzung des Effektes zur kontrollierten Herstellung von Mikro- bzw. Nanostrukturen. Darüber hinaus konnte ein zunächst von der Strukturbildung unabhängiges Konzept eines aktiven Sensors für die optische Raster-Nahfeld-Mikroskopie vorgestellt werden, das das oben beschriebene System, bestehend aus einem fluoreszierenden Molekularen Glas und einer Siliziumnitrid-Deckschicht, verwendet. Erste theoretische und experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen das technologische Potential dieses Sensortyps.


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A family of oxorhenium (V) complexes of newly designed pyridylthioazophenolate ligands has been synthesized and isolated in pure form. The solid state structure of an organic compound (HL1) has been established by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure observed in the solid state is that the two molecules of the ligand (HL1) in the asymmetric unit have similar geometries, except for the orientation of the pyridine ring. This series of organic moieties acts as tetradentate monobasic NSNO donor chelators in oxorhenium(V) complexes which has been characterized by elemental analyses, IR, H-1-NMR, UV-Vis. The complexes are 1: 1 electrolytes in nature in MeOH solution, the counter anion being ClO4). The electrochemical studies of the [(ReO)-O-V(L)Cl]ClO4 complexes in MeCN using TBAP as supporting electrolyte exhibit quasi-reversible voltammogram showing one-electron couple for [(ReO)-O-VI(L)Cl](2+)-[(ReO)-O-V(L)Cl](+) in the 1.11-1.29 V vs SCE range.


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A novel and generic miniaturization methodology for the determination of partition coefficient values of organic compounds in noctanol/water by using magnetic nanoparticles is, for the first time, described. We have successfully designed, synthesised and characterised new colloidal stable porous silica-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles of controlled dimensions. These nanoparticles absorbing a tiny amount of n-octanol in their porous silica over-layer are homogeneously dispersed into a bulk aqueous phase (pH 7.40) containing an organic compound prior to magnetic separation. The small size of the particles and the efficient mixing allow a rapid establishment of the partition equilibrium of the organic compound between the solid supported n-octanol nano-droplets and the bulk aqueous phase. UV-vis spectrophotometry is then applied as a quantitative method to determine the concentration of the organic compound in the aqueous phase both before and after partitioning (after magnetic separation). log D values of organic compounds of pharmaceutical interest (0.65-3.50), determined by this novel methodology, were found to be in excellent agreement with the values measured by the shake-flask method in two independent laboratories, which are also consistent with the literature data. It was also found that this new technique gives a number of advantages such as providing an accurate measurement of log D value, a much shorter experimental time and a smaller sample size required. With this approach, the formation of a problematic emulsion, commonly encountered in shake-flask experiments, is eliminated. It is envisaged that this method could be applicable to the high throughput log D screening of drug candidates. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report a new method based on supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) to fill and distribute the porous magnetic nanoparticles with n-octanol in a homogeneous manner. The high solubility of n-octanol in scCO(2) and high diffusivity and permeability of the fluid allow efficient delivery of n-octanol into the porous magnetic nanoparticles. Thus, the n-octanol-loaded magnetic nanoparticles can be readily dispersed into aqueous buffer (pH 7.40) to form a homogenous suspension consisting of nano-sized n-octanol droplets. We refer this suspension as the n-octanol stock solution. The n-octanol stock solution is then mixed with bulk aqueous phase (pH 7.40) containing an organic compound prior to magnetic separation. The small-size of the particles and the efficient mixing enable a rapid establishment of the partition equilibrium of the organic compound between the solid supported n-octanol nano-droplets and the bulk aqueous phase. UV-vis spectrophotometry is then applied to determine the concentration of the organic compound in the aqueous phase both before and after partitioning (after magnetic separation). As a result, log D values of organic compounds of pharmaceutical interest determined by this modified method are found to be in excellent agreement with the literature data. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examine the effect of ozone damage to vegetation as caused by anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursor species and quantify it in terms of its impact on terrestrial carbon stores. A simple climate model is then used to assess the expected changes in global surface temperature from the resulting perturbations to atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. The concept of global temperature change potential (GTP) metric, which relates the global average surface temperature change induced by the pulse emission of a species to that induced by a unit mass of carbon dioxide, is used to characterize the impact of changes in emissions of ozone precursors on surface temperature as a function of time. For NOx emissions, the longer-timescale methane perturbation is of the opposite sign to the perturbations in ozone and carbon dioxide, so NOx emissions are warming in the short term, but cooling in the long term. For volatile organic compound (VOC), CO, and methane emissions, all the terms are warming for an increase in emissions. The GTPs for the 20 year time horizon are strong functions of emission location, with a large component of the variability owing to the different vegetation responses on different continents. At this time horizon, the induced change in the carbon cycle is the largest single contributor to the GTP metric for NOx and VOC emissions. For NOx emissions, we estimate a GTP20 of −9 (cooling) to +24 (warming) depending on assumptions of the sensitivity of vegetation types to ozone damage.


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Aerosol physical and chemical properties were measured in a forest site in central Amazonia (Cuieiras reservation, 2.61S; 60.21W) during the dry season of 2004 (Aug-Oct). Aerosol light scattering and absorption, mass concentration, elemental composition and size distributions were measured at three tower levels (Ground: 2 m; Canopy: 28 m, and Top: 40 m). For the first time, simultaneous eddy covariance fluxes of fine mode particles and volatile organic compounds (VOC) were measured above the Amazonian forest canopy. Aerosol fluxes were measured by eddy covariance using a Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) and a sonic anemometer. VOC fluxes were measured by disjunct eddy covariance using a Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS). At nighttime, a strong vertical gradient of phosphorus and potassium in the aerosol coarse mode was observed, with higher concentrations at Ground level. This suggests a source of primary biogenic particles below the canopy. Equivalent black carbon measurements indicate the presence of light-absorbing aerosols from biogenic origin. Aerosol number size distributions typically consisted of superimposed Aitken (76 nm) and accumulation modes (144 nm), without clear events of new particle formation. Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes reached respectively 7.4 and 0.82 mg m(-2) s(-1) around noon. An average fine particle flux of 0.05 +/- 0.10 10(6) m(-2) s(-1) was calculated, denoting an equilibrium between emission and deposition fluxes of fine mode particles at daytime. No significant correlations were found between VOC and fine mode aerosol concentrations or fluxes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of whole cells of micro-organisms to bring about the biotransformation of an organic compound offers a number of advantages, but problems caused by enzymatic Promiscuity may be encountered upon With Substrates hearing more than one functional group. A one-pot screening method, in which whole fungal cells were incubated with a Mixture of 4-rnethylcyclohexanone I and phenyl methyl Sulfide 2, has been employed to determine the chemoselectivity of various biocatalysts. The hyphomycetes, Aspergillus terreus CCT 3320 and A. terreus URM 3571, catalysed the oxidation of 2 accompanied by the reduction of I to 4-methylcyclohexanol 1a and, for strain A. terreus CCT 3320, the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of 1. The Basidomycetes, Trametes versicolor CCB 202, Pycnoporus sanguineus CCB 501 and Trichaptum byssogenum CCB 203, catalysed the oxidation of 2 and the reduction 1, but no Baeyer-Villiger reaction products were detected. In contrast. Trametes rigida CCB 285 catalysed the biotransformation of 1 to 1a, exclusively, in the absence of any detectable Sulfide oxidation reactions. The chemoselective reduction Of (+/-)-2-(phenylthio)cyclohexanone 3 by T. rigida CCB 285 afforded exclusively the (+)-cis-(1R,2S) and (+)-trans-(1S,2S) diastereoisomers of 2-(phenylthio)cyclohexan-1-ol 3a in moderate yields (13% and 27%, respectively) and high enantiomeric excesses (>98%). Chemoselective screening for the reduction of a ketone and/or the oxidation Of a Sulfide group in one pot by whole cells of micro-organisms represents an attractive technique with applications in the development of synthesis of complex molecule hearing different functional groups. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A myriad of methods are available for virtual screening of small organic compound databases. In this study we have successfully applied a quantitative model of consensus measurements, using a combination of 3D similarity searches (ROCS and EON), Hologram Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (HQSAR) and docking (FRED, FlexX, Glide and AutoDock Vina), to retrieve cruzain inhibitors from collected databases. All methods were assessed individually and then combined in a Ligand-Based Virtual Screening (LBVS) and Target-Based Virtual Screening (TBVS) consensus scoring, using Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to evaluate their performance. Three consensus strategies were used: scaled-rank-by-number, rank-by-rank and rank-by-vote, with the most thriving the scaled-rank-by-number strategy, considering that the stiff ROC curve appeared to be satisfactory in every way to indicate a higher enrichment power at early retrieval of active compounds from the database. The ligand-based method provided access to a robust and predictive HQSAR model that was developed to show superior discrimination between active and inactive compounds, which was also better than ROCS and EON procedures. Overall, the integration of fast computational techniques based on ligand and target structures resulted in a more efficient retrieval of cruzain inhibitors with desired pharmacological profiles that may be useful to advance the discovery of new trypanocidal agents.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de fitomassa, teor e produtividade do óleo essencial de Baccharis dracuculifolia DC., em função de doses de adubo orgânico, e foram utilizadas mudas produzidas por semente, e mantidas sob sombrite pelo período de 84 dias até serem transplantadas para o campo, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 1,0 m, com irrigação por gotejamento. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, e as doses de composto orgânico foram: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 t ha-1. Foi realizada uma colheita, aos 150 dias após o transplante das mudas. O óleo essencial foi extraído por hidrodestilação e analisado em cromatógrafo a gás acoplado a espectrômetro de massas (Shimadzu, QP-5000). Todos os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F seguido da análise de regressão e o teste Tukey para os dados: massa seca útil da parte aérea, teor e produtividade do óleo essencial. Para as variáveis massa seca total e massa seca útil da parte aérea, as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que apresentaram os melhores resultados na dose 50 t ha-1. Para teor de óleo não houve influência significativa para as dosagens estudadas, porém a dose 30 t ha-1 apresentou o melhor resultado. Entretanto para a produtividade do óleo essencial, as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 30 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados.


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Due to the need of increasing production in reservoirs that are going through production decline, methods of advanced recovery have frequently been used in the last years, as the use of conventional methods has not been successful in solving the problem of oil drifting. In this work, the efficiency of different microemulsionated systems in the flow of oil from cores from Assu and Botucatu formations. Regarding drifting tests, cores were calcinated at a temperature of 1000°C, for 18 hours, with the aim of eliminating any organic compound present in it, increasing the resultant permeability. Following, the cores were isolated with resin, resulting in test specimens with the following dimensions: 3.8 cm of diameter and 8.7 cm of length. Cores were saturated with brine, composed of aqueous 2 wt % KCl, and oil from Guamaré treatment station (Petrobras/RN). A pressure of 20 psi was used in all tests. After core saturation, brine was injected again, followed by oil at constant flow rate. The system S3 - surfactant (anionic surfactant of short chain), isoamillic alcohol, pine oil, and water - presented the best drift efficiency, 81.18%, while the system S1E commercial surfactant, ethyl alcohol, pine oil, and distilled water presented low drift efficiency, 44,68%